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Roughened implant surfaces are thought to enhance osseointegration. Torque removal forces have been used as a biomechanical measure of anchorage or osseointegration in which the greater forces required to remove implants may be interpreted as an increase in the strength of osseointegration. The purpose of this study was to compare the torque resistance to removal of screw shaped titanium implants having an acid etched (HCl/H2SO4) surface (Osseotite®) with implants having a machined surface. Two custom screw shaped implants, 1 acid etched and the other machined, were placed into the distal femurs of 10 adult New Zealand White rabbits. These implants were 3.25 mm in diameter x 4.00 mm in length without holes, grooves or slots to resist rotation. Following a 2 month healing period, the implants were removed under reverse torque rotation with a digital torque measuring device. Two implants with the machined surface preparation failed to achieve osseointegration. All other implants were found to be anchored to bone. Resistance to torque removal was found to be 4 x greater for the implants with the acid etched surface as compared to the implants with the machined surface. The mean torque values were 20.50 ± 6.59 N cm and 4.95 ± 1.61 N cm for the acid etched and machined surfaces respectively. The results of this study suggest that chemical etching of the titanium implant surface significantly increases the strength of osseointegration as determined by resistance to reverse torque rotation.  相似文献   



A number of studies about the nano-treated surfaces of implants have been conducting along with micro-treated surfaces of implants.


The purpose of this study was to get information for the clinical use of nano-treated surfaces compared with micro-treated surfaces by measuring removal torque and analyzing histological characteristics after the placement of various surface-treated implants on femurs of dogs.


Machined surface implants were used as a control group. 4 nano-treated surface implants and 3 micro-treated surface implants [resorbable blast media surface (RBM), sandblast and acid-etched surface (SAE), anodized RBM surface] were used as experimental groups. Removal torque values of implants were measured respectively and the histological analyses were conducted on both 4weeks and 8weeks after implant surgery. The surfaces of removed implants after measuring removal torque values were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at 8 weeks.


1. Removal torque values of the nano-treated groups were lower than those of micro-treated groups. 2. Removal torque values were similar in the anodized RBM surface groups. 3. On the histological views, there was much of bone formation at 8 weeks, but there was no difference between 4 and 8 weeks, and between the types of implant surfaces as well.


It is suggested that implant topography is more effective in removal torque test than surface chemistry. To get better clinical result, further studies should be fulfilled on the combined effect of surface topography and chemistry for the implant surface treatments.  相似文献   

Textured implant surfaces are thought to enhance endosseous integration. Torque removal forces have been used as a biomechanical measure of anchorage, or endosseous integration, in which the greater forces required to remove implants may be interpreted as an increase in the strength of bony integration. The purpose of this study was to compare the torque resistance to removal of screw-shaped titanium implants having a dual acid-etched surface (Osseotite) with implants having either a machined surface, or a titanium plasma spray surface that exhibited a significantly more complex surface topography. Three custom screw-shaped implant types - machined, dual acid-etched (DAE), and titanium plasma sprayed (TPS) - were used in this study. Each implant surface was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical profilometry. One DAE implant was placed into each distal femur of eighteen adult New Zealand White rabbits along with one of the other implant types. Thus, each rabbit received two DAE implants and one each of the machined, or TPS, implants. All implants measured 3.25 mm in diameter x 4.00 mm in length without holes, grooves or slots to resist rotation. Eighteen rabbits were used for reverse torque measurements. Groups of six rabbits were sacrificed following one, two and three month healing periods. Implants were removed by reverse torque rotation with a digital torque-measuring device. Three implants with the machined surface preparation failed to achieve endosseous integration. All other implants were anchored by bone. Mean torque values for machined, DAE and TPS implants at one, two and three months were 6.00+/-0.64 N-cm, 9.07+/-0.67 N-cm and 6.73+/-0.95 N-cm; 21.86+/-1.37 N-cm, 27.63+/-3.41 N-cm and 27.40+/-3.89 N-cm; and 27.48+/-1.61 N-cm, 44.28+/-4.53 N-cm and 59.23+/-3.88 N-cm, respectively. Clearly, at the earliest time point the stability of DAE implants was comparable to that of TPS implants, while that of the machined implants was an order of magnitude lower. The TPS implants increased resistance to reverse torque removal over the three-month period. The results of this study confirm our previous results that demonstrated enhanced bony anchorage to dual acid-etched implants as compared to machined implants. Furthermore, the present results indicate that dual acid etching of titanium enhances early endosseous integration to a level which is comparable to that achieved by the topographically more complex TPS surfaces.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate clinically and histologically a new custom‐made, root analogue titanium implant placed into extraction sockets in monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ). Three adult monkeys were used in this investigation. After raising full thickness flaps on the buccal and lingual side, the upper central and lateral incisors were extracted. Each tooth root was machine copied to 1 titanium analogue using a new CAD/CAM‐system. The implants were installed in the respective extraction sockets and the flaps sutured back. After 6 months of healing biopsies were taken and processed according to the cutting‐grinding technique. The percentage of mineralized bone‐to‐implant contact was measured as a fraction of the rough implant surface using computer‐assisted analysis. The main clinical problem that occurred during implant placement was the fracture of the buccal alveolar wall. The histometric evaluation showed a mean mineralized bone‐to‐implant contact of 41.2±20.6%. In this investigation it could be shown that implants fabricated by laser copying will osseointegrate. The presented data encourage the performance of clinical and experimental trials evaluating the new system utilizing improved second generation CAD/CAM equipment. Such studies are currently underway.  相似文献   

