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Cellular Retention of Liposome-Delivered Anionic Compounds Modulated by a Probenecid-Sensitive Anion Transporter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Purpose. Drug carriers such as liposomes may enhance the intracellular delivery of therapeutic agents for infectious or neoplastic diseases. However, the mechanisms affecting cellular retention of liposome contents are understood poorly. We tested the hypothesis that retention of anionic compounds may be modulated by a nonspecific probenecid-sensitive anion transport mechanism, and that liposome composition may determine the impact of such transporters on drug retention by cells.
Methods. The fluorescent anionic dye hydroxy-pyrene-[ 1,3,6]-trisulfonate (HPTS) was transferred to the cytoplasm of cultured CV-1 or J774 cells by direct needle-microinjection or by ATP-induced permeabilization of the plasma membrane, respectively, to investigate whether the cells have anion transport mechanisms capable of extruding HPTS from the cytoplasm. Cellular retention of dye was monitored in the presence and absence of the anion transport inhibitors probenecid or sulfinpyrazone. Liposomes containing HPTS were co-labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine (Rho-PE) as a marker of liposome membrane fate, and uptake was investigated using J774 cells.
Results. Needle-injected HPTS underwent both sequestration in early endocytic vesicles and rapid extrusion into the extracellular medium. Probenecid or sulfinpyrazone reduced the extrusion of HPTS. Thus HPTS is a substrate for a probenecid-sensitive anion transporter in J774 and CV1 cells. After delivery via fluid liposomes composed of phosphatidylglycerol: phosphatidylcholine: cholesterol (3:7:5 mole ratio) and co-labeled with Rho-PE, cell-associated HPTS declined more rapidly than did Rho-PE. Exposure of cells to 5 mM probenecid doubled the quantity of HPTS retained by cells, without changing the retention of the Rho-PE membrane marker. In contrast, the effect of probenecid was negligible when gel-phase liposomes of distearoylphosphatidyl-glycerol:cholesterol (10:5 mole ratio) were used.
Conclusions. Probenecid-sensitive nonspecific anion transporters can mediate the extrusion of model anions delivered via liposomes. However, liposome composition modulates the amount of material subject to extrusion from cells, possibly by altering the endocytic compartment in which liposomes release their contents. 相似文献
Scieszka Jeffrey F. Maggiora Linda L. Wright Samuel D. Cho M. J. 《Pharmaceutical research》1991,8(1):65-69
During the course of a previous investigation, we noticed that the uptake of liposomes by human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) was significantly lower in the presence of heat-inactivated serum compared to that in intact whole serum (Scieszka et al., Pharm. Res. 5:352, 1988). This observation suggested the participation of heat-labile complement components in the phagocytic process. In this report we conclude that complement C3bi is the component responsible for opsonization of the liposome surface. Phagocytosis was not supported by C3-deficient serum, and phagocytosis in whole serum was blocked by the antibody to the receptor for C3bi (CR3) but not by the antibody to the receptor for C3b (CR1). We also found that with C5-deflcient serum the level of uptake was minimal but slightly higher than without any serum. When exogenous C5a was added along with C5-deficient serum, uptake levels similar in magnitude to those observed with intact serum were obtained. We conclude that C5a enhances phagocytosis of opsonized liposomes by activating the phagocytic capacity of CR3 on the PMN. 相似文献
Gaber Mohamed H. Hong Keelung Huang Shi Kun Papahadjopoulos Demetrios 《Pharmaceutical research》1995,12(10):1407-1416
Purpose. To formulate thermosensitive sterically stabilized liposomes and to study the effects of plasma and serum components in vitro.
Methods. The rate of release of encapsulated doxorubicin (Dox) from liposomes of various compositions was followed by fluorometric assay at 37°, 42° and 45°C, in buffer and also in both calf serum and human plasma up to 50% by volume.
Results. The optimal composition for the maximal differential release of doxorubicin between 37°C and 42°C in human plasma was a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol and distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine derivatized with polyethylene glycol at a molar ratio of 100:50:30:6. In experiments designed to study the mechanism causing increased permeability of liposomes in bovine serum, we found two different distinct release patterns: a slow linear rise of rate of Dox release for fluid liposomes and fast exponential rise reaching plateau within 5 minutes for solid phase (rigid) liposomes. This release of Dox from rigid but not fluid liposomes was inhibited by pre-heating serum at 55°C for 30 minutes or by addition of EDTA (but not EGTA) or antiserum to the C3 component of complement.
