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神经肌肉电刺激治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的观察神经肌肉电刺激(Neuromuscular electrical stimulation,NMES)治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍(Dysphagia after stroke,DAS)的疗效。方法将经电视透视吞咽检查(Videofluoroscophic swallowing study,VFSS)确诊的60倒DAS患者随机分为两组,治疗组30例,对照组30倒。两组均给予常规内科治疗及传统康复治疗,治疗组同时给予NMES治疗,疗程为10d。比较两组治疗前、治疗10d的VFSS评分及治疗10d、治疗后1个月、治疗后6个月的疗效。结果治疗前两组VFSS评分比较无统计学意义(P〉0.05);治疗10d,治疗组VFSS评分明显高于对照组,有效率、显效率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),治疗后1个月,两组有效率无统计学意义(P〉0.05),但治疗组显效率明显高于对照组(P〈0.05);治疗后6个月,两组吞咽障碍预后良好率无差异(P〉0.05)。结论NMES治疗DAS的近期疗效肯定,疗效可持续1个月。  相似文献   

目的探讨低频重复经颅磁刺激联合以任务为导向作业疗法对脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的康复作用。方法共42例脑卒中后偏瘫患者随机接受常规康复训练和以任务为导向作业疗法(对照组,20例)以及在此基础上联合健侧运动皮质低频(1 Hz)重复经颅磁刺激(治疗组,22例),分别于治疗前、治疗4周时和治疗后3个月采用Fugl-Meyer上肢评价量表(FMA-UE)和Wolf运动功能测验(WMFT)评价上肢运动功能,记录并分析健侧运动皮质运动诱发电位潜伏期和中枢运动传导时间。结果与对照组相比,治疗组FMA-UE评分(P=0.006)和WMFT评分(P=0.024)均增加;两组不同时间点FMA-UE评分(P=0.000)和WMFT评分(P=0.000)差异有统计学意义,其中治疗4周时和治疗后3个月FMA-UE评分(均P=0.000)和WMFT评分(均P=0.000)均高于治疗前,治疗后3个月FMA-UE评分(均P=0.000)和WMFT评分(均P=0.000)亦高于治疗4周时。两组患者治疗前后健侧运动皮质运动诱发电位潜伏期(P=0.979)和中枢运动传导时间(P=0.807)差异无统计学意义,不同时间点(治疗前、治疗4周时和治疗后3个月)健侧运动皮质运动诱发电位潜伏期(P=0.085)和中枢运动传导时间(P=0.507)差异亦无统计学意义。结论脑卒中患者健侧运动皮质低频重复经颅磁刺激联合以任务为导向作业疗法可以有效改善脑卒中患者上肢运动功能,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Debate persists about the effectiveness of poststroke behavioral interventions for progress toward motor recovery. The current meta-analysis assessed the effect of electromyogram (EMG)-triggered neuromuscular stimulation on arm and hand functions. Computer searches of PubMed and Cochran databases, as well as hand searches of reference lists identified seven EMG-triggered neuromuscular stimulation studies. Outcome measures focused on arm and hand motor capability functions. In addition, the quality of each study was rated on three guidelines: randomization, double blind, and dropouts. After adjusting data for consistency in the arm/hand outcome measures and to avoid bias, five active stimulation studies were included in the analysis. Rehabilitation treatment in each study focused on wrist extension. The total number of individuals in the treatment groups was 47 whereas the control groups had 39 subjects. The meta-analysis revealed a significant overall mean effect size (delta=0.82, S.D.=0.59). A homogeneity test indicated that the pooled standardized effect sizes estimated the same treatment effect. A fail-safe test for null effect findings revealed that 15 studies were required to reduce the large effect (0.82) to a small effect (0.20). These improved wrist extension motor capabilities findings support EMG-triggered neuromuscular stimulation as an effective poststroke protocol.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the efficacy of inhibitory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on upper extremity motor function in patients with acute/subacute ischemic stroke.

