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Atypical antipsychotics are increasingly used in the treatment of severe behavioral disturbances in people with pervasive developmental disorders. Among these compounds, risperidone has been the most broadly studied. This drug profile will review the available data on the use of risperidone in individuals with pervasive developmental disorders. In addition, the chemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and metabolism of risperidone are discussed. Emphasis will be placed on adverse effects associated with risperidone in these people, including a discussion of measures that can be taken to monitor for these effects. Finally, a discussion of the future direction of risperidone use in this population and key issues will be presented.  相似文献   

Assessed differences in sex ratio, severity of associated mental retardation, and various metrics of severity of autism in autistic, PDD-NOS, and developmentally disordered (non-PDD) cases. Males with autism were more frequent than females, particular at higher IQ levels. The three clinical groups differed, in expected ways, in the various measures of severity of autism with the PDD-NOS cases being intermediate between the strictly diagnosed autistic group and the non-PDD developmental disordered group. Sex differences were primarily confined to IQ; sex differences in other metrics of severity of autism were not prominent. Implications for future research are discussed.This study was supported by grant HD-03008 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, by NIMH grants MH-30929 to the Mental Health Clinical Research Center and MH-46961 to F. R. Volkmar. A previous version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco, October, 1991.  相似文献   

Pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) are characterized by two essential symptoms: impairment in social interaction, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. PDD include autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, and PDD-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). These three disorders are sometimes termed autism spectrum disorders. A recent epidemiological survey demonstrated that the rate of PDD may be almost 1% and that many PDD cases might not be diagnosed properly in childhood. Erik Erikson described eight stages of psychosocial development through which a normally developing human should pass from infancy to adulthood. In the theory, an adolescent shows 'Identity vs. Role Confusion'. It has been reported that individuals with PDD often have identity crises which sometimes include gender dysphoria. This phenomenon might be related to the so-called identity diffusion in youth. When they reach their young youth, it has been said that subjects with PDD realize their uniqueness and differences compared to others, and, as a result, they may develop confusion of identity which could be exhibited as gender identity disorder. A recent study demonstrated that, amongst 204 children and adolescents who visited a GID clinic in the Netherlands, 7.8% were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders after a careful diagnostic procedure by a multi-disciplinary team. Taken together, PDD and GID seem closely related to each other. In this paper, we present four PDD cases with gender dysphoria and related symptoms: 1) a girl with PDD who repeatedly asserted gender identity disorder (GID) symptoms in response to social isolation at school, 2) a junior high school boy with PDD and transvestism, 3) a boy diagnosed with Asperger's disorder who developed a disturbance of sexual orientation, and 4) a boy with Asperger's disorder and comorbid childhood GID. Many of the clinical symptoms related to gender dysphoria might be explained by the cognitive characteristics and psychopathology of PDD. The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology published guidelines for the assessment and treatment of GID in 1997, and revised them in 2006. As a result, GID has become well known as a clinical entity in Japan, and there have been an increasing number of Japanese patients complaining of gender dysphoria. It is important to consider an underlying diagnosis of PDD when encountering patients with gender dysphoria.  相似文献   

Investigated the use of cohesive links to create a reciprocal conversation in individuals with autism, Asperger syndrome, and a control group of children and adolescents with nonspecific social problems. All subjects engaged in a 10-minute conversation with an examiner that touched on various topics. The conversation was audiotaped, transcribed, and coded blindly for several types of cohesive links. Compared to controls, the higher functioning autistic group referred less to a previous stretch of the conversation and more to an aspect of the physical environment. The Asperger group, on the other hand, was very similar to the controls except they made more unclear references that were difficult to interpret. Implications of these findings for understanding the communicative failure of subjects with pervasive developmental disorder are discussed.This work was supported by funds from the Medical Research Council of Canada. Dr. Szatmari was supported by an award from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation.  相似文献   

