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Sixty-five patients presenting either rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma and sensitized to pollens of trees of the order Fagales were studied by the Pharmacia CAP system in order to assess specific IgE for the important birch pollen allergens Bet v 1 and Bet v 2. All 65 subjects reacted to at least one of the recombinant birch allergens: 43% to Bet v 1, 30.7% to Bet v 2, and 26% to both. Patients monosensitized to birch did not react to Bet v 2. of patients with a history of oral allergy syndrome after eating apples, 16/28 (57%) reacted to Bet v 1; among 20 polysensitized subjects presenting oral allergy syndrome after consumption of apple, four reacted to Bet v 2 (20%). Among patients with IgE against both recombinant allergens, six (35.30%) presented symptoms of allergy after eating apples. Our results indicate that sensitization to Bet v 1 is specific for birch and apple allergies, whereas sensitization to Bet v 2 is common in polysensitized patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Jackfruit allergy has been reported just once. It is unknown whether this food allergy is caused by direct sensitization or cross-sensitization to pollen allergens. OBJECTIVE: Establish whether jackfruit allergy is linked to birchpollen allergy. METHODS: Two jackfruit allergic patients and five patients with birchpollen-related apple allergy were recruited. Sensitization to pollen and plant foods was assessed by skin prick test (SPT), radio-allergosorbent test (RAST) and immunoblot. RAST analysis was performed for Bet v 1 and Mal d 1. Cross-reactivity was evaluated by RAST and immunoblot-inhibition. Biological activity of immunoglobulin E (IgE) was measured by basophil histamine release. Allergy to jackfruit was evaluated by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) or open challenge (OC). RESULTS: In both patients DBPCFC confirmed the reported jackfruit allergy. SPT was 41 and 27 mm2 and specific IgE to jackfruit was 5.9 and 0.8 IU/ml, respectively. Immunoblot analysis revealed IgE reactivity at Mr of approximately 17 kDa. The Bet v 1-related nature of this allergen in jackfruit was demonstrated by RAST and immunoblot inhibition. To assess whether jackfruit allergy might be common in patients with combined birchpollen-fruit allergy, five such patients underwent an OC with jackfruit. All five had OA-like symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Jackfruit allergy can be added to the list of birchpollen-related food allergies. Increased consumption of this fruit will result in a rise in allergic reactions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Food allergy to apples, hazelnuts, and celery is frequent in individuals with birch pollen allergy because IgE antibodies specific for the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, cross-react with structurally related allergens in these foods. In addition, T lymphocytes specific for Bet v 1 also cross-react with these dietary proteins. OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the effects of simulated gastrointestinal degradation of Bet v 1-related food allergens on their mediator-releasing and T cell-activating capacity. METHODS: Recombinant Mal d 1, Cor a 1.04, and Api g 1 were incubated separately with pepsin and trypsin. Binding of IgE was tested in immunoblots. After successive incubation with both enzymes, allergens were tested in mast cell mediator release assays and used to stimulate PBMCs and Bet v 1-specific T-cell lines and clones. Proteolytic fragments of allergens were analyzed and sequenced by means of mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Pepsin completely destroyed IgE binding of all allergens within 1 second, and trypsin completely destroyed IgE binding of all allergens within 15 minutes, except for the major hazelnut allergen, which remained intact for 2 hours of trypsinolysis. Allergens after gastrointestinal digestion did not induce basophil activation but induced proliferation in PBMCs from allergic and nonallergic individuals. Digested Mal d 1 and Cor a 1.04 still activated Bet v 1-specific T cells, whereas digested Api g 1 did not. Different proteolytic fragments of Mal d 1 and Cor a 1.04 matching relevant Bet v 1 T-cell epitopes were found. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal degradation of Bet v 1-related food allergens destroys their histamine-releasing, but not T cell-activating, property. Our data emphasize that birch pollen-related foods are relevant activators of pollen-specific T cells.  相似文献   

Background:  The pollen-food syndrome (PFS) is an association of food allergies to fruits, nuts, and vegetables in patients with pollen allergy. Mal d 1, the major apple allergen, is one of the most commonly associated food allergens for birch pollen-allergic patients suffering from PFS. Although the reactions are due to cross-reactive IgE antibodies originally raised against pollen Bet v 1, not every Bet v 1-allergic patient develops clinical reactions towards apple.
