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目的:根据调查分析的结果,了解大学生应对校园突发事件的现状以及人身安全预防知识的掌握程度,对大学生采取切实可行的培养方案,提高其应对突发事件的能力。方法:采取调查问卷形式,在山西大学、太原理工大学、中北大学、山西医科大学四所高校进行随机调查并记录所得数据;再以地震及预防意外事件为例,将四所高校的数据用EXCEL绘制成柱状图,判断当代大学生处理突发事件以及对人身安全预防知识的掌握程度是否属于普遍性;然后将四所高校所得数据进行比较,得出其中应对突发事件表现最佳的高校,并分析其优势原因;最后进行数据归纳整理,分析当代大学生应对校园突发事件的现状以及人身安全预防知识的掌握程度。结果:分析发现,四所高校大学生整体应对突发事件的能力岌岌可危,对人身安全预防知识的掌握程度更是令人担忧,其中山西医科大学的学生在应对突发事件以及对人身安全预防知识掌握的程度最佳。结论:当代大学生处理校园突发事件的能力以及对安全知识的理解程度欠佳,安全教育程度与其学校学生处理突发事件以及对人身安全预防知识的掌握程度成正比。  相似文献   

目的探讨高校公共卫生突发事件应急的护理措施。方法选取本院126名护理人员进行高校公共卫生突发事件应急的护理措施进行培训。结果培训前、后突发事件应急的护理流程掌握程度、救护物品准备情况、突发事件应急执行过程正确情况及突发事件相关知识掌握程度有明显改善。结论提高了护理人员对公共卫生突发事件应急措施,减少不必要的失误,规范了护理人员应对突发事件的行为,确保应急反应的速度和反应能力。  相似文献   

<正>应急预案培训是提高临床护士处理医院内突发事件应急能力和协调能力,最大限度保证患者安全,将突发事件的负面影响降至最低限度所必需的教学方式。在临床工作中,低年资护士面对危重症患者的病情变化和突发事件,会产生恐惧、紧张甚至手足无措,这可能直接或间接导致患者病情延误或将事态扩大。护士如何提高应变能力应对各类突发事件的发生,将患者伤害控制到最低水平,是应  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,"健康中国"已经逐渐向我们走来。"健康中国"主要面向对象是全国各级健康教育机构、卫生事业管理。学校公共卫生突发事件具有突发性和难以预测性,很容易对学校的可持续发展和大学生造成严重的危害。本文讲述了学校公共卫生突发事件的类型和特征,分析了学校公共卫生突发事件对大学生的影响以及在"健康中国"背景下大学生应对突发公共卫生事件能力现状,研究了提升大学生应对突发公共卫生事件能力的策略。  相似文献   

张桂敏 《首都医药》2011,18(1):57-58
目的探讨如何提高基层"三品一械"突发事件的预防和应对能力。方法以北京市药品监督管理局石景山分局为例,系统阐述对基层"三品一械"突发事件应急体系建设的基本构架、发展及经验教训。结果提出通过建立基层"三品一械"突发事件的组织机构、预警和快速反应机制、便于应急管理的突发事件预防网络,完善应对突发事件的基层规章制度,重视媒体的作用,建立和完善人民群众自我动员、自我保护的机制等建议。结论应建立系统的"三品一械"突发事件应急管理机制,加强基层药品监管部门对突发事件的应变能力。  相似文献   

近年来,不断发生的灾害和重大传染病的暴发和流行,对我军卫勤保障提出了更高的要求。军队药材保障是我军应对突发事件的物资保障体系的重要组成部分。在各类突发事件及重大疫情暴发流行过程中,我军的药材保障机构积极发挥作用,完成了部队应急药材的保障任务,同时也对我军应急药材保障提出了新要求。目前,我军应急药材保障能力与应对重大疫情还不太适应。针对突发疫情对药材保障提出的新课题,应重视军地联合、进一步完善和健全应急药材保障体系,针对可能发生的突发公共卫生事件有预见性地制定出应急药材保障方案,建立医药器械应急物品救援快速反应系统,增强药材应急保障系统的快速反应能力。  相似文献   

