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朱炜  蔡东联 《家庭用药》2010,(12):62-63
有研究表明,血压与膳食钾、尿钾和血清钾呈负相关关系;高钾膳食可降低血压,对轻症高血压以及有高血压危险因素的正常血压者有降压作用。因此,“限盐补钾”成为防治高血压的基础措施。而且,通常在对高血压患者进行饮食治疗的时候,增加钾的摄入比限制钠的摄入更容易施行,也更受欢迎。  相似文献   

目的通过调查高脂血症患者膳食结构分析评价其合理性并提出干预对策。方法采用食物频数法和24h膳食回顾对208例高脂血症患者的膳食状况进行调查。结果被调查患者膳食中禽肉类比重过高;蔬菜水果及粮谷类摄入不足,膳食纤维摄入量未达到要求。脂肪摄入超过推荐量标准。结论被调查的高脂血症患者膳食结构不合理,建议适当降低总能量和脂肪的摄入,增加膳食纤维的摄入,平衡膳食,均衡营养;加强高脂血症患者的营养教育。  相似文献   

目的 通过调查糖尿病患者膳食结构分析评价其合理性并提出干预对策.方法采用食物频数法对255例糖尿病患者的膳食状况进行调查.结果 被调查患者膳食中粮谷类的比重低,禽肉类和水产类比重过高;与2002年全国营养调查的城市居民各类食物平均摄入情况相似.总能量摄入过高,三大营养素中脂肪供能比明显偏高,碳水化合物的供能比和膳食纤维的摄入量未达到要求.胆固醇摄入超过推荐量标准,而B族维生素、钙、硒、锌的摄入量均未达到推荐量标准.结论 被调查糖尿病患者膳食结构不合理,建议适当降低总能量和脂肪的摄入,增加膳食纤维的摄入,平衡膳食,均衡营养素,加强糖尿病营养教育.  相似文献   

<正>三、急进型高血压的治疗1.非药物治疗本治疗也适用于各级高血压患者。非药物方法可通过干预高血压发病机制中的不同环节使血压有一定程度的降低并对减少心血管并发症有利。(1)合理膳食1限制钠盐摄入,每人每日食盐以不超过6克为宜。2减少膳食脂肪,补充适量蛋白质,多吃素菜和水果,摄入足量的钾、镁、钙。3适量饮茶,可清热解毒、消炎抗菌、软化血管,改善心脑血管系统功能。4限制饮酒,酒精摄  相似文献   

老干部的营养及抗氧化营养素摄入与健康状况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解宁波地区老干部的营养状况、抗氧化营养素摄人情况和营养相关疾病,为制定老年人营养改善措施提供依据。方法对511例宁波地区老干部进行询问调查、医学体检、实验室检测和膳食调查。结果其热能和蛋白质的摄入量稍高于推荐量,但脂肪、胆固醇和钠盐摄入过高;铁的摄入符合要求,钙、锌、维生素B,、维生素B:摄入不足;抗氧化营养素硒、维生素E、维生素C及维生素A(男)均摄入不足;肥胖、超重、高血压、糖尿病的患病率较高,分别为25.2%、30.0%、29.O%、10.6%。结论宁波地区部分老干部膳食结构不合理,营养过剩和营养不足并存,且抗氧化营养素普遍摄入不足。提示老干部因膳食失衡和不良生活方式导致的肥胖、高血压、糖尿病等慢性病不容忽视。  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在调查慢性疲劳综合征(chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS患者的膳食营养状况和膳食炎症指数(dietary inflammatory index, DII)水平,探究CFS患者膳食炎症指数与疲劳程度的关系。方法 采用3天24小时膳食回顾法,调查51例CFS患者的食物种类、数量和摄入时间,利用营养分析软件分析其能量和各营养素摄入量,并计算DII总分;采用多维疲劳量表(Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory-20, MFI-20)评估CFS患者的疲劳程度。结果 CFS患者蛋白质摄入偏多,碳水化合物摄入偏少,产能营养素供能比例不合理,蔬菜水果类和动物性食物摄入偏少。CFS患者的DII总分为(2.37±2.50,-4.24~6.04),膳食越倾向于促炎,其具有抗炎倾向的营养素摄入越少。CFS患者的疲劳程度与DII无相关关系(r=0.129,P=0.366),体质指数与DII呈负相关(r=-0.287,P=0.041)。结论 CFS患者的膳食营养状况不合理,且有较高炎症潜能。疲劳程度与DII无相关关系,但显示出一定的趋势关系,为进...  相似文献   

