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Asgari MA, Dadkhah F, Ghadian AR, Razzaghi MR, Noorbala MH, Amini E. Evaluation of the vascular anatomy in potential living kidney donors with gadolinium‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: comparison with digital subtraction angiography and intraoperative findings.
Clin Transplant 2011: 25: 481–485. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Background: X‐ray contrast arteriography has traditionally been used for pre‐operative evaluation in living kidney donors. However, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) offers a non‐invasive alternative, which has been considered to be less accurate. This study was performed to determine whether MRA in the pre‐operative investigation of living kidney donors provides sufficient information. Methods: From December 2005 to December 2007, 173 potential live donors were evaluated in this study. Donors performed digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and those with one or more accessory arteries at least on one side recruited for further evaluation with three‐dimensional gadolinium‐enhanced MRA. Results: A total of 30 donors constituted the study population. When compared with DSA as the reference method, MRA detected 20 of 36 renal accessory arteries which indicates a sensitivity of 55.6%. The difference between MRA and DSA in identifying accessory renal arteries was significant (p‐value <0.001). Considering intraoperative findings as the standard of reference, MRA depicted correctly four of six (66.7%) accessory arteries on the transplanted kidneys. Conclusions: MRA has the advantage of avoiding exposure to ionizing radiation and is non‐invasive. These are important considerations in pre‐operative evaluation of a generally healthy donor population. However, MRA provides suboptimal accuracy in detecting small accessory arteries.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the accuracy of computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) for the evaluation of renal vascular anatomy for pre-operative donor assessment in living kidney transplantation and to compare it with conventional angiography. CTA of 70 living donor kidney donors were analyzed by two blinded observers and compared with the intraoperative findings. Similarly, findings of formal angiography of 30 living donor kidney donors were compared with the intraoperative observations. In the CTA group, there were two patients each with two main renal veins discovered during surgery that had not been recorded on CTA. In the second group, there was one patient with unrevealed two main renal veins before surgery. In both groups, accessory renal arteries were diagnosed. Overall, the accuracy for renal main artery anatomy was 100% for both CTA and conventional angiography. Accuracy for renal main vein anatomy was 97.1% and 96.6% for CTA and conventional angiography, respectively. Hence, these two modalities had comparable results for assessment of main renal vasculature anatomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preoperative evaluation of living renal donors includes an intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Inasmuch as this technique is invasive, uses radiation and an iodine-containing contrast medium, an alternative technique would be preferable. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography in the visualization of renovascular anatomy for the preoperative evaluation of renal donors. METHODS: Twenty-four consecutive potential renal donors underwent gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography before the standard of reference, intra-arterial DSA. Both modalities were evaluated in a blinded manner. The results were correlated with the surgical findings. RESULTS: Three MR angiograms were technically unacceptable because of inadequate breath-hold. The remaining 21 donors had 47 renal arteries, including 5 accessory renal arteries, which were all visualized by MR angiography. MR angiography failed to visualize one case of subtle fibromuscular dysplasia in the distal part of a renal artery. In one donor, a small accessory renal artery, which had not been visualized on DSA, was encountered during nephrectomy. CONCLUSION: Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography is an accurate minimally invasive method for the detection of accessory renal arteries in the preoperative evaluation of potential renal donors. The accuracy for excluding stenosis in general is high; however, the depiction of stenosis that are located far distally, or in the branch vessels, is less accurate. Advantages of gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography over the currently used method, intra-arterial DSA, are the minimal invasive nature, lower costs, and superiority in detecting venous anomalies, renal cysts, and tumors.  相似文献   