Aim of the study:  We speculate that distinct IgE epitopes are responsible for the clinical manifestation of PFS. To test this hypothesis we grafted five Mal d 1 stretches onto Bet v 1. The grafted regions were 7- or 8-amino acids long encompassing amino acids residues previously shown to be crucial for IgE recognition of Bet v 1.
Methods:  A Bet v 1-Mal d 1 chimeric protein designated BMC was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. IgE reactivity of BMC was tested with patients' sera originating from (i) Bet v 1-allergic patients displaying no clinical symptoms upon ingestion of apples; and (ii) Bet v 1-allergic patients displaying allergic symptoms upon ingestion of apples and other Bet v 1-related foods.
Results and conclusion:  Compared to birch pollen-allergic individuals, patients suffering from PFS showed significantly higher IgE reactivity with BMC (chimeric protein). The results suggest that the Mal d 1 regions grafted onto the Bet v 1 sequence comprise important IgE epitopes recognized by Bet v 1-allergic patients suffering from allergy to apples.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Birch pollen is a significant cause of immediate hypersensitivity among susceptible subjects in temperate climates, affecting 5-54% of the population in western Europe. We examined the specific serum IgE antibodies towards recombinant allergens Bet v 1, Bet v 2 and Bet v 4 in birch-sensitive patients from the province of Cuneo, north-west Italy. METHODS: Sera were obtained from 372 patients with symptomatic birch pollen-induced allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. A subgroup of these patients suffered from oral allergy syndrome after eating apple. Their sera were evaluated for specific IgE against natural birch pollen and apple extract, as well as Bet v 1, Bet v 2 and Bet v 4 using Pharmacia CAP system (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). RESULTS: Of 372 patients 215 (57.80%) had serum-specific IgE towards Bet v 1. A total of 166 sera (44.62%) contained serum-specific IgE to Bet v 2, while Bet v 4 IgE reactivity was documented in 35 subjects (9.41%). Moreover, 146 (39.25%) patients were monosensitized to Bet v 1; 96 (25.81%) patients were monosensitized to Bet v 2; only four sera (1.08%) contained specific IgE towards Bet v 4. Thirty-nine sera (11.02%) did not contain specific IgE to these individual birch pollen allergens. Of course, all 372 sera (100%) had specific IgE against natural birch pollen extract, of which 162 (43.55%) contained specific IgE to apple extract (75.35% of Bet v 1 positive sera). CONCLUSION: In this study we observed that three birch pollen recombinant allergens alone, could sufficiently identify 90% of birch pollen-sensitive patients. Therefore, for a more precise IgE profile of patients allergic to birch, further purified birch pollen allergens (i.e. Bet v 6, Bet v 7, Bet v 8) will be required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Up to 70% of patients with birch pollen allergy exhibit the so-called oral allergy syndrome, an IgE-mediated food allergy. The most frequent and therefore best characterized pollen-fruit syndrome is apple allergy in patients suffering from tree pollen-induced pollinosis. The occurrence of adverse reactions to proteins present in vegetables such as celery and carrots in patients suffering from pollen allergy has also been reported. cDNAs for Bet v 1 homologous proteins have been cloned from celery, apple and cherry. Objective The aim of the study was to identify Bet v 1 homologues from carrot (Daucus carota), to isolate the respective cDNA, to compare the IgE-binding capacity of the natural protein to the recombinant allergen and determine the cross-reactivity to Api g 1 and Bet v 1. METHODS: Molecular characterization of the carrot allergen was performed using IgE-immunoblotting, cross-inhibition assays, N-terminal sequencing, PCR-based cDNA cloning and expression of the recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. RESULTS: A 16-kDa protein from carrot was identified as a major IgE-binding component and designated Dau c 1. Sequencing corresponding cDNAs revealed three extremely similar sequences (Dau c 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) with an open reading frame of 462 bp coding for 154 amino acid residues. CONCLUSIONS: Purified recombinant Dau c 1.2 was tested in immunoblots displaying IgE-binding capacity comparable to its natural counterpart. Cross-inhibition assays verified the existence of common B-cell epitopes present on Dau c 1, Api g 1 as well as on Bet v 1.