目的:了解胆石症患者膳食营养素的摄入状况,以便更好地对病人进行饮食指导。方法:对89名胆石症患者进行连续3d的膳食调查,结合《中国居民膳食指南》,以全国及福建省食物成分表为依据,与中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DIRs)进行比较。结果:胆石症患者的营养素缺乏最为严重的依次为膳食纤维(82.02%),铁(78.65%),锌(77.52%),钙(67.41%),男女性患者在能量、蛋白质、镁、锌、维生素E及膳食纤维的摄入量上的差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:胆石症患者存在不同程度的营养素缺乏情况,临床护士应指导病人注意平衡膳食,控制脂肪,胆固醇的摄入同时,应增加膳食纤维和微量元素的摄入,多食果蔬,多饮水,做到健康饮食。  相似文献   

目的通过调查老年糖尿病患者膳食结构分析评价其合理性。方法对101例老年糖尿病患者进行膳食调查及人体测量。根据体质指数BMI分为正常体型组45例,超重体型组51例。采用24小时膳食回顾法,分析患者的膳食能量、三大营养素摄入量及所占总能量的比例。结果正常体型组能量,碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪摄入均大于标准供给量,有显著性差异(P<0.05);超重体型组能量,碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪摄入均超过标准供给量(P<0.01)。两组胆固醇摄入均大于300 mg/d,膳食纤维摄入量不足。结论老年糖尿病患者的膳食结构不合理,需要调整。  相似文献   

目的调查维持性血液透析患者的膳食摄入状况,为膳食营养干预提供依据。方法选择2011年前进行维持性血液透析的患者共93例。采用国家职业资格培训教程系列中《公共营养师》的群体食物频率法,参照2002年中国居民营养与健康调查中的个体食物频率调查表,制定适合血液透析患者的个体食物频率调查表,进行群体膳食摄入调查与分析。结果维持性血液透析患者饮食结构不合理,膳食营养失衡。结论膳食营养失衡与维持性血液透析患者的治疗效果和生存质量密切相关,应给予膳食干预措施。  相似文献   

目的:调查东城社区高血压患者合理饮食知晓及每日饮食情况。方法:采用问卷星调查340例社区高血压患者,分别调查对象基本情况和日常饮食、合理饮食知晓情况。应用SPSS19.0软件进行一般描述性分析,t检验、秩和检验、卡方检验等统计方法。结果:共调查了340人,社区高血压患者营养膳食平均知晓率76.5%,在日常合理饮食方面不同年龄、性别、BMI的高血压在高脂饮食方面差异无统计学意义。结论:经调查发现男性高血压患者在日常合理盐摄入饮食控制方面49.2%较女性36.9%存在优势,P值0.0260.05差异有统计学意义。  相似文献   

北方农村高盐饮食人群高血压病患病率和血压水平调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究北方农村高盐饮食人群的高血压患病率,及食盐量对高血压患病率和血压水平的影响。方法2004—2005年在辽宁省阜新农村地区,对≥35岁农民(29914名)进行人口统计学调查和体格检查,按照最新标准对高血压诊断、分级。结果该地区高血压人群的食盐量和食盐超标率均显著高于非高血压人群,高血压标化患病率为36.2%,血压正常人群中血压正常高值占38.1%,两者都随着食盐量增加而逐渐递增;正常高值和惯血压人群中,随着食盐量的增加,高血压的比率也逐渐递增(P<0.01);高血压人群中,高血压1级比率最大(54.6%),高血压3级最少(19.8%),但食盐量级别与高血压分级无相关性(P=0.584)。结论阜新农村地区为高盐饮食及高血压高发地区,食盐量增加的同时,伴随有正常高值和高血压比率增长的趋势,但食盐摄入量级别和高血压分级之间并无相关性。高盐饮食是高血压患病和影响血压水平的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

