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Registration of the fact of death is almost complete in the city of Chennai and not so in the rural Villupuram district in Tamilnadu, India. The cause of death is often inadequately recorded on the death certificate in developing countries like India. A special verbal autopsy (VA) study of 48 000 adult (aged ≥ 25 yrs) deaths in the city of Chennai (urban) during 1995–97 and 32 000 in rural Villupuram during 1997–98 was conducted to arrive at the probable underlying cause of death to estimate cause specific mortality.


A ten day training on writing verbal autopsy (VA) report for adult deaths was given to non-medical graduates with at least 15 years of formal education. They interviewed surviving spouse/close associates of the deceased to write a verbal autopsy report in local language (Tamil) on the complaints, symptoms, signs, duration and treatment details of illness prior to death. Each report was reviewed centrally by two physicians independently. Random re-interviewing of 5% of the VA reports was done to check the reliability and reproducibility of the VA report. The validity of VA diagnosis was assessed only for cancer deaths.


Verbal autopsy reduced the proportion of deaths attributed to unspecified and unknown causes from 54% to 23% (p < 0.0001) in urban and from 41% to 26% (p < 0.0001) in rural areas in Tamilnadu for adult deaths (≥ 25). The sensitivity of VA to identify cancer was 95% in the age group 25–69.


A ten day training programme to write verbal autopsy report with adequate feed back sessions and random sampling of 5% of the verbal autopsy reports for re-interview worked very well in Tamilnadu, to arrive at the probable underlying cause of death reliably for deaths in early adult life or middle age (25–69 years) and less reliably for older ages (70+). Thus VA is practicable for deaths in early adult life or middle age and is of more limited value in old age.

Two-hundred and six breast cancer cases were histologically confirmed breast cancer diagnoses at the Cancer Institute in Chennai (Madras), India. One-hundred and fifty hospital controls were patients who had cancer at any site other than breast and gynecological organs, and 61 healthy controls were persons accompanying patients in the Cancer Institute. Serum levels of carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin & lutein were determined by HPLC. Serum levels of total carotenes and total carotenoids including beta-carotene, which reflects food intake of colored vegetables and fruits and has a protective role for certain sites of cancer, were significantly lower among breast cancer cases and hospital controls compared to healthy controls, especially in post-menopausal women. Serum carotenoid levels appeared to change with menopausal status. Serum beta-carotene levels tended to be lower among breast cancer cases than among hospital controls in premenopausal women. Serum xanthophyll levels were significantly lower among breast cancer cases than among healthy controls in post-menopausal women, but not in premenopausal women. Serum levels of retinol and alpha-tocopherol among breast cancer cases were not significantly different from those in post-menopausal healthy controls, but were higher than those in hospital controls. Serum estrone levels were significantly higher among breast cancer cases than among healthy controls, but serum levels of estradiol and estriol were not. In conclusion, Indian women with cancer of breast or of other sites might have low intake of green-yellow vegetables rich in fiber and carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin & lutein.  相似文献   



Effective implementation of child survival interventions depends on improved understanding of cultural, social, and health system factors affecting utilization of health care. Never the less, no standardized instrument exists for collecting and interpreting information on how to avert death and improve the implementation of child survival interventions.


To describe the methodology, development, and first results of a standard social autopsy tool for the collection of information to understand common barriers to health care, risky behaviors, and missed opportunities for health intervention in deceased children under 5 years old.


Under the INDEPTH Network, a social autopsy working group was formed to reach consensus around a standard social autopsy tool for neonatal and child death. The details around 434 child deaths in Iganga/Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) in Uganda and 40 child deaths in Dodowa HDSS in Ghana were investigated over 12 to 18 months. Interviews with the caretakers of these children elicited information on what happened before death, including signs and symptoms, contact with health services, details on treatments, and details of doctors. These social autopsies were used to assess the contributions of delays in care seeking and case management to the childhood deaths.