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bet v 1, the major allergen in birch pollen, is recognized by more than 90% of patients allergic to birch in northern and central Europe. Immunotherapy is commonly performed with birch pollen extracts. Recently, hypoallergenic derivatives of Bet v 1 (rBet v 1 fragments, rBet v 1 dimer and trimer) were constructed and purified. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare the allergenic activity of wild-type rBet v 1 with recombinant Bet v 1 derivatives (rBet v 1 fragments, dimer and trimer) with potentially reduced anaphylactic activity by skin testing in a French population. METHODS: Among the 36 birch pollen allergic patients included in the study, 29 were tested by skin prick testing and 30 by intradermal injections with purified monosubstances: rBet v 1 fragments (F1: aa1-74 and F2: aa75-160), Bet v 1 dimer and trimer. Intradermal tests were performed by the end-point intradermal titration method. Eight of the intradermally-tested patients were previously hyposensitized. Tests were performed over a period of 6 months (before, during and after birch pollen season); Bet v 1-specific IgE and IgG4 subclass responses were measured by immunoblotting and ELISA. RESULTS: All patients showed lower reactivity with the modified rBet v 1 allergens, both in skin prick and intradermal tests. In 25 and 23 out of 29 patients the lowest concentration of fragment 1 and 2, respectively, resulting in a positive prick test was 100-fold higher than the lowest concentration of monomer resulting in a positive prick test. For dimer it was 100-fold or more in 25 out of 29 patients, and for trimer it was 100-fold or superior in 26 out of 29 patients. By intradermal testing, the end-point concentration was 160-fold higher for trimer than for monomer in 24 patients and 40-fold higher in five patients. For the two fragments the end-point concentration was 160-fold higher in 20 out of 22 patients. CONCLUSION: Genetically modified hypoallergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1 showed reduced capacity to induce immediate type skin reactions. They may represent candidate molecules for immunotherapy of birch pollen allergy with reduced risk of anaphylactic side-effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We recently described patients with soybean allergy mainly mediated by cross-reactivity to birch pollen allergens. A majority of those patients were reported to have peanut allergy. OBJECTIVE: We sought to study the occurrence of peanut allergy in patients allergic to birch pollen and characterized the Bet v 1-homologous peanut allergen Ara h 8. METHODS: Recombinant Ara h 8 was cloned with degenerated primers and expressed in Escherichia coli. Nine Swiss and 11 Dutch patients with peanut and birch pollen allergy and a positive double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge result to peanut were investigated for IgE reactivity to birch pollen and purified peanut allergens and cross-reactivity between birch and peanut. Ara h 8 stability against digestion and roasting was assessed by means of RAST inhibition. The IgE cross-linking potency of Ara h 8 was tested on the basis of basophil histamine release. RESULTS: During double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge, all patients experienced symptoms in the oral cavity, progressing to more severe symptoms in 40% of patients. CAP-FEIA detected recombinant (r) Ara h 8-specific IgE in 85%. IgE binding to Ara h 8 was inhibited by Bet v 1 in peanut extract immunoblotting and in RAST inhibition. In EAST inhibition recombinant rAra h 8 inhibited IgE binding to peanut in 4 of 7 tested patient sera. Antipeanut response was dominated by Ara h 8 in 12 of 17 tested patients. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a low stability of Ara h 8 to roasting and no stability to gastric digestion. Basophil histamine release with rAra h 8 was more than 20% in 5 of 7 tested sera. CONCLUSIONS: Peanut allergy might be mediated in a subgroup of our patients by means of cross-reaction of Bet v 1 with the homologous peanut allergen Ara h 8.