Individuals with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) are characterized by deficits in socialization. To date, moral judgment, which may have a considerable influence on socialization, has not been fully investigated in high-functioning PDD (HFPDD), particularly from a viewpoint of practical adjustment with peers. Human External Action and its internal Reasoning Type (HEART), a standardized test for evaluating moral judgment in school children developed in Japan, was used to compare various aspects of moral judgment between 23 students with HFPDD (6-14 years old) and 23 students with typical development matched for age, intelligence, and socioeconomic status. Students with HFPDD scored significantly lower on Internal Moral Reasoning than control students. As for the level of Internal Moral Reasoning, while both groups reached a conventional (third) level in almost all items, fewer students with HFPDD achieved an autonomous (fourth) level and more students with HFPDD remained at a heteronomous (second) level than did control students. In the HFPDD group there were significant positive correlations between some items of Internal Moral Reasoning and verbal ability-related items of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III. A comparatively lower score in students with HFPDD may relate to difficulty in socialization.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported prolonged neural transmission times on auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) measured in autistic children, a finding which implicates CNS dysfunction at the level of the brainstem in autistic conditions. This study measured ABRs in 25 children and adults with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs), including autism, and 25 age- and sex-matched normal controls. Subjects were carefully evaluated audiometrically and neurologically and artifact was controlled to produce highly reliable measures. Prolonged transmission times were seen in only one PDD subject and in one normal control, while shortened transmission times were seen in four PDD subjects. The majority of PDD subjects showed normal ABRs. Previous reports of a significant incidence of prolonged transmission times among autistic and autisticlike subjects, thus, were not replicated. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Autism and the pervasive developmental disorders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our understanding of childhood autism and the related pervasive developmental disorders continues to advance in many areas. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of phenotypic expression presents many challenges, not least to efforts to ascertain the prevalence of the disorders. There is now wide agreement on, and reliable application of, the diagnostic criteria for childhood autism, but there is less agreement on and less reliable application of the criteria for the related disorders atypical autism, pervasive developmental disorder-unspecified and Asperger's syndrome. Evidence about genetic associations indicates that several genes are involved in creating susceptibility to the disorder, and the first steps to identify susceptibility loci have begun. Neuroanatomical models have yet to receive consistent support but early signs of promising advances have been made in pharmacological interventions, and adequate evaluation of behavioural intervention programmes is now underway.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents diagnosed with autism and related pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) often sustain irritability, including aggression, self-injurious behavior, and tantrums. Research to date supports the use of the atypical antipsychotics as a first-line pharmacologic treatment for this target symptom domain in PDDs. Currently, the atypical antipsychotic risperidone is the only medication approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for irritability in youth with autism. Additional large-scale, placebo-controlled studies of other medications are needed to determine their efficacy for the treatment of irritability in this diagnostic group.  相似文献   

The concept of reality systems is introduced in context of cognitive-developmental systems theory. Examination of the parallels between the reality systems of normal infants and those of children with pervasive developmental disorders supports the view that the latter are stalled at an early stage of development. Evaluation of pervasively disordered children with closed-system and system-forming disorders indicates the aberrant manner in which such children orient toward and engage objects and events, a manner that precludes flexible adaptation to people or surroundings. Attention is given the role of interruption as it triggers a compensatory reaction to maintain systems and the contribution of such reactions in developing the intentional behavior so lacking in children with pervasive developmental disorders. Finally, the author discusses theory-driven strategies to correct deficits in the body schema, coping with surroundings, social development, and communication and representation.  相似文献   

Pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) refer to the group of heterogeneous conditions that make up a continuum or spectrum of autistic disorders and share a core triad of impairments consisting of qualitative disturbances in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication and imagination. It has long been believed that the prevalence of autism was 2-4 per 10,000 children. However, studies using broader definitions of autistic disorder have suggested that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder may be as high as 90 per 10,000 and that a greater proportion of individuals with PDD have intellectual levels above 70. Clinicians and researchers have commented on the apparent increase in prevalence of the disorder and have offered a number of explanations, including better recognition and diagnosis of the autism spectrum of disorders and a real increase in the disturbance. It is being increasingly recognized that individuals with PDD are at risk for a wide array of psychiatric disturbances, including affective disorder, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia-like psychosis, aggression, antisocial behavior, and Tourette's disorder (TD). Evidence indicates that PDD is significantly related to the comorbid psychiatric disorders and TD. Because PDD is not rare, individuals with autism spectrum disorder may represent significant subgroups of severely emotionally disturbed patients referred for psychiatric treatment. Because of lack of awareness that the clinical manifestations of PDD are heterogeneous and often mild and that comorbid psychiatric disturbances may obscure the symptoms of the developmental disorder, the diagnosis of PDD may be missed. Implications for practicing clinicians are discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of macrocephaly (head circumference > or = 1.88 standard deviations above normative data for age and sex or > 97th centile) in autism and other pervasive developmental disorders, 41 children with autism, and a comparison group of 21 children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) or an unspecified seizure disorder were studied. Familiality of head circumference was also assessed from measurements of 133 first-degree relatives. Significantly higher rates of macrocephaly were found in probands with autism (12.2%) and their first-degree relatives (15.5%) when compared against a published normative sample. The incidence of macrocephaly in the comparison group of probands with TSC and seizure disorder (9.5%) and their first-degree relatives (8.3%) was higher than normative data as well, although the relation between macrocephaly and autism was more pronounced. Head circumference and extreme scores reflecting macrocephaly were moderately heritable in the present sample (H2 = 0.47). The increased prevalence of macrocephaly in relatives of children with autism compared with control children suggests that this characteristic may be a familial risk factor in the pathogenesis of autism.  相似文献   

