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吸纳传统文化精华构建现代医院文化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
医院文化虽然是学习企业文化的结果,中国的企业文化又是随着对外开放而产生的,但国外的企业文化很多是借鉴中国传统文化精华的结晶。我们今天构建现代医院文化,一方面要学习国外和企业文化的先进经验,另一方面要吸纳传统文化精华,把孔孟儒学运用到医院管理之中,用“半部《论语》构建现代医院文化”。  相似文献   

存全球化发展的形势下,小儿内科住院医师的规范化临床培训已经全面展开,面临生存、行医改革,儿内科住院医师必须具有适应变革、适应发展的潜能,本着基本的爱岗敬业的思想意识,积极吸纳国外的培训经验和培训要求,掌握儿科特有的特点和不同,完成临床经验的积累过程,有所创新,做到持续进步发展。  相似文献   

目的探索公立医院吸纳公益性社会资本后,如何建立法人治理结构的现代医院管理模式。方法通过对东阳市人民医院吸纳公益性社会资本后建立法人治理结构的10多年运行情况的调查,结合有关文献进行研究分析。结果吸纳公益性社会资本,创建多元投资主体的公立医院,建立现代法人治理结构,能够促进管办分离、资本多元化、监督多元化、院长经营管理职业化。结论提出吸纳公益性社会资本是医疗产权改革的首选。建立法人治理结构符合公立医院创建社会效益并实现持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

魏萍 《中国卫生》2011,(11):66-67
2020年我国城镇人口将超过8亿,未来10年累计需转移农村人口1亿人以上。未来10年,环渤海、长三角、珠三角3大都市圈将吸纳新增城镇人口4000多万,城镇总人口约占全国城镇总人口的25%;哈长、闽东南等18个城市群和城市化地区吸纳新增城镇人口7000多万,约占全国城镇总人口的36%……城镇化和流动人口问题成为经济社会协调发展中难以回避的问题。  相似文献   

目的:分析卫生部门在国民经济产业中的贡献。方法:采用2012年中国投入产出表测算增加卫生部门投入对产业部门的溢出效应。结果:卫生部门每增加亿元投入会对国民经济相关部门产生5 728万元的直接拉动作用和1.12亿元的间接拉动作用;对卫生部门每增加亿元投入所直接吸纳的劳动力数量居42个部门的第5位,所间接吸纳的劳动力数量居第9位。结论:增加对卫生部门的投入,不仅有助于提高人民群众的健康福祉,而且对产业部门的发展和吸纳就业有积极的拉动作用,政府应加大对卫生部门的投入。  相似文献   

正2013年12月,延安市以延安大学附属医院为总医院,吸纳市县公立医院为分院,组建了延安医疗集团。集团理事会由市县政府、延安大学和有关部门组成,首批成员有延安大学附属医院及医学院、市第二人民医院和洛川、延长、志丹3家县医院,2015年又吸纳了宜川县医院。集团成立两年多来,取得了明显成效。一是提升了分院的医疗服务水平。自2014年以来,总医院累计向分院下派专家90多人次,帮助分院开展新业务  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸纳非医学专业大学生志愿者参加医院志愿服务问题。方法:与高校合作,有组织地招募大学生志愿者,定期在门诊开展助医志愿服务。结果:为患者就医提供了更多人性关爱,也为医院和社会间搭建了沟通互动的平台,有助于和谐医患关系的构建;大学生也通过志愿服务锻炼自我、提升能力。结论:吸纳非医学专业大学生参加医院志愿服务不仅可行,而且可让多方受益。  相似文献   

本文基于制度化理论与吸纳动员理论对杭州市家庭医生签约政策的推广和制度化深入剖析,通过对杭州市卫生行政部门进行深度访谈,采用文献分析法、制度分析法对杭州市推进家庭医生签约政策执行逻辑进行研究。发现杭州推进家庭医生签约政策制度化的过程存在两个脉络:从试点发生、理论化与客观化、沉淀推广到实现制度化的政府政策推广过程和注重对各参与主体"动员与吸纳"的群众参与过程。这两个过程共同完成了杭州家庭医生签约政策的制度化实施,这一政策执行逻辑对于更好地推进和完善类似政策具有示范意义。  相似文献   