At least one severe symptom had been recognized prior to death in 96% of the children in Iganga/Mayuge HDSS and in 70% in Dodowa HDSS, yet 32% and 80% of children were first treated at home, respectively. Twenty percent of children in Iganga/Mayuge HDSS and 13% of children in Dodowa HDSS were never taken for care outside the home. In both countries most went to private providers. In Iganga/Mayuge HDSS the main delays were caused by inadequate case management by the health provider, while in Dodowa HDSS the main delays were in the home.


While delay at home was a main obstacle to prompt and appropriate treatment in Dodowa HDSS, there were severe challenges to prompt and adequate case management in the health system in both study sites in Ghana and Uganda. Meanwhile, caretaker awareness of danger signs needs to improve in both countries to promote early care seeking and to reduce the number of children needing referral. Social autopsy methods can improve this understanding, which can assist health planners to prioritize scarce resources appropriately.  相似文献   

The impact of the river Adyar which is influenced by industrial wastes and domestic sewage from the city of Chennai (Madras), on the hydrobiology of coastal water in the Bay of Bengal was evaluated. Reduction in pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrite, nitrate, primary productivity and increase of ammonia, phosphate, silicate, heavy metals, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chlorophyll pigments, particulate organic carbon (POC), respiration, suspended solids, ATP, and bacteria in the mixing site during low tide indicated that the Adyar water was heavily polluted and ultimately affect the quality of coastal water near the vicinity of mixing zone. The effects are diluted or nullified as the distance increased from the mixing site due to heavy mixing and littoral current. During high tide, the flow was completely stopped and little or no effect was recorded. The light, water current and wave action are the important factors which minimize the pollution impacts in the receiving coastal water.  相似文献   

Validation of verbal autopsy procedures for adult deaths in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Vital registration of causes of death in China is incomplete with poor coverage of medical certification. Information on the leading causes of mortality will continue to rely on verbal autopsy (VA) methods. A new international VA form is being considered for data collection in China, but it first needs to be validated to determine its operating characteristics. METHODS: Detailed medical records and clinical evidence for 3290 deaths (mostly adults) among residents of six cities representative of the urban Chinese population were reviewed by a panel of physicians and coded by experts to establish a reference underlying cause of death. Independently, families of the deceased were interviewed using a structured symptomatic questionnaire and a separate death certificate was prepared for each matching case (2102). Validity of the VA procedure was assessed using standard measurement criteria of sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value. RESULTS: VA methods perform reasonably well in identifying deaths from several leading causes of adult deaths including stroke, several major cancer sites (lung, liver, stomach, oesophagus, and colorectal), and transport accidents. Sensitivity was less satisfactory in detecting deaths from several causes of major public health concern in China including ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and tuberculosis, and was particularly poor in diagnosing deaths from viral hepatitis, hypertension, and kidney diseases. CONCLUSIONS: VA is an imprecise tool for detecting leading causes of death among adults. However, much of the misclassification generally occurs within broad cause groups (e.g. CVD, respiratory diseases, and liver diseases). Moreover, compensating patterns of misclassification would appear to suggest that, in urban China at least, the method yields population-level cause-specific estimates that are reasonably reliable. These results suggest the possible utility of these methods in rural China, to back up the low coverage of medical certification of cause of death owing to poor access to health facilities there.  相似文献   