健康教育对高血压病患者生活方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何善娴  张彩 《中国医药》2011,6(5):519-521
目的 探讨健康教育对高血压病患者疾病知识知晓率和生活方式的影响,控制高血压病的发展.方法 选择320例高血压病患者进行健康教育,于教育前和教育后6个月分别进行问卷调查.结果 健康教育后患者在不良情绪、高盐高脂饮食、缺少活动、不正确服药等方面改善效果明显(22.5%比33.0%;43.5%比63.6%;51.9%比70.4%;35.5%比64.8%;19.4%比29.9%;P<0.01或P<0.05),血压达标数增高(P<0.01).结论 健康教育可提高患者高血压病知识知晓程度,改变其不良生活方式,控制高血压病的发展.
Objective To discuss the effects of health education on the knowledge about hypertension and the life style of patients with hypertension,and to control the progress of hypertension.Methods Three hundred and twenty patients with hypertension had questionnaire-survey before and after 6-month-health-education.Results After the health education the patients were improved obviously of bad-mood.high-salt and hish-fat diet.Lack of movement,incorrect dose and the blood-pressure in many patients reached to the normal standard(P<0.01).Conclusion Health education Can be helpful for the patients to learn the knowledge of hypertenion and life style change to control the progress of hypertension.  相似文献   

1. Dietary 0.023%NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis, induced hypertension in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). This hypertension was significantly attenuated in WKY given a fish protein-rich diet. 2. The supplement of 2% L-arginine given in a standard diet or a diet containing 3% taurine for drinking did not significantly affect the development of hypertension induced by L-NNA in WKY. 3. WKY which received the standard diet mixed with 10% urea and 0.023% L-NNA had significantly attenuated hypertension compared with WKY receiving the standard diet mixed with 10% kaolin and 0.023% L-NNA. 4. These results suggest that the attenuation of hypertension in L-NNA-treated WKY rats given a fish protein rich diet may be partly caused by urea, a metabolic end-product of protein.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE Nowadays,with the living habits and diet structure changes,the morbidity and mortality of hypertension has been rising yearly,which induced by adverse lifestyles,excessive alcohol and poor diet.However,the animal models of hypertension resulted from adverse lifestyles have rarely been reported.It is essential to set up some more systematic models to study the characters of hypertension and evaluate the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).METHODS To build the rat model of human lifehabitual hypertension,SD rats had free access to alcohol with high-sucrose-fat diet(AHSFD),alcohol with high-fat diet(AHFD),high-sucrose-fat diet(HSFD),high-fat diet(HFD)and alcohol etc.Various of indicators were detected systematically to explore the features of hypertension models which included blood pressure(BP),liver and kidney functions,the lipid profiles and indexes quantifying TCM symptoms.Then we choose one of the stable and sustained animal models,studying the effects of RPA.E(which extracted from a TCM)on modulating the level of hypertension and the preliminary mechanism in this abstract.RESULTS ①The BP level,serum TC,TG,LDL-C of AHSFD-induced and AHFD-induced rats increased significantly,while the HDL-C reduced in the 4th week.② The BP level HSFD-induced rats increased significantly in the 6th week,serum TC,TG increased in 10 th week.③ The BP level of alcohol-induced rats increased significantly in the 9th week,serum TC,TG increased in 24 th week.④ The level of serum ALT,AST,UA and Cr of all model rats increased significantly after 12 weeks.Meanwhile the microcirculation increased significantly after8 weeks.⑤ After 4-week administration,RPA.E could significantly reduce BP of AHFD-induced hypertensive rats,and could reduce the serum TC,LDL-C,HDL-C,ALT,AST level after 8-week.CONCLUSION The rats induced by AHSFD,AHFD,HSFD and alcohol can raise BP obviously with underlying hepatic and kidney damage,the lipid profiles disorder and TCM symptoms change,while the AH(S)FD-induced hypertension models are earlier and more stable.RPA.E could mildly reduce BP level,and improve the lipid profiles disorders,hepatic damage,which reflects the characteristics of TCM on antihypertensive effects.The above models have their own characteristics,can be used to study the causes and pathogenesis of hypertension complicating metabolic disorder and the related treatment drug screening.  相似文献   