The present experimental study was designed to address two issues. The first was to investigate whether oxide properties of titanium implants influenced bone tissue responses after an in vivo implantation time of six weeks. If such a result was found, the second aim was to investigate which oxide properties are involved in such bone tissue responses. Screw-shaped implants with a wide range of oxide properties were prepared by electrochemical oxidation methods, where the oxide thickness varied in the range of 200 nm to 1000 nm. The surface morphology was prepared in two substantially different ways, i.e. barrier and porous oxide film structures. The micropore structure revealed pore sizes of 8 microm in diameter, with a range in opening area from 1.27 microm 2 to 2.1 microm 2. Porosity ranged from 12.7% to 24.4%. The crystal structures of the titanium oxide were amorphous, anatase and a mixture of anatase and rutile type. The chemical compositions consisted mainly of TiO2. Surface roughness ranged from 0.96 microm to 1.03 microm (Sa). Each group of test samples showed its own, defined status with respect to these various parameters. The oxide properties of turned commercially pure titanium implants were used in the control group, which was characterized by an oxide thickness of 17.4 +/- 6.2 nm, amorphous type in crystallinity, TiO2 in chemical composition, and a surface roughness of 0.83 microm (Sa). Bone tissue responses were evaluated by resonance frequency measurements and removal torque tests that were undertaken six weeks after implant insertion in rabbit tibia. Implants that had an oxide thickness of approximately 600, 800 and 1000 nm demonstrated significantly stronger bone responses in the evaluation of removal torque values than did implants that had an oxide thickness of approximately 17 and 200 nm (P < 0.05). However, there were no difference between implants with oxide thicknesses of 17 and 200 nm (P = 0.99). It was concluded that oxide properties of titanium implants, which include oxide thickness, micropore configurations and crystal structures, greatly influence the bone tissue response in the evaluation of removal torque values. However, it is not fully understood whether these oxide properties influence the bone tissue response separately or synergistically.  相似文献   

Objective: To analyse the soft tissue healing at titanium implants coated with type 1 collagen. Material and methods: Six dogs were used. The mandibular pre‐molars and the three anterior maxillary pre‐molars were extracted. Three months later mucoperiosteal flaps were raised and two test and two control implants were installed (3i® TG Osseotite®3.75 × 10 and 2.8 mm transmucosal collar). The test implants were coated with a purified porcine type I collagen. Cover screws were placed and flaps were sutured. The sutures were removed 2 weeks later and a plaque‐control programme was initiated. Another 2 weeks later, the procedure was repeated in the contra‐lateral mandibular region. Four weeks after the second implant surgery, biopsies were obtained and prepared for histological examination. Results/Conclusion: The vertical dimensions of the epithelial and connective tissue components as well as the composition of the connective tissue portion facing the implant were similar at collagen‐coated and uncoated implants after 4 and 8 weeks of healing. It is suggested that soft tissue healing to implants coated with type I collagen was similar to that at non‐coated titanium implants and that no adverse reactions to the collagen‐coated implants occurred.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to biomechanically evaluate the primary stability of pure titanium orthodontic mini-implants, inserted into pre-drilled cavities of differing diameters. Mini-implants (1.2 mm diameter) were placed into 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm diameter cavities prepared in the mid-region of the bilateral hind leg femurs of anesthetized beagles. Removal torque strengths were measured immediately, 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks post-insertion of the implant. For mini-implants placed into 1-mm cavities, removal torque values decrease over the first 6 weeks (p<0.01), after which values remained static. Average values obtained immediately, 1, 3 and 6 weeks post-insertion were 10.98, 8.83, 7.20 and 5.12 Ncm, respectively . Immediately post-insertion, removal torque values of mini-implants placed in a 1.2-mm cavity, were 11-fold lower than those placed in 1.0-mm cavities, which then demonstrated a significant increase in strength from 3 weeks (1.35 Ncm) to 6 weeks (5.17 Ncm) post-insertion (p<0.01). Measurements 6, 9 and 12 weeks post-insertion were similar to those in the 1.0-mm cavity. Initial stability of titanium mini-implants is considered necessary for immediate and early use in orthodontics, and an implant without this initial stability should be replaced or isolated until it develops the appropriate stability supported by osseointegration.  相似文献   

