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Human dermal exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) occurs through contact with soil and paper products. In a previous study, relative percutaneous absorption of TCDD increased as the dose decreased (Brewster et al., 1989). To determine the rate of absorption of a low dose of TCDD, absorption, distribution, and elimination were examined at 1, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 120 hr after dermal application of 200 pmol (111 pmol/cm2) [3H]TCDD to 10-week-old male Fischer 344 rats. The compound was applied over a 1.8 cm2 area of the interscapular region of the back in 60 microliters acetone and covered with a perforated cap; animals were held in individual metabolism cages. Within 120 hr after dosing, 82 pmol (26 ng) of TCDD was absorbed. Absorption kinetics appeared to be first-order; the absorption rate constant was 0.005 hr-1. At each time point, greater than 70% of the radioactivity detected in the application site could be removed by swabbing with acetone. The time-related increase in the amount of TCDD in liver and fat closely paralleled the amount absorbed, while the percentage of the administered dose detected in the blood was never greater than 0.3%. Thus, absorption of a low dose of TCDD through the skin is extremely slow and appears to be a first-order process.  相似文献   

In female rats, in uteroexposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) during critical periods of organogenesis causes a permanent thread of tissue, consisting of a core of mesenchyme surrounded by keratinized epithelia, across the vaginal opening. The objective of the current study was to determine the earliest time after exposure to TCDD during fetal development that morphological changes in the development of the lower reproductive tract could be detected. In addition, the spatio-temporal expression of several growth factors within the developing reproductive tract was investigated to provide insight into the mechanism of action involved in TCDD-induced vaginal thread formation. Pregnant rats received a single oral dose of 1.0 microg TCDD/kg on gestation day (GD) 15. Dams were sacrificed on GD 17, 18, 19, and 21 and individual reproductive tracts were isolated from female fetuses. As early as GD 18, TCDD produced distinct abnormalities in the female reproductive tract. The width of mesenchyme separating the Mullerian ducts was significantly greater in TCDD-exposed female GD 18 and 19 fetuses and the zone of unfused Mullerian ducts was substantially increased on GD 19 and 21. TCDD induced alterations within the developing reproductive tract in the subcellular and temporal expression of transforming growth factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). DNA array analysis suggested effects on several genes expressed on GD 18 and 19.  相似文献   

The contribution of genetic factors to adult male reproductive system toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was analyzed in three rat lines differentially resistant to TCDD acute lethality: line A, B, and C rats (selectively bred from TCDD-resistant Han/Wistar [Kuopio; H/W] and TCDD-sensitive Long-Evans [Turku/AB; L-E] rats). The resistance is linked to a mutated H/W-type aryl hydrocarbon receptor allele in line A and to an H/W-type unknown "B" allele in line B. Line C rats do not have resistance alleles. Mature male line A, B and C rats were given single oral doses up to 1000, 300, and 30 micrograms/kg TCDD, respectively. The dose-responses of TCDD effects on male reproductive organ weights, sperm numbers, and serum testosterone concentrations were analyzed 17 days after exposure. Serum testosterone concentrations were decreased by the highest doses of TCDD, and there were no major sensitivity differences among the rat lines. Correspondingly, the decrease in relative weight of ventral prostate and seminal vesicles was seen only after a dose of >/=100 micrograms/kg TCDD. Thus the effect was observed only in resistant lines A and B. The relative weights of testes and epididymides were not affected. Significant decrease in spermatogenesis was observed in each rat line, but the amount of decrease was reduced by resistance alleles. The highest TCDD dose decreased the daily sperm production by 37, 38, and 60% in line A, B, and C rats, respectively. Therefore, the resistance alleles appear to selectively modify the TCDD effects on the adult male reproductive system. The fact that the influence of resistance alleles on spermatogenesis is different from that on androgenic status indicates that the effect of TCDD on sperm numbers is not fully related to decreased serum testosterone.  相似文献   

