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Background: Despite the high prevalence of depression, the mechanism of the origin of this disease as well as the causes of resistance to therapy in some patients are still not fully understood. Increasingly, the possible role of genetic factors is considered. One of them is polymorphisms in the ABCB1 ( MDR1) gene which encodes P-glycoprotein, responsible for the transport of xenobiotics, including antidepressant drugs, through the blood-brain barrier.Methods: C3435T was evaluated in 90 patients with recurrent depressive disorders (rDD). Genotyping was performed using a polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).Results: The obtained results indicate that the TT genotype occurred more frequently among patients with rDD than in healthy volunteers (p=0.0441). Also, at least one C allele was present significantly less frequent in the study group than in healthy individuals (p=0.0300). The severity of depressive symptoms was higher among patient with the CC genotype in comparison with the other genotypes (p=0.0106) but treatment response to antidepressants was better in this group than among patients with CT or TT genotypes (p=0.0301). Likewise, patients with the T allele have a significantly lower severity of symptoms (p=0.0026) and decreased therapy effectiveness (p=0.0142) than C allele carriers.Conclusions: This study suggests that C3435T polymorphisms in the ABCB1 gene are strongly associated with a predisposition to depression development, the severity of depressive symptoms and the effectiveness of therapy with using different groups of antidepressant agents. 相似文献
Fragile X syndrome (OMIM #300624) is caused by the expansion of a CGG trinucleotide repeat found in the 5′ untranslated region of the X‐linked FMR1 gene. Although examinations of characteristics associated with repeat instability and expansion of the CGG repeat upon transmission from parent to offspring has occurred in various world populations, none has been conducted in large Sub‐Saharan African populations. We have examined the FMR1 CGG repeat structure in a sample of 350 males drawn from the general population of Ghana. We found that Ghanaians and African Americans have similar allele frequency distributions of CGG repeat and its flanking STR markers, DXS548 and FRAXAC1. However, the distribution of the more complex marker, FRAXAC2, is significantly different. The haplotype structure of the FMR1 locus indicated that Ghanaians share several haplotypes with African Americans and Caucasians that are associated with the expanded full mutation. In Ghanaians, the majority of repeat structures contained two AGG interruptions, however, the majority of intermediate alleles (35–49) lacked AGG interruptions. Overall, we demonstrate that allelic diversity of the FMR1 locus among Ghanaians is comparable to African Americans, but includes a minority of CGG array structures not found in other populations. 相似文献
Association studies using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have the potential to help unravel the genetic basis of hypertension. Nevertheless, to date, association studies of hypertension have yielded ambiguous results. It is becoming clear that such association studies must be interpreted within the context of the genetic structure of the populations being studied, and patterns of variation within specific genomic regions. With this in mind we analyzed genetic variation in the G protein‐coupled receptor kinase 4 ( GRK4) gene, a gene whose product has recently been shown to inhibit the dopamine receptor D1 (DRD1) from increasing sodium excretion. We genotyped three previously identified GRK4 SNPs, as well as ten additional SNPs, over 71.6 kb of the GRK4 locus in four populations: African Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Caucasians. Haplotype structure varied among populations, with Hispanics and Caucasians having the most linkage disequilibrium (LD) among SNPs. African Americans had three shorter haplotype blocks, while patterns of markers in the Asian populations demonstrated less LD among markers, a pattern inconsistent with block structure. We observed limited haplotype diversity in each of the four populations, with differing haplotype frequencies among the ethnic groups. We also found substantial evidence for population differentiation, with the largest differences between the African‐American and Asian samples with F ST values in the upper 90 th percentile when compared to a genome‐wide distribution. However, for all population comparisons, F ST values decreased sharply in the 3′ region of the gene. This pattern of differentiation among populations is consistent with selection in this part of the gene maintaining similar patterns of variation among otherwise divergent populations. Our results document not only different allele frequencies between populations, but differences in haplotype structure that may be important in evaluating association studies between hypertension and GRK4. 相似文献
