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李潮  洪忻  王志勇  梁亚琼  徐斐 《职业与健康》2011,27(12):1321-1323
目的了解南京市城区成年居民的业余时间体力活动的流行病学分布特征。方法 2007年7—9月对南京市主城区中2个区内的6个居民小区30岁以上居民应用国际体力活动量表进行体力活动相关的现况调查,采用logistic回归分析社会经济因素与充足体力活动之间的关联。结果实际调查3 376人,应答率为91.6%。城区成年居民中业余时间从事中等强度体力活动为10.3%,达到充足体力活动标准者为8.2%。从事中等强度业余时间体力活动者的平均每天的活动时间为(47.6±33.7)min。性别与年龄对从事中等强度体力活动者有显著影响,女性、年长者参与中等强度业余体力活动的可能性显著小于男性和年轻者。结论南京城区成年居民的中等强度业余体力活动的水平有待进一步提高,可以根据不同性别和年龄的人群设计不同的体力活动促进项目。  相似文献   

深圳市居民体力活动现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解深圳市不同职业人群体力活动水平和不同类型体力活动分布情况,为针对不同人群制定健康管理方案提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,从深圳市6个社区抽取1212名居民进行问卷调查。结果有效问卷1008人,其中男性461人(45.73%),女性547人(54.27%)。居民高、中、低体力活动水平人数分别为584人(57.94%),342人(33.93%),82人(8.13%)。女性高水平体力活动占的比例高于男性。深圳市居民体力活动来源以职业性活动为主,休闲性体力活动占的比重低。多因素分析表明性别、年龄、文化程度是体力活动不足的影响因素。结论深圳市居民体力活动以高水平占的比例较大,体力活动不足者主要分布在大专/大学文化程度、国家机关人员、男性中,要有针对性地开展干预活动。  相似文献   

目的评价西安市公务员体力活动水平现状,并探讨其相关因素,为促进公务员健康提供科学依据。方法采用随机抽样的方法,于2012年7月-2013年7月,分别在承担政府公务员年度体检的西安市两所三级甲等医院体检中心体检的公务员中抽取1 000名。采用国际体力活动量表中文版(IPAQ-C),对其体力活动水平进行调查并评价,采用自编问卷调查研究对象的社会学特征和家族史。采用Mann-Whitney U检验及Kruskal-Wallis H检验分析调查对象社会学特征、家族史与体力活动的关系。结果体力活动总得分为2 227(1 308,3 802)MET-min/week,女性体力活动总得分低于男性(P0.05),51岁及以上老人体力活动得分低于其他年龄组(P0.05),小学和本科及其以上学历活动水平高于其他组别(P0.05),高收入人群体力活动水平高于中等收入人群(P0.05),家族史患者体力活动得分高于非家族史患者(P0.05)。结论目前西安市公务员体力活动得分整体较高,公务员的年龄、性别、文化程度、人均月收入及家族史对体力活动水平有一定影响。  相似文献   

目的了解徐州市贾汪区居民体力活动情况。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷对徐州市贾汪区部分15岁及以上居民进行横断面调查。结果贾汪区15岁及以上居民职业体力活动及休闲时体力活动强度男性均大于女性(P0.05),且不同年龄段休闲体力活动强度分布不同(χ2=140.24,P0.05)。结论贾汪区居民体力活动较少,应对不同人群采取相应措施促进全民养成规律锻炼的健康生活方式。  相似文献   

张闻洋  孙平辉  孟鑫  刘璐  邢扬 《中国公共卫生》2014,30(12):1530-1533
目的 了解吉林省居民体力活动现状及其影响因素,为制定不同人群健康管理方案提供理论依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法对在吉林省长春市南关区、德惠市、吉林市丰满区、龙井市和集安市5个国家疾病监测点抽取的2 996名≥18岁居民进行问卷调查。结果 吉林省调查的2 996名居民中,体力活动活跃、体力活动充分、体力活动不足者分别占38.9%、34.7%和26.4%;多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,居住在城市和职业为国家机关、党群组织、企事业单位、办事人员、专业技术人员、在校学生为吉林省居民体力活动不足的危险因素,年龄25~64岁、文化程度小学及以上和职业为无业、家务、离退休人员为吉林省居民体力活动不足的保护因素。结论 吉林省居民体力活动不足者主要集中在城市居民中,国家机关、党群组织、企事业单位、办事人员、专业技术人员和在校学生人群是体力活动不足的高危人群。  相似文献   