Articles on pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) published manily by Japanese child psychiatrists in international journals for the last 20 years were reviewed for the purpose of clarifying the accomplishment and aimes of Japanese PDD research. Although Japanese child psychiatrists inventigated PDD in various specialties, their contributions to international archives were much fewer than those of Japanese professionals in other branches of medical sciences. This may be accounted for by the absence of an authorized education system of child psychiatrists and strong clinical orientation together with some reluctance of Japansee child psychiatrists to perform research. However, the epidemiology of PDD subtypes, the speech loss in PDD and the psychopathology of persons with high-functioning PDD seem to be providing promising research areas for Japanese child psychiatrists based on their clinical experiences.  相似文献   

Abstract Articles on pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) published mainly by Japanese child psychiatrists in international journals for the last 20 years were reviewed for the purpose of clarifying the accomplishment and aims of Japanese PDD research. Although Japanese child psychiatrists investigated PDD in various specialties, their contributions to international archives were much fewer than those of Japanese professionals in other branches of medical sciences. This may be accounted for by the absence of an authorized education system of child psychiatrists and strong clinical orientation together with some reluctance of Japanese child psychiatrists to perform research. However, the epidemiology of PDD subtypes, the speech loss in PDD and the psychopathology of persons with high-functioning PDD seem to be providing promising research areas for Japanese child psychiatrists based on their clinical experiences.  相似文献   

Affect comprehension was studied in children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) and normal children matched for mental age. Three matching tasks were used: matching objects (a nonsocial control task), matching faces, and matching affects. The three tasks were developed to be of equal difficulty for normal children. Children were also tested for comprehension and expression of affect terms. The PDD children were impaired on affect matching relative to the normal controls. The PDD children were impaired on face and affect matching relative to their own performance on object matching, whereas the normal children were not. Within the PDD sample, object matching was correlated with mental age measures but not with measures of social behavior and play, but face and affect matching were significantly correlated with mental age as well as social behavior and play. Individual PDD children who showed relative deficits on face or affect matching tended to be more socially impaired than PDD children whose face and affect matching was consonant with their mental age. Results are discussed in terms of possible etiologies of the social deficit in PDD children, and the importance of subtypes within this population.This work was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health grants (MH28605 to authors Waterhouse and Fein, and MH40162 to authors Fein and Waterhouse), and from NINCDS (NS20489 to the CNS-INS Task Force on Nosology of Higher Cerebral Function Disorders in Children). We gratefully acknowledge the help and support of staff and students of the League School, Newton, the Phillips Elementary School, Watertown, Kids are People, Brookline, the Russell Cooperative Preschool, Watertown, Just for Kids Preschool, Watertown, Massachusetts; Chepachet Elementary School, Chepachet, Rhode Island; Search Day School, Ocean, Eden Institute, Princeton, Princeton Child Development Institute, Princeton, Egg Harbor Township Regional Day School, Egg Harbor, and St. John of God School, West Mill Grove, New Jersey.  相似文献   

In recent years, the role of psychotherapy in the treatment of children with pervasive developmental disorders, such as autism and Asperger's Syndrome, has been questioned. Advances in neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and genetics, as well as the refinement of behavioral and educational techniques, have relegated discussions about psychotherapy mostly to reviews about the history of treatment for autism. Even when psychotherapeutic work is suggested, it is typically only very structured supportive counseling for older and high functioning children and adolescents that is considered. This paper argues that there is a central role for psychotherapy for children with pervasive developmental disorders, and that psychotherapeutic interventions should begin at a younger, rather than older age.  相似文献   

Background In clients with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), some authors have noticed the presence of gastrointestinal disorders and behavioural disorders. An augmented prevalence of different histological anomalies has also been reported. The aim of our study is to highlight the prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders in this adult with PDD sample and to demonstrate the importance of accurate evaluation of gastrointestinal disorders in clients with PDD. Methods The present comparative study involved 118 clients. Our research was motivated by the clinical observation that behavioural disorders sometimes disappeared with administration of anti‐gastric acid or anti‐ulcerous medications. It focused on two samples of clients with intellectual disability – those with associated PDD and those without. The presence of gastrointestinal disorders was assessed retrospectively on the basis of hospital records. Results The prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders reported in clinical files was 48.8% in clients with PDD, as compared with 8.0% in non‐PDD clients (P < 0.00001). Conclusion Gastrointestinal disorders, and especially gastro‐oesophageal reflux, if neglected, may contribute to behavioural disorders in PDD clients. Moreover, gastrointestinal disorders may be considered as a feature of PDD. We highlight the fact that somatic disorders may coexist in persons with PDD.  相似文献   

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