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深圳市农民工子女孤独感和抑郁感与父母养育方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索农民工子女孤独,抑郁以及父母养育方式之间的关系,为维护农民工子女的心理健康提供参考依据.方法 以深圳市218名小学高年级学生为研究对象,以“儿童孤独量表““抑郁自评量表““父母养育方式量表“为研究工具进行团体施测.结果 ①农民工子女抑郁量表得分高于非农民工子女,差异有统计学意义.②在农民工子女中,男性孤独感量表得分高于女性,差异有统计学意义.③男性被试中,农民工子女孤独感量表和抑郁量表得分均高于非农民工子女,差异有统计学意义.④父母养育方式量表中父亲情感温暖因子与抑郁呈负相关,父亲惩罚严厉因子和父亲拒绝因子分别与抑郁和孤独呈正相关;母亲情感温暖因子与抑郁呈负相关,母亲拒绝否认因子和母亲惩罚严厉因子分别与抑郁和孤独呈正相关.⑤父亲情感温暖因子和母亲拒绝因子对子女抑郁有重要影响.结论 民工子女较非农民工子女更易于抑郁;农民工子女中,男性的孤独和抑郁体验较女性更甚;父母教养方式与农民工子女的抑郁、孤独有密切联系.  相似文献   

目的 了解学生家长对饮食营养知识的知晓情况,分析其掌握程度与家庭膳食安排及其子女营养状况之间的关系。方法 采用分层整群抽样法抽取967名中小学生,进行问卷调查并查阅学生当年度体检资料.对学生家长的化程度、经济收入、膳食营养及其与相关疾病关系的知识、学生家庭膳食情况及其营养状况、学生家长营养知识的来源等情况进行调查和分析。结果 20%~90%学生家长对食品营养知识、膳食安排知识、营养与相关疾病的关系有一定了解。学生家长营养知识知晓程度对学生家庭膳食安排以及对学生的营养状况有影响,结论 加强各种途径营养与膳食知识的宣传,消除贫困,是改善学生营养状况的基础。  相似文献   

[目的]了解上海市静安区小学生家长零食消费相关知识和态度及其对小学生零食消费行为的影响。[方法]采用整群抽样的方法,对1446名小学生家长进行自填式问卷调查。数据采用统计描述及单因素和多因素线性回归分析。[结果]分别有57.61%、42.19%、11.00%的家长不反对用零食鼓励(奖励)孩子,饭前(后)半小时吃零食,孩子利用零食代替正餐;多因素线性回归分析结果显示,小学生零食消费相关行为与家长零食消费知识、态度[如零食可否用来鼓励(奖励)孩子、广告宣传的零食可否任意食用、每天吃零食的次数等]有密切联系(P〈0.05)。[结论]家长的零食消费相关知识、态度对小学生零食消费行为有影响,在合理引导小学生进行消费零食过程中,必须加强针对家长上述问题的官传教育。  相似文献   

Considering that the majority of skin damage in later life is due to sun exposure during childhood, it is imperative that researchers begin to assess factors that may be related to parents' knowledge of sun exposure and skin cancer. In this study we examined the relationship between parents' skin cancer knowledge and relevant demographic characteristics and reported on the initial development of a questionnaire designed to assess parents' knowledge of skin cancer and sun exposure. Two hundred sixteen parents of children ages 6 months to 10 years completed a skin cancer knowledge questionnaire and a detailed demographic data form. Overall, the knowledge questionnaire demonstrated adequate internal consistency (a = .73), good Zweek test-re- test reliability (.74), and good content validity. Further, greater skin cancer knowledge among parents was associated with higher education, lighter skin complexion, and knowing someone with skin cancer. We discuss results in the context of the role health professionals can play in educating parents of young children about the harmful effects of sun exposure.  相似文献   

孟卫红  刘开喜 《职业与健康》2009,25(20):2183-2184
预防接种是控制和消除相应疾病的简单经济、安全有效的预防手段,它也是关系到所有儿童健康成长的预防保健工作,具有服务对象特殊、工作量大、环节多、技术性强等特点。要做好这项工作,不仅需要各级政府重视以及具体岗位的专业技术人员认真履行岗位职责,更需要儿童家长的支持与参与。他们对预防接种相关知识的掌握、需求等直接关系到预防接种的顺利开展。鹤壁市开发区总人口10万人,其中城市人口7.4万,农村人口2.6万,为了解鹤壁市儿童家长对预防接种相关知识的知晓情况,我们于2008年10—12月对不同居住地适龄儿童家长进行了预防接种知识现场调查。  相似文献   