中小企业建立规范职业卫生管理制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
很多国家把中小企业看成国民经济的脊梁,即使在发达国家,它们的作用也是举足轻重的。我国中小企业占企业总数的99%,已成为拉动国民经济增长的动力。中小企业提供了大约75%的城镇就业机会,特别是近年来经济结构调整和国有企业改组力度加大,中小企业吸纳就业和再就业的“蓄水池”作用更加明显。然而,中小企业的各种职业卫生的问题也是不容忽视的,虽然政府及相关部门采取了很多措施和专项整治行动,但总体情况还不容乐观。参考国外的做法,在政府有关政策基础上,在有关部门的监督和指导下,引导企业建立、完善符合实际的规范职业卫生管理制度并付诸实施,以切实保障劳动者的健康是亟需解决的课题。  相似文献   

统计我国17种内科核心期刊2000年发表的论文和基金论文,计算基金论文率、对基金论文的基金类型、基金论文的分布和合作研究情况作了分析。并讨论了吸纳基金论文、促进期刊发展等问题。  相似文献   

构建主诊医护人员、临床科室、职能部门与医院领导层联合共管的模式,明确各级医务人员、相关行政管理部门的监管职责,并制定奖惩措施,使得医疗欠费明显下降。  相似文献   

中青年业务专家和学科带头人兼任行政职务利弊均存,根本原因在于学术权力和行政权力集于一身。只有通过确立以临床为中心的管理思想,改变医疗教学科研行政化倾向;强化学术民主制度建设,协调行政权力与学术权力关系,建立健全学术委员会、终身教授、科主任竞聘上岗、设立科秘书等制度,使学术权力和行政权力合理分设、分权、渗透,才有可能缓解兼职的弊端,发挥兼职的优势。  相似文献   

现代医院感染质量管理与控制思路   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的提高医院感染(HAI)质量管理与控制水平,切实抓好有关HAI的各项工作,减少医院感染的发生率。方法加强领导,健全组织机构及管理网络,制定切实可行的制度计划、强化医院感染知识教育,提高全员参与管理的意识及医院感染专职人员的整体素质,加强HAI预防与控制,建立信息反馈制度。结果通过过程管理,完善各项医院感染工作,提高医务人员自觉参与医院感染管理的意识,保障消毒、灭菌效果水平。结论通过标准-考核-奖惩三位一体责任制管理体系,使各项医院感染制度落实到实处。  相似文献   

通过对浙江省167个单位329名医政(院)管理干部的现状调查,分析表明医政(院)管理干部已具备了知识化、年轻化,管理干部多从临床专业转移到管理专业,没有接受系统的管理专业教育,没有管理专业技术职务。为了加强管理干部队伍的建设,需要对在职管理干部进行岗位培训和恢复建立医政(院)管理专业技术职务系列。  相似文献   

The lack of resources in a country experiencing decades of successive wars, blockade, administrative corruption, and poor governance led to deteriorated standards throughout medical education. Although professional certification programs exist, continuing medical education accreditation and credit systems are required to monitor and certify the continuing professional development of physicians.  相似文献   

