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The hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system is a food safety control strategy which could contribute greatly to the prevention and control of food-borne diseases if widely accepted and correctly implemented. This paper reports the findings of a survey which assessed food business operators' knowledge of, attitudes to, and opinions about, the HACCP strategy introduced into food legislation in the UK through the Food Safety (General food hygiene) regulations of 1995. The study was conducted, using the structured interview method. Seventy food business operators in Glasgow were interviewed by means of a questionnaire. Fifty-nine per cent of the food business operators have not heard about HACCP; only 27% claimed to have received literature on the strategy, while 67% indicated that they would need assistance in identifying hazards, critical control points (CCPs), and monitoring procedures in their processes. The findings of the study suggest that the presence of a legal control in the statute book is on its own, insufficient to secure significant change, and highlight the need for greater emphasis on the educational, rather than the traditional enforcement approach.  相似文献   

8类食品单核细胞增生李斯特菌流行特征及耐药性状研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的:了解扬州市8类食品中Lm污染状况、流行特征及耐药状况,为制定HACCP提供依据,以有效控制Lm的生物性危害。方法:从市场及宾馆饭店采集957份熟食、生肉制品、水产品等8类食品检测Lm,检出菌株以生化及PCR方法鉴定并做药物敏感试验。结果:共检出加43株,检出率为4.49%。其中熟肉制品检出率为9.62%,生肉制品为3.83%,蔬菜、牛奶、鲜鸡蛋及冰淇淋中未检出。17种抗生素中有9种抗生素出现了不同程度的耐药。结论:本市8种食品中存在一定程度Lm污染,以熟食污染率最高。生肉制品为食品链中Lm的主要来源,熟食是实施HACCP控制Lm的关键环节。Lm耐药现象在一定程度上存在。加强食品卫生管理尤其是熟肉制品的管理,控制动物饲料亚治疗抗生素的使用并严格遵守休药期对防止耐药菌株、控制食源性疾病很有必要。  相似文献   

目的研究HACCP体系在提高乳制品卫生质量方面的实施效果,为改善酸牛乳质量管理提供依据。方法以本市1家中型乳品厂的凝固型酸牛乳生产过程作为研究对象,运用HACCP的原理,找出酸牛乳生产过程中所有可能危害,确定关键控制工序以及适宜的纠偏措施。结果HACCP体系在凝固型酸牛乳生产过程应用后,产品合格率由实施前的81.3%提高到98.2%。结论HACCP体系是一种比较理想的食品卫生安全预防控制系统[1]。HACCP体系能较好保证酸牛乳质量,并为提高酸牛乳质量提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   

超市连锁店熟食卤味销售的HACCP研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用HACCP的原理和方法,对超市连锁店熟食卤味销售进行了危害因素分析,找出了关键控制点(CCP),提出了控制措施,并建议超市连锁店销售非包装熟食卤味时使用密封低温冷藏展示柜。  相似文献   

目的为了保障动车组供应的加热保温快餐盒饭的卫生安全。方法采用现场调查方法,应用HACCP原理,对动车组供应的快餐盒饭的生产、运送、销售等环节进行危害分析,找出关键控制点,制定质控内容。结果确定的控制环节为:食品采购、烹调加工、熟食容器洗刷消毒、分装及销售人员健康状况、快餐盒及饮用水卫生保证、保温措施、预售中心温度。针对关键环节,提出相关控制措施:从正规渠道采购食品,彻底加热食品、熟食容器使用前应清洁消毒,分装及销售人员健康,分装或销售前洗手消毒,使用合格卫生的快餐盒及饮用水,采用具有加热或保温的周转箱运送快餐盒饭。结论应用HACCP方法,保证动车组供应的快餐盒饭卫生安全,预防集体食物中毒及食源性疾患发生有较好的作用。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the microbiological quality, including total mesophilic counts and markers of bacteriological hygiene, as indicator of food safety of three categories of the most consumed meals in a university restaurant, before and after implementation of the HACCP system and personnel training. Cold gastronomy products, cooked warm-served products, and cooked cold-served products were tested for bacterial contamination. Throughout the experiment, 894 samples were examined for total counts of aerobic bacteria, counts of indicator organisms (coliform organisms and Escherichia coli) and pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes). Implementation of the HACCP system, together with training in personnel hygiene, good manufacturing practices, and cleaning and sanitation procedures, resulted in lower aerobic plate counts and a lower incidence of S. aureus, coliform organisms, E. coli, and B. cereus, whereas Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were not found in all samples studied. The microbial results of this study demonstrate that personnel training together with HACCP application contributed to improve the food safety of meals served in the restaurant studied.  相似文献   