Conclusions. A formulation of sterically stabilized liposomes with the proper thermal sensitivity in human plasma has been obtained. In addition, the results suggest that complement may play an important role in the interaction of rigid but not fluid liposomes with bovine serum. Human plasma did not show this effect. 相似文献
The phagocytosis of killed Staphylococcus epidermidis by neutrophilic leukocytes was inhibited in vitro by indomethacin in a concentration of 3 × 10-4M, and by hydrocortisone, phenylbutazone, and paracetamol in a concentration of 10-3M. Phagocytosis was slightly stimulated by 10-7M phenylbutazone. Acetylsalicylic acid, mefenamic acid, and phenacetin had no effect. The bactericidal activity of leukocytes against live Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by 10-4M phenacetin, 5 × 10-4M mefenamic acid, and 10-3M phenylbutazone and indomethacin, whereas concentrations of 10-5M and above of paracetamol enhanced bacterial killing by leukocytes. Hydrocortisone and acetylsalicylic acid were ineffective. It is probable that concentrations of anti-inflammatory agents sufficient to affect phagocytosis and bacterial killing by neutrophils are as a rule not attained in the organism during treatment, although inhibition may occur locally, for example in inflamed tissue, as a consequence of a low pH, which potentiates the effect of acid anti-inflammatory drugs. This inhibition may be a factor in the mechanism of action of anti-inflammatory compounds. 相似文献
Accumulation of Protein-Loaded Long-Circulating Micelles and Liposomes in Subcutaneous Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Mice 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Weissig Volkmar Whiteman Kathleen R. Torchilin Vladimir P. 《Pharmaceutical research》1998,15(10):1552-1556
Purpose. The purpose of our work was to compare the biodistribution and tumor accumulation of a liposome- or micelle-incorporated protein in mice bearing subcutaneously-established Lewis lung carcinoma.
Methods. A model protein, soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) was modified with a hydrophobic residue of N-glutaryl-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine (NGPE) and incorporated into both polyethyleneglycol(MW 5000)-distearoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PEG-DSPE) micelles (< 20 nm) and PEG-DSPE-modified long-circulating liposomes (ca. 100 nm). The protein was labeled with 111In via protein-attached diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), and samples of STI-containing liposomes or micelles were injected via the tail vein into mice bearing subcutaneously-established Lewis lung carcinoma. At appropriate time points, mice were sacrified and the radioactivity accumulated in the tumor and main organs was determined.
Results. STI incorporated into PEG-lipid micelles accumulates in sub-cutaneously established Lewis lung carcinoma in mice better than the same protein anchored in long-circulating PEG-liposomes.
Conclusions. Small-sized long-circulating delivery systems, such as PEG-lipid micelles, are more efficient in the delivery of protein to Lewis lung carcinoma than larger long-circulating liposomes. 相似文献
Purpose Several species of the protozoan Plasmodium effectively target mammalian liver during the initial phase of host invasion. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate
that a Plasmodium targeting amino acid sequence can be engineered into therapeutic nanoparticle delivery systems.
Methods A 19-amino peptide from the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium berghei was prepared containing the conserved region I as well as a consensus heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding sequence. This
peptide was attached to the distal end of a lipid–polyethylene glycol bioconjugate. The bioconjugate was incorporated into
phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing fluorescently labeled lipids to follow blood clearance and organ distribution in vivo.
Results When administered intravenously into mice, the peptide-containing liposomes were rapidly cleared from the circulation and
were recovered almost entirely in the liver. Fluorescence and electron microscopy demonstrated that the liposomes were accumulated
both by nonparenchymal cells and hepatocytes, with the majority of the liposomal material associated with hepatocytes. Accumulation
of liposomes in the liver was several hundredfold higher compared to heart, lung, and kidney, and more than 10-fold higher
compared to spleen. In liver slice experiments, liposome binding was specific to sites sensitive to heparinase.
Conclusions Incorporation of amino acid sequences that recognize glycosaminoglycans is an effective strategy for the development of targeted
drug delivery systems.
K. J. Longmuir and R. T. Robertson were the primary investigators for this study. 相似文献
Purpose. Loading a liposomal dispersion with drug may cause a phase transformation into a micellar solution. The present contribution presents a detailed physicochemical characterization and an overall model which describes transformation due to the properties of any drug.