Methods: Twenty-five ischemic acute/subacute stroke subjects were enrolled in this randomized controlled trial. Experimental group 1 received low frequency (LF) rTMS to the primary motor cortex of the unaffected side + physical therapy (PT) including activities to improve strength, flexibility, transfers, posture, balance, coordination, and activities of daily living, mainly focusing on upper limb movements; experimental group 2 received the same protocol combined with NMES to hand extensor muscles; and the control group received only PT. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan was used to evaluate the activation or inhibition of the affected and unaffected primary motor cortex.

Results: No adverse effect was reported. Most of the clinical outcome scores improved significantly in all groups, however no statistically significant difference was found between groups due to the small sample sizes. The highest percent improvement scores were observed in TMS + NMES group (varying between 48 and 99.3%) and the lowest scores in control group (varying between 13.1 and 28.1%). Hand motor recovery was significant in both experimental groups while it did not change in control group. Some motor cortex excitability changes were also observed in fMRI.

Conclusion: LF-rTMS with or without NMES seems to facilitate the motor recovery in the paretic hand of patients with acute/subacute ischemic stroke. TMS or the combination of TMS + NMES may be a promising additional therapy in upper limb motor training. Further studies with larger numbers of patients are needed to establish their effectiveness in upper limb motor rehabilitation of stroke.  相似文献   

Background: In chronic stroke, feasible physical therapy (PT) programs are needed to promote function throughout life.

Objective: This randomized controlled pilot trial investigated the feasibility and effect of a PT program composed of strengthening exercises with elastic bands and bimanual functional training, with clearly defined doses based on the rate of perceived exertion (Borg scale), to counteract inactivity in chronic stroke.

Methods: Fifteen subjects > 6 month post-stroke were randomized to three-month of UE function training (UE group), or to lower extremity function training (LE group). At baseline (T0), post-intervention (T1) and three-month follow-up (T2) assessment included the Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale (FMA), Wolf Motor Function test (WMFT), grip strength, and muscle tone. Feasibility was also evaluated.

Results: The mixed-model ANOVAs revealed a significant interaction between the time and group factors for FMA (p < .001) and WMFT (p = .009). The UE group improved upper extremity function and motor recovery significantly more than the LE group. There was no significant interaction between treatment group and change in grip strength over time (p = .217). No between-group differences (p > .05) were found in muscle tone. In the UE group, the attendance rate was ≥85% for 71.4% of subjects and 85.7% showed high satisfaction. No adverse events were recorded. After treatment, adherence to the program was higher in the UE group.

Conclusions: The suggested PT program may be useful to improve the paretic UE function and motor recovery in chronic stroke. Moreover, it may be helpful to facilitate lifelong active involvement of stroke subjects in exercise.  相似文献   

目的 探讨反馈式功能性电刺激治疗对脑梗死患者上肢运动功能恢复的影响以及应用功能核磁共振成像(MRI)分析其作用机制. 方法 将自2011年8月至2012年12月在中国康复研究中心神经康复中心住院的脑梗死患者21例(一侧肢体瘫痪且偏瘫侧肢体腕背屈关节活动度大于15°及肌张力为改良Ashworth Ⅰ+级及以下的可完成部分主动运动的患者、按随机数字表法分为反馈式功能性电刺激组8例、单纯功能性电刺激组7例及常规康复治疗组6例.3组患者均进行常规神经内科药物治疗和康复治疗,其中反馈式功能性电刺激组进行反馈式功能性电刺激治疗,单纯功能性电刺激组行功能性电刺激治疗,疗程4周.分别在治疗前及治疗4周后次日进行Fugl-Meyer运动功能量表上肢部分项目及腕背伸角度评估,以及3d内应用fMRI进行脑M1区激活强度检查. 结果 (1)治疗后4周时,3组患者的Fugl-Meyer运动功能量表上肢部分项目评分及腕背伸角度较治疗前均有改善,其中反馈式功能性电刺激组、单纯功能性电刺激组差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);反馈式功能性电刺激组亦明显优于单纯功能性电刺激组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)治疗后4周时,3组患者的患侧脑M1区激活强度较治疗前均有改善,其中反馈式功能性电刺激组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);反馈式功能性电刺激组亦明显优于单纯功能性电刺激组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 单纯功能性电刺激和反馈式功能性电刺激均有利于脑梗死后上肢运动功能的提高,并有助于脑功能的重组,且后者较前者疗效更佳.  相似文献   

