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张凤川 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》2001,17(4):318-318
患者 ,男 ,2 1岁 ,因无汗、怕热 2 0余年就诊。患者系足月顺产 ,出生时头发及眉毛正常 ,不久就逐渐稀疏 ,1岁时眉毛全秃 ,全身从未出过汗 ,怕过夏天 ,幼时出牙迟 ,说话时口齿不清 ,智力正常。患者父母正常 ,非近亲结婚 ,家族中无遗传病史 ,其母怀孕期间无传染病及用药史 ,患者有同胞姐弟各 1名 ,皆发育正常。体查 身高 174cm ,体重 6 4kg ,营养中等 ,自由体位 ,回答问题准确 ,头发短、细、稀 ,无光泽 ,眉毛全秃 ,双眼视力正常 ,眼角膜及虹膜正常 ,鼻根扁平 ,无胡须 ,口唇厚而外翻 ,面部散在粟粒大炎性丘疹 ;牙齿稀少 ,全口共有 7颗牙齿… 相似文献
目的:对1例无汗型外胚叶发育不良患者进行家系调查及基因突变分析。方法:对无汗型外胚叶发育不良患者进行家系调查,提取先证者及其父母的外周血标本,应用芯片捕获高通量测序检测先证者突变基因,Sanger测序验证法对核心家庭成员相应目标基因区域进行测序验证。结果:共调查该家系5代18人,发现仅有先证者1人发病,该家族中没有与先证者类似临床症状者。发现先证者及其父亲EDAR基因212号核苷酸由鸟嘌呤G变为腺嘌呤A(c.212G>A),为致病突变。同时先证者及其母亲第2号染色体EDAR基因exon2-12缺失。结论:EDAR基因212号核苷酸错义突变c.212G>A为此例患者的主要致病因素,有利于明确先证者的病因,为临床诊断提供理论依据。 相似文献
报告1例新生儿先天性无汗型外胚叶发育不良。患儿男,14天,出生后皮肤干燥、脱屑,间断发热2周。躯干皮肤病理显示皮肤萎缩变薄,真皮层未见明显的毛囊、汗腺及皮脂腺等皮肤附属器,小血管周围少量淋巴细胞浸润。 相似文献
无汗性外胚叶发育不良二例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
例1男,16岁,因脱发无汗十余年,于1990年11月来我院就诊。患者出生时头发正常,不久便逐渐脱落,就诊时只残留发际边缘稀疏毛发。全身无汗,热环境中烦躁不适。10岁入学,学习成绩差,就诊时读三年级。父母非近亲结婚,家族中均无类似疾患。体检:身高150cm,体重45kg,营养中等,回答问题迟钝,全身皮肤干燥,四肢伸侧有鱼鳞病样皮损,头顶及前额头发完全脱落,枕部及发际部头发稀疏且细短而干,眉毛全秃,胡须、阴毛、腋毛及躯干四肢毳毛缺失,面部有单纯糠疹样皮疹,双眼内斜视,鼻梁微塌,口唇厚,稍外翻,牙齿参… 相似文献
患者男,23岁,因怕热无汗,全身毛发稀疏,牙齿发育不全23年就诊。皮肤科情况头发稀疏、细、短而干燥,眉毛稀少,外2/3缺如。睫毛正常,胡须、阴毛、腋毛及四肢毳毛缺如。额轮突出,颧骨高且宽而下半脸狭小。鼻尖小且上翘,鼻孔则大而显著。颊部毛细血管扩张,且有小丘疹如皮脂腺瘤。嘴唇厚,上唇尤为突出。牙齿部分缺失。仅有4颗犬齿,呈锥状尖牙,牙龈萎缩。组织病理表皮薄而扁平。诊断为无汗性外胚叶发育不良。 相似文献
无汗性外胚叶发育不良2例 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
本病又称Christ-siemens综合征,属性连锁隐性遗传性疾病,临床少见,我们发现完全型2例,现报告如下。例1,男,20岁,因反复不明原因发热,无汗20年就诊。患者为足月顺产,体重、身长符合标准。在婴儿期发现每当哭闹时,面部潮红,全身发热,夏季不出汗,体温变化较大。头部毛发较稀少且细黄,其他与同龄婴儿相比无异常。7~8岁时,开始长出3个间距较宽的上门齿和犬齿。10岁后又长出3个上臼齿。下牙一直未出现。毛发渐变黑,但仍稀少,生长速度比正常儿童慢。随年龄的增长及活动量增加经常反复无诱因的发热,一般在37℃~38℃之间。即使在春夏… 相似文献
患儿男,8岁。出生至今无汗,怕热,无牙。其毛发稀疏、干枯,额部凸出,眼周有放射状皱纹,马鞍鼻,唇厚外翘,呈苍老貌。皮损病理示真皮层内未见汗腺。诊断:先天性无汗性外胚叶发育不良。 相似文献
患儿 ,男 ,2 .5岁 ,因“反复发热、无汗2年半”收入我院。患儿于出生后次日始 ,无明显诱因出现发热 ,给予对症处理后热退 ,后又反复发作 ,天热时为甚 ,体温可高达 40℃ ,无汗 ,无咳嗽、气促、紫绀、腹泻等 ,出生后 40天曾住当地市医院 ,拟“先天性无汗症”给予对症处理未见改善 ,为进一步确诊转我院。患儿系第 1胎第 1产 ,足月顺产 ,生长发育史 :3个月会抬头 ,7个月会坐 ,周岁时会行走 ,现行走自如 ,发音流利 ,智力正常 ,但毛发稀少 ,牙齿缺损。其父母非近亲结婚 ,家族中无遗传病患者。入院体检 神清 ,体温 38℃ ,毛发稀疏、干燥、纤细、眉… 相似文献
患者男,10岁。怕热、不出汗、自幼全口牙齿缺失。患者毛发稀疏,无光泽,指(趾)甲及智力发育正常。前额隆起,两眼皮肤皱纹较多,鞍鼻,上唇短厚、外翻,面中1/3部分发育不足,呈苍老样外观。常呈现不出汗、怕热状态。诊断:先天性无汗性外胚叶发育不良。 相似文献
Clinical spectrum of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Sebaceous gland papules in anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
By using in vitro methods of patients with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (AED) was shown to have depressed lymphocyte function when compared with a control group. IgE levels of the AED group were elevated above those of a control group at the p=0.01 level of significance. In vivo methods utilizing the application of DNCB demonstrated, in addition, decreased delayed hypersensitivity reactions in the anhidrotic patients. Thus there appears to be some degree of cellular immune hypofunction in patients with AED, all of whom have demonstrated at some time a lichenified dermatitis clinically indistinguishable from atopic dermatitis. 相似文献
患儿男,16个月。出生2个月后,反复出现不明原因发热,体温在38 ~ 40 ℃之间,敞开衣物并口服退热药后热退,发热及退热过程中皮肤始终干燥。7个月时行皮肤活检,诊断为无汗性外胚层发育不良。6个月起至今,反复发生上呼吸道感染或肺炎。20 d前,患儿出现舌部破溃糜烂,口周和双手红斑、水疱,伴高热。4 d前,皮疹加重,收入院。皮肤科检查示牙发育不全,仅见2颗门齿,呈上圆下尖的锥形;口唇周围、鼻腔、下颏和双下颌多处破溃糜烂,结厚血痂。臀部、阴囊和下肢见多处溃疡,部分溃疡周围有红斑基础上成簇水疱,中央有脐凹。双手暗紫红色肿胀,伴大量糜烂、结痂和渗出。实验室检查示白细胞和C反应蛋白显著增高,CD3、CD8和自然杀伤细胞降低,IgM降低。I型单纯疱疹病毒IgM抗体阳性。诊断:无汗性外胚层发育不良伴免疫缺陷,播散性单纯疱疹病毒感染。入院后给予更昔洛韦抗病毒治疗和抗生素治疗,辅以营养支持和创面护理,治疗3周后皮疹愈合,痂皮脱落。 相似文献