Methods. Characterization of liposomal dispersions was obtained by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Microstructure of colloidal solutions was analysed by 31P-NMR and SAXS.
Results. At weight ratios of phospholipid to drug from 16:1 to 2:1, liposomal dispersions of milky-white appearance and a mean particle size of about 200 nm were obtained. From a ratio of phospholipid to drug of 1:1 downwards, the systems became nearly transparent. The particle size decreased to a value below 25 nm. SAXS also revealed the change of the colloids. Down to a ratio of phospholipid to drug of 2:1 the systems were described as bilayer-structured. At and below the ratio of 1:1, a mixed micelle was indicated. In the 31P-NMR spectra, the transformation is emphasized by both appearance and disappearance of signals. A model based on the theory of self-assembly is presented which explains the phase transformation due to drug amphiphilicity.
Conclusions. We predict that the model presented will hold in general only due to the amphiphilic properties of the drug. 相似文献
Development of 5-FU and Doxorubicin-Loaded Cationic Liposomes against Human Pancreatic Cancer: Implications for Tumor Vascular Targeting 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Purpose Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a major leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States. Given that current strategies
are relatively ineffective against this disease, new treatments are being developed. Liposomes possessing relatively high
cationic lipid content preferentially accumulate in tumor angiogenic vessels compared to vessels in normal tissues. We therefore
seek to develop cationic liposomes for targeting pancreatic tumor vessels.
Materials and Methods We report development of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX) loaded in PEGylated cationic liposomes
(PCLs). We evaluate cell association, intracellular fate, and cytotoxicity. Human pancreatic cancer cells HPAF-II and Capan-1,
and endothelial cells HMEC-1 and HUVEC were used in this study. Intratumoral distribution of PCLs in (HPAF-II) tumors was
determined by intravital microscopy.
Results HUVEC and HMEC-1 were most susceptible to 5-FU after 24 and 48 h, compared to HPAF-II and Capan-1. We observed >90% incorporation
of 5-FU and DOX in PCLs for 3–20 mol% preparations, with reduced incorporation for >20 mol% formulations. PCLs showed significantly
higher association with human endothelial versus pancreatic cancer cells, and improved growth inhibitory properties of DOX.
Intravital microscopy revealed distribution of PCLs along HPAF-II vessels.
Conclusions Targeting human pancreatic cancer with PCLs may represent a rational alternative to conventional strategies. 相似文献
Schäfer Volker von Briesen Hagen Andreesen Reinhard Steffan Anne-Marie Royer Cathy Tröster Sabine Kreuter Jörg Rübsamen-Waigmann Helga 《Pharmaceutical research》1992,9(4):541-546
Human monocytes/macrophages (MO/MAC) were isolated from peripheral blood and cultivated on hydrophobic Teflon membranes. This culture system is suitable for HIV infection of MO/MAC in vitro. After transfer into 24-well plates the mature macrophages (infected or uninfected) were used for measurements of phagocytosis. The uptake of different, radioactively labeled nanoparticles (NP) made of polyalkylcyanoacrylate, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and human serum albumin (HSA) by the macrophages was determined. In addition, the influence on phagocytosis of size and composition, concentration, and surface of the NP was studied. Further, macrophages of different state of activation were tested. NP made of polyhexylcyanoacrylate (PHCA) or human serum albumin with a diameter of about 200 nm were found most useful for targeting antiviral substances such as azidotymidine to macrophages. Cells infected in vitro with HIV-1D117/III, a monocytotropic HIV isolate from a perinatally infected child, possessed an even higher phago-cytotic activity than noninfected cells. Macrophages isolated from HIV-infected patients also showed good incorporation of NP. Thus, the concept of a specific targeting of antiviral substances to macrophages in HIV-infected individuals appears quite promising. 相似文献
Tréhin R Krauss U Beck-Sickinger AG Merkle HP Nielsen HM 《Pharmaceutical research》2004,21(7):1248-1256