目的 观察功能性电刺激结合重复经颅磁刺激用于缺血性脑卒中偏瘫患者步行障碍恢复的临床疗效。方法 将53例缺血性脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分为对照组、治疗组、假治疗组3组,在均接受常规康复训练的基础上对照组接受功能性电刺激治疗,治疗组接受功能性电刺激及重复经颅磁刺激治疗,假治疗组接受功能性电刺激及假重复经颅磁刺激治疗; 治疗前及治疗8周后采用步态运动学参数、时间参数、距离参数及Amer-Lindholm分级对3组患者的下肢综合运动功能进行评定。结果 治疗前3组患者步态运动学参数、时间参数、距离参数及Amer-Lindholm分级评分均无显著差异(P>0.05),治疗8周后3组患者上述指标明显改善且治疗组改善幅度明显优于其余2组(P<0.05)。结论 功能性电刺激联合重复经颅磁刺激治疗有利于改善缺血性脑卒中偏瘫患者的步行运动功能。  相似文献   

The present study compares the effect of EMG-initiated electrical stimulation of hand extensors and flexors with the influence of a standardized repetitive training of the hand that had been proven to ameliorate arm and hand function significantly. Twenty hemiparetic stroke patients participated in the study. Following a 2 week baseline phase in which conventional inpatient occupational and physiotherapy was applied, all patients received EMG-initiated electrical muscle stimulation twice daily during 20 min periods followed by a third phase with a standardized repetitive training of the hand. Both training procedures were conducted in addition to conventional occupational and physiotherapy. Grip strength, peak force of isometric hand extensions as well as peak acceleration of isotonic hand extensions were measured as indicators of motor performance. Spasticity of hand flexors was assessed by means of the modified Ashworth scale. Motor capacity of the affected arm was scored by means of the Rivermead motor assessment, arm section. Contrary to usual occupational and physiotherapy, both the EMG-initiated stimulation and the repetitive training are appropriate to improve all biomechanical and functional parameters significantly whereas no difference in the efficacy of both methods could be detected. The functional significance of frequent active repetition of identifcal movements and the role of time-locked afferent information about the unfolding movement for motor learning and recovery are discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨运动再学习训练对脑卒中急性期偏瘫患者运动功能的康复作用。方法共64例脑卒中急性期(病程≤14 d)偏瘫患者随机接受脑卒中常规药物治疗和常规康复训练(对照组,32例)以及在此基础上联合运动再学习训练(观察组,32例),采用Fugl-Meyer平衡功能评价量表(FMA-Balance)、改良Rivermead移动指数(MRMI)和改良Barthel指数(m BI)评价训练前后运动功能。结果 64例患者均顺利完成康复训练,无一例发生严重不良事件,仅少数患者训练后偶有轻度疲劳感,休息后缓解。与训练前相比,训练后两组患者FMA-Balance评分(P=0.000)、MRMI评分(P=0.000)和m BI评分(P=0.000)增加;与对照组相比,训练后观察组患者FMA-Balance评分(P=0.031)、MRMI评分(P=0.013)和m BI评分(P=0.049)亦增加。结论脑卒中患者早期进行运动再学习训练有助于运动功能的康复。  相似文献   