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that requires treatment by dopaminergic agonists, which may be responsible for central side effects. We hypothesized that the efflux transporter ABCB1/P-glycoprotein played a role in brain disposition of antiparkinsonian drugs and could control central toxicity. We aimed to evaluate antiparkinsonian drugs as ABCB1 substrates and/or inhibitors in rat brain endothelial cells GPNT, in order to predict potential clinical drug-drug interactions. Among the antiparkinsonian drugs tested, levodopa, bromocriptine, pergolide and pramipexole were ABCB1 substrates. However, only bromocriptine could inhibit ABCB1 functionality with an IC(50) of 6.71 microM on Rhodamine 123 uptake and an IC(50) of 1.71 microM on digoxine uptake. Thus, bromocriptine at 100 microM is responsible for an increase of levodopa intracellular transport of about 2.05-fold versus control. Therefore, we can conclude that bromocriptine is a potent drug for medicinal interactions in vitro. Hence, in patients with Parkinson's disease, these results may be considered to optimise treatments individually. 相似文献
多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是育龄妇女最常见的生殖内分泌紊乱性疾病,具有高度遗传异质性,其致病原因迄今不明。PCOS有高度的家族聚集性,提示遗传因素在发病中起重要作用,遗传学研究表明影响这些激素代谢和调节的多种基因参与了PCOS的发生,其中PAI-1基因启动子区4G/5G基因多态性与PCOS的发生可能有着密切的关系。 相似文献
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Peli-1 gene with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in a Chinese population. Methods: We conducted a case–control study and a total of 738 SLE patients and 827 healthy controls were finally recruited. Peli-1 rs329498 and rs10496105 polymorphisms were specified from genomic DNA using TaqMan genotyping assay on Fluidigm 192.24 system. Results: Allele contrast showed the minor allele C was associated with decreased risk for SLE when compared with the A allele (OR = 0.851, 95% CI = 0.737–0.983, p = 0.028). Significant difference was observed in genotype distribution of rs329498 polymorphism between lupus nephritis (LN) patients and non-LN patients (χ2 = 8.18, p = 0.017). Furthermore, we also found a decreased frequency of the minor allele C in LN patients (29.2%) than in non-LN patients (37.7%) (χ2 = 8.67, p = 0.003). Moreover, a significant difference was also detected under a dominant model with regard to the distribution of genotype frequencies between LN patients and non-LN patients (CC + AC vs. AA: OR = 0.632, 95% CI = 0.451–0.884, p = 0.007). Clinical features analysis showed a significant difference in the distribution of genotypic frequencies between patients with malar rash and patients without this feature (χ2 = 6.63, p = 0.036). Unfortunately, we failed to find any significant results between Peli-1 gene rs10496105 and SLE susceptibility. Conclusions: Our observations suggested that Peli-1 gene polymorphism rs329498 might contribute to SLE susceptibility in Chinese Han Population. Likewise, the rs329498 SNP was also associated with the clinical features LN and malar rash in SLE patients. 相似文献
Several lines of data suggest that genetic factors play an important role in the onset and/or progression of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Since PBC is an autoimmune disease, it is reasoned to assume that genes encoding cytokines may confer susceptibility to disease. Amongst these factors, interleukin-10 (IL-10) has received significant attention. The promoter region of IL-10 gene has three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at positions m 1082, m 819 and m 592. To elucidate the association of the three SNPs of IL-10 promoter region with susceptibility of PBC in two different genetic populations, 159 unrelated patients with PBC (94 Italian and 65 Japanese) and 143 local controls (72 Italian and 71 Japanese) were enrolled. SNPs were determined using allele-specific PCR/RFLP. In Italian PBC patients, the frequency of homozygosity for G/G at position m 1082 was significantly higher than that of local controls ( p <0.041, OR=2.44, 95% C.I.; 1.02-5.86). The frequencies of haplotype GCC in PBC patients, possibly linked to higher IL-10 production, were also significant higher than local controls ( p <0.033). However, in Japanese population, there were no significant differences in the three SNPs and haplotypes between PBC patients and controls. Excessive production of IL-10 may play an important role in some populations in modulating the onset of PBC. Further, immunogenetic studies of PBC should take into account ethnic and geographic variations; this makes such studies in heterogeneous population, like the USA, more difficult. 相似文献
The genetic bases underlying the range and severity of phenotypes in Mendelian disorders is poorly understood; however, improvements in this area have the potential to facilitate analysis of oligogenic disorders. The nail dysplasia observed in Nail Patella Syndrome (NPS) was selected as a quantifiable variable within a Mendelian disorder, for which data could be readily obtained, to allow investigation of the genetic basis of variation. Analysis of SNP haplotypes across the LMX1B gene demonstrated association between the haplotype of the mutant allele and the variability in the nail score (p = 0.024). These results are in contrast to those obtained previously, which supported a modifying role for the wild‐type allele. Since there is no evidence that particular mutations, or classes of mutation, are associated with the variation (p > 0.5), further work is required to identify the elements associated with the LMX1B gene that mediate phenotypic severity. 相似文献
Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. The aims of this study were to evaluate the association between polymorphisms in TFF gene family, TFF1, TFF2, and TFF3 and the risk of gastric cancer (GC) and GC subgroups in a Korean population via a case-control study. The eight polymorphisms in TFF gene family were identified by sequencing and genotyped with 377 GC patients and 396 controls by using TaqMan genotyping assay. The rs184432 TT genotype of TFF1 was significantly associated with a reduced risk of GC (odds ratio, [OR) = 0.45; 95% confidence interval, [CI] = 0.25-0.82; P = 0.009), more protective against diffuse-type GC (OR = 0.20; 95% CI = 0.05-0.89; P = 0.035) than GC (OR = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.14-0.82; P = 0.017) in subjects aged < 60 yr, and correlated with lymph node metastasis negative GC and diffuse-type GC (OR = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.23-0.86; P = 0.016 and OR = 0.20; 95% CI = 0.05-0.87; P = 0.031, respectively). In addition, a decreased risk of lymph node metastasis negative GC and diffuse-type GC was observed for rs225359 TT genotype of TFF1 (OR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.24-0.88; P = 0.020 and OR = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.05-0.88; P = 0.033, respectively). These findings suggest that the rs184432 and rs225359 polymorphisms in TFF1 have protective effects for GC and contribute to the development of GC in Korean individuals. Graphical Abstract相似文献
Background:Adiponectin is an anti-inflammatory and cardio-protective cytokine. However, several studies have demonstrated that plasma adiponectin levels were inversely associated with pulmonary function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, suggesting a proinflammatory or pulmonary-destructive role. It is still unclear whether adiponectin is a potent biomarker predicting declines in pulmonary function. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between adiponectin and pulmonary function among Japanese individuals who participated in an annual health check-up. Methods:Spirometry and blood sampling, including measurements of plasma adiponectin, were performed for 3,253 subjects aged 40 years or older who participated in a community-based annual health check-up in Takahata, Japan from 2004 to 2006. In 2011, spirometry was re-performed, and the data from 872 subjects (405 men and 467 women) were available for a longitudinal analysis. Results:Plasma adiponectin levels were found to be significantly associated with age, body mass index (BMI), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), triglycerides (TG), and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c) levels among both men and women in the study population. Plasma adiponectin levels were found to be associated with lifetime cigarette consumption (Brinkman index, BI) in men only. Plasma adiponectin levels were inversely correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1) per forced vital capacity in both men and women. In addition, the annual change in FEV 1 was inversely associated with plasma adiponectin levels in both genders. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that this association was independent of other confounding factors such as age, BMI, BI, ALT, TG, and HDL-c. Conclusions:The results of the present study suggest that adiponectin levels are predictive of declines in FEV 1 in the general population. 相似文献
The ultrastructure of the optic nerve, brain, and some associated structures of larval zebrafish, grown under three different light regimens were studied. Fish grown under cyclic light (control), constant dark (CD), and constant light (CL) were studied for 4 and 8 days postfertilization (dpf). We also studied the control and CD fish at 15 dpf. The brains of the control and CL fish were larger at 4 dpf than at 8 dpf. In all 4 dpf fish, the brain occupied the entire expanse between the two retinas and the optic nerve extended the shortest distance between the retina and the brain. The 15 dpf zebrafish had the smallest brain size. Groups of skeletal muscle cells associated with the optic nerves became visible in all older larvae. In the 15 dpf larvae, bulges and dilations in the optic nerve occurred as it reached the brain and optic chiasms occurred proximal to the brain. Electron microscopy yielded information about myelinated and unmyelinated axons in the optic nerve, the dimensions of neurotubules, neurofilaments, and myofilaments, including a unique variation in actin myofilaments, and a confirmation of reported myosin myofilament changes (but with dimensions). We also describe the ultrastructure of a sheath‐like