To assess the accuracy of multirow detector computed tomography (MDCT) for the evaluation of renal anatomy for preoperative donor assessment in living related kidney transplantation. MDCT-scans (4- and 16-slice-CT) of 51 consecutive living kidney donors (age, 51.6 +/- 9.7 years; range, 28-68 years) were analysed by three blinded observers and compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and surgery. Contrast-enhanced MDCT was performed with 1 mm slice thickness reconstruction interval during arterial and venous phases. Supernumerary renal arteries, veins, early branching of vessels and abnormalities of the ureters were documented. The overall accuracy of computed tomography angiography (CTA) for detection and classification of surgically relevant arterial variants was 97% (99/102). The interpretation of 16-channel MDCT images was correct in all cases (accuracy, 100%), while the four-channel CTA had three incorrect results regarding the differentiation of early branching vessels from double renal arteries (accuracy, 93%). The overall accuracy of DSA was 91%. Renal vein abnormalities were correctly diagnosed with MDCT in 100% compared with 89% correct findings with DSA. There were three kidneys with incomplete ureter duplication, detected both with MDCT and DSA. MDCT demonstrated superior accuracy compared with non-selective DSA for the preoperative assessment of renal anatomy in living kidney donors; and for the distinction of supernumerary arteries versus early branching patterns, 16-channel CTA data were better than those of the four-channel system.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background:  Kidney allograft retrieval from live donors requires accurate determination of kidney anatomy prior to surgery, particularly the arterial supply. Traditionally, conventional angiography has been used to obtain this information. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) offers a non-invasive, cost-effective alternative, but has been considered to be less accurate. Despite this criticism, many centers have moved to MRA screening of potential kidney donors. The objective of this study is to evaluate our experience of the reliability of MRA in determining the arterial anatomy of living kidney donors as compared to the intra-operative findings.
Methods:  We performed a retrospective review of gadolinium-enhanced, ultra-fast, three-dimensional, spoiled gradient-echo MRA in live kidney donors in the Southern Alberta Transplant Program and compared these results with the intra-operative findings during nephrectomy, as the gold standard.
Results:  Of the 66 patients, an accessory renal artery was found intra-operatively in eight cases; two of which were erroneously diagnosed as normal by MRA. The negative predictive value for MRA was 0.97, false-negative rate was 0.25, and sensitivity was 0.75. No patient experienced side-effects from the MRA procedure. No donor needed conversion to open nephrectomy because of an undetected accessory renal artery. One allograft with an accessory renal artery developed thrombosis of the lower pole of the kidney despite arterial reconstruction. Kidney function in the recipient of this allograft was excellent and there was no urinary leak.
Conclusion:  In our hands, MRA determined the vascular anatomy of potential kidney donors with an acceptable negative predictive value of 97%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Contrast-enhanced three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography (3D-MRA) with image reconstruction has important applications in laparoscopic urologic surgery. We now use 3D-MRA as part of our preoperative evaluation in selected patients undergoing laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, radical nephrectomy, and partial nephrectomy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From June 2001 to December 2002, 50 patients underwent preoperative 3D-MRA at 1.5 T prior to laparoscopic renal surgery. In general, preoperative 3D-MRA was obtained for donor nephrectomies and pyeloplasties and for cases where prior imaging suggested a possible vascular anomaly. Patients who underwent preoperative imaging included those having donor nephrectomy (N = 28), pyeloplasty (N = 12), radical nephrectomy (N = 5), partial nephrectomy (N = 3), and other laparoscopic renal procedures (N = 2). The 3D-MRA studies were interpreted by one radiologist, and all laparoscopic cases were performed by one of two surgeons. The findings of 3D-MRA were correlated with the intraoperative findings with special attention to aberrant vasculature, including duplicated renal arteries or veins, accessory vessels, or crossing vessels. RESULTS: Among patients undergoing laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, 3D-MRA correctly predicted the number of renal vessels in 27 of 28 cases (96%), including all 3 cases of left retroaortic renal vein. Also, 3DMRA correctly predicted the presence or absence of a crossing vessel in 10 of 12 cases (83%) of laparoscopic pyeloplasty. The imaging study also correctly predicted the number of hilar vessels in all five cases of radical nephrectomy, all three cases of partial nephrectomy, and both cases of other renal operations. Overall, 3D-MRA correctly defined the renal hilar anatomy in 48 of 50 patients, for an overall accuracy of 96%. CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional MRA findings correlate well (96%) with intraoperative findings in laparoscopic renal surgery. The imaging study provides exquisite vascular detail and is highly accurate, making it sufficient imaging prior to laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and useful for pyeloplasty and other complex renal operations.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of rotator cuff tears may be based on clinical examination and MRI. The aim of this study was to define the relative value of these methods. Clinical and MRI diagnoses of 88 shoulders were compared with the intraoperative findings. The correct diagnosis of a posterosuperior rotator cuff rupture was made in 79% of the cases by clinical examination and in 91% of the cases by MRI. For the subscapularis tendon clinical examination corresponded to the intraoperative findings in 73% of the cases versus 59% for MRI. MRI was superior to clinical examination in diagnosing a posterosuperior rotator cuff rupture. For the evaluation of ruptures of the subscapularis tendon, clinical examination was more reliable than MRI. Diagnosis of rotator cuff rupture can most often be obtained by a simple physical examination.  相似文献   