邓士琳 《中国公共卫生》2011,27(10):1312-1314
目的 了解湖北省武汉市女性体力活动现状,分析体力不足者特征,以甄别健身教育的重点人群。方法 通过问卷调查湖北省武汉市1 359名成年女性体力活动现状,采用Logistic回归分析体力不足的危险因素。结果 总体体力不足者占26.8%,体力活跃率为45.7%,27.5%达到高度活跃;18~35岁女性体力不足比例较高(P<0.01),尤其18~25岁组职业性、家务劳动性、交通行程性、休闲性及总体体力不足比例均最高,分别为78.7%、75.9%、94.4%、76.9%、49.1%,硕士/博士学历者以上体力不足的比例最高,分别为84.0%、78.2%、86.6%、77.3%、51.3%,行政人员交通行程性、家务劳动性及总体体力不足比例最高,分别为75.5%、82.6%、39.1%;易出现总体体力不足的特征按强弱顺序依次为:年龄为18~35岁、无锻炼习惯、硕士/博士学历、从事职业为办公室工作。结论 武汉市成年女性总体体力不足情况易出现在年龄较轻、或具有硕士/博士学历、或从事行政工作的女性群体中。  相似文献   

中国人群2002年饮食、体力活动和体重指数的现状调查   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
目的描述2002年中国人群的饮食行为、体力活动和体重指数(BMI)的流行水平,以及在不同教育水平、职业和地区人群中的分布。方法应用17个问题,利用2002年普查人口进行加权,计算不同类别人群使用不同类别食物的频率、不同类别的烹调油、食用快餐食品的频度、体力活动的强度、参加体育活动的比例、静坐生活方式和BMI的分布。结果调查的中国人群中70%的人几乎每天食用蔬菜,只有40%的人每周5-7天和3-4天食用水果;50%以上的人群每周5-7天和3-4天食用动物肉类食品,豆制品和蛋类次之;只有25%的人群每周5-7天和3-4天食用水产、禽类食品,而40%的人几乎没有食用;食用频率最低的是奶制品,70%的人几乎不食用奶及奶制品。有15%左右的人每周5-7天和3-4天食用甜食以及高脂类食品;近30%的人每周5-7天和3-4天食用熏制食品。每类食品的食用频率受地理区域、教育水平和职业等因素的影响。11.7%的人主要使用动物油进行烹调,33%的学生有上快餐店的经历。人群中有11.7%、20.5%、44.7%和23.0%的调查对象分别从事非常轻、轻、中等和重体力劳动的工作。18.04%的人参加体育活动,不同性别、职业、教育水平和地区人群参与体育活动的比例不同。工作中体力强度越大,参加体育活动的比例越低。8.3%的人BMI<18.5,68.0%的人BMI18.5~23.9,BMI  相似文献   

上海中心城区居民体力活动情况的调查   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 探讨上海中心城区居民的体力活动水平和 4种类型体力活动的分布。方法 对 15 98名按照多阶段按比例整群随机抽样方法抽取的 18~6 5岁上海中心城区居民以国际体力活动量表长卷进行量表访问来评价其体力活动水平。结果 调查人群中只有 7.2 %的在职者工作中有重度体力活动 ;14 .1%的被调查居民在闲暇时间进行重度体力活动。人群合计交通行程体力活动活跃达标率为 6 2 .3% ;只有31.3%的在职者职业性体力活动活跃 ;被调查人群家务活动活跃达标率为 38.1% ,女性的家务活动活跃达标率 (5 2 .5 % )明显高于男性 (2 0 .5 % ) ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;另外 ,随着年龄的增加 ,家务活动活跃达标率增高。被调查人群闲暇时间体力活动达标率为 19.3% ,有 5 8.8%的被调查居民在闲暇时间中没有任何中、重度体力活动。结论 被调查的上海中心城区居民以中等强度体力活动为主 ,交通行程中的步行和骑自行车是主要的中等强度体力活动形式。在评价上海中心城区居民体力活动时 ,需要采用涵盖 4种类型体力活动的体力活动量表。  相似文献   