structure that is confluent over the optic nerve and the brain, which has not been described before in zebrafish. Also presented are images of associated fibroblasts, epithelial cells lining the mouth, cartilage plates, blood vessels, nerve bundles, and skeletal muscle cells, most of which have not been previously described in the literature. Anat Rec,, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Summary We have studied the distribution of lysozyme (Ly), a 1-antitrypsin (a 1AT) and a 1-antichymotrypsin (a 1AChy) in the normal, chronically inflamed and neoplastic gall bladder mucosa using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) method. Ly was absent from the normal mucosa but it was found only in areas of glandular metaplasia of true antral type and in crypts of possible early metaplastic nature in cases of chronic cholecystitis. a 1AT and a 1AChy were also found in such metaplastic areas, but their presence was also observed immunohistochemically in areas of essentially normal and in non-metaplastic, chronically inflamed gall bladder mucosa. The possible local production of these substances by gall bladder epithelial cells is discussed. Ly, a 1AT and a 1AChy were also found in various histological types of adenocarcinoma of the gall bladder in varying degrees of frequency and intensity, unrelated to the histological type and invasiveness of the tumour. 相似文献
ObjectiveTo identify whether variants found in a large Han Chinese cohort – 8q22.3 SNPs rs3847153 and rs3108910; and one SNP each in HK3 (rs2278493), ESR1 (rs2234693) and BRSK1 (rs12611091) – are associated with premature ovarian failure (POF) in a different ethnic group (Serbian). DesignCase–control genetic association study in 197 Serbian POF cases and 552 matched controls. ResultsNone of the SNPs found associated with POF in Chinese cohort were found to be associated in the Serbian sample. ConclusionsIn contrast to Han Chinese, no association was found between POF in Serbian women and any of the four tested loci: 8q22.3, HK3, ESR1 and BRSK1. This indicates that ethnically distinct populations may show differences in gene-regulating pathways and genes causing POF. 相似文献
The Cytochrome P450 is the major enzyme involved in drug metabolism. CYP enzymes are responsible for the metabolism of most clinically used drugs. Individual variability in CYP activity is one important factor that contributes to drug therapy failure. We have developed a new straightforward TaqMan PCR genotyping assay to investigate the prevalence of the most common allelic variants of polymorphic CYP enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A5 in the Japanese population. Moreover, we focused on the combination of each genotype for clinical treatment. The genotype analysis identified a total of 139 out of 483 genotype combinations of five genes in the 1,003 Japanese subjects. According to our results, most of subjects seemed to require dose modification during clinical treatment. In the near future, modifications should be considered based on the individual patient genotype of each treatment. 相似文献
To date, molecular genetic analyses have identified over 500 distinct DNA variants in five disease genes associated with familial Parkinson disease; α‐ synuclein ( SNCA), parkin ( PARK2), PTEN‐induced putative kinase 1 ( PINK1), DJ‐1 ( PARK7), and Leucine‐rich repeat kinase 2 ( LRRK2). These genetic variants include ~82% simple mutations and ~18% copy number variations. Some mutation subtypes are likely underestimated because only few studies reported extensive mutation analyses of all five genes, by both exonic sequencing and dosage analyses. Here we present an update of all mutations published to date in the literature, systematically organized in a novel mutation database ( http://www.molgen.ua.ac.be/PDmutDB ). In addition, we address the biological relevance of putative pathogenic mutations. This review emphasizes the need for comprehensive genetic screening of Parkinson patients followed by an insightful study of the functional relevance of observed genetic variants. Moreover, while capturing existing data from the literature it became apparent that several of the five Parkinson genes were also contributing to the genetic etiology of other Lewy Body Diseases and Parkinson‐plus syndromes, indicating that mutation screening is recommendable in these patient groups. Hum Mutat 31:763–780, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AAT deficiency) is one of the most common serious hereditary disorders in the world, as its affects all major racial subgroups worldwide, and there are an estimated 120.5 million carriers and deficient subjects worldwide. This genetic disease is related to susceptibility for development of jaundice in infants, liver disease in children and adults and pulmonary emphysema in adults. Moreover, AAT deficiency carrier phenotypes (PiMS and PiMZ) and deficiency allele phenotypes (PiSS, PiSZ and PiZZ) are suspected to predispose subjects to a variety of other adverse health effects. Because there is a limited database on the number of individuals