PURPOSE: To investigate whether cell penetrating peptides (CPP) derived from human calcitonin (hCT) possess, in addition to cellular uptake, the capacity to deliver their cargo through epithelial barriers. METHODS: Cellular uptake of hCT(9-32) and permeation of six hCT-derived peptides, namely, hCT(9-32), hCT(12-32), hCT(15-32), hCT(18-32), hCT(21-32), and a random sequence of hCT(9-32) were evaluated in fully organized confluent Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK), Calu-3, and TR146 cell culture models. For comparison, Tat(47-57) and penetratin(43-58) were investigated. The peptides were N-terminally labeled with carboxyfluorescein (CF). Uptake in the well-differentiated epithelial models was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), whereas permeation through the models was analyzed by reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC. RESULTS: In MDCK epithelium hCT(9-32), Tat(47-57) and penetratin(43-58) demonstrated punctuated cytoplasmic distribution. In Calu-3, Tat(47-57) and penetratin(43-58) were simultaneously localized in a punctuated cytoplasmic and paracellular distribution, whereas hCT(9-32) showed strict paracellular distribution. By contrast, in TR146 cells, Tat(47-57) was located strictly paracellularily, whereas penetratin(43-58) showed a punctuated cytoplasmic pattern and hCT(9-32) both. The transepithelial permeability of all tested peptides and their cargo was lower than that of paracellular markers. CONCLUSIONS: The CPP uptake pattern depends on both the type of peptide and the cell culture model. In general, the investigated CPP have no apparent potential for systemic drug delivery across epithelia. Nevertheless, distinct patterns of cellular distribution may offer a potential for localized epithelial delivery. 相似文献
Jiaqi Yu Hao Chen Linxia Jiang Jianhong Wang Jundong Dai Jie Wang 《Journal of pharmaceutical sciences》2019,108(5):1788-1799
Transmembrane protein P-gp's overexpression at the drug-resistant cell membrane is the most important characteristic of multidrug resistance (MDR). Quercetin (QUE) can effectively suppress the function of P-gp to reverse MDR. This study uses QUE as the P-gp inhibitor andfilm-ultrasound technique with ammonium sulfate transmembrane gradient method to prepare long-circulating liposomes simultaneously encapsulating QUE and Adriamycin (doxorubicin) (AMD/DOX). The optimal conditions for the preparation of AMD_QUE_long-circulating liposomes (SLs) are as follows: hydrogenated soybean phospholipids (HSPC):cholesterol:DSPE-PEG 2000 = 73.07:24.36:2.57 mol/mol, QUE:HSPC = 1:20 mol/mol, AMD:HSPC = 1:7.9 w/w (NH4)2SO4 0.15 mol/L, drug loaded (AMD) at 55°C for 25 min). The average encapsulation efficiency of AMD and QUE was 97.49% and 95.50%, respectively. The average particle size is 85 nm (n = 3), and the average zeta potential is ?14.9 mV. First, the pharmacokinetic study proved that codelivery liposomes enveloping QUE and AMD (AMD_QUE_SL) can obviously increase the blood concentration of AMD (Cmax: 140.50 ± 32.37 μg/mL) and extend the half-life period of AMD in plasma (t1/2:14.02 ± 1.54 h). Second, AMD_QUE_SL can obviously enhance the cell toxicity to AMD-resistant cell strains (HL-6/ADR and MCF-7/ADR), and the reverse effects on the resistance of HL-6/ADR and MCF-7/ADR is increased to 4.81-fold and 3.21-fold, respectively. Third, according to the in vivo pharmacodynamic study, the relative tumor volume and relative tumor growth of the AMD_QUE_SL group were the lowest. The inhibition rate of tumor growth of this group was the highest. It can be concluded that AMD_QUE_SL can effectively reverse MDR, lower cardiac toxicity of AMD in clinical treatment, and improve the clinical treatment effect of AMD. 相似文献
A human nasal epithelial cell culture model has been adapted to observe transport and metabolism of drugs, e.g., peptides. Human nasal epithelial cells, isolated by protease treatment of human nasal conchae, grew to confluency after 6-8 days using DMEM supplemented with 1% nonessential amino acids, 1% glutamine, 10% FCS and 1% antibiotics. These cultures expressed microvilli and actively beating cilia as documented by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Tight junctions were confirmed by dome formation and positive actin staining using FITC-labelled phalloidin. Preliminary transport studies, carried out with FITC-labelled Dex-tran (FD 4, MW 4400) and Sulforhodamine (SR 101, MW 607), demonstrated the intact barrier function of the cultured monolayer, grown on filter membranes. In addition, the cultured cells metabolized Leu-Enkephalin to Des-Tyr-Leu-Enkephalin demonstrating the presence of aminopeptidase, a naturally occurring enzyme in the human nasal mucosa. 相似文献
Mishina Elena V. Straubinger Robert M. Pyszczynski Nancy A. Jusko William J. 《Pharmaceutical research》1993,10(10):1402-1410