Background: Children dying in developing countries often havemore than one serious disease process. Identifying the singlemost important is difficult and risks omitting valuable information.We report patterns of childhood death in Karachi slums comparingsingle and multiple cause analysis. Methods: The Aga Khan University has developed primary healthcare programmes in Karachi slums where community health workersmaintain monthly surveillance of families with children agedunder five years. We investigated all deaths among childrenunder five from 1990 to 1992 when the overall IMR was 78. Weused a structured verbal autopsy questionnaire comprised ofverbatim and symptom check-list sections. Reviewers assignedup to four diagnoses per death. We compared analysis by single(main) cause and multiple (consolidated) causes per case. Results: Overall, the 431 cases had 627 causes of death; 156cases (36%) had more than one cause of death. By consolidatedanalysis, diarrhoea, malnutrition, low birth weight (LBW), acuterespiratory infection (ARI), and vaccine preventable diseasesplayed roles in 41%, 24%, 22%, 13%, and 2% of deaths, respectively.Proportionate mortality ratios by main cause (1 diagnosis perchild) analysis for the same diagnoses were: 39%, 1%, 8%, 11%,and 1%, respectively. Half of all child death occurred by age3 months. Eighty-three per cent (146/176) of fatal diarrhoeasyndromes were due to acute watery diarrhoea, and 41% (72/176)were associated with severe malnutrition (vs 21% [12/56] offatal ARI cases). Each verbal autopsy cost an estimated US$4.00,an annual cost of US$0.08 per programme child. Implications: Compared to single main cause analysis, consolidatedanalysis more completely assesses reasons for child death toguide programme response. We propose that health planning forpopulations with low vaccine coverage or common co-morbid conditions,such as malaria and anaemia, would particularly benefit fromanalysis of death seeking multiple causes.  相似文献   

Over two-thirds of a million American women mostly over age 45 were enrolled in a prospective mortality study in 1982 and followed up for four years. In this time period 1,527 women died of six smoking-related cancer sites: oral cavity, esophagus, pancreas, larynx, lung, and bladder. Age-adjusted death rates in nonsmokers were used to obtain smoking-attributable risks and numbers of deaths due to these six cancers. Among current smokers, 601 deaths (85.5% of current smokers' deaths) were attributable to cigarette smoking, and among former smokers 284 (69.3% of ex-smokers' deaths) were attributable to smoking. Cigarette smoking accounted for 885 excess deaths at these sites, giving a population-attributable risk of 57.9%. Over three-quarters of these excess deaths were due to lung cancer. Cigarette smoking, despite increases in smoking cessation, is still responsible for well over half of the deaths from these six types of cancer in women.  相似文献   



The health problems of adults have been neglected in many developing countries, yet many studies in these countries show high rates of premature mortality in adults. Measuring adult mortality and its cause through verbal autopsy (VA) methods is becoming an important process for mortality estimates and is a good indicator of the overall mortality rates in resource-limited settings. The objective of this analysis is to describe the levels, distribution, and trends of adult mortality over time (2008-2013) and causes of adult deaths using VA in Kersa Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Kersa HDSS).


Kersa HDSS is a demographic and health surveillance and research center established in 2007 in the eastern part of Ethiopia. This is a community-based longitudinal study where VA methods were used to assign probable cause of death. Two or three physicians independently assigned cause of death based on the completed VA forms in accordance with the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases. In this analysis, the VA data considered were of all deaths of adults age 15 years and above, over a period of six years (2008–2013). The mortality fractions were determined and the causes of death analyzed. Analysis was done using STATA and graphs were designed using Microsoft Excel.


A total of 1535 adult deaths occurred in the surveillance site during the study period and VA was completed for all these deaths. In general, the adult mortality rate over the six-year period was 8.5 per 1000 adult population, higher for males (9.6) and rural residents (8.6) than females (7.5) and urban residents (8.2). There is a general decrease in the mortality rates over the study period from 9.4 in 2008–2009 to 8.1 in 2012–2013. Out of the total deaths, about one-third (32.4%) occurred due to infectious and parasitic causes, and the second leading cause of death was diseases of circulatory system (11.4%), followed by gastrointestinal disorders (9.2%). Tuberculosis (TB) showed an increasing trend over the years and has been the leading cause of death in 2012 and 2013 for all adult age categories (15–49, 50–64, and 65 years and over). Chronic liver disease (CLD) was indicated as leading cause of death among adults in the age group 15–49 years.


The increasing TB-related mortality in the study years as well as the relative high mortality due to CLD among adults of age 15–49 years should be further investigated and triangulated with health service data to understand the root cause of death.

