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报告1例黏液性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤.患者男,64岁.左下肢膝关节部位出现肿块30年.皮肤科检查:左侧膝关节部佗可见一直径约10 cm大肿块,表面有大小不一的结节,并有糜烂和溃疡.肿块边界不规则,向周围正常组织浸润.皮损组织病理检查:真皮内弥漫性梭形细胞增生,细胞间隙明显增大.阿新蓝染色示大量黏蛋白沉积;免疫组化染色结果示CD34阳性.诊断:黏液性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤.  相似文献   

深在性皮肤纤维瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告深在性皮肤纤维瘤1例。患者女,62岁,因右小腿外伤后出现皮疹4~5年,组织病理示真皮内细长梭形细胞浸润,排列成车辐状或席纹状,易与隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤混淆;真皮中可见多数的含铁血黄素沉积且免疫组化示FXIIIa(+),vemintin(+),CD34(-),S100(-),符合深在性皮肤纤维瘤。  相似文献   

多发性集簇性皮肤纤维瘤一例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
患者男,28岁,右胫前褐色斑丘疹24年,渐扩展。患者4岁时右胫前中下段出现8cm×9cm大小淡红色斑,略凹陷,触之略硬,无自觉症状。皮损渐扩展至踝部,颜色渐变暗。5年后,斑片表面及周围皮肤出现绿豆大小淡红色丘疹,丘疹渐增多,变褐色,初发时散在,后连成片,触摸时微痛。曾用地塞米松乳  相似文献   

多发性发疹性皮肤纤维瘤2例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮肤纤维瘤是较常见的以真皮纤维组织增生为特征的皮肤病 ,常单发 .但多发性成簇性皮肤纤维瘤少见 ,现将我们遇到的 2例报告如下。例 1,男 ,15岁 ,学生。因左上肢丘疹、痒 9个月来就诊。患者 9个月前左肘部外伤 ,局部红肿 ,消肿后出现红斑、脱屑、痒。曾在当地医院诊断为“体癣”口服氟康唑 ,红斑消退后 ,局部又起米粒大 ,淡红色丘疹 ,伴痒感。患者一般情况良好 ,系统检查未见异常。皮肤科检查 :左肘窝外侧见绿豆大、黄豆大淡红色丘疹、结节共 13个 ,簇集排列而不融合。表面光滑 ,无鳞屑及脓疱 (图 1)。实验室检查 :血、尿常规未见异常。取…  相似文献   

目的:检测CD34和FXIIIa(Factor XIIIa)在隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(DFSP)和皮肤纤维瘤(DF)中的表达。方法:应用免疫组化结合阳性肿瘤细胞半定量法检测7例DFSP和13例DF中CD34与FXIIIa的表达。结果:7例DFSP CD34呈强而弥慢性阳性反应(阳性细胞率为4.6±0.03);13例DF皆为阴性。13例DF呈不同程度的FXIIIa阳性表达(阳性细胞率为3.6±0.02);而DFSP全部为FXIIIa阴性。结论:CD34和FXIIIa可分别作为鉴别DFSP和DF的重要标记物。  相似文献   

1病历摘要 例1.女,54岁。四肢伸侧丘疹、结节、瘙痒2年,于2005年3月来我院诊治.2年前无明显诱因患者双上肢伸侧出现淡红包粟粒大丘疹.伴有瘙痒,未治疗,皮损逐渐增多,波及双下肢,颜色逐渐变暗,右上肢仲侧皮损部分呈线状排列。家族中未发现类似疾病患者。既往体健,否认家族中有其他遗传病史。皮肤科检查:四肢伸侧见密集粟粒至高粱粒大实性丘疹,翟暗红色.质地中等,右上肢伸侧丘疹呈线状排列(图1A)。[第一段]  相似文献   

患者女.22岁。因右耳肿块许逐渐增大3年余,于2006年2月就诊。患昔3年前于美容时行机械枪穿耳孔术,双耳共穿4个孔。术后右耳轮上方的耳孔部位发生感染,持续渗液、红肿,自行外擦“消炎药”后痊愈。2个月后该处皮肤长出一米粒大增生物,并逐渐增大,至今已呈核桃大.无自觉症状。既往无瘢痕疙瘩病史。家族史无特殊。体格检查:一般情况好.系统检查无异常。[第一段]  相似文献   

