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目的探讨由EDTA抗凝剂引起的假性血小板减少的原因及纠正方法。方法工作中遇到1例假性血小板减低的病例,通过涂片镜检及使用不同抗凝剂比较分析血小板计数的差异。结果镜检血涂片发现血小板有聚集现象,用EDTA抗凝剂时血小板计数明显低于用肝素抗凝时血小板计数。结论用EDTA抗凝剂计数血小板会引起假性减低,要重视涂片镜检,建议换用肝素抗凝剂等方法来纠正血小板计数。  相似文献   

目的调查基层医院老年患者抗血小板药物使用情况,分析影响抗血小板药物使用率的相关因素,以了解基层医院老年患者抗血小板治疗的现状。方法采用现场问卷形式调查患者的基本资料和抗血小板药物使用情况。结果191例有抗血小板药物适应证老年患者,抗血小板药物总体使用率为70.16%(134/191),其中阿司匹林占67.91%(91/134)。抗血小板药物一级预防使用率63.83%(62/94),均使用阿司匹林。75岁以上组抗血小板药物服用率(79.26%)明显高于75岁以下组(63.30%),P〈0.05;冠心病组抗血小板药物服用率(79.75%)明显高于无冠心组(63.39%),P〈0.05。结论基层医院抗血小板药物使用现状与心血管疾病一级预防、二级预防指南推荐的均应服用抗血小板药物的要求存在明显的差距。  相似文献   

目的研究抑制和解离因抗凝剂所致的假性血小板聚集,建立假性血小板减少症患者血小板准确计数方法。方法对1例罕见的多种抗凝剂依赖假性血小板减少症患者进行追踪试验,观察不同抗凝剂对血小板计数的影响;在EDTA—K2抗凝血内分别加入不同浓度的维生素B6、庆大霉素、氨茶碱、丁胺卡那霉素等抗血小板凝聚剂,在不同的时间段作血小板计数,同时观察血涂片中血小板形态与分布。优选出能确保血小板稳定的抗凝聚剂;并对被优选的抗凝聚剂浓度进行考察。观察取血前和取血后加入抗血小板凝聚剂对血小板聚集的影响。结果EDTA—K2、肝素、柠檬酸钠、氟化钠等抗凝血在室温4h内的观察中,血小板数均有不同程度的下降;在各种抗凝血中分别加入4种抗凝集剂后,除丁胺卡那霉素抗凝聚剂能保持血小板数稳定外,其他抗凝聚剂使血小板数随放置时间延长而下降;将丁胺卡那霉素加在各种抗凝血中无论在抽血前还是抽血后15min内加入,其血小板数在室温4h内保持相对稳定,而且与丁胺卡那霉素浓度呈正相关并趋于稳定,最佳的丁胺卡那霉素浓度为5mg/ml血。结论丁胺卡那霉素可以抑制和解离因多种抗凝剂所致的假性血小板聚集,既可保持血细胞形态稳定利于血细胞分析又可以进行血小板准确计数。  相似文献   