Individuals with kidneys having ≥ 2 arteries appear to have an increased incidence of hypertension. Whether kidney donors in whom the remaining kidney has ≥ 2 arteries are at increased risk of hypertension is unknown. Therefore, we studied 3685 kidney donors to determine whether donors left with a kidney having ≥ 2 arteries were at increased risk of hypertension, impaired renal function, or death. Cohorts were assigned based on our practice pattern and the anatomy of the donated kidney. Of the 3685 donors, 1211 were estimated to have a remaining kidney with ≥ 2 arteries. Mean follow-up time for the single-artery group was 14.1 (± 11.0) yr and 15.3 (± 11.2) yr for the ≥ 2 artery group. Six-month hospital readmission rate was 1.4% and 1.2%, hypertension was noted in 22.4% and 21.8% and proteinuria in 9.7% and 9.6%, and estimated glomerular filtration rate at last follow-up was 62 (± 28) and 62 (± 16) for single vs. ≥ 2 renal artery groups, respectively. Our data suggest no adverse clinical sequelae nor any decrease in long-term survival for donors left with a kidney having ≥ 2 renal arteries.  相似文献   

We compared duplex scanning, "bright blood" and "black blood" magnetic resonance angiography, and conventional angiography for evaluation of the extracranial carotid arteries. All three methods were applied to 39 vessels in 20 patients. Duplex scanning was inaccurate when compared to conventional angiography in six instances. In three instances the degree of stenosis was overgraded by the scanner, and in three cases the stenosis was undergraded. Magnetic resonance angiography was inaccurate when compared to conventional angiography in three instances. In all cases magnetic resonance angiography overgraded the degree of stenosis. By use of a greater than 70% stenosis as a positive study, the sensitivity of magnetic resonance angiography was 100% and the specificity 92%. With use of the same criteria, the sensitivity of duplex scanning was 86%, and specificity was 84%. In those evaluations where the results of the magnetic resonance angiography and duplex scanning were in agreement, the correlation with conventional angiography was 100%. We conclude that magnetic resonance angiography is an alternative means to duplex scanning for noninvasive carotid imaging. A combination of bright and black blood magnetic resonance angiography is precise in delineating lesions of the extracranial carotid artery and may ultimately eliminate the need for conventional angiography in the evaluation of carotid stenosis.  相似文献   

Renal vascular anomalies are frequent and are not usually problematic, especially when they have been identified and localised with preoperative imaging; computed tomography angiography is a fast and minimally invasive procedure that may afford accurate visualisation of arterial and venous anatomy. We report on our experience with the utilisation of multi-detector row angiography in the preoperative evaluation of living kidney donors. Nineteen living kidney donors underwent multidetector row scan angiography with 3D post-processing. The subjects were 12 male and 7 female donors with a mean age of 60 years. Renal vascular anomalies were identified in 52.6% of donors. A total of 10 supernumerary arteries were identified. Surgical correlation was available for 19 kidneys (17 left and 2 right). The donated kidneys were selected on the basis of CT scan and renal function. CT scan identified all 29 arteries including 10 double right or left arteries (100% specificity and sensitivity). Dual multi-phase multi-detector row CT angiography is a minimally invasive and highly accurate method for preoperative evaluation of renal donors. It affords comprehensive depiction of the arterial and venous anatomy of the kidney, which is particularly critical for planning and performing the donor nephrectomy, especially via a laparoscopic approach.  相似文献   

Utility of CT angiography for evaluation of living kidney donors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We reviewed our initial experience with helical computed tomography (CT) angiography in the evaluation of living kidney donors which, until now, has necessitated arteriography. Nineteen donors (12 women, 7 men) have had their renal anatomy evaluated solely by CT angiography preoperatively.All scans demonstrated normal collecting systems and single ureters. Five donors (26%) had supernumerary renal arteries. Fourteen donors had single, 4 donors had two, and 1 donor had three renal arteries. Helical CT demonstrated small polar vessels in several donors. Two donors (10%) had supernumerary renal veins. Accuracy of vascular anatomy defined on CT was 90% when confirmed at operation. Anatomically all CT findings were consistent with operative findings except in 1 donor who was found to have a 0.8 cm lesion near the renal hilum.At our institution, the total charges for selective renal arteriography are $3845 and for helical CT with three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction are $1546. The amount of contrast dye (approximately 100 mL) is equivalent. Patients uniformly reported that the CT scan was a convenient and painless procedure.The accuracy of helical CT angiography is equivalent to arteriography in assessing renal vascular anatomy (with the additional benefit of imaging venous and parenchymal anatomy). Charges for helical CT are 59% less. There is greater patient acceptance and potentially less morbidity associated with the non-invasive nature of helical CT. We believe that CT angiography is the radiologic procedure of choice for the assessment of renal anatomy in potential living kidney donors.  相似文献   