食品营养强化剂预混料生产HACCP体系的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张磊 《上海预防医学》2003,15(6):273-276
[目的 ] 在食品营养强化剂预混料生产中建立危害分析关键控制点 (HACCP)体系。  [方法 ] 参照国际食品法典委员会 (CAC)《HACCP原理及其应用准则》推荐的原理和程序 ,在查阅有关文献资料和收集原料、包装材料、加工人员、生产环节、设备、车间环境卫生质量采样检测资料的基础上 ,对生产过程进行危害分析 ,建立食品营养强化剂预混料生产HACCP体系。  [结果 ] 确定配方、投料、过筛为设立关键控制点的工序 ,并制定出详细的HACCP计划。  [结论 ] 建立的HACCP体系能有效控制食品营养强化剂预混料生产过程中的危害 ,复合食品添加剂生产建立HACCP体系可参考本项研究。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市某区餐饮服务单位餐饮具卫生状况及消毒效果,探讨其影响因素,提出相应管理对策。方法对2015—2017年某区餐饮行业、单位食堂、集体用餐配送单位的餐饮具进行采样检测。结果3年内共采样送检4 149件,合格3 845件,合格率92.7%。不同年度的餐饮具检测合格率差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.02,P>0.05),不同季度的差异具有统计学意义(χ2=11.12,P<0.05),不同类型饮食服务机构的差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.25,P<0.01),不同消毒方式的差异有统计学意义(χ2=41.36,P<0.01),不同等级企业的差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.10,P<0.01)。结论2015—2017年某区餐饮具消毒合格率较高,但仍存在食品安全风险。建议今后要加强对合格率较低的企业的甄别、指导与监管,加大餐饮从业人员培训,加深对监督抽检成果的汇总、分析与利用。  相似文献   

Objective. To apply the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points methodto the preparation of anti-cancer drugs. To identify criticalcontrol points in our cancer chemotherapy process and to proposecontrol measures and corrective actions to manage these processes. Setting. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points applicationbegan in January 2004 in our centralized chemotherapy compoundingunit. From October 2004 to August 2005, monitoring of the processnonconformities was performed to assess the method. Methods. According to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Pointsmethod, a multidisciplinary team was formed to describe andassess the cancer chemotherapy process. This team listed allof the critical points and calculated their risk indexes accordingto their frequency of occurrence, their severity and their detectability.The team defined monitoring, control measures and correctiveactions for each identified risk. Finally, over a 10-month period,pharmacists reported each non-conformity of the process in afollow-up document. Results. Our team described 11 steps in the cancer chemotherapy process.The team identified 39 critical control points, including 11of higher importance with a high-risk index. Over 10 months,16 647 preparations were performed; 1225 nonconformities werereported during this same period. Conclusions. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points method is relevantwhen it is used to target a specific process such as the preparationof anti-cancer drugs. This method helped us to focus on theproduction steps, which can have a critical influence on productquality, and led us to improve our process.  相似文献   

HACCP在职业病危害评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 通过对广州市某造纸企业职业病危害控制效果评价,提出相应的控制技术和措施,并探讨适用于职业病危害评价的"危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)"体系.方法 运用HACCP原理,对造纸企业的生产工艺、作业环境进行职业卫生调查和检测,识别各种职业病危害因素,分析其危害程度及对劳动者健康的影响,并据此找出关键控制点,提出预防控制措施,评价职业病危害防护措施及其效果. 结果 造纸企业存在的职业病危害因素主要有化学毒物、粉尘、噪声、高温、生物致病菌等,职业病危害控制措施中选址和总体布局、生产工艺及设备布局、职业病防护设施、辅助用室、个人防护用品、应急救援设施、职业卫生管理措施等应为工作重点,且应基本符合职业卫生要求.而针对工程防护、个人防护、管理防护三方面的关键控制点实施监控,可有效控制和消除造纸企业职业病危害. 结论 HACCP可以运用到建设项目职业病危害评价中,为预防、控制和监督工业企业职业病危害提供科学依据.  相似文献   