目的:了解孕妇孕期体力活动的基本状况,即孕期体力活动时间和能量消耗的分布和现状;探索定量衡量孕妇体力活动量和监测孕妇体力活动的可行方法,并在中国孕妇中对体力活动量表做效度研究。方法:采用源自丹麦的自填式体力活动量表和欧姆龙HJ-005型记步器来衡量孕妇孕期体力活动量和监测体力活动;将记步器作为标准,比较其与体力活动量表测量结果的相关性。结果:孕妇每天绝大部分时间和能量消耗都花费在睡眠和静坐型体力活动上,并且有超过五分之一数量的孕妇每天没有任何中度以上体力活动;记步器与体力活动量表的相关系数为0·30,P值<0·01。结论:孕妇的能量消耗以静息型活动为主;以记步器作为标准,本研究所应用的体力活动量表的效度是可以接受的;记步器作为一种方便廉价的体力监测工具,是有效且易为接受的。  相似文献   

<正>本研究通过调查合肥、天津等城市单身生活人群日常外出就餐和体力活动状况的基础上,运用自测健康评定量表(SRHMS 1.0)对其健康水平进行评价,进一步分析外出就餐、体力活动等习惯和健康水平之间的关系。研究发现平均每天外出就餐次数(X)与体质指数BMI(Y)存在回归关系,体力活动与体质指数和自测健康评定量表得分有相关关系。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市闵行区在职孕妇各领域身体活动现状, 并探讨各领域身体活动的影响因素。方法2011年5月-2012年5月将符合入组条件的2 170名孕妇招募入组, 采用问卷调查方式对其进行调查。结果在职孕妇参与交通行程身体活动比例为26.77%, 在各领域身体活动参与比例中最高, 在职孕妇在工作、交通行程和闲暇时间中身体活动活跃率分别为4.38%、9.26%和1.11%, 每天静坐时间为(408.12±183.35)min;在职孕妇工作中等强度运动参与情况与年龄呈负相关, 而闲暇时间中等强度运动与年龄呈正相关;在职孕妇交通行程身体活动参与情况与年龄呈正相关, 但与孕周数和家庭经济情况呈负相关;在职孕妇为初产妇时, 其越有可能在交通行程中采用步行或骑自行车方式, 但是在工作中就越不可能进行中等强度运动。结论在职孕妇各领域身体活动水平均较低, 但是其参与交通行程身体活动比例最高;在职女性在孕期的身体活动与年龄、孕周数、是否为初产妇和家庭经济状况相关。  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data (N = 6,431) from the 2007–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we estimated the prevalence of self-reported adherence to guidelines-recommended physical activity level and prolonged sedentary behavior among US working adults 20 years of age and above by occupation. Sex and age were used for adjustment by direct standardization to the year 2000 Census population. Participants in “computer, mathematical” (47.77%) and “business, financial operations” (54.95%) occupations had the lowest prevalence of self-reported adherence to guidelines-recommended physical activity level; participants in “computer, mathematical” (72.19%) and “legal” (62.70%) occupations had the highest prevalence of prolonged sedentary behavior in all occupations. Public physical activity campaigns and workplace wellness programs should take into account the differences in physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns across occupation groups.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess physical activity (PA) behaviours of adults in rural Australia. Design and setting: Three cross‐sectional surveys in the Greater Green Triangle area covering the south‐east of South Australia (Limestone Coast), and south‐west (Corangamite Shire) and north‐west (Wimmera) of Victoria during 2004–2006. Participants: A total of 1546 persons, aged 25– 74 years, randomly selected from the electoral roll. Main outcome measures: Overall PA, leisure‐time PA, occupational PA, active commuting and moderate‐to‐vigorous PA. Results: Approximately 80% of participants, more women than men, engaged in 30 minutes or more of daily PA. Only 30% (95% CI 26.3, 33.0) of men and 21% (95% CI 18.3, 23.9) of women did moderate‐to‐vigorous PA for at least 20–30 minutes four or more times a week. In leisure time, most participants were moderately active; almost one‐fifth were inactive and another fifth highly active. Two‐thirds of men engaged in high‐level occupational PA, compared with one‐sixth of women. Only 30% of participants