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HIV-1 group O has its epicenter in Cameroon and neighboring countries and is responsible for 3 to 5% of all HIV infections in this region. It is believed that HIV-1 group O was introduced into the human population by a separate cross-species transmission, occurring independently of the HIV-1 (group M and group N) and HIV-2 transmissions. We have studied the coreceptor requirements of 12 primary HIV-1 O-type isolates from individuals with different clinical symptoms. Only 2 of these 12 viruses showed a syncytium-inducing phenotype after infection of primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and were infectious for the T cell line C8166. These isolates used CXCR4 as a coreceptor for entry, whereas the remaining isolates used only CCR5 efficiently. One isolate was able to use BOB and CCR8 as coreceptors in addition to CXCR4. All group O isolates tested were efficiently inhibited by SDF-1 or RANTES, the natural ligands of CXCR4 and CCR5, respectively. These results indicate that CXCR4 and CCR5 are the principal coreceptors for HIV-1 O-type viruses. Most of the HIV-1 group O isolates studied were derived from patients at later stages of the disease. Although HIV-1 group O and group M infections do not differ in their pathogenesis, the studied isolates did not evolve to use a broad range of coreceptors as described for HIV-1 group M and HIV-2.  相似文献   

The genetic subtypes of HIV-1 circulating in northern Kenya have not been characterized. Here we report the partial sequencing and analysis of samples collected in the years 2003 and 2004 from 72 HIV-1-positive patients in northern Kenya, which borders Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan. From the analysis of partial env sequences, it was determined that 50% were subtype A, 39% subtype C, and 11% subtype D. This shows that in the northern border region of Kenya subtypes A and C are the dominant HIV-1 subtypes in circulation. Ethiopia is dominated mainly by HIV-1 subtype C, which incidentally is the dominant subtype in the town of Moyale, which borders Ethiopia. These results show that cross-border movements play an important role in the circulation of subtypes in Northern Kenya.  相似文献   

The isolation from macaques of retroviruses related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) led to the identification of a second group of human retroviruses (termed HIV-2), which are prevalent in West Africa and closely related to the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We have cloned and determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the human West African retrovirus HIV-2NIH-Z and compared it to that of a previously described strain of HIV-2 (HIV-2ROD) as well as to SIV and HIV-1. We have reached the following conclusions: (i) The HIV-2 isolates are (slightly) more closely related to each other than to SIV, compatible with their isolation from different species. (ii) The variability between HIV-2 isolates is similar in degree and kind to that found among HIV-1 isolates. The equivalent degrees of intragroup divergence suggest that HIV-1 and HIV-2 have existed in their present ranges in Africa for approximately equal lengths of time. The fact that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is widespread in regions where HIV-1 is prevalent but not in regions where HIV-2 is prevalent suggests a substantial difference in the morbidity rates associated with HIV-1 vs. HIV-2 infection. (iii) HIV-2 and SIV are related to each other more closely than they are to HIV-1.  相似文献   