3.0-T magnetic resonance (MR) angiography and MR imaging were compared with conventional angiography for the evaluation of moyamoya disease in 13 preoperative patients (26 hemispheres) with moyamoya disease (4 males and 9 females aged 21-54 years). The correlation between MR angiography scores determined by modified Houkin's grading system (MRA score) and conventional angiography stages determined by Suzuki's grading system (CA stage) was analyzed. Other MR findings such as moyamoya vessel scores, "ivy sign" scores, and the presence of small, medium, and large cerebrovascular attack (CVA) lesions were compared with CA stages. MRA scores were significantly correlated with CA stages (p < 0.01). Moyamoya vessel scores correlated well with CA stages (p < 0.01). There was no significant correlation between "ivy sign" scores and CA stages, and no significant differences in CA stages with the presence and absence of CVA lesions of any size. 3.0-T MR angiography can be used as a vascular assessment in moyamoya disease with its priority of noninvasive nature and visual clarity compared with conventional angiography. The findings of 3.0-T MR angiography may reflect the steno-occlusive changes in moyamoya disease.  相似文献   



Organ donation during life is an act of great altruism, with unique family, social, economic, and psychological impacts. The group of anesthesiologists involved in this program sought to assess the degree of satisfaction among kidney donors between 2007 and 2008 and, in particular, with the anesthetic approach.


A telephone survey of kidney donors in 2007 and 2008 complemented a retrospective evaluation of the records of the Acute Pain Unit.


Among 32 kidney donors, 2 were excluded as impossible to contact. Their mean age was 44.33 years including 60% women. The degree of relationship was fathers (43.3%), siblings (50%) or spouses (6.7%). Donors who underwent outpatient anesthesia were satisfied (40%) or very satisfied (60%) with the information received, all willing to repeat the experience of kidney donation. The positive aspects were: good reception (83.4%), help to a family member (30%), good information (13.3%), and confidence in the team (6.6%). No downside was mentioned by 50% of donors. Postoperative analgesia was performed using an epidural catheter (93.3%) or patient-controlled analgesia with morphine (6.7%) associated with intravenous paracetamol in all cases. With regard to analgesia using an epidural catheter, the mean total dose of morphine was 7.7 mg and 27.4 mg for 0.2% ropivacaine over an average of 3.32 days. Pain was assessed in the first 24 hours postoperatively using a scale ranging from 0 (no pain) to 4 (unbearable pain): 30% reported 0; 60% 1; and 10% 2. The complaints were pruritus (40%), nausea/vomiting (16.7%), constipation (6.7%) and/or urinary retention (3.3%). No donor showed an altered state of consciousness, motor block, or paresthesias.


Living kidney donors showed a high degree of overall satisfaction. The anesthesia consultation was extremely helpful with a positive impact on kidney donation. An epidural catheter for analgesia after surgery proved to be effective and appropriate for this type of procedure.  相似文献   

We analyzed 104 patients with trigeminal neuralgia who underwent microvascular decompression and who were followed up for more than 12 months during the period from January 1992 to June 1998. In this recent series, we utilized three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (3D-TOF MRA) for all patients with trigeminal neuralgia. A 3D-TOF MRA was beneficial in treatment planning and in predicting surgical outcome by demonstrating cranial nerve compression as well excluding other etiologies such as tumor or vascular lesions. The patients were followed up for 1-7 years (mean 5.7 +/- 1.2 years). Initial pain relief was complete in 89 patients (85.6%) and partial in 12 patients (11.5%). There were three primary failures (2.9%). The acceptable pain relief rate (complete relief: 79.8%, partial relief: 11.5%) was determined in the long-term follow-up of surgical results. Pain recurred in 6 patients (5.8%). The mean time to recurrence was 48 months (36-93 months). There were no serious or annoying complications such as anesthesia dolorosa.  相似文献   

The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is frequently applied to assess surgical or other treatment modalities. We evaluated the HRQoL of 57 kidney donors for comparison with 120 age-and sex-matched healthy individuals and 52 patients who underwent nephrectomy due to a renal tumor. The Short Form-36 (SF-36), Giessen Subjective Complaints List (GBB-24), and Zerssen's Mood Scale (Bf-S) questionnaires were used for this purpose. The evaluation procedure was completely anonymous and free of charge for all respondents. The mean scores of various domains calculated for all three questionnaires were compared between the groups. In three of eight SF-36 items—“social function,” “bodily pain,” and “vitality”—donors scored significantly better than the controls and patients. In all five GBB-24 items, donors scored higher than controls and patients. For “gastric complaints,” the difference was significant. The mood analysis showed significant differences between the groups in favor of donors. The HRQoL of living kidney donors was not different from that of healthy subjects and significantly better than the HRQoL of urologic patients after nephrectomy. Donors should be monitored for both physical and psychosocial outcomes of the procedure. Further prospective studies are needed to facilitate potential donors' understanding of the complex issues related to organ donation.  相似文献   

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