TCDD is an extremely toxic chemical pollutant which bioaccumulates in maternal adipose tissue, and is transferred to the developing organism during gestation and lactation. Long-term cognitive deficits have been reported following perinatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls, which are structurally and toxicologically similar to TCDD. In the current study, monkeys exposed to TCDD perinatally were later tested in two cognitive paradigms, discrimination-reversal learning (RL) and delayed spatial alternation (DSA). RL detected effects; whereas DSA, as analyzed, did not. RL consisted of a series of simple spatial reversals, followed by spatial reversals with color and shape as irrelevant cues, then by color reversals and finally by shape reversals. TCDD-exposed monkeys exhibited retarded learning of the shape reversals. The deficit was most pronounced on the first reversal following overtraining. There were no group differences on the spatial or color reversals. However, the number of trials the TCDD-exposed monkeys individually took to learn the spatial reversals was positively correlated with TCDD concentration in body fat. Conversely, the number of trials they took to learn the color reversals was negatively correlated with TCDD in body fat.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on tissue polyamine concentrations in CD1 mice. Two days after a low dose treatment with TCDD, polyamine content of the liver and thymus of treated mice showed a 49-82% decrease, but that of spleen was not affected. Based on this finding, we examined the role of alterations in polyamine levels in the toxicity of TCDD. We administered the polyamine biosynthetic inhibitor difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) to animals treated with a toxic dose of TCDD. DFMO dramatically increased the toxicity of TCDD as measured by mortality, ascites and changes in organ weights. In addition, administration of the polyamine putrescine was able to reduce the toxicity of TCDD. These results suggest that a decrease in polyamine concentrations in critical organs may play an important role in the toxic effects of TCDD.  相似文献   

2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), one of the most widely studied environmental contaminants, causes a variety of adverse health effects including teratogenesis and altered development which may be related to disruptions in retinoid homeostasis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect that gestational administration of TCDD has on retinoid homeostasis in both pregnant Holtzman rats and developing fetuses and neonates. A single oral dose of TCDD (0, 1.5, 3, or 6 microg/kg) was administered to pregnant rats on gestation day 10, with fetuses analyzed on gestation days 17 and 20, and neonates analyzed on post natal day 7. Exposure to TCDD generally produced decreases in the concentrations of retinyl esters, such as retinyl palmitate, and retinol in maternal and perinatal liver and lung, while increasing levels in the maternal kidney. Additionally, perinatal hepatic retinol binding protein 1-dependent retinyl ester hydrolysis was also decrease by TCDD. Sensitivity of the developing perinates to TCDD appeared to have an age-related component demonstrated by an increased rate of mortality and significant alterations to body weight and length on post natal day 7 relative to that observed at gestation day 20. A unique observation made in this study was a significant decrease in lung weight observed in the perinates exposed to TCDD. Taken together, these data demonstrate that TCDD significantly alters retinoid homeostasis in tissues of the developing fetus and neonate, suggesting that their unique sensitivity to TCDD may at least be in part the result of altered retinoid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Eight dermal absorption experiments (two in vivo; six in vitro) and one intravenous experiment were conducted using 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) either neat (high dose at approximately 250 microg/cm(2) and low dose at 10 ng/cm(2)) or sorbed on a low organic soil (LOS) or high organic soil (HOS) at 1 ppm (10 ng TCDD/10 mg soil/cm(2)). After 96 h the percent of applied dose absorbed (PADA) for the neat low dose was 78% in vivo (rat) and 76% in vitro (rat). PADA for the equivalent TCDD dose sorbed on LOS were 16.3% (rat in vivo), 7.7% (rat in vitro) and 2.4% (human in vitro). The PADA for TCDD sorbed on HOS (1 ppm) was 1.0% (rat in vitro). Generally, rat skin was observed to be three to four times more permeable to TCDD than human skin. At steady state, the dermal flux of TCDD in neat form, sorbed on LOS at 1 ppm, and sorbed on HOS at 1 ppm (all in vitro, rat) was 120, 0.007, and 0.0007 ng/cm(2)/h, respectively (ratio = 1.7 x 10(5):10:1). Making adjustments to account for differences between in vitro and in vivo results and adjusting for application to monolayer loads, the 24-h TCDD absorption for human skin is estimated as 1.9% from LOS (1 ppm) and 0.24% from HOS (1 ppm).  相似文献   