Sodium regulation of alpha 2-adrenoreceptors was investigated in inbred salt-sensitive (S) and inbred salt-resistant (R) rats fed a high or low salt diet. The systolic blood pressure was higher in S rats than in R rats, and this difference was obviously greater on a high salt diet. In rats fed a low or high salt diet, S rats had higher alpha 2-adrenoreceptor density in the kidneys compared with R rats as measured by [3H]yohimbine binding and Scatchard analysis. The affinity of the receptors in the kidney for the antagonist, yohimbine, was nearly the same in these two strains either on a low or high salt diet. In the brain, the affinities or the numbers of receptors were not significantly different whether these two strains were fed a low or high salt diet. Inclusion of NaCl up to 80 mM in the assay medium did not alter the in vitro binding of [3H]yohimbine in the kidney or brain. On the other hand, inclusion of NaCl in the assay medium reduced the ability of epinephrine in competing with [3H]yohimbine for the receptor sites in the kidney and in the brain, and this effect of NaCl was the same in a given tissue between S and R rats, whether they were fed a low or high salt diet. These results suggest that: (1) in the kidneys, the receptor density and not the receptor affinity was different between S and R strains whether they were fed a low or high salt diet; (2) in the brain, the receptor density and affinity were the same between S and R rats regardless of the diet (low or high salt), indicating that the sodium salt diet modulates the peripheral but not the central alpha 2-adrenoreceptors; and this modulatory effect was observed only in S rats; (3) Na+ was able to reduce the affinity of the agonist (epinephrine) for the receptors in both S and R rats, and this effect of Na+ on central and peripheral alpha 2-adrenoreceptors was similar in prehypertensive rats and rats with salt-induced hypertension; and (4) the resistance of R rats to salt-induced hypertension was not due to the absence of Na+ binding component involved in the regulation of alpha 2-adrenoreceptor-adenylate cyclase complex.  相似文献   

目的探讨老年高血压患者QT离散度 (OTd)变化以及相关因素和贝那普利的影响。方法测定 6 7例老年高血压患者和 2 0例健康老人的QTd。 6 7例随机分为 35例贝那普利治疗组和未用贝那普利的 32例对照组。结果老年高血压患者的QTd明显大于健康对照组 (5 6± 9.2msvs 37.5±10 .6ms,P <0 0 1) ;高血压伴左室肥厚者的QTd大于无左室肥厚者 (6 8 4± 15msvs 42 .3± 10 2ms ,P <0 0 1) ;高血压伴室性心律心常者QTd明显高于无心律失常者 (6 4 3± 7.5msvs 44 .6± 6 9ms,P <0 0 1) ;贝那普利治疗前后QTd显著缩小 (5 4± 9.8msvs 34 .6± 8 8ms,P <0 0 1)。结论老年高血压患者QTd增大与高血压伴左室肥厚及室性心律失常有关 ,贝那普利治疗使QTd明显缩短。  相似文献   

一种新的高盐致高血压动物模型及其血管重构改变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :研究单纯高盐饲养对正常Wistar大鼠血压及血管结构的影响 ,并建立一种新的高盐致高血压大鼠模型。方法 :雄性Wistar大鼠 ,于哺乳期 (3周龄 )后 ,随机分成 2组 :正常盐 (含 0 .5 %NaCl饲料 )饲养组和高盐 (含 4 %NaCl饲料 )饲养组 ,持续饲养 18周 ,定期测量鼠尾收缩压和体重。实验结束时 ,经右颈动脉插管测平均动脉压。在血管灌注固定后 ,胸主动脉、肾动脉及肠系膜小动脉作形态学测量。结果 :高盐与正常盐饲养组间 ,大鼠体重在分组前后均无区别。高盐饲料饲养后第 8周起 ,高盐组鼠尾血压明显高于正常盐饲养组 ,并持续至实验结束 ,且随时间增加 ,血压增高更明显。颈动脉平均压测量结果进一步证实高盐饲养组血压明显高于正常盐饲养组。检测大、中、小血管的血管中层厚度、中层厚度与管腔比率、血管壁横截面积 ,高盐饲养组均明显较正常盐饲养组增大 ,但两组间血管腔径无区别。高盐饲养组左心室重量指数明显高于正常盐饲养组。结论 :长期高盐饲养可致正常Wistar大鼠血压升高。故单纯高盐饮食在正常生理状态下的Wistar大鼠可形成一种新的高血压模型 ,且高血压形成同时伴随有循环系统心脏和血管的重构现象。该高血压模型可能较盐敏感性高血压模型更接近人类的高盐摄入与高血压病的实际情况。  相似文献   