actively commuted to work. There was a tendency for a positive association between income level and leisure‐time PA. Conclusions: One‐fifth of adults in rural Australia were inactive. While there was a high prevalence of participants who engaged in daily PA, few did so at moderate‐to‐vigorous intensity to achieve health benefits. As occupational PA is difficult to change, improvements in levels of PA are more likely during leisure‐time and for some people by engaging in commuting PA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Detailed knowledge about physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) can guide the development of school interventions aimed at reducing overweight in adolescents. However, relevant components of PAEE have never been objectively quantified in this population. This study investigated the contribution of active transport to and from school, physical education (PE), and leisure time activities to total PAEE during a regular school week in adolescents. METHODS: Seventy‐three adolescents (mean age: 15.7 years) wore an individually calibrated combined heart rate‐acceleration monitor and kept an activity diary during a regular school week. Branched equation modeling was used to calculate PAEE of the specific activity categories, and their relative contribution to total PAEE was determined. RESULTS: Active transport and PE contributed 30.0% and 17.4%, respectively, to school‐related PAEE. Active transport to and from school contributed 15% to total PAEE. Youth with a high physical activity level (PAL) spent 4 hours less in sedentary behavior than subjects with a medium or low PAL (F = 77.415 (2.70), p < .001) and had higher PAEE during leisure time sports (F = 9.135 (2.70), p < .001) and work‐related activities (F = 10.583 (2.70), p < .001) than youth with medium or low PAL values. CONCLUSIONS: Active transport and PE contribute significantly to PAEE during school hours in adolescents. To achieve an increase in total PAEE in the least active group of adolescents, promising strategies might be to reduce inactive behavior, increase participation in leisure time sports, and possibly to replace inactive for active jobs.  相似文献   

北京市居民体育锻炼现状及其影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的了解北京市居民体育锻炼的现状,为2008年奥运会健康遗产评估项目提供基线资料。方法利用媒体发布自行设计的调查问卷,采用自填、有奖调查的方式收集北京市居民的体育锻炼情况及个人信息等资料。结果北京市居民参加规律性体育锻炼者所占的比例为59.6%;性别、年龄、职业、月收入、距体育锻炼场所的距离、对开展健康教育和与奥运相关的群众体育活动与促进健康之间关系的看法、对健身设施和场地的满意度均可影响体育锻炼情况;采取步行、慢跑或快走、骑自行车等方式进行锻炼者所占的比例最高;在普通室外环境、小区中的健身场所和公园中进行锻炼者所占的比例最高;锻炼形式以自己锻炼为主。结论北京市居民参加规律性体育锻炼的比例较高,具有明显的社区性和非正规性特点。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市职业人群的健康状况,探讨其健康状况的影响因素.方法 采取分层整群抽样的方法,在北京市选取了4个城区,每区选择1~2家单位,共选取6家单位,对单位内18 ~60岁职工进行调查.结果 本次研究共调查1898人.调查对象健康状况自评总分为75.86±11.82(生理分40.43 ±6.57,心理分25.58±4.40,社会适应得分9.94±1.78).不同职业比较,公务员人群和科技人员的健康状况得分(分别为75.19±11.70和75.48±11.27)低于企业人员(78.36±12.49);生活方式分析显示,饮酒、锻炼、睡眠与健康状况得分之间存在关联(P<0.05).多元线性回归分析结果显示,职业、年龄(t=-3.935,P<0.01)、人均收入(t=3.233,P<0.01)、睡眠(t=22.201,P<0.01)和锻炼(t=14.240,P<0.01)是健康状况良好与否的影响因素.结论 在职业人群中开展有针对性的健康教育和健康促进活动,提升其健康水平.  相似文献   

