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Endodontic treatment of teeth associated with a large periapical lesion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: To report the healing of a large periapical lesion following non-surgical root canal treatment. SUMMARY: A 12-year-old male with a large periapical lesion around the apices of his mandibular incisors is described. The lesion formed after trauma to the mandibular anterior teeth 5 years previously. During root canal treatment, chlorhexidine gluconate was used for irrigation, and calcium hydroxide was used both for the intracanal dressing and as a base of the root canal sealer. Periapical healing was observed 3 months after obturation and continued at the 12-month review. Key learning points Root canal treatment, including the use of chlorhexidine gluconate and calcium hydroxide for infection control, led to substantial healing of a large periapical lesion. This report confirms that large periapical lesions can respond favourably to non-surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Regenerative endodontic procedures are undertaken on permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and open apices in an attempt to resolve symptoms, to allow the continued development of the root(s), and to reestablish vitality. The available histologic analysis of these teeth has, in the majority of studies, shown that true regeneration of the pulp-dentin complex is not achieved. A recent investigation using an animal model outlined a procedure wherein pulpal amputation a few millimeters short of the apex followed by evoked bleeding allowed the complete regeneration of the normal pulp-dentin complex in immature vital teeth of ferrets. By implementation of this procedure, we report successful pulp regeneration outcome evidenced by continued root development and a positive response to pulp vitality tests in a maxillary central incisor with an open apex diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.  相似文献   

Taurodontism is a rare embryologic anomaly of teeth, defined by an apical displacement of the furcation of roots and enlarged pulp chambers. Taurodontism has been classified as hypo‐, meso‐ or hypertaurodontism according to the severity of the anomaly. The aim of this case report was to illustrate a clinical case with multiple bilateral taurodonts and to describe the endodontic management of the hypertaurodontic mandibular left second molar with a C‐shaped canal and extensive dental pulp calcifications. A healthy 20‐year‐old male patient was referred for the endodontic treatment of his lower left second molar. Cone beam computed tomography revealed a C‐shaped root canal configuration and several dental pulp calcifications in this tooth. The endodontic treatment was performed in two appointments under an operating dental microscope. A panoramic radiograph, made during the 18 months follow‐up appointment, revealed nine other taurodontic molars, most of them associated with dental pulp calcifications.  相似文献   



Regenerative endodontic therapy is currently used to treat immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and/or apical periodontitis. However, mature teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis have also been treated using regenerative endodontic therapy. The treatment resulted in resolution of apical periodontitis, regression of clinical signs and symptoms but no apparent thickening of the canal walls, and/or continued root development. A recent study in an animal model showed that the tissues formed in the canals of mature teeth with apical periodontitis after regenerative endodontic therapy were cementumlike, bonelike, and periodontal ligament–like tissue with numerous blood vessels. These tissues are similar to the tissues observed in immature permanent teeth with apical periodontitis after regenerative endodontic therapy.


A 23-year-old woman had a history of traumatic injury to her upper anterior teeth when she was 8 years old. Subsequently, #8 developed pulp necrosis and an acute apical abscess and #7 symptomatic apical periodontitis. The apex of #8 was slightly open, and the apex of #7 was completely formed. Instead of nonsurgical root canal therapy, regenerative endodontic therapy was attempted, including complete chemomechanical debridement on #8 and #7. This was based on the premise that filling of disinfected root canals with the host's biological vital tissue might be better than filling with foreign materials.


After regenerative endodontic therapy of #8 and #7, there was radiographic evidence of periapical osseous healing and regression of clinical signs and symptoms. The pulp cavity of #8 decreased in size, and the apex closed. The pulp cavity of #7 appeared to be obliterated by mineralized tissue. These indicated ingrowth of new vital tissue into the chemomechanically debrided canals.


Regenerative endodontic therapy of mature teeth with apical periodontitis and apical abscess can result in the regression of clinical signs and/or symptoms and healing of apical periodontitis but no apparent thickening of the canal walls or continued root development. Filling of the disinfected canals with the host's vital tissue may be better than with foreign materials because vital tissue has innate and adaptive immune defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

目的: 探讨手术治疗颅颌面部骨纤维发育不良对患者视力的影响。方法: 计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane 图书馆和Cochrane临床试验注册中心、中国知网、维普数据库和万方数据库。纳入对颅颌面部骨纤维发育不良患者行手术治疗的研究,以未出现视力损伤患者为试验组,出现视力损伤患者为对照组,提取手术后出现视力损伤患者数合并数据进行meta分析。结果: 采用固定效应模型进行meta分析,未出现视力损伤时,进行手术治疗完全不会增加视力损伤的发生[OR=0.39,95%CI (0.18~0.86),P=0.02],各研究之间同质性良好[Chi2=8.63, df=9(P=0.47); I2=0%],且研究不存在发表偏倚。结论: 手术治疗颅颌面部骨纤维发育不良并不会增加患者视力受损的可能性。  相似文献   

Guided endodontics has been used for the treatment of anterior teeth with a successful outcome. This approach is not only limited to anterior teeth because it can also be used for the treatment of premolars and molars. However, in such cases, space may be a limitation because a long bur has to be used in addition to the guide being placed on top of the teeth. The aim of this case report was to present a novel guided endodontics technique using a sleeveless 3-dimensional–printed guide. This design can reduce vertical space, allowing an open view of the tooth and irrigation during drilling. A 46-year-old female patient consulted the endodontic department with intermittent pain around tooth #5. Tooth #5 presented pain upon percussion and responded negative to a cold test. The initial periapical radiograph revealed an apical radiolucency with pulp canal obliteration. Clinically, there was no sinus tract. The tooth was diagnosed with pulp necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis. Guided endodontic treatment was performed with a sleeveless 3-dimensional–printed guide and long neck carbide bur with a head diameter of 1 mm to drill a minimally invasive access cavity up to the root canal. A completely healed apical area of tooth #5 was visible after 1 year on periapical radiographs. This technique seems to be a promising alternative in comparison with the conventional guided endodontic guide design for the negotiation of pulp canal obliteration in cases in which vertical space is limited.  相似文献   

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