目的 了解社区儿童家长对预防接种知识的知晓情况,为制定有效的健康教育措施提供依据. 方法 于2012年10-12月随机抽取辖区内的420名儿童家长进行问卷调查,并对调查结果行统计学分析. 结果 家长对疫苗接种前后的注意事项、疫苗可能引起不良反应的知晓率低;儿童的父亲与母亲、不同年龄的家长对预防接种知识知晓率间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);家长的文化程度越高,对预防接种知识的知晓率越高;常住儿童家长的知晓率高于流动儿童家长;年经济收入越高,家长对预防接种知识的知晓率越高;不同文化程度的儿童家长、常住儿童与流动儿童家长、不同经济状况的家长对预防接种知识的知晓率间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 社区卫生服务中心应将疫苗接种后可能出现的不良反应、接种前后的注意事项作为健康教育的重点内容;应重点做好低文化程度、经济状况较差和流动儿童家长的健康教育工作.  相似文献   

目的了解松潘县儿童家长对免疫规划知识知晓情况,为更好地开展免疫规划相关工作提供依据。方法自行设计问卷,采用随机抽样的方法进行免疫规划知识与信息来源调查。结果松潘县儿童家长免疫规划知识回答正确率较低,总及格率为49.25%;藏族儿童家长知晓率低于其他民族。儿童家长免疫规划知识信息来源主要为家人、邻居、朋友告知以及乡镇卫生院医生,很少来自媒体的宣传。结论松潘县儿童家长免疫规划知识知晓率普遍较低,特别是藏族儿童家长。媒体需加大对该地区儿童免疫规划知识的宣传力度,继续加强人际交流。  相似文献   

哮喘儿童家长的哮喘知识及药物医从性的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :估计南京地区哮喘儿童家长的哮喘知识及其医从性 ,采取恰当的措施降低哮喘的发病率和死亡率。方法 采用家长自我问答式问卷调查了 186名哮喘患儿家长的哮喘知识及药物医从性。结果 对于哮喘的 3个主要症状能正确回答的占 6 % ,对于哮喘的诱发因素 34 7%的家长不能说出任何诱发因素 ,对于哮喘药物的知识仅 2 3 3%家长能说出每天所用的用以预防的两种药物 ,2 2 %的家长能正确回答出 3个用以哮喘发作治疗的药物。家长的教育水平、职业、收入状况与哮喘知识呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,家长的教育水平、职业、家庭收入与医从性无相关性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 南京地区哮喘儿童家长的哮喘知识是不够的 ,药物的非医从性是一个严重的问题 ,加强健康教育不仅单纯提供信息和知识 ,更重要的是如何改变家长和患者的错误观念 ,进而影响他们的行为 ,医务人员和患者之间建立一种积极的合作的关系是提高医从性的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

The study reported here compared social support experiences among parents of children born with congenital heart disease PCCHD (n=1?092), parents of children with other diseases PCOD (n=112), and parents of healthy children PHC (n=293). In addition, factors related to social support among the parents were identified. The parents completed a questionnaire about such areas as availability of social support, financial strain, and psychological distress. The design was cross-sectional and data were collected over 20 consecutive days. The univariate analysis indicated that availability of social attachment was low among all parents and moderate concerning interaction/integration, with no significant differences between PCCHD, PCOD, and PHC. In addition, the univariate analysis indicated that mothers within all parent groups had lower availability of social support than fathers, with the lowest availability among mothers of children with CHD. The multivariate analysis indicated, however, that extra time devoted to care giving, financial instability (e.g. unemployment and financial burden of children's diseases), psychological distress, and hopelessness accounted for the variation in availability of social support more than gender, children's diseases, and their severity. The study corroborated previous findings and may have provided new insights into factors that may be associated with social support experiences among PCCHD. Implications for interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的了解无锡市3~12岁健康儿童和哮喘儿童睡眠呼吸障碍常见症状的发生率,比较哮喘儿童与健康儿童之间的差异。方法抽取无锡市3个区3~12岁健康儿童2354名和无锡市儿童医院哮喘门诊的3~12岁缓解期哮喘儿童300例,分别对其家长进行儿童睡眠状况问卷调查。结果哮喘儿童睡眠障碍症状发生率为48.3%,其中睡眠频繁鼾症发生率为13.0%,喉头哽咽1.4%,张口呼吸10.1%,睡眠呼吸暂停1.6%,磨牙0.6%,梦呓1.0%,梦游0.5%,睡眠中肢体抽动1.3%,睡眠不安18.1%。哮喘儿童睡眠障碍发生率较无呼吸道疾病的正常儿童高,其中睡眠频繁打鼾、睡眠不安、张口呼吸和睡眠呼吸暂停的发生率差异存在统计学意义。结论哮喘儿童的睡眠障碍发生率高于无呼吸道疾病的正常儿童。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市闵行区儿童家长对预防接种知识知晓度和对接种门诊的服务满意度,并探讨其影响因素。方法采用随机抽样的方法,对上海市闵行区13个社区卫生服务中心接种门诊的1380名儿童家长进行预防接种知识知晓情况及接种门诊服务满意度的问卷调查,并分析其影响因素。结果被调查儿童家长为母亲、常住人口、本科及以上、28~35岁、机关事业单位职员和家庭年收入在10~20万元者预防接种知识知晓率高于其他人群。多因素分析显示,母亲和本区常住人口的预防接种知识知晓情况显著较高。此外,儿童家长对预防接种门诊环境卫生情况、医务人员的工作态度及健康宣教(禁忌症筛查、注意事项、接种后留观等)的满意度分别为96.09%、96.23%和95.80%,总满意度(满意和很满意)为95.07%。结论应加强对重点人群(如儿童父亲及其他亲属、外来流动人口、从事家务农业及待业人群等)的预防接种知识的宣教工作,不断改善接种门诊的环境和服务质量,从而进一步提高儿童预防接种知识的知晓率和满意度。  相似文献   