宋德宽  李新霞 《中国当代医药》2013,(33):150-151,154
目的 研究健康管理对社区原发性高血压患者的影响.方法 选择本院2010年1月~2013年2月收治的550例原发性高血压患者为观察对象,随机分为两组,管理组给予健康管理干预,对照组进行常规随访.观察两组患者原发性高血压危险因素流行率、健康知识知晓率以及心理状态、生活质量等情况.结果 除高脂血症外,管理组缺乏体育锻炼、心理压力、肥胖、咸食、吸烟以及酗酒等原发性高血压危险因素流行率明显下降,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预后管理组健康知识知晓率明显高于对照组(P<0.05);而管理组心理状态、生活质量等亦优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 健康管理能够提高患者对高血压知识的掌握程度,减少原发性高血压危险因素流行率,提高患者心理状态及生活质量.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of a hypocaloric diet on adrenomedullin (AM), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in 12 obese patients with essential hypertension (age, 48-81 years; body mass index, 26-34 kg/m2). For the initial week, a standard diet of 2000 kcal/day was given, followed by 3 weeks of a hypocaloric diet of 850 kcal/day, with a constant intake of sodium. The patients lost 3.7 +/- 0.2 kg body weight during the hypocaloric diet period (p < 0.0001). The decrease in blood pressure during the study period was 10.3 +/- 3.6 mmHg systole (p = 0.017) and 4.2 +/- 3.2 mmHg diastole (NS). Plasma AM concentration was decreased significantly from 4.88 +/- 0.46 to 3.97 +/- 0.38 pmol/l by the hypocaloric diet (p = 0.004). Plasma ANP and BNP concentrations were also decreased significantly by the hypocaloric diet (p = 0.042 for each). These results demonstrate, for the first time, that plasma AM concentration as well as plasma ANP and BNP concentrations are decreased by a hypocaloric diet in obese patients with essential hypertension. These vasodilator peptides may act against further elevation in blood pressure in obese patients with essential hypertension.  相似文献   

目的探讨血浆游离氨基酸变化与高血压的关系,指导治疗。方法用氨基酸分析仪对64例高血压患者及50名正常人血浆21种游离氨基酸进行检测,并用放射免疫法测定胰岛素、C肽、血脂及尿β2-MG。其中,有并发症患者(33例)为Ⅰa组,无并发症者(31例)为Ⅰb组。结果高血压患者血浆中游离氨基酸存在失衡,与正常人比较,必需氨基酸中缬、亮、异亮、苯丙、色氨酸升高,以Ⅰa组升高显著(P<0.01)。而非必需氨基酸除精、丙氨酸升高外,牛磺酸、谷、鸟、甘、丝、羟脯氨酸均低于正常人,尤以Ⅰb组下降显著(P<0.01、0.05)。氨基酸的变化与体重指数(BMI)及胰岛素、C肽、甘油三酯(TG)水平呈正相关(r=0.286、0.291、0.318、0.315),与尿中β2-MG、血糖、血压呈负相关(r=-0.413、-0.252、-0.318)。结论氨基酸失衡与高血压及其并发症关系密切。除低钠低胆固醇饮食外,高血压患者应调整其饮食结构,适当增加牛磺酸、叶酸的摄入,限制过多蛋白的摄入,尤其是同型半胱氨酸的前体物质蛋氨酸的摄入,对减轻体重,降低血压、血糖、血脂、抗脂质过氧化,预防动脉硬化均有益处。  相似文献   

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