Administration of the commercial polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Aroclor 1254 to immature male Wistar rats resulted in increased levels (80-110%) of the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) hepatic cytosolic receptor protein which remained elevated for 14 days. The effects of structure on the activity of individual PCB congeners to modulate hepatic cytosolic receptor levels were compared to the structure-activity relationships (SARs) which have been developed previously for PCBs as inducers of hepatic microsomal monooxygenases. 3,3',4,4'-Tetra- and 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl induced the cytochrome P-448-dependent monooxygenase, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), and resembled 3-methylcholanthrene in their mode of monooxygenase enzyme induction. These congeners also bound to the receptor protein; however, neither compound increased hepatic cytosolic receptor protein levels. Several PCB congeners which exhibit low binding affinities for the cytosolic receptor protein resembled phenobarbitone (PB) in their mode of monooxygenase enzyme induction and, like PB, elevated cytosolic receptor protein levels. Nevertheless, a comparison of the time course of monooxygenase enzyme induction and receptor protein elevation by 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl and PB illustrated significant differences in their activities. PB-mediated elevation of receptor levels was maximized 24 hr after the last dose, and 48 hr later the receptor levels decreased to control values. In contrast, 5 days after administration of a single dose of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (300 mumoles/kg) the receptor levels were elevated significantly, and these increased levels (205-127% increases over control) persisted for 14 days. There was no correlation between increased levels of hepatic receptor protein and the induction of the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases, aldrin epoxidase or 4-dimethylaminoantipyrine N-demethylase. Two PCBs, 2,3,3',4,4',5- and 2,2',3,4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl, which resembled Aroclor 1254 in their mode of monooxygenase enzyme induction, also elevated hepatic receptor protein levels but were less active than the PB-type inducers. Thus, the SARs developed for PCBs which elevate cytosolic receptor levels demonstrate that the most active compounds exhibit the lowest affinity for the receptor protein and do not induce EROD. In contrast, the more toxic PCB congeners which are approximate isostereomers of 2,3,7,8-TCDD both induced EROD and bound with high affinity to the receptor protein but did not increase hepatic cytosolic receptor protein levels.  相似文献   

Exposure to a relatively low dose of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodebenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) during mid-gestation induces a reduction of ventral prostate weight in rat offspring. Recently we reported that a single administration of TCDD (12.5-800 ng/kg body weight) to pregnant Holtzman rats on gestational day (GD) 15 caused a decrease in androgen receptor (AR) mRNA level in the ventral prostate during the prepubertal period, and we proposed that this reduction of AR mRNA is one of the most sensitive adverse endpoints due to perinatal exposure to TCDD (S. Ohsako et al., 2001, TOXICOL: Sci. 60, 132-143). In the present study, to investigate the mechanism of a decrease in AR mRNA level, we administered TCDD to rats at other developmental stages and compared possible alterations of the male reproductive system. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were given a single oral dose of 1 microg TCDD/kg body weight on GD 15 or GD 18, or male pups born from untreated dams were subcutaneously given a single dose of 1 microg TCDD/kg body weight on postnatal day 2 (PND 2). Offspring exposed on GD 15, GD 18, and PND 2 were sacrificed on PND 70. TCDD exposure on GD 15 resulted in significant decreases in the urogenital complex and ventral prostate weights and urogenital-glans penis length of male rat offspring, but not on GD 18 and PND 2. Testicular and epididymal weights were also lower than control group only in the TCDD-exposed GD 15 group. Anogenital distance was significantly reduced in the TCDD-exposed GD 15 and GD 18 groups, but not in the TCDD-exposed PND 2 group. Semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that AR mRNA levels were decreased in the TCDD-exposed GD 15 group only, and that the constitutive level of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) mRNA in the ventral prostate was not changed by TCDD in any of the exposed groups. No changes in AR mRNA level were detected in the testis or brain in any of the TCDD-exposed groups. These results suggest the presence of a critical window during development with regard to impairments of male reproductive organs by in utero and lactational exposure to a low dose of TCDD.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic site of action of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Administration of TCDD produced a significant decrease in the serum concentration of prolactin (PRL) detected in rats after 4 hr compared to pair-fed vehicle controls and noninjected controls. This effect of TCDD was reversed by pimozide, a dopamine receptor antagonist. These data suggest that TCDD decreased the release of PRL from the adenohypophysis either by a direct effect on the gland or by altering the dopamine concentration in the median eminence (ME). Concentrations of TCDD from 5 to 500 ng/ml had no direct effect on the ability of the adenohypophysis to secrete PRL in vitro. However, the dopamine concentration increased to 3.24 +/- 0.07 ng per ME in TCDD-treated rats compared to 2.81 +/- 0.08 ng in vehicle controls. This is a dramatic alteration in the dopamine concentration, since the dopamine is being measured in the portal circulation which exhibits a rapid turnover. The rate constant of dopamine depletion after alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine and the turnover rate were also significantly elevated in the ME of TCDD-treated rats. These data provide the first biochemical evidence for a hypothalamic site of action of TCDD. Since dopamine is inhibitory to PRL release from the adenohypophysis, increased ME steady-state concentrations and turnover of this catecholamine may be responsible for the decreased concentration of serum PRL detected within 4 hr of TCDD injection. Thus, one of the early modes and sites of action of TCDD is to elevate the dopaminergic activity of the tuberoinfundibular nucleus. A hypothalamic site of action for TCDD may result in a number of the endocrinological effects known to be produced by exposure to TCDD.  相似文献   