目的:分析不同抗凝剂对血小板计数结果的影响。方法选择5例乙二胺四乙酸二钾(EDT A‐K2)抗凝全血标本血细胞分析仪计数血小板结果重度减低的患者,采集EDT A‐K2、枸橼酸钠、肝素锂、氟化钠抗凝静脉血标本和手指末梢血标本,分别采用血细胞分析仪(仪器法)和显微镜计数法(手工法)计数血小板,并同时制备涂片标本,经瑞氏‐姬姆萨染液染色后显微镜镜检。结果5例患者EDT A‐K2、枸橼酸钠、肝素锂及氟化钠抗凝静脉血标本仪器法、手工法血小板计数结果均明显低于手指末梢血标本,血涂片标本镜检均可见血小板大片聚集;手指末梢血标本仪器法、手工法血小板计数结果均正常,血涂片标本镜检可见血小板分布正常,无聚集现象。结论多种抗凝剂均有可能诱导血小板发生聚集,从而引起血小板假性减少。发生抗凝剂依赖性血小板假性减少时,应采用不加抗凝剂的手指末梢血标本进行血小板计数,从而获得准确结果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨抗凝剂乙二胺四乙酸二钾(EDTA-K2)所致血小板聚集对血小板及白细胞计数结果的影响及纠正.方法 对17例EDTA-K2依赖性血小板假性减少症(PTCP)患者的EDTA-K2抗凝血分别于0,5,15,30 min测定血小板(PLT)和白细胞(WBC),另外对同时抽取的新鲜血(不加抗凝剂)即时上机测定和手工法测定PLT和WBC;均取上述标本进行涂片染色显微镜镜检.结果 EDTA-K2抗凝血PLT计数检测结果随待测时间延长越来越低,5,15 min和30 min时测定的PLT数量与0 min时测定的血小板数量比较差异有统计学意义;5 min和15 min时测定的WBC数与0 min时测定的WBC数量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),30 min时测定的WBC数少于0 min时测定的WBC数量(P<0.01);EDTA-K2抗凝血混匀后0 min时测定的WBC和PLT结果与新鲜血(不加抗凝剂)仪器法、手工法测定的结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 EDTA-K2引起PTCP患者的血小板聚集导致血小板假性减低和白细胞假性增高;在临床检验工作中应加强镜检复核,对于首次检测血小板数值减低的标本均应涂片镜检,以确认是否存在抗凝剂所致血小板聚集的现象.对PTCP患者应采用新鲜血(不加抗凝剂)仪器即测法、手工法或EDTA-K2抗凝血混匀后即测等方法检测.  相似文献   

梁柳 《中国误诊学杂志》2010,10(30):7333-7333
目的通过比较急性脑梗死抗凝和抗血小板治疗疗效,指导临床实践。方法收集360例急性脑梗死患者资料,分为抗凝组,抗血小板组和联合治疗组,比较三组疗效。结果联合治疗组疗效优于单独治疗组,两单独治疗组之间疗效差异无统计学意义。结论抗凝联合抗血小板治疗急性脑梗死优于单独应用抗凝或抗血小板药物治疗。  相似文献   

A阿司匹林/投药和剂量;阿司匹林/副作用;投药,口服;胃肠出血/病因学;危险因素口服阿司匹林致上消化道出血的危险因素分析代玉鑫,等(12):2343阿司匹林/治疗应用;血小板聚集抑制剂/治疗应用:胃肠出血;危险因素肠溶阿司匹林和氯吡格雷在抗血小板治疗中上消化道出血的相关危险因素分析易欣,  相似文献   

抗血小板药物在各种动脉血栓性疾病防治中具有重要地位。虽然目前抗血小板药物多采用固定剂量给药,但不同患者对抗血小板治疗的反应性存在明显差异。治疗后的血小板高反应性或低反应性可能与血栓事件或出血事件风险相关。基于血小板功能检测的个体化抗血小板治疗方案可能有助于预防血栓或出血不良事件的发生,但目前仍缺乏上述治疗策略能够最终改善患者预后的确切临床证据。迄今为止,对于接受抗血小板治疗的患者是否应常规进行实验室监测仍存在诸多争议。本文对抗血小板治疗反应多样性的成因及血小板功能检测是否可用于指导个体化抗血小板治疗进行讨论。  相似文献   

抗血小板治疗是脑梗死全程管理的重要手段之一,然而临床上抗血小板药物存在个体反应差异且与预后密切相关,因此精准选择抗血小板药物具有重要意义。血小板功能检测及药物基因检测是抗血小板药物精准治疗的核心环节。对于高危缺血风险或预后较差、高出血风险的患者,可考虑行基因检测和(或)血小板功能检测。阿司匹林和氯吡格雷仍是目前最经典的抗血小板药物,其他抗血小板药物的有效性及安全性有待进一步验证。对于阿司匹林抵抗人群,不推荐增加阿司匹林剂量,可考虑换用其他抗血小板药物。基于CYP2C19基因型进行氯吡格雷剂量调整的策略仍有待研究,携带CYP2C19失功能等位基因的患者,建议换用其他抗血小板药物。  相似文献   