不断深化公立医院行政人员管理模式改革是建立现代医院管理制度的内容之一。分析了目前公立医院行政人员管理现状及存在问题,提出在医改政策的指导下,树立医院行政人员职业化理念,推行行政人员职员制,实行管理方式多样化,建立全面考核评价体系,细化行政人员的“选、用、育、留”等建议,为新医改背景下公立医院行政人员管理模式创新提供思路。  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010: 44 : 1175–1184 Context Medical education researchers are inherently collaborators. This paper presents a discussion of theoretical frameworks, issues and challenges around collaborative research to prepare medical education researchers to enter into successful collaborations. It gives emphasis to the conceptual issues associated with collaborative research and applies these to medical education research. Although not a systematic literature review, the paper provides a rich discussion of issues which medical education researchers might consider when undertaking collaborative studies. Methods Building on the work of others, we have classified collaborative research in three dimensions according to: the number of administrative units represented; the number of academic fields present, and the manner in which knowledge is created. Although some literature on collaboration focuses on the more traditional positivist perspective and emphasises outcomes, other literature comes from the constructivist framework, in which research is not driven by hypotheses and the approaches emphasised, but by the interaction between investigator and subject. Discussion Collaborations are more effective when participants overtly clarify their motivations, values, definitions of appropriate data and accepted methodologies. These should be agreed upon prior to commencing a study. The way we currently educate researchers should be restructured if we want them to be able to undertake interdisciplinary research. Despite calls for researchers to be educated differently, most training programmes for developing researchers have demonstrated a limited, if not contrary, response to these calls. Conclusions Collaborative research in medical education should be driven by the problem being investigated, by the new knowledge gained and by the interpersonal interactions that may be achieved. Success rests on recognising that many of the research problems we, as medical educators, address are fundamentally interdisciplinary in nature. This represents a transition to bridge the dichotomy often presented in medical education between theory building and addressing practical needs.  相似文献   

开展医院政治教育的几点做法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提高医院政治教育的针对性、有效性,是医院管理的一个重要课题。针对医院工作特点,结合医务人员思想实际,摸索了“五个一点”的方法进行政治教育,即集中专题抓一点、利用多种会议讲一点、个人自觉学一点、多形式的活动补一点、检查监督促一点。为确保“五个一点”的落实,医院注重发挥“四个作用”:发挥党委、机关的表率作用;发挥党支部书记和科主任的自主作用;发挥政治工作干部的示范作用;发挥医务人员的慎独作用。运用“五个一点”的教育方法,能够在不影响医疗工作的前提下使政治教育经常化、制度化;能够形成浓厚的政治教育氛围;能够使政治教育进入思想、进入工作、进入角色,收到较好效果。  相似文献   

The challenge to medical education as we enter the last decade of the century and face the next millenium is how to utilize the new knowledge of human learning to train medical students in applying the fruits of rapidly advancing science and technology to the moral imperative of fulfilling social needs. To bring about the reforms defined in the Edinburgh Declaration, adopted as globally applicable by the World Conference on Medical Education, intrinsic and extrinsic elements must act in synergy. The intrinsic elements are teachers, students and institutional frameworks; the extrinsic elements political will, administrative commitment and societal pressure. In the developing world, while there is much that medical schools themselves can do through intrinsic changes, their dependence on government support is so pervasive that such government support becomes an essential prerequisite for change. The creation of a cohesive organizational framework involving health and education ministries, the academic sector and professional bodies for a systematic and continuing study of medical education and for inducing and sustaining change are essential to facilitate the change process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Although evidence shows the importance of specialized intensive care of patients with cerebral infarction, it is not well known whether resources are generously applied in the initial period and how patterns of medical resource utilization are associated with characteristics of providers and patient outcomes. In this study, we analyzed changing patterns of daily medical cost using administrative healthcare claim data and identified a management pattern in each case. METHODS: We used Japan's administrative data to identify medical costs on a day-to-day basis. Data of 3136 patients with acute cerebral infarction from 14 medical institutions were included in the analyses. Using the data, we calculated the costs from the perspective of the third-party payer. Institutions were divided into three groups according to the distribution of medical costs in the first 2 days, and patient background, treatment process, and outcomes were compared across the groups. RESULTS: Medical cost was not necessarily intensively allocated during the early hospitalization period. Wide variations were observed in medical cost utilization patterns across institutions. The differences in medical cost for the initial hospitalization period appears to be more influenced by ICU utilization and management policies of institutions than the clinical condition of patients. CONCLUSIONS: We proposed a methodology that uses administrative claim data to examine management patterns of ischemic stroke. We believe that the use of our method, in conjunction with accurate and detailed clinical data, can help elucidate the relationship among acute-period medical resource utilization, process of care, and patient outcomes.  相似文献   

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