目的 观察镜像训练对脑卒中患者上肢运动功能和心理状态的影响。方法 采用随机数字表将64例恢复期脑卒中偏瘫患者分为治疗组和对照组,每组各32例; 2组患者均给予相同常规康复治疗(偏瘫肢体功能综合训练、作业治疗、中低频电刺激治疗和气压泵治疗),对照组在此基础上增加2次/d,20min/次的镜像训练治疗; 以上治疗均5次/周,连续治疗4周; 2组患者均于治疗前和治疗4周后采用Fugl-Meyer量表上肢部分(FMA-UE)、Wolf运动功能测试量表(WMFT)、贝克抑郁量表(BDS)以及改良Barthel指数(MBI)进行评估。结果 治疗前2组FMA-UE评分、WMFT评分、BDS评分、MBI评分比较无明显差异(P>0.05); 治疗4周后除对照组BDS评分无明显变化,其余组别各评分均较治疗前有明显进步(P<0.05),且治疗组FMA-UE、WMFT、BDS、MBI评分与对照组比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。结论 镜像训练可明显提高脑卒中患者上肢运动功能,改善心理状态,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

Motor excitability is increased in both hemispheres in stroke patients during motor recovery. Pharmacologically controlled changes of cortical excitability might be beneficial for synaptic plasticity and therefore facilitate functional recovery after a brain lesion. In particular, it has been suggested that antidepressant drugs can modulate motor excitability. Several recent reports suggest the possibility of monitoring pharmacological effects on brain excitability through transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The aim of this study was to investigate motor area excitability in patients with stroke after oral administration of citalopram. We conducted a prospective randomised placebo controlled study. Twenty patients with unilateral stroke were included in the study: ten patients treated by antidepressive drug and ten patients with placebo. A selective serotonergic drug (citalopram) or a placebo was administered using a mean dosage of 10 mg/day in combination with physiotherapy. Motor cortex excitability was studied by single and paired transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS recording was tested before (T1) and 1 month after (T2) beginning drug treatment. Patients treated by the serotonergic drug, compared to patients that received a placebo, showed a significant improvement in neurological status as measured by NIHSS and a decrease of motor excitability over the unaffected hemisphere, while no differences were observed over the affected hemisphere. Our findings suggest that treatment with serotonergic drugs can bring about a significant decrease of the motor cortex excitability in stroke patients with effects on both the affected and unaffected hemispheres associated with a better motor recovery. M. Acler and P. Manganotti equally participated to the work.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2020,13(4):979-986
BackgroundThe contralesional hemisphere compensation may play a critical role in the recovery of stroke when there is extensive damage to one hemisphere. There is little research on the treatment of hemiplegia by high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) delivered to the contralesional cortex.ObjectiveWe conducted a 2-week randomized, sham-controlled, single-blind trial to determine whether high-frequency rTMS (HF-rTMS) over the contralesional motor cortex can improve motor function in severe stroke patients.MethodsForty-five patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory were randomly assigned to treatment with 10 Hz rTMS (HF group), 1 Hz rTMS (LF group) or sham rTMS (sham group) applied over the contralesional motor cortex (M1) before physiotherapy daily for two weeks. The primary outcome was the change in the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FMA) Scale score from baseline to 2 weeks. The secondary endpoints included root mean square of surface electromyography (RMS-SEMG), Barthel Index (BI), and contralesional hemisphere cortical excitability.ResultsThe HF group showed a more significant improvement in FMA score (p < 0.05), BI (p < 0.005), contralesional hemisphere cortical excitability and conductivity (p < 0.05), and RMS-SEMG of the key muscles (p < 0.05) compared with the LF group and sham group. There were no significant differences between the LF group and sham group. There was a positive correlation between cortical conductivity of the uninjured hemisphere and recovery of motor impairment (p = 0.039).ConclusionsHF-rTMS over the contralesional cortex was superior to low-frequency rTMS and sham stimulation in promoting motor recovery in patients with severe hemiplegic stroke by acting on contralesional cortex plasticity.Trial registrationClinical trial registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry at http://www.chictr.org.cn/showproj.aspx?proj=23264 (ChiCTR-IPR-17013580).  相似文献   