Using 5 Labrador dogs, certain characteristics of the peri-implant tissues were analyzed after using a 1-step surgical procedure for installation of Brånemark® implants. Six titanium implants, 3 in each mandibular quadrant, were installed in the regions of the right and left first molars and the fourth and third premolars. In the right mandibular quadrant, a traditional 2-step procedure was employed, whilst in the left quadrant, a 1-step procedure was carried out. The animals were monitored during a 6-month period. Biopsies of the healed peri-implant mucosa showed signs of superficial inflammation. The histological analysis revealed that i) the connective tissue lateral to the junctional epithelium showed limited accumulations of inflammatory cells (PICT), and ii) that at implant sites that had been exposed to the oral cavity for 6 months (1-step implants), an inflammatory cell infiltrate (abutment ICT) consistently was present in the tissues facing the abutment-fixture junction (AFJ). This infiltrate was separated from the bone crest by a 0.8mm-wide zone of normal connective tissue. Irrespective of the surgical procedure applied, the radiographic and histometric measurements disclosed that i) the crestal bone loss was about 2.4mm, ii) the height of the peri-implant mucosa varied from 3.5mm to 3.9mm, iii) the bone crest was located 1.1–1.5 mm apical of AFJ as well as of the apical termination of the junctional epithelium (aJE), and iv) a junctional epithelium of 2.1–2.4mm faced the implant surface. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that, using a dog model, titanium dental implants ad modum Branemark installed according to a 1-step or to a 2-step surgical procedure will obtain similar soft tissue adaptation and proper bone anchorage (osseointegration). Further studies are, however, required to ascertain the long-term clinical feasibility of the 1-step approach.  相似文献   

The aim of these animal experiments was to characterize and evaluate the healing-in of root analogue titanium implants fitting with high precision to the alveolar wall. Four beagle dogs were used in the study. The roots of the 3rd and 4th mandibular premolars in both quadrants of 3 dogs and in 1 quadrant of 1 dog (dog 4) were extracted after hemisection. Each root was machine-copied to 1 titanium analogue. In dog 4, however, 2 titanium analogues were fabricated from each of the 4 extracted roots. This enabled insertion of analogues also into the contralateral sockets obtained by extraction of the corresponding roots immediately before implant installation, which was undertaken 2 weeks after the first extractions. Thus, in all, 32 analogues were implanted in their respective (or contralateral) sockets following ridge incision and elevation of mucoperiosteal flaps. The analogues were carefully covered by the repositioned flaps. In dog 4, 2 analogues from the immediate sockets and 2 from the 2-week sockets were surgically exposed and supplied with titanium crowns after a healing period of 2 months. The healing after implantation was evaluated by clinical, radiographic and histological measures after 2, 12 or 36 months. Two analogues (6%) were lost due to early (during the 1st week) exposure to the oral cavity. Another 2 analogues (6%) were, although not exposed, encapsulated by soft tissue and were easily removed with a surgical forceps. Twenty-eight analogues (88%) were healed-in by contact between bone and implant (osseointegration). The mean percentages of bone tissue in contact with the implant of such analogues were 30.5% after 2 months, 64.8% after 12 months and 68.1% after 36 months, as evaluated by histomorphometric analysis. The 4 analogues supplied with titanium crowns carried those with maintained bone anchorage throughout an experimental period of 36 months. The character of the interface between the analogue and the surrounding bone tissue was the same regardless of whether the implantation was performed immediately 1 or 2 weeks after extraction of the roots.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate experimentally the effect of long term orthodontic loading on the stability as well as on the peri‐implant bone findings of short titanium screw implants (Bonefit®, submersion depth 6 mm, Ø 4 mm) inserted in regions with reduced vertical bone height. For this purpose, 6 maxillary premolars (1P1, 2P2, 3P3) were extracted from each of 2 foxhounds and reduction of alveolar bone height was performed by osteotomy. After a l6‐week healing period, 8 implants (4 per dog) were inserted in the edentulous areas. Simultaneously, 2 implants (1 per dog) were positioned in the palatal suture (one‐stage surgery). After an 5‐week implant healing period, the fixtures in the Pl/P2 areas ( n = 4) and the palate ( n = 2rpar; were loaded (test implants) by means of transpalatal bars running anteriorly, fixed on the implants in the Pl/P2 areas, and Sentalloy traction springs (‐2 N continuous force) inserted midsagittally between palatal implants and bars (force application period: 26 weeks). The fixtures in the P2/P3 areas served as controls ( n = 4). Clinical measurements and histological evaluation revealed no implant dislocation of the loaded fixtures. These results suggest that short titanium screw implants inserted in the alveolar bone and palatal suture region retain their stability during long‐term orthodontic loading, even following a relatively short unloaded implant healing period. Furthermore, it seems that long‐term orthodontic loading may induce marginal bone apposition adjacent to the implants.  相似文献   