目的探讨提高县级综合医院门诊护士应急能力的对策。方法通过对天府新区人民医院门诊护士人力资源、技术水平和应急能力特点进行分析,采取增强门诊护士应急意识的培养、应用PDCA管理法加情景模拟法加强应急能力的培训和演练、加强门诊护士综合素质的培养等对策。结果对策实施后门诊护士在应急理论知识和应急技能考核成绩均高于实施前,差异均有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);并能有效处置突发事件。结论该院采取的对策能提高门诊护士对各类突发事件的处置能力,保证门诊工作安全、有序、高效运行,保障患者安全,促进优质护理服务的深入开展。  相似文献   

昆明市2005~2007年18次突发事件紧急医疗救援分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年出现SARS以来,我国对突发事件高度重视,并开始规范突发事件的应急处置工作,急救中心及时、有效应对突发事件尤为重要。突发事件是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成严重社会危害,需要采取应急处置措施予以应对的自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件川。为了不断提高急救中心对突发事件的应急处置能力和水平,本文对云南省急救中心于2005年1月1日~2007年12月31日期间18次突发事件紧急医疗救援资料进行回顾性分析。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析县域医院急诊护士应对突发事件能力的现状,旨在提升县域医院护士队伍整体应急能力及护理服务质量。方法 2022年12月至2023年1月选取浙江苍南县区域内三所医院(苍南县人民医院、苍南县中医院、苍南县第三人民医院)急诊科护士87名,通过微信统一发放“急诊护士应对突发事件能力”“急诊护士突发事件应对现状”调查问卷,填写后微信提交回收。结果 共发放问卷87份,回收87份,有效回收率100%。“急诊护士应对突发事件能力”调查结果显示,专业知识维度(总分5分)平均(3.0±0.1)分;专业急救技术维度(总分16分)平均(9.3±2.4)分;团队合作能力维度(总分2分)平均(0.9±0.3)分;应急流程维度(总分10分)平均(6.3±1.3)分;问卷总分(33分)平均(21.3±3.8)分。“急诊护士突发事件应对现状”调查结果显示,急诊护士在对突发事件基本知识的知晓率和应急能力掌握方面整体情况较好。结论 高年资护士的专业技术能力在县域医院仍处于中坚力量,但多数护士在专业急救技术和应急流程方面有所欠缺,医院需结合发展状况及救援职责,落实对急诊护士突发事件的专业培训及应急演练,持续提升急诊...  相似文献   

张秋  陈慧 《中国药师》2016,(11):2117-2119
摘 要 目的:构建食品药品安全事件应急演练路径,提高食品药品安全突发事件防范和应对能力。方法: 论述食品药品安全事件的特点、食品药品安全事件应急演练形式与桌面演练的必要性、食品药品安全事件应急演练的目的与设计以及食品药品安全事件应急演练的组织与实施,剖析演练过程,并进行演练回顾和思考。结果: 本研究可对食品药品安全突发事件应急演练提供一定的参考和借鉴。结论:食品药品安全事件应急演练的开展,不仅需要较高的演练项目设计与实施能力,也需要各级食品药品监管部门驾驭纷繁复杂的突发事件以及专业高效的应对能力,应根据需要开展形式多样的演练。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Heavy episodic alcohol use has been associated with numerous consequences among college students. However, neither the incidence nor the demographic and clinical characteristics of serious health consequences have been clearly defined in this population. This study is conducted to better understand clinical outcomes associated with alcohol use in college students. METHOD: In a prospective observational study, medical records of students presenting to a large university medical center emergency department were examined. Demographic and clinical features of alcohol-related visits were gathered on patients who were enrolled as undergraduates at a 4-year public institution during 2 academic years from July 2000 through June 2002. Enrollment was approximately 12,500 undergraduates per year. RESULTS: Of all emergency visits, 13% were alcohol related; and of all undergraduate students, 0.7% presented with alcohol-related medical conditions each year. Injuries accounted for 53% of all visits, and acute intoxication accounted for 34%. Nine of 185 patients were hospitalized. Men aged 21 years and older had the highest odds of visiting the emergency department. Trauma occurred more frequently among men, students > 18 years of age and white students. Accidents (84%) and fights (16%) were the sources of injuries. Acute intoxication occurred more frequently among women, students < or = 18 years of age and nonwhite students. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol use contributes to a small yet significant proportion of emergency room visits for college students. Distinctive subgroups of college students, including legal-age drinkers, experience patterns of serious health consequences as a result of problem use of alcohol.  相似文献   