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Profilin is a panallergen that is recognized by IgE from about 20% of birch pollen- and plant food-allergic patients. A subgroup of celery-allergic patients shows IgE-reactivity with this minor allergen. To investigate the IgE-binding potential and cross-reactivity of celery profilin at the molecular level, this study was aimed at the cloning and immunological characterization of this allergen. OBJECTIVES: Cloning, expression and purification of profilin from celery tuber to characterize its immunological properties and its cross-reactivity with birch pollen profilin. METHODS: Cloning of celery profilin was performed by polymerase chain reaction using degenerated primers and a 5'RACE method for the identification of the unknown 5'-end of the cDNA. Expression was carried out in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) using a modified vector pET-30a. The recombinant profilin was purified by affinity chromatography on poly L-proline coupled to sepharose. Immunological characterization was performed by immunoblotting, EAST and IgE-inhibition experiments. RESULTS: The coding region of the cDNA of celery profilin was identified as a 399-bp open reading frame, coding for a protein of 133 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 14.3 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of the corresponding protein showed high identity with other plant profilins (71-82%) recently described as allergens. Celery profilin was isolated as highly pure nonfusion protein. The IgE-reactivity of celery profilin was similar to that of natural protein. Seven of 17 celery-allergic patients tested presented specific IgE-antibodies to the recombinant protein tested by immunoblotting. Inhibition experiments showed high cross-reactivity of IgE with both profilins from celery and birch pollen. Moreover, the biological activity of recombinant celery profilin was demonstrated by a histamine release assay. CONCLUSIONS: Celery profilin is an important allergenic compound in celery and shows high homology to birch pollen profilin, Bet v 2. According to the revised IUIS allergen nomenclature, we suggest naming the celery profilin Api g 4. In addition to the cross-reacting major allergens Api g 1 and Bet v 1, birch pollinosis and associated allergies to celery can therefore additionally be explained by the cross-reactivity between homologous profilins. Moreover, recombinant Api g 4 may be used for target-specific diagnosis and structural analyses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genetic engineering of the major birch pollen allergen (Bet v 1) has led to the generation of recombinant Bet v 1 derivatives with markedly reduced IgE-binding capacity, but with retained T cell activating ability. OBJECTIVE: To compare the mucosal reactivity to rBet v 1 derivatives with rBet v 1 wild-type as basis for new therapeutic strategies for birch pollen allergy based on mucosal tolerance induction. METHODS: Outside the pollen season, 10 patients with birch pollen allergic rhinitis and mild asthma underwent four nasal challenge-sessions in a randomized, double-blind, and cross-over design, employing increasing doses of rBet v 1 fragment mix, rBet v 1 trimer, rBet v 1 wild-type and diluent (albumin). Nasal lavage fluids (NAL) were collected before the challenge-series as well as 10 min, 4 and 24 h thereafter. Nasal lavage fluid levels of tryptase as well as EPO and ECP were measured as indices of mast cell and eosinophil activity, respectively. RESULTS: All 10 patients tolerated the highest accumulated dose, 8.124 microg, when challenged with rBet v 1 trimer, eight with rBet v 1 fragments compared to one when challenged with rBet v 1 wild-type. No late phase reactions were observed. The change in tryptase levels (pre-challenge vs. 10 min) was significantly lower after challenges with rBet v 1 trimer and rBet v 1 fragments than with rBet v 1 wild-type. The change in EPO/ECP concentration pre-challenge versus 4 h post-challenge was lower for rBet v 1 trimer and the change was significantly lower when pre-challenge versus 24 h post-challenge to rBet v 1 fragments and rBet v 1 wild-type was examined. CONCLUSION: The derivatives induced significantly fewer symptoms and lower mast cell and eosinophil activation than rBet v 1 wild-type upon application to the nasal mucosa. They could in the future be candidates for immunotherapy based on mucosal tolerance induction.  相似文献   

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