Antibody production to the T-dependent antigen SRBC is highly sensitive to suppression by polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. The present study provides evidence for a defect in T-helper (TH) cells in TCDD-exposed mice. Because spleen cells from nonimmune TCDD-exposed mice did not show suppressed antibody responses when adoptively transferred to irradiated hosts, we used a hapten-carrier (TNP-SRBC) system with cell separation/reconstitution techniques to determine the effects of TCDD on carrier-specific TH cells. In vitro cultures of spleen cells from SRBC-primed TCDD-treated (5 micrograms/kg) mice produced fewer anti-TNP plaque-forming cells (PFC) when immunized with TNP-SRBC, as compared to cells from primed vehicle-treated controls. A reduced anti-TNP PFC response was also observed in experiments where non-immune B-cells were induced to produce anti-TNP PFC by TH-cells obtained from carrier-primed TCDD-exposed mice, as compared to carrier-primed vehicle-exposed mice. Removal of Lyt-2+ (suppressor) T-cells in these experiments did not alter the anti-TNP PFC response. These results provide direct evidence for reduced activity of TH-cells after exposure to TCDD.  相似文献   

The effect of a usually lethal dose of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD; 125 g/kg) was studied on the conversion of14C-alanine into14C-glucose in male Sprague-Dawley rats by established procedures (determination of plasma alanine and blood glucose by enzymatic assays and isolation of14C-alanine and14C-glucose from whole blood by column chromatography). TCDD-treated rats converted significantly (p < 0.05) less14C-alanine into14C-glucose than did their pair-fed or ad libitum-fed counterparts, indicating reduced gluconeogenesis as a result of TCDD treatment. This finding suggests that reduced gluconeogenesis in TCDD-treated rats contributed to the progressively developing, severe hypoglycemia observed in these animals. Corticosterone, a key hormone in gluconeogenesis, provides partial protection from TCDD-induced toxicity in hypophysectomized rats. Therefore, the conversion of14C-alanine into14C-glucose was also determined in hypophysectomized rats dosed with TCDD (125 g/kg) and given corticosterone (25 g/ ml in drinking water). These rats also converted significantly (p <0.05) less14C-alanine into14C-glucose than did their pair-fed counterparts. However, in contrast to non-hypophysectomized TCDD-treated rats, these rats maintained marginal normoglycemia even at 64 days after dosing with TCDD, which suggests that the partial protective effect of corticosterone in hypophysectomized, TCDD-treated rats is unrelated to its effect on gluconeogenesis. The protection provided by corticosterone supplementation in TCDD toxicity is more likely due to reduced peripheral utilization of glucose enabling the animals to maintain marginal normoglycemia.Presented in part at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Dallas, TX, 1988  相似文献   

At puberty, female rats exposed in utero to 2,3,7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exhibit a persistent thread of mesenchymal tissue surrounded by keratinized epithelium that partially occludes the vaginal opening. Our objective was to determine the earliest time during fetal development that morphological signs of this vaginal canal malformation could be detected and to obtain greater insight into mechanisms involved in this effect. Pregnant rats were administered a single dose of vehicle (control) or TCDD (1.0 microg/kg, po) on gestation day (GD) 15 and were sacrificed on GD 18, 19, 20, and 21 for histological evaluation of female. Gestational exposure to TCDD affected vaginal morphogenesis as early as GD 19, 4 days after exposure of pregnant dams. In exposed fetuses, the thickness of mesenchymal tissue between the caudal Mullerian ducts was increased, which resulted in a failure of the Mullerian ducts to fuse, a process normally completed prior to parturition. In addition, TCDD exposure appeared to inhibit the regression of Wolffian ducts. Thus, TCDD interferes with vaginal development by impairing regression of the Wolffian ducts, by increasing the size of interductal mesenchyme, and by preventing fusion of the Mullerian ducts. Taken together, these effects appear to cause the persistent vaginal thread defect observed in rats following in utero and lactational TCDD exposure.  相似文献   