Physical activity and its association with other lifestyle factors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The association of several lifestyle factors with leisure-time physical activity was examined from 1990 to 1991 in a representative sample of 2623 men and 2688 women, ages 25–69, in Germany. Active persons during leisure time were less likely to live in small villages, to smoke and generally had a lower body mass index as compared to sedentary. Men and women with high socioeconomic status were, respectively, four and three times more likely to have an active leisure time than those with low socioeconomic status. After adjustment for age, body mass index, urbanization, socioeconomic status, smoking and average monthly temperature, they less often felt the need to sleep early, consumed more often fruit, salad, whole grain bread and vitamin supplements, less often white bread and meat and a higher amount of fluids as compared to sedentary persons. They were more likely to be single and to eat breakfast regularly. Higher levels of leisure-time physical activity were associated with a general healthier lifestyle.  相似文献   

目的 分析学龄前儿童久坐行为时间与身体活动水平、心理健康状况的关系,为制定针对学龄前儿童身体活动、心理健康的干预策略提供参考。方法 2019年1—12月选择本地区所辖幼儿园的145名学龄前儿童作为调查对象,用长处和困难问卷(SDQ)(父母版)、三轴加速度计及配套的ActiLife软件对本次全部调查对象开展调查,汇总心理健康状况异常检出率、久坐行为时间与身体活动水平,利用Pearson/Spearman相关分析法分析学龄前儿童久坐行为时间与身体活动水平、心理健康状况的相关性。结果 本地区学龄前儿童久坐行为时间较长(26.49±7.58)min/h,且主要集中在每日12:00-15:59;学龄前儿童身体活动水平总体以低强度身体活动为主,男生中强度身体活动比例最高,女生低强度身体活动比例最高,不同性别身体活动水平比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.504,P=0.005);学龄前儿童心理健康状况异常检出率为50.34%(73/145)。相关性分析结果显示:学龄前儿童久坐行为时间与身体活动水平呈负相关(r=-0.418,P<0.001),与心理健康状况评分呈正相关(r=0.341,P<0.001)。结论 学龄前儿童久坐行为时间与身体活动水平、心理健康状况关系密切,应通过提高本地区学龄前儿童身体活动水平,缩短久坐行为时间,进而促进心理健康。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has led in many countries to the implementation of policies that mandate social distancing and movement restrictions. While these measures are warranted in order to minimize the spread of the virus they may have detrimental effects on various behaviors, including physical activity (PA). The present study examined PA and sitting time in 14 to18-year-old Austrian high school students prior to and during the second COVID-19 lockdown in Austria. Data was collected via an online questionnaire during fall/winter 2020/21. Questions were based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, which examined frequency and duration of PA and sitting time. A total of 221 high school students provided valid data. Participants reported significantly lower moderate and vigorous PA during the lockdown while sitting time increased (p < 0.01). The frequency of walking (days/week) also decreased during COVID-19 lockdown, which also contributed to a significant decline in total walking time (p < 0.01). Further, the decline in PA was more pronounced in boys, while girls reported a greater decline in walking. These differences were due to higher PA and walking in boys and girls, respectively, prior to the lockdown. During the lockdown sex differences in PA and sitting time were limited. Taken together, these results highlight the impact of COVID-19 policies on PA in adolescents and emphasize the importance to promote an active lifestyle even in times of home confinement.  相似文献   

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