目的分析2008年福建省医疗机构死因登记报告资料,探索导致福建省居民死亡危险性疾病及其影响因素。方法对2008年全省医疗机构死亡病例通过网络直报并经审核及有根本死因编码的死亡个案资料作相关研究因素分析。结果 2008年全省医疗机构共报告死亡病例31 468例,占全省实际总死亡数的18.39%。其中慢性病死亡所占比例最高22 521例(占71.57%),其次伤害死亡4338例(占13.79%)、感染性疾病与母婴疾病死亡2 074例(占6.59%),2 535例(占8.06%)为死因诊断不明。在慢性病中心脑血管疾病所占比例最高(占45.74%),其次肿瘤(占27.05%)、慢性呼吸系统疾病(占12.08%);肿瘤主要以肝癌(占20.43%)、肺癌(占18.53%)、胃癌(占15.08%)为主;在感染性疾病与母婴疾病中居前3位的分别是肺炎(占54.58%)、围产期疾病(占25.89%)、传染病(占18.18%)。在伤害中交通事故死亡所占比例最高(占41.52%),其次为意外坠落(占19.46%)、自杀(占11.08%)。结论慢性非传染性疾病已成为危害居民健康的主要死因,损伤与中毒是危害青少年健康的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

This report describes the Compressed Mortality File available from the National Center for Health Statistics that can be used to easily and efficiently generate annual mortality rates for geographic areas as small as counties for any period from 1968 to 1985. Several ways of presenting geographic variation in mortality rates due to potentially work-related deaths and changes in these rates over time are discussed for the 15-year period from 1969 through 1983. Causes of death that are potentially work-related were identified using the sentinel health events (occupational) [SHE(O)] concept. Data are given for nine diagnostic groups of occupationally related disorders, and maps are presented for bladder cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and pneumoconioses. Significant changes in age-adjusted mortality rates were noted for pneumoconioses and acute myeloid leukemia that could not be due to changes in the disease coding of death certificates. Racial differences in mortality rates due to pneumoconioses may be due to differences in employment patterns. The use of SHE(O) codes to search the Compressed Mortality File may be helpful in identifying areas for public health concern, even if only as a monitoring signal for subsequent time periods. This file also provides an easy way to generate reference population mortality rates for epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

In the absence of medical certification of deaths in developing countries, lay reporting and verbal autopsy have emerged as useful alternative methods for collecting data on causes of death. Of these, verbal autopsy offers advantages and is widely used in field studies and child survival programmes. However, because uniform and valid criteria for the diagnosis of common causes of death are lacking, comparison of the results of different studies becomes meaningless. This article proposes such a set of criteria for the cause of death among neonates and for those aged 1-59 months. The criteria are based on the findings of earlier validation studies, a Delphi survey and the experience gained from performing 1000 verbal autopsies in Gadchiroli, India. The emergence of such standardized criteria of causes of death should be of immense value for health planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes and for interregional comparisons.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the rates, timing and causes of neonatal deaths and the burden of stillbirths in rural Uttar Pradesh, India. We discuss the implications of our findings for neonatal interventions. METHODS: We used verbal autopsy interviews to investigate 1048 neonatal deaths and stillbirths. FINDINGS: There were 430 stillbirths reported, comprising 41% of all deaths in the sample. Of the 618 live births, 32% deaths were on the day of birth, 50% occurred during the first 3 days of life and 71% were during the first week. The primary causes of death on the first day of life (i.e. day 0) were birth asphyxia or injury (31%) and preterm birth (26%). During days 1-6, the most frequent causes of death were preterm birth (30%) and sepsis or pneumonia (25%). Half of all deaths caused by sepsis or pneumonia occurred during the first week of life. The proportion of deaths attributed to sepsis or pneumonia increased to 45% and 36% during days 7-13 and 14-27, respectively. CONCLUSION: Stillbirths and deaths on the day of birth represent a large proportion of perinatal and neonatal deaths, highlighting an urgent need to improve coverage with skilled birth attendants and to ensure access to emergency obstetric care. Health interventions to improve essential neonatal care and care-seeking behavior are also needed, particularly for preterm neonates in the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