Bone tissue is one of the target tissues for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate effects of in utero and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), on bone tissue in rhesus monkey, the most human-like experimental model available. Pregnant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta; age 4-10 years) were exposed to TCDD with a total dose of 40.5-42.0 or 405-420ng/kg bodyweight by repeated subcutaneous injections starting at gestational day 20 and followed by injections every 30 days until 90 days after delivery. At a mean age of 7 years the offspring were sacrificed and the femur bone dissected. Results from peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT) analyses of the metaphyseal part of the femur bones in female offspring showed significant increases in trabecular bone mineral content (BMC; +84.6%, p<0.05, F-value (F)=5.9) in the low-dose treatment group compared with the controls. In the same animals, analysis of the mid-diaphyseal part revealed increases in total BMC (+21.3%, p<0.05, F=5.2) and cortical cross-sectional area (CSA; +16.4%, p<0.01, F=7.4) compared with the controls. In males, changes in biomechanical properties indicating more fragile bone were observed. Displacement at failure were significantly increased in the male low-dose group compared to the controls (+38.0%, p<0.05, F=11). The high dose of TCDD did not induce any significant changes in bone morphology. In conclusion, in utero and lactational low-dose, but not high-dose exposure to 2,3,7,8-TCDD induced disruption of bone tissue development in rhesus monkey, a result suggesting that similar effects might occur in humans also.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that in utero and lactational exposure to 2,3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) resulted in a task-specific reduction of errors on the radial arm maze (RAM), without similar improvements on other spatial learning tasks including the Morris water maze. The effect was more pronounced in males than in females. This study further investigated the effects of in utero and lactational exposure to TCDD on RAM performance by testing male and female TCDD-exposed rats on either an eight-arm RAM with all arms baited or a 12-arm RAM with 8 of the 12 arms baited. If the rats have improved spatial learning or memory on the RAM, then they should be improved on both RAM tasks; whereas, if they are using adjacent arm selection or some other response strategy to solve the task, they should not show enhanced performance on the 12-arm RAM where not all the arms are rewarded. Time-mated Sprague-Dawley dams were gavaged with corn oil vehicle or one of two doses of TCDD in vehicle (0.1 or 0.2 microg/kg body weight) on gestational days 10 to 16. Litters were culled to eight on day 2 and weaned on day 21. Beginning on day 80, one male and female from each litter was tested on the eight-arm RAM with all arms baited. As in our previous studies, the 0.1-microg/kg TCDD-exposed male rats showed a significant decrease in the number of errors. However, the 0.2-microg/kg males did not differ from the controls. Neither group of TCDD-exposed females differed from the controls. None of the TCDD-exposed rats differed from the controls in adjacent arm selection behavior. An additional male and female from each litter were tested on the 12-arm RAM with only 8 of the 12 arms baited. In this task, neither TCDD group differed from the controls. These results suggest that the reduction of errors on the eight-arm RAM may be due to increased response patterning or use of intramaze cues rather than to improved spatial learning or memory. Also, the reduction in errors was only present at the lower dose of TCDD suggesting that the improvement in performance is only present at very low, nonovertly toxic doses of TCDD.  相似文献   