Background: A growing literature shows that drinkers can harm bystanders through alcohol-related harms to others (HTO). The burden of HTO is particularly consequential in college environments, where heavy alcohol consumption and related harms are highly prevalent. A key limitation to the current literature on HTO among college students is that the determinants of HTO in college settings are not well-described. Objective: This article presents an evidence- and theory-based conceptual framework of HTO among United States college students. Methods: This study used a literature review in Embase, PsycInfo, PubMed, and Web of Science to determine the prevalence of HTO among college students and literature gaps. Researchers supplemented college HTO literature with broader HTO literature to develop a conceptual framework. Results: Prevalence estimates for HTO among college populations range from 59% to 84%. Literature on HTO among college students is mostly confined to brief sections of larger surveys. The college HTO literature lacks the level of detail necessary to support methodologically rigorous research. Conclusions: HTO are prevalent among college populations but their prevalence and etiology are not well understood. This likely leads to systematic undercounting of the impact of alcohol in college settings, exacerbating the “translation” gap between what the research says is effective and what colleges actually do. Better understanding of HTO mechanisms through which drinkers harm those around them would inform alcohol research and policy on college campuses, and lead to more accurate assessments of the degree to which stronger alcohol policies could benefit all students, regardless of their drinking patterns.  相似文献   

A short, reliable two-factor instrument measuring drinking-related negative consequences was developed from a previous measure using two samples of college students. In Study I, data on alcohol use and problems associated with alcohol use were collected on 382 introductory psychology students. The original College Alcohol Problems Scale (CAPS) was tested and found to fit the data poorly. Sequential methods were used to develop a revised instrument. Principal components analyses (PCA) on half of the sample were conducted on 20 items written to measure negative consequences related to college student drinking. Results indicated a two-factor solution measuring social and emotional problems. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) on the other half of the sample confirmed the two-factor structure. Further refinement of the instrument resulted in the revised CAPS (CAPS-r), an eight-item two-factor scale. In Study II, the response format was altered to coincide with the Young Adult Problem Screening Test. A total of 726 students completed the instrument as part of a university-wide random sample. CFA showed that the hypothesized model fit well across all measures of model fit and the factor structure was invariant across gender. Additional analyses revealed that the scale was internally consistent and externally valid. A short reliable and valid measure of alcohol-related problems is needed to enable low-cost data collection on college campuses across the nation, as well as to facilitate program evaluation and routine epidemiological surveillance and monitoring.  相似文献   

张谦 《中国医药指南》2008,6(14):98-100
现代教育论对学校教育的总体目标作了规定,即现代教育引导学生通过学习获取知识、发展智力、培养能力,以完成对学生的科学与人文素质教育的完整的教育任务[1]。通过调查发现,学习兴趣不高、学习方法欠佳是专科护理专业学生学习面临的最大问题。重视学生学习能力培养、落实培养措施是提高学生学习能力的重要方法。  相似文献   