A liposomal formulation of methylprednisolone (L-MPL) was developed to improve localization of this immunosuppressant in lymphatic tissues. Liposomes containing MPL were formulated from a mixture of phosphatydylcholine and phosphatydylglycerol (molar ratio, 9:1) and sized by extrusion through a 0.1-µm membrane. Male Sprague–Dawley rats received a bolus dose of 2 mg/kg of L-MPL or free MPL in solution (control). Samples of blood, spleen, liver, thymus, and bone marrow were collected at intervals over a 66-hr period. Concentrations of MPL in plasma and organs and free cytosolic glucocorticoid receptors (GCR) in spleen and liver were determined. The plasma MPL profiles for free and L-MPL were bi- and triexponential. Although the alpha phase kinetics of both dosage forms were similar, L-MPL showed a substantially slower elimination phase than did free drug. Incorporation of MPL into liposomes caused the following increases: terminal half-life, from 0.48 (MPL) to 30.13 hr (L-MPL); MRT, from 0.42 to 11.95 hr, V
ss, from 2.10 to 21.87 L/kg; and AUC, from 339 to 1093 ng · hr/mL. Uptake of liposomes enhanced significantly the delivery of drug to lymphatic tissues and liver; AUC tissue:plasma ratios for spleen increased 77-fold; for liver, 9-fold; and for thymus, 27-fold. The duration of GCR occupancy was extended 10-fold in spleen and 13-fold in liver by the liposomal formulation. Lymphatic tissue selectivity and extended receptor binding of liposome-delivered MPL offer promise for enhanced immunosuppression. 相似文献
van den Berg MP Merkus P Romeijn SG Verhoef JC Merkus FW 《Pharmaceutical research》2004,21(5):799-802
PURPOSE: To investigate the possibility of direct transport of melatonin from the nasal cavity into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) after nasal administration in rats and to compare the animal results with a human study. METHODS: Rats (n = 8) were given melatonin both intranasally in one nostril (40 microg/rat) and intravenously by bolus injection (40 microg/rat) into the jugular vein using a Vascular Access Port. Just before and after drug administration, blood and CSF samples were taken and analyzed by HPLC. RESULTS: Melatonin is quickly absorbed in plasma (T(max) = 2.5 min) and shows a delayed uptake into CSF (T(max) = 15 min) after nasal administration. The melatonin concentration-time profiles in plasma and CSF are comparable to those after intravenous delivery. The AUC(CSF)/AUC(plasma) ratio after nasal delivery (32.7 +/- 6.3%) does not differ from the one after intravenous injection (46.0 +/- 10.4%), which indicates that melatonin enters the CSF via the blood circulation across the blood-brain barrier. This demonstrates that there is no additional transport via the nose-CSF pathway. These results resemble the outcome of a human study. CONCLUSIONS: The current results in rats show that there is no additional uptake of melatonin in the CSF after nasal delivery compared to intravenous administration. This is in accordance with the results found in humans, indicating that animal experiments could be predictive for the human situation when studying nose-CSF transport. 相似文献
Mauno M. Airaksinen Heikki Svensk Jouko Tuomisto Hannu Komulainen 《Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology》1980,46(4):308-313
Abstract Tetrahydro-β-carbolines (THBCs), 6-methoxyharmalan and norharman and the corresponding open chain tryptamines studied inhibited 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) uptake in human blood platelets. 1-methyl-THBCs were better inhibitors of DA than 5-HT uptake but THBCs generally were far more potent inhibitors of 5-HT uptake than of DA uptake. 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline was as potent as 5-HT itself in 3H-5-HT uptake inhibition in platelets and the inhibition was competitive. All the β-carbolines studied were more potent inhibitors of 3H-DA uptake than DA itself. Contrary to results in rat brain synaptosomes, THBCs were more potent in platelets than the corresponding tryptamines with the freely rotating ethylamine side chain. Unsaturated β-carbolines were weaker inhibitors than THBCs. The clear difference in the rank order of potencies of these compounds in human platelets and rat brain synaptosomes demonstrates that these different model systems for amine uptake studies do not always give comparable results. The results also suggest that there are differences in the uptake systems for 5-HT and DA in human platelets. 相似文献
Purpose Protease inhibitors (PIs) exhibit low brain permeability. As a result, unchallenged HIV viral replication can lead to HIV-encephalitis
and antiretroviral drug resistance. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a lipid nanoparticle system for
enhanced brain delivery of the potent and frequently used HIV PI, atazanavir, using a well characterized human brain microvessel
endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3) representative of the blood-brain barrier.