Y Yamamoto S Fugisawa T Morishima S Morioka K Iinuma 《Nippon Hifuka Gakkai zasshi. The Japanese journal of dermatology》1990,100(4):527-532
A typical case of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (AED) aged 19 year-old-male was discussed in detail, and a diagnosis of carriers of AED with his elder sister aged 24 years just before her marriage and mother was carried out. It seemed that the presence of 6 items of manifestation were important for diagnosis of carriers of AED without any evident symptoms. These were (1) abnormal teeth, (2) dissociation of dermatoglyphics, (3) hypohidrosis, (4) anhidrotic patchy distribution, (5) the lines of Blaschko and (6) expansion of distance between sweat pores. His mother was able to be diagnosed as a carrier of AED by having all of the 6 items. It was confirmed that his sister was not a carrier of AED, since she had none of the 6 items and yet her probability of being a carrier of AED was 1.5625% due to Lyon's hypothesis. 相似文献
O. Montonen S. Ezer J. Laurikkala M.-L. Karjalainen-Lindsberg I. Thesleff J. Kere U. Saarialho-Kere 《Experimental dermatology》1998,7(4):168-174
Abstract: X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (EDA) is characterized by defects in the development of hair, teeth, and sweat glands. We have recently cloned the gene for EDA by positional cloning. The EDA gene encodes a transmembrane protein with a putative role in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Since EDA could play a role in cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion, acantholytic skin diseases and several types of non-invasive and invasive skin cancers were studied using in situ hybridization. Because of the observation that the promoter region of the EDA gene contains a binding site for LEF-1, which is involved in the signaling through E-cadherin/beta catenin complex, we compared the expression of EDA with immunolocalization for E-cadherin (E-CD). EDA expression during hair growth cycle, in benign adnexal tumors, and neuroectodermderived nevus cells was also examined. Our findings indicate that EDA expression is less abundant in malignant tumors, including basal and squamous cell carcinomas and melanoma, and in acantholytic keratinocytes compared to normal epidermis. The reduction in expression also coincides with diminished E-CD staining in all malignant cell types and in acantholytic cells. Our results suggest that EDA protein functions in the regulation of epithelial cell contacts and that it may be associated with the E-CD signaling pathway. 相似文献
Congenital ectodermal dysplasia is a group of familial disorders that affect tissues and organs of ectodermal origin to varying degrees. Our patient with classical X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (AED) showed unusual skin manifestations including cafe-au-lait spots on the face, neck, buttock, and lumbo-sacral region; depigmentation of mucous membrane of the lower lip, buccal cavity, and left arm; absence of tragii; plantar keratoderma; and kyphosis of lower cervical and upper thoracic spines which have not been previously reported in the world literature. 相似文献