EDTA抗凝剂依赖性假性血小板减少症血小板计数的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:寻找能够抑制因EDTA抗凝剂引起的血小板凝集的理想方法,以准确计数此类患者血液中的血小板。方法:(1)观察不同抗凝剂及时间对患者和对照组血小板计数的影响;(2)分别在2mg/mL EDTA-K2抗凝血中加入磷酸吡哆醛、Tris、庆大霉素、氨茶碱、丁胺卡那霉素等,抽血后放置不同时间段作血小板计数,同时观察血片上有无血小板聚集现象。结果:(1)对照组的EDTA-K2、草酸-氟化钠抗凝血在4h内血小板计数结果稳定、准确,观察血片无血小板聚集现象,其他抗凝剂则成下降趋势或不稳定。而患者4h内血小板计数则成倍下降,观察血片上有血小板聚集现象。(2)在2mg/mL EDTA-K2抗凝血内加入5mg/mL丁胺卡那霉素,能使患者的血小板计数在4h内准确、稳定、可靠,观察血片上无血小板聚集现象。结论:在2mg/mLEDTA-K2抗凝血内加入5mg/mL丁胺卡那霉素,可使EDTA依赖性假性血小板减少症患者的血小板计数准确、可靠。  相似文献   

Summary. The most important adverse effect of antithrombotic treatment is the occurrence of bleeding. In the case of severe bleeding in a patient who uses anticoagulant agents or when a patient on anticoagulants needs to undergo an urgent invasive procedure, it may be useful to reverse anticoagulant treatment. Conventional anticoagulants such as vitamin K antagonists may be neutralized by administration of vitamin K or prothrombin complex concentrates, whereas heparin and heparin derivatives can be counteracted by protamine sulphate. The anti‐hemostatic effect of aspirin and other antiplatelet strategies can be corrected by the administration of platelet concentrate and/or desmopressin, if needed. Recently, a new generation of anticoagulants with a greater specificity towards activated coagulation factors as well as new antiplatelet agents have been introduced and these drugs show promising results in clinical studies. A limitation of these new agents may be the lack of an appropriate strategy to reverse the effect if a bleeding event occurs, although experimental studies show hopeful results for some of these agents.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the recognition and the treatment of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have lead to an improvement in patient survival and definition of newer guidelines. Current strategies for the treatment of patients with non-ST-elevation ACS include anti-ischemic and antiplatelet medications. While aspirin, beta-blockers, heparin and nitrates are still common practice, the advent of newer anticoagulants (low molecular weight heparins) and antiplatelet agents (glycoprotein llb/IIIa inhibitors and thienopyridines like ticlopidin and clopidogrel) and, possibly, aggressive lipid lowering with statins have added significant benefits to the treatment options with a better prognosis for these patients. Moreover, aggressive medical strategies seem to be justified not only in high-risk patients but also in those that undergo an early invasive approach.  相似文献   

Objective: Prehospital provider assessment of the use of anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications in older adults with head trauma is important. These patients are at increased risk for traumatic intracranial hemorrhage and therefore field triage guidelines recommend transporting these patients to centers capable of rapid evaluation and treatment. Our objective was to evaluate EMS ascertainment of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication use in older adults with head trauma. Methods: A retrospective study of older adults with head trauma was conducted throughout Sacramento County. All 5 transporting EMS agencies and all 11 hospitals in the county were included in the study, which ran from January 2012 to December 2012. Patients ≥55 years who were transported to a hospital by EMS after head trauma were included. We excluded patients transferred between two facilities, patients with penetrating head trauma, prisoners, and patients with unmatched hospital data. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet use were categorized as: warfarin, direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC; dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban), aspirin, and other antiplatelet agents (e.g., clopidogrel and ticagrelor). We calculated the percent agreement and kappa statistic for binary variables between EMS and emergency department (ED)/hospital providers. A kappa statistic ≥0.60 was considered acceptable agreement. Results: After excluding 174 (7.6%) patients, 2,110 patients were included for analysis; median age was 73 years (interquartile range 62–85 years) and 1,259 (60%) were male. Per ED/hospital providers, the use of any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent was identified in 595 (28.2%) patients. Kappa statistics between EMS and ED/hospital providers for the specific agents were: 0.76 (95% CI 0.71–0.82) for warfarin, 0.45 (95% CI 0.19–0.71) for DOAC agents, 0.33 (95% CI 0.28–0.39) for aspirin, and 0.51 (95% CI 0.42–0.60) for other antiplatelet agents. Conclusions: The use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications in older adults who are transported by EMS for head trauma is common. EMS and ED/hospital providers have acceptable agreement with preinjury warfarin use but not with DOAC, aspirin, and other antiplatelet use.  相似文献   