叶丽师  高虹 《现代医药卫生》2014,(4):523-524,527
目的 调查福州市某三级甲等医院实习护生的压力状况,并对结果进行分析,提出对策,为临床教育者和管理者对实习护生针对性减压提供参考.方法 应用自制量表对福州某三级甲等医院2012~2013年126名实习护生发放问卷调查.结果 56.35%的实习护生有中等水平的压力,本科生占45.07%,1.59%的实习护生有高水平的压力,均为本科生,压力来源依次为:工作性质与内容、社会因素、患者的情况、对知识技能需求、病房的环境氛围、监督与评价.前10位的压力源分别为接触传染性疾病、处理患者紧急情况的能力、出现差错可能性等.其中43名本科生最大的压力源为接触传染性疾病,46名大专生最大的压力源为出现差错可能性,37名中专生最大的压力源为患者得不到医生和护士的关怀或因贫穷得不到全面治疗,因此产生无助感.本科生的压力程度大于大专生,大专生的压力程度大于中专生,男实习护生的压力程度低于女实习护生,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 护理临床带教教师应充分重视实习护生的压力源和压力程度,针对学历和性别差异采取有效措施,减轻其压力,使之保持身心健康.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to determine if failure to develop/utilize alcohol-specific strategies to manage drinking behavior might serve as a mechanism through which early alcohol exposure leads to higher levels of later alcohol use and alcohol-related negative consequences, while taking into account impulsivity as an underlying risk factor for both of these outcomes. Data were collected between September and December of 2005 from a random sample of college students via an online survey. A total of 309 students provided complete data on all measure of interest. Separate regression analyses predicting typical weekly alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems indicated that use of alcohol-specific protective strategies partially mediated the effect of age of first use on these outcomes. An earlier age of onset was associated with less frequent use of alcohol-specific protective strategies, which in turn was associated with drinking- and alcohol-related problems. Implications for tailoring alcohol prevention and intervention programs targeting adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Heavy alcohol use among college students represents a public health problem on American college campuses. A promising area for combating this problem is identifying protective behavioral strategies that may reduce consumption and its resulting negative consequences among students who do choose to use alcohol. The purpose of this study was to develop and conduct initial psychometric analyses on a new scale, which we named the Protective Behavioral Strategies Survey. METHOD: Data were collected on 437 undergraduate students, who volunteered to participate in the study, at a large, public university in the northeast region of the United States. RESULTS: Results from an exploratory factor analysis yielded three theoretically meaningful factors that we labeled Limiting/Stopping Drinking, Manner of Drinking and Serious Harm Reduction. The three factors were, as a group, significantly associated with both alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems, but the strongest unique relationship existed between Manner of Drinking and the outcome variables. CONCLUSIONS: Protective behavioral strategies seem to be a measurable construct that are related to alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems, and thus may be a useful component of intervention and prevention programs with college students.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine students' reasons for studying and their learning experiences in the Goodfellow Unit postgraduate distance learning diplomas. METHOD: A survey was sent to all students currently enrolled in the Goodfellow Unit diplomas in emergency, sports and geriatric medicine. RESULTS: The response rate was 63%. Students had enrolled to gain more skills on their present job for personal satisfaction or for personal interest. Students reported difficulties in fitting study into already busy lives, but general satisfaction with the learning format of videotaped lecture sessions plus written study guides. They also reported having to develop a different method of learning from their undergraduate study methods. Students predicted a number of ways of improving learning outcomes. CONCLUSION: Distance learning is a viable option for busy general practitioners, as long as it can be self paced, practical and relevant to the work situation.  相似文献   

The first year of college is a unique transition period, in which the student establishes a college identity and social network. Alcohol use is often part of this process, and many first-year college students develop a pattern of heavy drinking that puts them at risk for adverse consequences during their college years and into young adulthood. To better understand the development of risky alcohol use during this transition, we reviewed the literature on influences on college drinking and identified moderators and mediators that were particularly relevant for first-year alcohol use. As the transition from high school to college presents a unique opportunity for intervention, we discuss how these moderators and mediators can inform alcohol abuse prevention programs. We also identify approaches aimed at changing the culture of alcohol use on campus. Limitations of the reviewed research are highlighted in the context of promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of these comments is to serve as a reaction to an article by Stephanie Babb, Cynthia Stewart, and Christine Bachman of the University of Houston-Downtown. The article is ambitiously titled "Gender, Ethnic, Age, and Relationship Differences in Non-Traditional College Students' Alcohol Consumption: A Tri-Ethnic Study" and is published in this issue of the Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. These comments are not intended to be a definitive response to all of the possible points raised by the authors of the article; rather they are reflective of the personal views of an addiction professional who has been active in the field for several years, particularly involved with efforts directed at substance use by non-traditional college students, and who has published previously on related topics. It is only possible to react to a few specific issues raised by the article; another commentator or a peer reviewer would probably address a myriad other areas. Indeed, several other topics of concern could have been addressed, but I felt it prudent and hopefully more productive to keep my comments more narrowly focused on some of the matters that seemed more pressing.  相似文献   

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