Using data from the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States and using the stress process model, this study compared caregiving parents and caregiving adult children with regard to health outcomes. The study sample consisted of 74 caregiving parents and 219 caregiving adult children. Predictors included type of family relationship, provision of activities of daily living, duration of caregiving, and family demands. Social support did not mediate the relations between significant predictor variables and health outcomes. The type of family relationship was associated with health outcomes with caregiving parents demonstrating poorer self‐perceived health and more chronic conditions than caregiving adult children. Perceived family demands were associated with increased number of chronic conditions for caregiving adult children and caregiving parents. Unlike previous studies that measured objective family demands, perceived family demands was found to have a strong association with the number of chronic health conditions for both groups of caregivers.  相似文献   

Due to its numerous health benefits, fish consumption should be strongly encouraged. Fish consumption, however, is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of knowledge, product information, and satisfaction with product attributes on fish consumption in a nationally representative sample of people responsible for food purchasing within households in Croatia (n = 977) and Italy (n = 967). Fish consumption was well predicted (R2 = 15%) by the proposed structural model, using the partial least squares structural equation modelling method (PLS-SEM). The obtained results confirm that subjective knowledge (β = 0.277, p < 0.001) and satisfaction with product attributes (β = 0.197, p < 0.001) are predictors of fish consumption. Subjective knowledge was influenced by product information (β = 0.161, p < 0.001), as well as by satisfaction with product attributes (β = 0.282, p < 0.001), while objective knowledge had an influence on product information (β = 0.194, p < 0.001). Although satisfaction with product attributes was the strongest predictor of subjective knowledge in both countries (βCRO = 0.244, βIT = 0.398), it had a greater effect among Italians (p = 0.001), while the impact of product information (βCRO = 0.210, βIT = 0.086) was more pronounced among Croatians (p = 0.010). Since the mediating role of subjective knowledge in all models was confirmed, action focused on enhancing subjective knowledge should be taken to increase fish consumption.  相似文献   

At a time when many children and families are faced with enormous daily life hassles and major stressful events, it is crucial to understand issues pertaining to childhood stress and coping. The present study examined children and parents’ perceptions of childhood stressors and children’s coping actions. Findings reveal that children report higher stress levels than parents. The stressors identified by children range from peer related stressful situations such as being laughed at to internal factors such as lack of control, and major life events such as death of a loved one. Children and parents report a large range of coping actions with three predominant themes—cognitive, social, and emotional coping strategies. Implications for practice are discussed. This research was supported by a General University Research Program Grant from the University of Delaware.  相似文献   

为了研究通过健康教育达到提高家长对儿童弱视的认识 ,从而对儿童弱视早发现、早治疗的目的 ,上海市宝山区友谊地段医院于2 0 0 2年 9~ 1 1月对本区内一所幼儿园儿童家长进行了问卷调查 ,结果报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 上海市宝山区友谊街道一所普通幼儿园 1 3 0名儿童家长。2 方法 用问卷的方法对家长弱视知识掌握情况进行调查 ,然后制作“儿童弱视健康教育宣传册”发放给家长 ,学习后再次进行问卷调查 ,最后对“宣传册”发放前后两种调查结果进行比较 ,并用 χ2 进行检验。结  果1 健康教育前后家长对弱视知识知晓率健康教育前…  相似文献   

目的了解广州市荔湾区儿童父母对手足口病防治知识的知晓程度,为有针对性地开展防控手足口病的提供依据。方法采用随机抽样的方法,对在广州市荔湾区岭南街规划免疫门诊进行预防接种的566名0~5岁儿童父母进行调查。结果儿童父母手足口病防治知识总知晓率为86.36%;不同性别、文化程度、户籍的父母手足口病防治知识情况差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);获取手足口病防治知识的首要实际来源途径和期望来源途径均是医生告知。结论应根据人群的不同,利用不同的途径去宣传手足口病防治知识。  相似文献   

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