It is recognized that one infant death in a family indicates an increased risk of death of a subsequent sibling. This study examines which cause of death of a sibling is related to the mortality of the younger sibling and when. Longitudinal vital events data from the maternal and child health and family planning (MCH-FP) project and the comparison areas in Matlab, Bangladesh, were used. Primary causes of 868 neonatal deaths and 624 post-neonatal deaths resulting from 18 865 singleton live births in 1989–92 and those (967 as neonates and 708 as post-neonates) of their immediate elder siblings were categorised into infectious and non-infectious diseases. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate the risk of younger siblings dying in each age period from infectious and non-infectious diseases given the age and cause of deaths of older siblings and controlling for other biosocial correlates of infant mortality. A neonatal death of non-infectious causes in a family was twice as likely to be followed by another one occurring at the same age from similar causes compared with a surviving infant followed by a neonatal death from non-infectious causes. The MCH-FP project, though successful in reducing the risk of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality from infectious diseases, did not reduce the risk of dying from non-infectious diseases.  相似文献   



Developing countries generally lack complete vital registration systems that can produce cause of death information for health planning in their populations. As an alternative, verbal autopsy (VA) - the process of interviewing family members or caregivers on the circumstances leading to death - is often used by Demographic Surveillance Systems to generate cause of death data. Physician review (PR) is the most common method of interpreting VA, but this method is a time- and resource-intensive process and is liable to produce inconsistent results. The aim of this paper is to explore how a computer-based probabilistic model, InterVA, performs in comparison with PR in interpreting VA data in the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NUHDSS).  相似文献   



Information on adult mortality is essentially non-existent in Ethiopia particularly from rural areas where access to health services is limited and most deaths occur at home. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying causes of adult death in a rural population of Ethiopia using a simplified verbal autopsy instrument.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of diseases aggravated by pregnancy or the magnitude of mortality from causes indirectly related to pregnancy. This study aims at clarifying the contribution of indirect causes to maternal mortality by analyzing the problem from an epidemiologic perspective, using population-based data from Matlab, Bangladesh, for the period 1976-1993. The time spent during pregnancy and the puerperium was considered a transitory exposure period in women's lives, and death rates were calculated for women aged 15-44 years, while exposed and while not exposed. During or shortly after pregnancy, death rates from all causes are more than twice as high as outside this period. Once direct obstetric causes and injuries are excluded, the death rates among women while exposed are substantially lower than the death rates among women while not exposed. Several interpretations of this finding are discussed, particularly the role of selective factors ("healthy pregnant woman effect"?). This study highlights the complexity of the concept of indirect causes of maternal mortality and clearly illustrates the inherent difficulties in estimating the excess risk of death attached to pregnancy and the puerperium.  相似文献   

Verbal autopsy (VA) aims to estimate a community's mortality experience in the absence of contact with formal registration or health care systems. Application of VA to neonatal deaths is problematic as the agonal phase of a neonatal death tends to be indistinct. This is the first attempt to validate the technique exclusively on newborns who died. Seriously ill neonates (n = 137) were enrolled from the Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan, between 31 October 1993 and 31 July 1994. All died as newborns, and caregivers were interviewed at home 3-230 days later. Surveillance physicians completed case questionnaires in the hospital, and investigator physicians assigned the main and associated causes of death using clinical criteria. Field questionnaires including a verbatim open-ended history, and syndrome modules were completed by a field worker, and investigator physicians again assigned the main and associated causes of death based on three diagnostic methods: verbatim alone, modules alone and verbatim and modules combined. We assessed the validity of VA by comparing field against hospital diagnoses by diagnostic (verbatim vs. modules vs. both) and analytic method (main vs. any diagnosis). VA identified at least one diagnosis accurately in 71% of the newborns. VA underdiagnosed low birthweight and prematurity in the field. Verbatim and modules diagnostic method comparing any field against main hospital diagnoses revealed high sensitivities for too early/too small syndrome (90%) and neonatal tetanus (84%). VA correctly identified some important causes of neonatal death in the field. Assigning multiple diagnoses using both open- and closed-ended questions increases the likelihood of correct ascertainment.  相似文献   

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