Methods Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) were prepared by a thin film hydration technique and analyzed for atazanavir encapsulation
efficiency, particle size, morphology, zeta potential and drug release. Cell viability experiments demonstrate that SLNs exhibit
no toxicity in hCMEC/D3 cells up to a concentration corresponding to 200 nM of atazanavir.
Results Spherical SLNs with an average particle size of ~167 nm were formulated. Delivery of [3H]-atazanavir by SLNs led to a significantly higher accumulation by the endothelial cell monolayer as compared to the drug
aqueous solution. Furthermore, release of Rhodamine-123 (a fluorescent probe) by SLNs also resulted in a higher cellular accumulation.
Conclusions These data suggest that SLNs could be a promising drug delivery system to enhance brain uptake of atazanavir and potentially
other PIs. 相似文献
目的建立LC-MS测定人血浆中匹伐他汀的浓度。方法采用Shim-pack C18色谱柱,流动相A为甲醇,流动相B为含0.025%氨水和0.05mmol·L^-1醋酸铵的水溶液,采用梯度洗脱方式。质谱检测方式:SIM。以瑞舒伐他汀为内标,血浆样品用乙酸乙酯提取浓缩检测,进行LC-MS分析。结果匹伐他汀在0.2~200.0ng·mL^-1内线性关系良好(r=0.9999);平均提取回收率均为86.28%;日内日间RSD均小于12%。结论本方法快速、简捷、准确,适用于匹伐他汀的临床药动学研究和血药浓度监测。 相似文献
Jennifer L. Schneider Robert K. Dingman Sathy V. Balu-Iyer 《Journal of pharmaceutical sciences》2018,107(3):831-837
Enzyme replacement therapy with recombinant human acid α-glucosidase (rhGAA) is complicated by the formation of anti-rhGAA antibodies, a short circulating half-life, instability in the plasma, and limited uptake into target tissue. Previously, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylinositol (PI) containing liposomes can reduce the immunogenicity and extend plasma survival of factor VIII (FVIII) in a mouse model of hemophilia A. In this article, we investigate the ability of PI liposomes to be used as a delivery vehicle to overcome the issues that complicate therapy with rhGAA. In a murine model of Pompe disease, administration of PI-rhGAA mitigated the immunogenicity of rhGAA, resulting in a significantly lower formation of anti-rhGAA antibodies. PI-rhGAA also showed minimal improvements to the pharmacokinetic parameters and efficacy measures compared to free rhGAA. Overall, these data suggest that PI-rhGAA may have the potential to be a useful therapeutic option for improving the treatment of Pompe disease. 相似文献
Sihyung Yang Yao Chen Mei Feng Larry Rodriguez Judy Qiju Wu Michael Zhuo Wang 《Journal of pharmaceutical sciences》2019,108(12):3870-3878
Eflornithine has been used to treat second-stage human African trypanosomiasis. However, it has inadequate oral bioavailability and low blood-brain barrier permeation, thus requiring a lengthy and complicated intravenous infusion schedule. Here, we investigated the feasibility of using an intercellular junction-modulating E-cadherin peptide HAV6 to enhance the oral bioavailability and blood-brain barrier permeation of eflornithine. Eflornithine was not metabolized in liver microsomes, nor was it a substrate for the human efflux transporter P-glycoprotein. Furthermore, HAV6 and HAV6scr (sequence scrambled HAV6) were stable in simulated gastric fluid with pepsin and rat intestinal mucosal scrapings. Both peptides were stable in human plasma, albeit less stable in rat and mouse plasma. HAV6 increased eflornithine permeability across Madin-Darby canine kidney and Caco-2 cell monolayers (5- and up to 8.5-fold), whereas HAV6scr had little effect. Using an in situ rat brain perfusion model, HAV6, but not HAV6scr, significantly increased eflornithine concentrations in different brain regions up to 4.9-fold. In rats, coadministration of HAV6 increased eflornithine oral bioavailability from 38% to 54%, brain concentrations by up to 83%, and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations by 40%. In conclusion, coadministration of HAV6, either during intravenous infusion or as an oral formulation, has the potential to improve eflornithine-based treatment for second-stage human African trypanosomiasis. 相似文献