Summary  Resonance frequency (RF) analysis is a non-invasive, objective and sensitive technique developed for implantology where it measures the stability of the implant in osteotomy site. Although many studies were performed by the previous electronic version of RF analyzer, a very limited number of studies were carried out with the new magnetic wireless version. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relation between insertion torques, primary and secondary stability of self-tapping tapered implant systems. Thirteen subjects were treated with 42 endosseous implants using two-stage surgical procedure. The maximal insertion torque values were recorded prior to RF analysis during surgery. Six months after surgery, the secondary stability values were measured by the RF analysis. The average maximal insertion torque and primary and secondary magnetic RF values were 33 ± 11 N cm and 66 ± 12 ISQ and 71·9 ± 6 ISQ for 42 implants respectively. The correlation between insertion torque and RF values were indicated to be statistically significant ( P  < 0·01). Significantly higher maximal insertion torque, and primary and secondary magnetic RF values were achieved in mandibular sites compared with maxillary areas ( P  < 0·01). No significant differences were measured for all parameters when both systems were compared with each other ( P  > 0·05). There was a strong correlation between the insertion torque, primary and secondary magnetic RF values of self-tapping tapered endosseous implant used. Further studies are needed to understand the impact of the wireless magnetic RF analysis technique in clinics.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of organic coating of titanium implants on periimplant bone formation and bone/implant contact. Three types of implants were used: (i) Ti6Al4V implants with polished surface (control 1) (ii) Ti6Al4V implants with collagen coating (control 2) (iii) Ti6Al4V implants with collagen coating and covalently bound RGD peptides. All implants had square cross-sections with an oblique diameter of 4.6 mm and were inserted press fit into trephine burr holes of 4.6 mm in the mandibles of 10 beagle dogs. The implants of five animals each were evaluated after a healing period of 1 month and 3 months, during which sequential fluorochrome labelling of bone formation was performed. Bone formation was evaluated by morphometric measurement of the newly formed bone around the implant and the percentage of implant bone contact. After 1 month there was only little bone/implant contact, varying between 2.6 and 6.7% in the cortical bone and 4.4 and 5.7% in the cancellous bone, with no significant differences between the three types of implants. After 3 months, implants with polished surfaces exhibited 26.5 and 31.2% contact in the cortical and cancellous bone, respectively, while collagen-coated implants had 19.5 and 28.4% bone contact in these areas. Implants with RGD coating showed the highest values with 42.1% and 49.7%, respectively. Differences between the surface types as such were not significant, but the increase in bone/implant contact from 1 to 3 months postoperatively was significant only in the group of RGD-coated implants (P = 0.008 and P = 0.000). The results of this pilot study thus provide only weak evidence that coating of titanium implants with RGD peptides in the present form and dosage may increase periimplant bone formation in the alveolar process. The results therefore require further verification in a modified experimental setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of an enhanced systematic dose of nicotine on osseointegration of titanium implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen female rabbits received either nicotine (n=8) or saline (n=8) administered subcutaneously via mini-osmotic pumps for 2 months. The pump delivered 6 mug/kg/min of nicotine for the animals in the test group. Blood was withdrawn and plasma cotinine levels were measured weekly. Thirty-two titanium implants were inserted into the femur and tibia of all rabbits after 4 weeks and after 6 weeks of nicotine/placebo exposure. Thus, 2- and 4-week healing groups were created. Biomechanical evaluation by (i) resonance frequency analysis test (RFA) on all implants after insertion and before sacrifice and (ii) removal torque test (RMT) on tibial implants before sacrifice was performed. All implants placed in the femur were processed to undecalcified ground sections. The percentage of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and of bone area within the threads (BD-i) were measured. RESULTS: No significant difference in RMT and RFA values was found between the test and the control group. Histomorphometric measurements of the BIC and the peri-implant BD-i showed no significant differences between the test and the control group after 2 or after 4 weeks. CONCLUSION: Nicotine exposure for a short period of time even in a high dose did not have a significant impact on implant osseointegration in rabbits.  相似文献   

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