In this study we report the molecular and biological characteristics of 19 HIV-1 primary isolates obtained in April 1999 from 47 HIV-1-infected individuals living mainly in western Cameroon. Discontinuous portions of gag, pol, and env were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and directly sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences showed that all were of HIV-1 group M with the following genotypes: A(gag)/A(pol)/A(env) (n = 4), A(gag)/AG(pol)/AG(env) (n = 2), AG(gag)/A(pol)/AG(env) (n = 1), AG(gag)/U(pol)/AG(env) (n = 1), AG(gag)/AG(pol)/AG(env) (n = 6), G(gag)/G(pol)/G(env) (n = 3), F2(gag)/F2(pol)/F2(env) (n = 1), and a novel A(gag)/J(pro/rt)/A(int)/U(env) complex recombinant (n = 1). This A/J/U recombinant shared the same gag-pol cross-over point with known CRF02.AG viruses and 99CMBD6, an AG recombinant from our panel of isolates. The biological phenotype of most of the isolates correlated with the clinical status of the patient. Six isolates were syncytium inducing (SI) on MT-2 cells whereas 13 isolates were of the non-syncytium-inducing phenotype (NSI). Coreceptor usage by these isolates determined on GHOST cells correlated with their biological phenotype, as all SI isolates used CXCR4 and all NSI isolates used CCR5. Our results show a high predominance of subtype A (mainly CRF02.AG-like viruses) in western Cameroon and fewer HIV-1 subtypes compared with other parts of Cameroon. Genetic variability was, however, not reflected in the biological characteristics of the isolates. The presence of a novel A/J/U complex recombinant from this region further emphasizes the role of recombination in the global evolution of HIV.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of HIV-1, the genetic and biological characteristics of viruses that infect persons living in regions in which the virus has been evolving for several decades must be studied. Thus, we investigated teh genetic subtypes, coreceptor usage, and syncytium-inducing ability of viruses in 47 HIV-1-infected blood samples from individuals living in rural villages in the equatorial rain forest and grass field regions in Cameroon. Heteroduplex mobility analysis (HMA) of gag (part of p24 and p7) and env (C2V5) or sequence and phylogenetic analysis of gag (part of p24 and p7), pol (protease), and env (C2V5), revealed a broad HIV-1 group M genetic diversity. Subtype analysis revealed genetic evidence of seven subtypes (A, C, D, F, G, H, and J) and three circulating recombinant froms (CRFs) (CRF01_AE, CRF02_AG, and CRF11_cpx). Only 15 (32%) of the 47 samples analyzed revealed a concordant subtype in all three genes (gag, pol, and env), while discordant subtypes and CRFs were identified for the remaining 32 (68%) samples. Two patterns of HIV-1 diversity could be discerned in two provinces. While more concordant subtypes in gag, pol, and env genes were identified in villages of South province (10 of 13, 77%), the HIV-1 diversity in the West province was characterized by intersubtype recombinants (63%). Five new intersubtype recombinants were identified including Agag Jpol Genv, Ggag Upol Aenv, AGgag Jpol Aenv, Agag AGpol Henv, and Cgag AGpol AGenv. All of the 40 viruses tested used the R5 coreceptor, of which four also used the X4 coreceptor. Four viruses were able to induce syncytia in MT-2 cells, however, syncytium induction did not correlate with coreceptor usage. This study further reveals the complexity of HIV-1 infection in rural Cameron and points to the future of the global epidemic, which may be characterized by more genetically diverse viruses.  相似文献   

HIV-1 strain diversity was examined in a study population that consisted of hospital and clinic patients from seven cities and villages located in the northwestern regions of Cameroon. Specimens were screened using a serological algorithm designed to identify HIV-1 group M, N, and O, and SIVcpz-like infections followed by RT-PCR amplification to characterize the infecting virus. The results show that the HIV epidemic in northwest Cameroon is dominated by HIV-1 group M CRF02_AG infections (57%). Additional group M subtypes present include A, D, F2, G, and CRF01_AE. Based on discordant subtype classification between gag and env sequences, a high percentage (23%) of viral strains appear to be unique intersubtype recombinants with the majority (88%) involving recombination with CRF02_AG. Group O prevalence is low accounting for only 0.4% of HIV infections. However, group O strain diversity is high; isolates from clades I, IV, and V, as well as unclassified and recombinant strains, were found. Three dual infections by HIV-1 group M and group O were identified and characterized. In two specimens, both group M and O sequences were amplified in gag, pol, and env suggesting the presence of both viruses. Analysis of the third specimen shows the presence of a group O virus and an intergroup M/O recombinant virus. Finally, no infections due to HIV-1 group N or SIVcpz-like strains were found in the study population.  相似文献   

A unique HIV-2 intergroup recombinant strain was identified in Cameroon. The virus, CM-03-510-03, was amplified from blood collected from a 47-year-old female patient in Douala, Cameroon in 2003 who was seroreactive for HIV-2. A near full-length genome 9089 nucleotides in length was amplified from proviral DNA. The genome for CM-03-510-03 is composed of segments of HIV-2 groups A and B with four recombination break-points and has open reading frames for all the structural and regulatory genes. A comparison of CM-03-510-03 to the only previously reported HIV-2 intergroup recombinant shows that the two strains share one recombination breakpoint but are otherwise distinct from each other. Similar to HIV-1, HIV-2 intergroup recombination is an indication that coinfection with more than one strain has occurred in individuals and is a mechanism that increases strain genetic diversity.  相似文献   