Motor recovery following stroke: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
OBJECTIVES: To verify the usefulness of early recording of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in predicting motor outcome after stroke and to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying functional recovery following stroke. METHODS: We performed a comparative analysis of the behaviour of motor responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the ipsilateral and contralateral motor cortex in the affected and unaffected thenar muscles of 21 consecutive patients with acute stroke. RESULTS: According to the behaviour of MEPs in the affected muscles, patients could be divided into 3 groups: (a) 10 subjects with absent responses to TMS of both the damaged and undamaged hemisphere, whose motor recovery was poor and related to the size of MEPs on the normal side; (b) 5 subjects with larger MEPs upon TMS of the ipsilateral (undamaged) than of the contralateral (damaged) cortex, whose good recovery possibly resulted from the emergence of ipsilateral pathways; (c) 6 subjects with larger MEPs in the affected than in the unaffected muscles, whose good recovery was possibly subserved by alternative circuits taking over cortical deafferentation. CONCLUSIONS: Early MEP recording in acute stroke provides useful information on the clinical prognosis and the different mechanisms of motor recovery.  相似文献   



The relation was investigated between hemiparetic arm function improvement and brain cortical perfusion (BCP) change during voluntary muscle contraction (VOL), EMG-controlled FES (EMG-FES) and simple electrical muscle stimulation (ES) before and after EMG-FES therapy in chronic stroke patients.


Sixteen chronic stroke patients with moderate residual hemiparesis underwent 5 months of task-orientated EMG-FES therapy of the paretic arm once or twice a week. Before and after treatment, arm function was clinically evaluated and BCP during VOL, ES and EMG-FES were assessed using multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy.


BCP in the ipsilesional sensory-motor cortex (SMC) was greater during EMG-FES than during VOL or ES; therefore, EMG-FES caused a shift in the dominant BCP from the contralesional to ipsilesional SMC. After EMG-FES therapy, arm function improved in most patients, with some individual variability, and there was significant improvement in Fugl–Meyer (FM) score and maximal grip strength (GS). Clinical improvement was accompanied by an increase in ipsilesional SMC activation during VOL and EMG-FES condition.


The EMG-FES may have more influence on ipsilesional BCP than VOL or ES alone.


The sensory motor integration during EMG-FES therapy might facilitate BCP of the ipsilesional SMC and result in functional improvement of hemiparetic upper extremity.  相似文献   



To assess the impact of electrode arrangement on the efficacy of tDCS in stroke survivors and determine whether changes in transcallosal inhibition (TCI) underlie improvements.


24 stroke survivors (3–124 months post-stroke) with upper limb impairment participated. They received blinded tDCS during a motor sequence learning task, requiring the paretic arm to direct a cursor to illuminating targets on a monitor. Four tDCS conditions were studied (crossover); anodal to ipsilesional M1, cathodal to contralesional M1, bihemispheric, sham. The Jebsen Taylor hand function test (JTT) was assessed pre- and post-stimulation and TCI assessed as the ipsilateral silent period (iSP) duration using transcranial magnetic stimulation.


The time to react to target illumination reduced with learning of the movement sequence, irrespective of tDCS condition (p > 0.1). JTT performance improved after unilateral tDCS (anodal or cathodal) compared with sham (p < 0.05), but not after bihemispheric (p > 0.1). There was no effect of tDCS on change in iSP duration (p > 0.1).


Unilateral tDCS is effective for improving JTT performance, but not motor sequence learning.


This has implications for the design of future clinical trials.  相似文献   

By a variety of mechanisms, the human brain is constantly undergoing plastic changes. Plasticity can be studied with phenomena such as peripheral deafferentation and motor learning. Spontaneous recovery from stroke in the chronic stage likely comes about because of plasticity, and the best recovery seems to result from reorganization in the damaged hemisphere. Knowledge about the physiology of brain plasticity has led to the development of new techniques for rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Background: Muscle weakness is the most common impairment in the upper extremity after stroke, leading to a reduced ability to use the arm and the hand in daily activities. Grip strength is easier to measure than precise, but more time-consuming, isokinetic and isometric arm muscle strength measurements. It would therefore be advantageous in a clinical setting if grip strength could be used as a proxy for muscle strength in the entire upper extremity.