皮肤纤维瘤与隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的临床病理比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对皮肤纤维瘤(DF)与隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(DFSP)在临床、组织形态及免疫组化等方面进行了比较。DF20例,平均年龄37.75岁,好发于四肢,平均直径0.8cm。瘤细胞呈束状或旋涡状排列,局部可见车辐结构。平均每50个高倍视野核分裂为0.75个。常伴组织细胞和炎细胞浸润、胶原增生、表皮增生及黑色素增多,CD34(-)。瘤细胞密度与胶原增生及炎细胞浸润呈负相关,提示DF可能为反应性病变。DFSP10例,平均年龄49.1岁,好发于躯干,平均年龄49.1岁,好发于躯干,平均直径3.23cm。瘤细胞呈典型的车辐状排列,平均每50个高倍视野核分裂为5.5个。肿瘤背景清晰,少数可见炎细胞浸润及表皮增生,无胶原增生及黑色素增多,CD34(+)。这些临床及病理特征有助于两者的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

患者女,21岁,右肋弓下出现皮损6年余就诊.6年前,患者右肋弓下部无明显诱因出现米粒大小丘疹,质软,感瘙痒.未做任何治疗,皮损逐渐变平消失,半年后原皮损处皮肤颜色变为暗红并逐渐向内凹陷,表面偶有脱屑,无自觉症状.皮损处无外伤史和局部注射史.各系统检查无异常.皮肤科检查:右肋弓下部一直径约0.7 cm的圆形凹陷的皮下结节,形似"肚脐",表面无糜烂,渗出及结痂,周围皮肤暗红,中央肤色,触之质地坚韧(图1),与皮下组织无明确界限.手术切除.皮损组织病理检查:皮损呈凹陷性,表皮增生肥厚,基底层色素增加(图2);真皮层可见胶原、成纤维细胞、组织细胞、上皮样细胞,毛细血管扩张充血(图3).Witgert间苯二酚品红弹力纤维染色,发现大部分弹力纤维缺失,部分区域完全缺失(图4).免疫组化染色:肿瘤细胞CD68、CD34阴性,血管内皮细胞CD34阳性,波形蛋白阳性.诊断:萎缩性皮肤纤维瘤.  相似文献   

患者男,49岁.因左外踝处暗红色丘疹5年,溃疡、赘生物伴疼痛半年于2009年6月18日就诊.患者于5年前无明显诱因左外踝处出现一约蚕豆大的暗红色丘疹.无自觉症状,未诊治.半年前不慎碰伤后破溃、出血,伤口经久未愈,有脓性渗出,伴异味,同时溃疡组织逐渐向外增生成疣状赘生物,迅速增大,自觉疼痛,表面反复溃烂、渗出.异味及疼痛均较明显,就诊时赘生物已增至拳头大.  相似文献   

A 38-year-old female with psoriatic arthritis developed a dermatofibroma (DF) on her upper arm. Its position was not exactly on a psoriatic plaque; however, psoriatic lesions were present diffusely around the DF lesion. Histological examination revealed the typical features of DF with myxoid changes in the portion between the tumor nest and the overlying epidermis. The mast cell number was significantly increased over that of solitary DFs without myxomatous lesions. It was suggested that mast cells may play a role in induction of the myxoid changes in the DF lesion in this case.  相似文献   

Multiple clustered dermatofibroma (MCD) is a rare tumour which usually appears during the first and second decades of life. We report a man in whom the MCD was congenital, although during the first few years of his second decade it extended to involve a broad zone on the left hip, gluteal region and upper thigh.  相似文献   

A 40-year-old man presented a painful haemorrhagic plaque on his chest in the same location where a nodular lesion had been presented for many years. After 2 months, the plaque was replaced by a depressed lesion. The lesion diagnosed as an anetoderma was excised and the biopsy showed an atrophic dermatofibroma accompanied by aneurysmatic characteristics.  相似文献   