To monitor the evolving molecular epidemiology and genetic diversity of HIV in a country where many distinct strains cocirculate, we performed genetic analyses on sequences from 75 HIV-1-infected Cameroonians: 74 were group M and 1 was group O. Of the group M sequences, 74 were classified into the following env gp41 subtypes or recombinant forms: CRF02 (n = 54), CRF09 (n = 2), CRF13 (n = 2), A (n = 5), CRF11 (n = 4), CRF06 (n = 1), G (n = 2), F2 (n = 2), and E (n = 1, CRF01), and 1 was a JG recombinant. Comparison of phylogenies for 70 matched gp41 and protease sequences showed inconsistent classifications for 18 (26%) strains. Our data show that recombination is rampant in Cameroon with recombinant viruses continuing to recombine, adding to the complexity of circulating HIV strains. This expanding genetic diversity raises public health concerns for the ability of diagnostic assays to detect these unique HIV mosaic variants and for the development of broadly effective HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic diversity of HIV-1 constitutes a fundamental premise in the epidemiological surveillance. In the present study, the HIV-1 genetic variability from 142 Cuban patients who were diagnosed with HIV-1 infection during 2009 and 2010 was determined. HIV-1 subtypes were determined by partial RT-PCR and sequencing of the HIV-1 pol gene. The phylogenetic analysis showed that 47 (33.1 %) samples were subtypes B and 95 (66.9 %) were non-B subtypes, where G, H, and C subtypes, as well as the recombinant forms CRF19_cpx, CRF18_cpx, and CRFs BG, were included. The circulation of CRF05_DF was detected for the first time in Cuba. The analyses of recombinants showed the presence of recombinant CRF18_cpx/CRF19_cpx. The study confirms the high genetic diversity of HIV-1 and the circulation of new genetic variants in the studied population, which indicates the importance of maintaining constant epidemiological surveillance in Cuba.  相似文献   

HIV-infected plasma specimens, collected in Cameroon between 1999 and 2002, were screened for HIV-1 group N and SIVcpz infections using a serological screening algorithm based on immunoassays with antigens derived from HIV-1 group M, N, and O, and SIVcpz strains. Specimens with reactivity to group N and SIVcpz antigens were characterized by RT-PCR and sequence analysis to identify the infecting virus. Although several specimens were serotyped as potential group N or SIVcpz infections, only one group N infection was confirmed. The specimen, 02CM-DJO0131, was collected in 2002 from a hospital patient at the D'Joungolo Hospital, Yaoundé. The virus genome was amplified as seven overlapping fragments comprising 8938 nucleotides. Phylogenetic analysis shows that 02CM-DJO0131 branches with group N sequences. With this study, three near full-length sequences are now available for group N. While we confirm the presence of group N in the Cameroonian population, group N infections continue to be rare and difficult to identify.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the HIV subtypes present on Reunion Island, a French island located in the Indian Ocean, where the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in 1987. Paired sera and blood samples were collected between September 1996 and September 1997 from 53 HIV-1-positive patients. Subtyping was performed by serotyping with a previously described subtype-specific enzyme immunoassay (SSEIA) and by genotyping with the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA). When samples gave uninterpretable results with either of the methods, or discordant results, the V3 env region was sequenced and genetic subtypes were determined by phylogenetic analysis. Genetic subtyping showed that 48 of 53 patients were infected with HIV-1 subtype B (90.5%). This high prevalence of subtype B on Reunion Island is probably due to the regular exchanges with metropolitan France. The other five patients were infected with subtype A (9.5%); they had been directly linked to African populations. Of the 48 subtype B samples, 44 (91.7%) were correctly subtyped by SSEIA and 43 (89.6%) by HMA. However, the SSEIA did not allow the subtyping of A strains in three of five patients. Thus, the SSEIA could be an alternative routine technique for screening subtype B versus nonsubtype B HIV-1 strains.  相似文献   