2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a widespread environmental pollutant and causes adverse effects on female reproduction when administered to rats. Our aims were to study effects of gestational and lactational exposure to TCDD on ovarian steroidogenesis and steroidogenic enzyme expression of offspring on postnatal day (PND) 14 in the rat and sensitivity of enzymatically isolated ovarian follicles to TCDD in vitro. Synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) was used as a treatment control. Serum progesterone (P4) level in offspring increased significantly on PND 14 in the TCDD (1 microg/kg)-exposed group while body weight, FSH and E2 levels were not changed. In ovarian follicles of offspring on PND 14 in the TCDD-exposed groups, protein expression of cytochrome P-450 aromatase, cytochrome P-450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, 3beta-hydroxy-steroid-dehydrogenase/Delta(5)-Delta(4) isomerase type 1, or P4 receptor was not affected. TCDD decreased E2 and P4 production in ex vivo follicle culture. DES at a dose level of 0.1mg/kg was dystocic while a dose 0.02 mg/kg increased ovarian ex vivo E2 and testosterone production without affecting P450arom activity indicating stimulation of early steps of steroidogenic pathway. Data suggests that TCDD has multiple targets in ovarian steroidogenesis, but the inhibitory action represented as decreased follicular steroid hormone production ex vivo is not apparent at the ovarian protein expression. Furthermore, TCDD had no direct effect on immature rat ovarian steroidogenesis in vitro suggesting that the follicle culture method is not a sensitive method to study the mechanisms of TCDD action.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art quantitative risk assessment techniques, including consideration of new time-to-response data, have been applied to chronic animal bioassay data on the dietary intake of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The non-linear shapes of the dose-response relationships for the hepatocellular carcinogenic responses have been estimated, and a review of the quantitative impacts of several of the choices involved in the quantitative risk assessment considers, particularly, the definition of the carcinogenic responses of concern, the experimental data set, the pathology evaluation, a biologically effective dose scale versus the administered dose, methods of making the fitted model responsive to the data at the lower experimental doses, consistency in dose-response shapes for different data sets, fitted model values versus bounds, the utilization of time-to-response information incorporating the lateness of the carcinogenic responses, and the method of characterizing the maximum acceptable dose. The estimated virtually safe dose for an increase of 0.000001 (one in a million) in the probability of hepatocellular neoplastic nodule and/or carcinoma in a female rat is approximately 0.1 ng/kg body weight/day in the diet. The estimated mean free dose, corresponding to a reduction in the expected amount of time without hepatocellular neoplastic nodule and/or carcinoma proportional to 1 wk in 70 yr, is in the range of 1-5 ng/kg body weight/day in the diet of a female rat. No species-to-species extrapolations nor human exposure assessments have been made. However, these estimated risks correspond to dietary intakes that are at least 150 times greater than the 0.0006365 ng/kg body weight/day intake described by the Centers for Disease Control as a reasonable level to begin consideration of action to limit human exposure.  相似文献   

Blood cells are derived from a multitiered system of progenitor stem cells that lose their capacity for proliferation and self-renewal as they continue along pathways of differentiation. Since these hematopoietic events can be readily monitored in vivo and in vitro in the mouse, we have utilized this system to examine altered cellular differentiation associated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) toxicity. Progenitor cells were suppressed following acute exposure of mice to TCDD at doses as low as 1.0 micrograms/kg body wt. In vitro studies demonstrated that myelotoxicity occurs by a direct inhibition of proliferating stem cells. Genetic studies indicated that the myelotoxic responses to TCDD, both in vivo and in vitro, segregate with the Ah locus. In addition, the in vitro myelotoxicity of various polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbon congeners correlated with their previously reported ability to induce hepatic microsomal enzyme activity and to bind to an intracellular receptor for TCDD. TCDD was also found to bind specifically to bone marrow cells from Ah-responsive, but not nonresponsive mice, indicating that bone marrow cells possess a specific receptor for TCDD. These data indicate that the myelotoxic response to TCDD is regulated by the Ah receptor present in the target tissue and demonstrates the utility of this system for examining the cellular and molecular events associated with the toxicity of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, the prototype for which is TCDD.  相似文献   

We thought to validate the current tolerable daily intake (TDI) value for dioxin (4 pg/kg) in Japan. Pregnant rhesus monkeys received an initial dose of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD; 0, 30, or 300 ng/kg subcutaneously) on day 20 of gestation; the dams received additional injection of 5% of the initial dose every 30 days until day 90 after delivery. The teeth of stillborn, postnatally dead, and surviving offspring (now approximately 4 years old) were evaluated. None of the offspring in the 0 and 30 ng/kg groups (n=17 and 15, respectively) had tooth abnormalities, whereas 10 of 17 in the 300 ng/kg had them. These findings suggest the lowest-observed adverse-effect level (LOAEL) for TCDD in the rhesus monkey is between 30 and 300 ng/kg, and probably is close to that for rodents (86 ng/kg) on which the current TDI was based. It is reasonable to conclude that the current TDI needs no immediate modification.  相似文献   

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