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体内恶性肿瘤在皮肤上的可能表现,因肿瘤类型、部位及病期之不同而多种多样,大都是非特异性的.常见的有皮肤搔痒、荨麻疹及紫癜.其它诸如皮肌炎、多形红斑、黑棘皮病、皮肤异色病、湿疹样皮炎、犬疤性疾病、色素沉着,持久性回状红斑、离心性环状红斑、结节性红斑、掌红斑、蜘蛛痣及掌跖角化过度等,亦均有记载.此等皮疹可与肿瘤同时发生,亦可出现于肿瘤发生之前或后.现将笔者于1977~1979年所见的的9例狠告于下.  相似文献   

内脏恶性肿瘤的皮肤表现按病理生理学特点可分为两类:肿瘤的直接效应和间接效应.肿瘤的直接效应是指恶性肿瘤转移灶生长影响周围器官或组织;间接效应即副肿瘤性皮肤病.文中复习了皮肤转移瘤的临床特点及常见的副肿瘤性皮肤病.皮肤表现可能是患者潜在肿瘤的首发临床表现.因此,认识肿瘤的皮肤表现,将有助于潜在肿瘤的早期发现.  相似文献   

内脏恶性肿瘤的皮肤表现按病理生理学特点可以分为两类 :肿瘤的直接效应和间接效应 ,直接效应主要为皮肤转移瘤 ,间接效应即副肿瘤性皮肤病 ,副肿瘤性皮肤病是副肿瘤性综合征的皮肤表现。皮肤转移瘤 :Lookingbill等进行了两次大规模的回顾性研究 ,第 1次分析了 7316例恶性肿瘤患者 ,5 %有皮肤转移瘤 ;第 2次分析了 4 0 2 0例转移性恶性肿瘤患者 ,有皮肤转移瘤者占 10 %。最近一项研究发现 :7 6 %的淋巴结外转移性肿瘤患者以皮肤转移瘤为首发表现。Brownstein等则发现 6 %的女性和 37%的男性以皮肤转移瘤为主诉表现。皮…  相似文献   

掌棘皮症、厚皮纹症(Pachydermatoglyphy)及“牛肚掌”(Tripe Palm)等术语已用于表述临床上表现为手掌皮肤纹理增宽,呈黄色多皱状的一种独特类型的后天性掌跖表皮角化病。这种皮肤病变可见于患黑色棘皮病及厚皮性骨膜病的病人,也可见于一些良性皮肤病,只在少数的病人中,后天性厚皮纹症与其他皮肤病无关,而伴随有恶性肿瘤。  相似文献   

皮肤是机体最大的生命器官,它与内脏有密切的关系.充分认识皮肤病变与恶性肿瘤的关系,对恶性肿瘤的早期诊断及预后估计有很大意义.现将我院1986年以来收治的伴皮肤表现的恶性肿瘤71例总结分析如下.  相似文献   

皮肤血管炎的确切病因和有关发病机理尚未完全明了,多数学者认为可能是一种与感染、风湿病或其他过敏性疾病有关的综合征。近年来国外文献陆续发表了一些关于皮肤血管炎与恶性肿瘤伴发的报告,并就两者间的关系进行了初步探讨,现综述如下。临床表现皮肤血管炎的临床症状可以出现在确诊恶性肿瘤之前、之后、或同时出现。Greer 等发现皮肤血管炎并发骨髓性增生性疾病,其皮炎和血管炎症状常先于骨髓受累,在其报告的13例中10例皮肤血管炎先于恶性肿  相似文献   

皮肤易于检查,它可为潜在的内脏癌肿提供“线索”或“标志”。皮肤病变可由转移而来或由肿瘤分泌的化学物质或内分泌产生,表现为特殊的皮肤综合征或炎性皮病、良性或恶性增殖性损害或痣样变化(它虽和内脏癌肿有关,但发生机理不明)。和内脏癌肿有关并可作为其线索的皮肤表现见表  相似文献   

与内脏恶性肿瘤并发的皮肤病统称为皮肤—恶性肿瘤综合征(syndroma dermato-tumorale),其临床意义在于从这类皮肤病变的出现,可以早期推断潜在的内脏恶性肿瘤.它们有数十种之多,大体上可分为4组.本文从皮肤科的角度简要介绍最近受重视的一些疾病.  相似文献   

Cutaneous changes in acromegaly result from excess GH and IGF-1 action on skin cells and adnexae. Skin puffiness due to dermal glycosaminoglycan accumulation and edema are most prominent in the face, hands and feet. Oily skin with large pores, hypertrichosis, and excessive sweating are common features. Pigmented skin tags, acanthosis nigricans, and psoriasis are also encountered. Alteration in skin capillaries produce increased vasoconstriction. Discerning these changes contributes to early diagnosis and treatment of this high-morbidity disorder. Controlling GH and IGF-1 over-secretion alleviates most cutaneous manifestations of acromegaly; however, regression may be incomplete.  相似文献   

Autoinflammatory diseases encompass a group of inflammatory diseases that are non‐infectious, non‐allergic, non‐autoimmune and non‐immunodeficient. The term was initially coined for a small group of familial periodic fever syndromes of which familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is the most common and best known. Genetic and molecular analyses demonstrated for the majority of these diseases an impairment of inflammasomes to cause an increased activity of an interleukin‐1‐dependent inflammatory response. Over the last years an increasing number of either rare hereditary syndromes or acquired common diseases could be summarized under the designation of autoinflammatory disease, thus creating an emerging new rubric of inflammatory diseases. Many of them display cutaneous manifestations as both concomitant or more rarely main symptoms. To name some of them like erysipelas‐like erythema in FMF; urticaria‐like rashes in tumor necrosis factor receptor 1‐ or cryopyrin‐associated periodic syndromes (TRAPS, CAPS), hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome (HIDS) or Schnitzler syndrome; pyoderma gangrenosum and acne in PAPA syndrome; or behçetoid aphthous ulcerations in HIDS and PFAPA syndrome. Based on the new insights into pathogenesis one increasingly realizes the good response of these diseases to IL‐1 antagonist therapies.  相似文献   

As the United States comes increasingly closer to being the heaviest nation on earth, many people are turning to exercise, especially running, to lose weight. Most runners, whether novice or professional, will have a skin disorder that may prompt them to seek medical attention. Although case reports and sports reviews have discussed, in a cursory fashion, the nature of these skin lesions, to our knowledge there has never been an extensive review of the literature that specifically addresses the skin diseases of runners. In this article, we present the epidemiology, origin, clinical characteristics, treatment, and prevention of skin diseases inherent to runners.  相似文献   

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