affected by this disease worldwide, we have collected data on control cohorts in genetic epidemiological studies published on case-control studies in the peer-reviewed literature worldwide. Based on these data, we estimated the numbers of carriers and deficiency allele combinations for the two most common defective alleles, namely PiS and PiZ in 58 countries worldwide. The present paper focuses on the distribution of the PiS and PiZ deficiency alleles in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America. A total of 31,042,232 individuals at risk for adverse health effects have been calculated in these four countries: 2,144,158 in Australia, 3,258,564 in Canada, 430,922 in New Zealand and 24,909,548 in the United States of America. The prevalences for all five phenotypic classes of AAT deficiency in each of these countries is as follows: Australia 1 out of 8.9, Canada 1 out of 9.8, New Zealand 1 out of 8.5 and the United States of America 1 out of 11.3. The geographical distribution of individual control cohorts and estimates of the numbers of carriers and deficiency allele phenotypes in each of these four countries are given in individual tables. 相似文献
Background The allergic response in susceptible patients does not always coincide with the presence and magnitude of airborne pollen counts. The prevalence of allergy to Platanus is currently moderate, although the percentage of monosensitized patients is low. This hinders accurate interpretation of the relationship between the amount of pollen inhaled and the patient's symptoms. Objective This study aims to investigate the relationship between the atmospheric concentration pattern of Pla a 1 aeroallergen and the Platanus pollen. Methods The pollen sampling was carried out using a Hirst‐type volumetric trap (Burkard ©) for pollen grains and a Burkard Cyclone sampler (Burkard ©) for Pla a 1 allergen. Serum‐specific IgE levels to Acer sp., Artemisia vulgaris, Betula alba, Chenopodium album, Cupressus arizonica, Cynodon dactylon, Fraxinus excelsior, Lolium perenne, Pinus sp., Plantago lanceolata, Platanus acerifolia, Populus sp., Quercus ilex and Taraxacum officinale allergens were determined using the EAST System (Hytec specific IgE EIA kit; Hycor Biomedical, Kassel, Germany). Results The aerobiological dynamics of Platanus pollen grains and Pla a 1 differed considerably, particularly during the Platanus pollination period. Of the 118 subjects tested, sera from 34 contained specific IgE to Platanus pollen and all of them had specific IgE to other pollen types. Conclusions The presence of the aeroallergen Pla a 1 in the atmosphere appears to be independent of Platanus pollen counts over the same period, which may be contributing to allergic symptoms and sensitization. The number of polysensitized patients displaying allergy to Platanus suggested that allergic symptoms were caused by co‐sensitization or cross‐reactivity involving a number of allergenic particles. Cite this as: D. Fernández‐González, Z. González‐Parrado, A. M. Vega‐Maray, R. M. Valencia‐Barrera, B. Camazón‐Izquierdo, P. De Nuntiis and P. Mandrioli, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2010 (40) 1701–1708. 相似文献
The adjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer with non-steroidal antiestrogens of the triphenylethylene-type such as tamoxifen is clinically well established, and pure steroidal antiestrogens are being introduced in clinical trials to circumvent the probable occurrence of tamoxifen resistance. Nevertheless, there do still remain some unsolved questions about the exact mechanisms of these substances. We therefore investigated the different effects of 4-OH-Tamoxifen (OHT), a non-steroidal antiestrogen, versus ZM 182780, a pure steroidal antiestrogen, on the morphology and on the cytoskeleton of MCF-7 (estrogen receptor-positive) and MX-1 (estrogen receptor-negative) cells. For this purpose cells were treated for 2, 5 and 7 days with OHT, ZM182780 and different concentrations of beta-estradiol. Interestingly, in scanning electron microscopy, MCF-7 cells showed more differentiation by forming three-dimensional structures such as acini or tubule-like structures under ZM 182780 therapy than with OHT. As expected, MX-1 cells showed no effects after ZM 182780-therapy, but OHT led to a decrease in the number of these cells and produced a fibroblast-like appearance of the estrogen receptor-negative MX-1 cells. The following immunocytochemical experiments on the tubulin, vimentin, cytokeratin and actin cytoskeleton surprisingly did not show marked differences within the morphologically differentiated ZM 182780-treated population compared to the control group of MCF-7 cells. Only the OHT-treated cells of both, the ER(+) and the ER(-) cells, showed a rearrangement of actin filaments and cytokeratin which appeared even more pronounced within the ER(-) MX-1 cells. No experimental group showed morphologically detectable changes in tubulin or vimentin distribution. These data suggest a non ER-mediated OHT-effect on the cytoskeleton that also affects the ER(-) cell line MX-1. 相似文献