房颤和冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病均为常见疾病。缺血性卒中和系统性血栓栓塞是房颤患者的主要不良预后,抗栓治疗可显著减少血栓栓塞事件风险;另一方面,抗血小板治疗又是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病治疗的关键。当房颤患者合并冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病时,需要通过抗凝联合抗血小板治疗以减少卒中及缺血性心脏事件的发生。然而,联合抗栓策略会增加出血并发症的风险。如何平衡出血和血栓风险,以及如何在不同口服抗凝药物和抗血小板药物中进行选择,制定最优的抗栓方案是临床工作面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Summary.  The combination of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy is more effective than antiplatelet therapy alone for the initial and long-term management of acute coronary syndromes but increases the risk of bleeding. Antiplatelet therapy is often combined with oral anticoagulants in patients with an indication for warfarin therapy (e.g. atrial fibrillation) who also have an indication for antiplatelet therapy (e.g. coronary artery disease) but the appropriateness of such an approach is unresolved. Anticoagulation appears to be as effective as antiplatelet therapy for long-term management of acute coronary syndrome and stroke, and possibly peripheral artery disease, but causes more bleeding. Therefore, in such patients who develop atrial fibrillation, switching from antiplatelet therapy to anticoagulants might be all that is required. The combination of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy has only been proven to provide additional benefit over anticoagulants alone in patients with prosthetic heart valves. The combination of aspirin and clopidogrel is not as effective as oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation, whereas the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel is more effective than oral anticoagulants in patients with coronary stents. Whether the benefits of triple therapy outweigh the risks in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary stents requires evaluation in randomized trials.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents in preventing venous thromboembolism (VTE) during stroke rehabilitation. DESIGN: Historical cohort study. SETTING: Acute inpatient rehabilitation hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Consecutive patients (N=1506) with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke admitted for rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS: Documented use of anticoagulants (warfarin or anticoagulant doses of heparin), heparin in prophylactic doses, and antiplatelet agents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Occurrence of deep vein thrombosis detected by ultrasound or venography or pulmonary embolism detected by ventilation perfusion scan, spiral computed tomography, or pulmonary angiography. RESULTS: Fifty-eight VTE events occurred (3.9% incidence or 1.36 events per 1000 patient days), with higher risk in patients with severe stroke. Only therapeutic anticoagulation had a statistically significant protective effect for VTE risk in univariate analysis (odds ratio [OR]=.44; 95% confidence interval [CI],.20-.98). After adjusting for multiple medication use and other factors, including age, stroke onset to admission interval, length of rehabilitation stay, cause of stroke, and admission National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, therapeutic anticoagulation gave strong protection against VTE (OR=.37; 95% CI,.15-.88), followed by heparin (OR=.48; 95% CI,.23-.98) but not by antiplatelet agents (OR=.79; 95% CI,.40-1.57). No medications were associated with significant bleeding complications. CONCLUSIONS: Use of therapeutic anticoagulants or prophylactic heparin prevented VTE in stroke patients during inpatient rehabilitation.  相似文献   

A stroke of unknown etiology is commonly referred to as cryptogenic and is diagnosed in a considerable patient population of especially young age. Numerous case-control studies revealed a strong and consistent association between cryptogenic stroke and the presence of a patent foramen ovale. This relationship corroborates paradoxical embolism as likely stroke mechanism in this patient population. In approximately twenty-five percent of patients with cryptogenic stroke, the patent foramen ovale is accompanied by an atrial septal aneurysm, which considerably heightens the risk for recurrent neurological events. Therapeutic measures for secondary prevention in this patient population encompass medical treatment with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants and surgical or percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale. Currently, randomised clinical studies compare medical treatment with closure of patent foramen ovale to determine the most effective treatment strategy in this patient population.  相似文献   

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