Objective: To investigate the association between grip strength and isometric and isokinetic arm muscle strength in persons with chronic stroke.

Methods: Forty-five persons with mild-to-moderate paresis in the upper extremity, at least 6 months post-stroke participated. Isometric grip strength was measured with a computerized grip dynamometer and arm strength (isometric shoulder abduction and elbow flexion as well as isokinetic elbow extension and flexion) with an isokinetic dynamometer. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the association between the muscle strength measurements.

Results: There were significant correlations (p < .0001) between grip strength and all arm strength measurements in both the more affected (r = 0.77–0.82) and the less affected upper extremity (r = 0.65–0.82).

Conclusion: This cross-sectional study showed that grip strength is strongly associated with muscle strength in the arm in persons in the chronic phase after stroke. As grip strength is easy to measure and less time-consuming than arm muscle strength measurements, this implies that grip strength can be a representative measure of muscle weakness of the entire upper extremity in the chronic phase after stroke.  相似文献   

IntroductionPeople with Parkinson's disease (PD) have difficulty performing upper extremity (UE) activities. The aim of this study was to investigate if exergames targeting the UE improve arm and hand activities and impairments and to establish the acceptability and feasibility of these games in people with PD.MethodsTwo tablet-based exergames were developed which were controlled with finger movements or unimanual whole arm movements. Participants with PD were randomized to an exergame (n = 19) or control (n = 19) group. The exergame group performed UE exergames at home, 3 times per week for 12 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the nine hole peg test. Secondary outcomes included measures of UE activities and impairments, including the tapping test [speed (taps/60s), and error (weighted error score/speed)].ResultsThere were no between group differences in the nine hole peg test, or in any secondary outcome measures except for the tapping test. Horizontal tapping test results showed that exergame participants improved their speed (mean difference = 10.9 taps/60s, p < 0.001) but increased error (mean difference = 0.03, p = 0.03) compared to the control group. Participants enjoyed the games and improved in their ability to play the games. There were no adverse events.ConclusionThe UE exergames were acceptable and safe, but did not translate to improvement in functional activities. It is likely that the requirement of the games resulted in increased movement speed at the detriment of accuracy. The design of exergames should consider task specificity.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the improvement of negative affect disorders in patients with cerebral infarction and dysphagia by neuromuscular electrical stimulation.

Methods One hundred and twelve patients with cerebral infarction and dysphagia were selected and randomized into treatment (n = 59) and control (n = 53) groups. Similar swallowing function was found in both groups before treatment: (1) Water-drinking test in the treatment group proved swallowing function Level III in 24 cases, Level IV in 22 cases and Level V in 13 cases; (2) in the control group, swallowing function was Level III in 21 cases, Level IV in 20 cases and Level V in 12 cases. Both groups received conventional drug therapy and swallowing training. The treatment group additionally received neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Both groups underwent water-drinking test evaluation, Hamilton Anxiety Scale test, and Hamilton Depression Scale test before and after treatment.

Results After two courses of treatment, the rate of improvement in swallowing function was 88.1% in the treatment group while 69.8% in the control group. Somatic anxiety, psychogenic anxiety and total scores in the Hamilton Anxiety Scale in the treatment group were improved to varying degrees compared to the control group (P < 0.01). Anxiety, cognitive disorder, psychomotor retardation and total scores in the Hamilton Depression Scale in the treatment group were improved to varying degrees compared to the control group (P < 0.05).

Conclusion Patients with cerebral infarction and dysphagia have varying degrees of anxiety, depression, and other negative affect disorders, which could be minimized by neuromuscular electrical stimulation in conjunction with conventional therapy.  相似文献   

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