Recombinant forms of HIV-1 contribute significantly to the ongoing epidemic. In the present study, we characterized the near full-length genome of one candidate HIV-1 CRF25_cpx strain originating in Cameroon, 06CM-BA-040. Viral RNA was extracted from plasma, and the genome was obtained using RT-PCR amplification to generate 10 overlapping fragments. Bootscanning, recombination breakpoint analysis, and phylogenetic trees confirmed that 06CM-BA-040 had a genomic structure consistent with two available CRF25_cpx reference sequences. The CRF25_cpx mosaic composition consisted of nine segments derived from subtypes A and G as well as unclassified (U) regions. Subtype G and CRF25_cpx clusters diverged from each other with long branch lengths but were distinct from other known subtypes with high bootstrap support (94%). The epidemiological significance of CRF25_cpx strains is unknown; however, the availability of additional genomic sequences will improve our understanding of the overall genetic diversity within this recombinant form of HIV-1.  相似文献   

HIV-1 genetic diversity and, for the first time, genotypic drug susceptibility was investigated for strains circulating in the Republic of Moldova (of the former Soviet Union). Eighty-three samples from adults recently infected by intravenous drug use (IDU) (n = 60), heterosexual contact (n = 8), and from blood donors (n = 15) that tested positive from 1997 to 1998, and originating from different regions of Moldova were serotyped. By group-specific and subtype-specific peptide ELISA, patients were infected by serotype A (n = 65), serotype B (n = 1), or were nontypable (n = 17). Heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) confirmed 11 subtype A and the one subtype B infection. Analyses of pol and env sequences for six of the IDUs confirmed that they were infected with subtype A strain. These strains clustered tightly with subtype A strains isolated from the former Soviet Union in phylogenetic analysis. No mutations associated with drug resistance were detected. The Republic of Moldova is culturally more closely related to Romania (where subtype F dominates the epidemic), but depends economically on Russia (where subtype A is established among IDUs). Thus, our results suggest that the spread of HIV in this region is driven by drug networks rather than being due to cultural similarities.  相似文献   

HIV-1 ANT70 is the first HIV-1 group O virus isolate obtained from a 25-year-old Cameroonian woman, who seroconverted in March 1987. This individual has remained asymptomatic and clinically healthy (clinical stage WHO 1, CDC II) even though she did not receive any antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 before 97 months post-seroconversion. CD4+ T cell counts declined steadily to 200/microl at 70 months postseroconversion. The HIV-1 ANT70 nucleotide and amino acid sequence diversity of the V3C3-encoding env fragment within this individual was followed over a 10-year period. RT-PCR, cloning, sequencing, and genetic analyses were performed on eight plasma follow-up samples. Extensive increasing intra- and intersample variation was observed. This is the first long-term (>10 years) follow-up of the genetic variability of an HIV-1 group O-infected individual. As the course of the disease in the HIV-1 ANT70-infected woman was similar in many aspects to that of group M-infected individuals, it remains to be elucidated whether the changes observed in the V3 loop are critical for disease progression.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the short-term virological outcome of antiretroviral combination therapy (ART) in relation to infection with different HIV-1 genetic subtypes. Antiretroviral drug-naive patients in Sweden were prospectively enrolled and followed for 6 months when starting ART in the period from January 1998 to January 2002. Plasma-HIV-1 RNA levels, CD4 counts, and type of ART regimen were recorded. The HIV-1 subtype was determined by direct sequencing of regions of the env or pol genes. Data from 172 patients who harbored subtypes A, B, C, D, G, and CRF01_AE were analyzed (32 A, 44 B, 34 C, 18 D, 5 G, and 19 CRF01_AE). Of all patients 84% had undetectable plasma HIV-1 RNA levels after 6 months of ART. Patients infected with CRF01_AE more often had undetectable HIV-1 RNA plasma levels than patients infected with subtypes A or D. However, the possibility that this difference is due to ethnicity cannot be ruled out. Of patients of African origin, 77% had undetectable viral load after 6 months of treatment, while the corresponding figures for Caucasians and Asians were 91% and 100%, respectively. Thus, we have found an overall good short-term virological outcome after the initiation of ART in a cohort of ARV-naive patients of diverse ethnic background infected with different HIV-1 genetic subtypes. In univariate analysis ethnicity, but not genetic subtype, correlated with virological response. However, the impact of ethnicity was moderate. Patients of African origin, who had the poorest outcome, showed a 77% virological response rate.  相似文献   

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