植脂奶油裱花蛋糕生产中HACCP的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的 ] 在植脂奶油裱花蛋糕生产中建立危害分析关键控制点 (HACCP)体系。  [方法 ] 根据国际食品法典委员会 (CAC)文件《HACCP原理及其应用准则》推荐的原理和程序 ,参照我国糕点类卫生管理办法的要求 ,依据《食品中微生物检验方法》、《消毒技术规范》、《糕点、面包卫生标准》 ,对原料、半成品、成品、人员、设备、工用具等对象的微生物指标进行一系列检测 ,并对加工工艺进行危害因素分析 ,建立植脂奶油裱花蛋糕生产HACCP体系。  [结果 ] 确立烘烤、裱花装饰、储存、运输和销售为关键控制点 ,制定了一套详细的HACCP计划。  [结论 ] HACCP体系的建立为奶油裱花蛋糕生产安全控制提供了保障  相似文献   

目的 了解高校女生经前期综合征(PMS)对生活质量的影响,为高校制定相应的预防保健措施提供依据.方法 采用整群抽样的方法抽取西部某高校950名在校女生,通过症状严重程度每日记录量表(DRSP)和生活评价量表SF-36量表对经前期综合征和生活质量进行测量,并以SF-36总得分作为因变量进行多元线性回归分析.结果 经前期综合征的发生率为41.24%.SF-36量表除生理功能(PF)以外,生理职能(RP)、躯体疼痛(BP)、总体健康(GH)、活力(vitality,VT)、社会功能(SF)、情感职能(RE)、精神健康(MH)在PMS和非PMS组间的差别均具有显著性差异(tRP=2.196,tBP=2.140,tGH=6.544,tVT=4.130,tSF=3.045,tRE=2.600,tMH=22.652,均P<0.05),PMS组均低于非PMS组.多元线性回归分析结果显示DRSP、年龄、经期规律性为生活质量的影响因素,且均为负向影响(DRSP 95% CI:-0.197 ~-0.104,年龄95% CI:-3.195 ~-0.113,95% CI:-13.493~-4.347,均P<0.05).结论 PMS是生活质量的影响因素,应对高校女生采取经前期的干预措施,降低经前期综合征的发生率.  相似文献   

An assessment on quality and hygienic conditions of spring water was undertaken in Mongolia in 2004 with financial and technical support from the World Health Organization through AGFUND.  相似文献   

The short form of impact of weight on quality of life (IWQOL)-Lite is a 31-item, self-report, obesity-specific measure of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) that consists of a total score and scores on each of five scales – physical function, self-esteem, sexual life, public distress, and work – and that exhibits strong psychometric properties. This study was undertaken in order to assess test–retest reliability and discriminant validity in a heterogeneous sample of individuals not in treatment. Individuals were recruited from the community to complete questionnaires that included the IWQOL-Lite, SF-36, Rosenberg self-esteem (RSE) scale, Marlowe–Crowne social desirability scale, global ratings of quality of life, and sexual functioning and public distress ratings. Persons currently enrolled in weight loss programs or with a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 were dropped from the analyses, leaving 341 females and 153 males for analysis, with an average BMI of 27.4. For test–retest reliability, 112 participants completed the IWQOL-Lite again. ANOVA revealed significant main effects for BMI for all IWQOL-Lite scales and total score. Females showed greater impairment than males on all scales except public distress. Internal consistency ranged from 0.816 to 0.944 for IWQOL-Lite scales and was 0.958 for total score. Test–retest reliability ranged from 0.814 to 0.877 for scales and was 0.937 for total score. Internal consistency and test–retest results for overweight/obese subjects were similar to those obtained for the total sample. There was strong evidence for convergent and discriminant validity of the IWQOL-Lite in overweight/obese subjects. As in previous studies conducted on treatment-seeking obese persons, the IWQOL-Lite appears to be a reliable and valid measure of obesity-specific quality of life in overweight/obese persons not seeking treatment.  相似文献   

There is evidence that obesity has a negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). However, little attention has been paid to variations in this impact between population groups. This study investigates the relationship between HRQL and obesity, and whether or not this relationship varies by socioeconomic status (SES). Data were taken from four rounds of the Health Survey for England (2003-2006; n = 33,716) for persons aged 16 and above. Banded total annual household income is regressed against a comprehensive set of SES indicators using interval regression. We use the equivalised predicted values from this model, categorised into quartiles, as our measure of SES. We regress EQ-5D scores against interactions between body mass index and SES categories. Obesity is negatively correlated with HRQL. The negative impact of obesity is greater in people from lower SES groups. Overweight and obese people in lower SES groups have lower HRQL than those of normal weight in the same SES group, and have lower HRQL than those in higher SES groups of the same weight. This trend is also observed after controlling for individual and household characteristics, although the statistical significance and magnitude of effects is diminished.  相似文献   