Atrophic dermatofibroma, a newly proposed entity in recent times, is thought to be a specific variant of dermatofibroma. We report a typical case of atrophic dermatofibroma on the thigh of a 69-year-old female. The lesion consisted clinically of a light brown, intracutaneous nodule with a central crateriform depression, and histologically of fibrohistiocytic components in the thinning dermis. On elastica van Gieson stain, loss of elastic fibres and dense accumulation of elastic fibres around medium-sized vessels were observed in the lesion.  相似文献   

Multiple eruptive dermatofibromas are a rare presentation of dermatofibroma which are frequently associated with underlying diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus infection or lupus erythematosus. Eruptive dermatofibromas generally present a characteristic histology with a poorly circumscribed lesion showing hyperplasia of the epidermis, prominent bundles of collagen and a diffuse proliferation of fibrocytes. We report an unusual case of multiple eruptive dermatofibromas showing massive depositions of mucin within the dermis. A 20-year-old woman presented with nearly 100 red to yellowish papules and nodules distributed symmetrically all over the integument which developed over a period of 9 years. Comprehensive clinical and laboratory diagnostics showed no signs indicating any underlying disease. To our knowledge this is the first report of multiple eruptive myxoid dermatofibromas. We consider this case to be a unique presentation of multiple eruptive dermatofibroma showing massive deposition of mucin.  相似文献   

Dermatofibroma is a common benign cutaneous tumor that usually appears as a slowly growing firm nodule. Polypoid nodular dermatofibroma is a variant type that is rarely encountered. We reported a case of polypoid dermatofibroma with a review of the previously reported cases. Polypoid dermatofibroma tends to arise on the leg, especially below the knee. Its size is often larger than that of common dermatofibroma. It is speculated that both the underlying firm tissue and long-term development may lead the tumor to form a polypoid appearance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical diagnosis of dermatofibroma is commonly easy. However, the differentiation of dermatofibroma from other cutaneous tumours is difficult in some instances, primarily in atypical cases and rare variants. Haemosiderotic dermatofibroma is a variant composed of numerous small vessels, extravasated erythrocytes and intra- and extracellular haemosiderin deposits. Aneurysmal dermatofibroma is a variant composed of large, blood-filled spaces without endothelial lining. Some authors consider that haemosiderotic dermatofibroma is an early stage in the development of aneurysmal dermatofibroma. The clinical differential diagnosis of haemosiderotic or aneurysmal dermatofibroma must include melanoma and other melanocytic tumours, vascular neoplasms, adnexal tumours and nonspecific cysts. Dermoscopy improves the diagnostic accuracy in pigmented and nonpigmented skin lesions. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate specific dermoscopic criteria. METHODS: Dermoscopic examination (using the DermLite Foto; 3Gen, LLC, Dana Point, CA, U.S.A.) of six patients with haemosiderotic or aneurysmal dermatofibromas was performed to evaluate specific dermoscopic criteria. RESULTS: A multicomponent pattern with a central bluish or reddish homogeneous area in combination with white structures and a peripheral delicate pigment network along with vascular structures was noted in five of six lesions. CONCLUSIONS: This dermoscopic pattern yielded the diagnosis of haemosiderotic or aneurysmal dermatofibroma in most cases. However, this multicomponent pattern may present in some melanomas and although it is useful in determining a clinical diagnosis of aneurysmal dermatofibroma, it may not be specific to this entity.  相似文献   

Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour is a low-grade malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of myofibroblastic origin with the capacity for biphasic differentiation toward a fibroblastic or histiocyte-like morphology. We report a case of this rare tumour presenting as a tender subcutaneous nodule on the scalp of a 58-year-old man. Histopathological examination revealed multinodular biphasic proliferation of fibroblast-like and histiocyte-like cells with a few osteoclast-like giant cells. This case is notable for the rare myxoid changes, which may reflect a different behaviour of this tumour when occurring in older people.  相似文献   

A case with a pigmented skin lesion that was diagnosed as a blue naevus on clinical and dermoscopic grounds and histopathologically confirmed as a dermatofibroma is presented. By means of this case, we define dermatofibroma as a new exception for 'homogeneous blue pigmentation' on dermoscopy.  相似文献   

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