We set out to document quality of life in South African HIV subjects, using the Medical Outcomes Survey (MOS) SF-36 instrument, and to determine whether this was affected by race, gender or clinical stage of disease. A cross-sectional survey of 134 HIV outpatients (42 White, 49 Mixed race, 43 Black) and 114 healthy non-medical hospital personnel (36 White, 37 Mixed race, 42 Black) was carried out at a referral centre for HIV patients in the Western Cape region of South Africa. Scores on eight scales measuring different aspects of quality of life were calculated. Black female controls scored significantly lower on all scales (p<0.05) except physical function. HIV-infected subjects of Mixed race (both genders) reported poorer physical function (p<0.05) but no other scale was affected by race. HIV subjects scored significantly lower than controls on all scales (p<0.01); the majority of the decline in function occurred early in disease by WHO stages 1 and 2. We conclude that HIV-infection impacts early on all aspects of quality of life and that this impact is largely independent of racial origin.  相似文献   

Few public health interventions can match the immense achievements of immunization in terms of mortality and morbidity reduction. However, progress in reaching global coverage goals and achieving universal immunization coverage have stalled; with key stakeholders concerned about the accuracy of reported coverage figures. Incomplete and incorrect data has made it challenging to obtain an accurate overview of immunization coverage, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).To date, only one literature review concerning immunization data quality exists. However, it only included articles from Gavi-eligible countries, did not go deep into the characteristics of the data quality problems, and used a narrow ‘data quality’ definition. This scoping review builds upon that work; exploring the “state of data quality” in LMIC, factors affecting data quality in these settings and potential means to improve it.Only a small volume of literature addressing immunization data quality in LMIC was found and definitions of ‘data quality’ varied widely. Data quality was, on the whole, considered poor in the articles included. Coverage numerators were seen to be inflated for official reports and denominators were inaccurate and infrequently adjusted. Numerous factors related to these deficiencies were reported, including health information system fragmentation, overreliance on targets and poor data management processes. Factors associated with health workers were noted most frequently. Authors suggested that data quality could be improved by ensuring proper data collection tools, increasing workers’ capacities and motivation through training and supervision, whilst also ensuring adequate and timely feedback on the data collected.The findings of this scoping review can serve as the basis to identify and address barriers to good quality immunization data in LMICs. Overcoming said barriers is essential if immunization’s historic successes are to continue.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine why risk-based policy instruments have failed to improve the proportionality, effectiveness, and legitimacy of healthcare quality regulation in the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Rather than trying to prevent all possible harms, risk-based approaches promise to rationalise and manage the inevitable limits of what regulation can hope to achieve by focusing regulatory standard-setting and enforcement activity on the highest priority risks, as determined through formal assessments of their probability and consequences. As such, risk-based approaches have been enthusiastically adopted by healthcare quality regulators over the last decade. However, by drawing on historical policy analysis and in-depth interviews with 15 high-level UK informants in 2013–2015, we identify a series of practical problems in using risk-based policy instruments for defining, assessing, and ensuring compliance with healthcare quality standards. Based on our analysis, we go on to consider why, despite a succession of failures, healthcare regulators remain committed to developing and using risk-based approaches. We conclude by identifying several preconditions for successful risk-based regulation: goals must be clear and trade-offs between them amenable to agreement; regulators must be able to reliably assess the probability and consequences of adverse outcomes; regulators must have a range of enforcement tools that can be deployed in proportion to risk; and there must be political tolerance for adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

The Sierra Nevada Mountain range serves as an important source of drinking water for the State of California. However, summer cattle grazing on federal lands affects the overall water quality yield from this essential watershed as cattle manure is washed into the lakes and streams or directly deposited into these bodies of water. This organic pollution introduces harmful microorganisms and also provides nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus which increase algae growth causing eutrophication of otherwise naturally oligotrophic mountain lakes and streams. Disinfection and filtration of this water by municipal water districts after it flows downstream will become increasingly costly. This will be compounded by increasing surface water temperatures and the potential for toxins release by cyanobacteria blooms. With increasing demands for clean water for a state population approaching 40 million, steps need to be implemented to mitigate the impact of cattle on the Sierra Nevada watershed. Compared to lower elevations, high elevation grazing has the greatest impact on the watershed because of fragile unforgiving ecosystems. The societal costs from non-point pollution exceed the benefit achieved through grazing of relatively few cattle at the higher elevations. We propose limiting summer cattle grazing on public lands to lower elevations, with a final goal of allowing summer grazing on public lands only below 1,500 m elevation in the Central and Northern Sierra and 2,000 m elevation in the Southern Sierra.  相似文献   

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