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In primary visual cortex (V1), neuronal responses to optimally oriented stimuli in the receptive field (RF) center are usually suppressed by iso-oriented stimuli in the RF surround. The mechanisms and pathways giving rise to surround modulation, a possible neural correlate of perceptual figure-ground segregation, are not yet identified. We previously proposed that highly divergent and fast-conducting top-down feedback connections are the substrate for fast modulation arising from the more distant regions of the surround. We have recently implemented this idea into a recurrent network model (Schwabe et al. 2006). The purpose of this study was to test a crucial prediction of this feedback model, namely that the suppressive "far" surround of V1 neurons can be facilitatory under conditions that weakly activate neurons in the RF center. Using single-unit recordings in macaque V1, we found iso-orientation far-surround facilitation when the RF center was driven by a low-contrast stimulus and the far surround by a small annular stimulus. Suppression occurred when the center stimulus contrast or the size of the surround stimulus was increased. This suggests that center-surround interactions result from excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms of similar spatial extent, and that changes in the balance of local excitation and inhibition, induced by surround stimulation, determine whether facilitation or suppression occurs. In layer 4C, the main target of geniculocortical afferents, lacking long-range intra-cortical connections, far-surround facilitation was rare and large surround fields were absent. This strongly suggests that feedforward connections do not contribute to far-surround modulation and that the latter is generated by intra-cortical mechanisms, likely involving top-down feedback.  相似文献   

Responses of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons to stimuli inside the classic receptive field (CRF) can be modulated by stimuli outside the CRF. We recently reported that responses of most V1 neurons to a line in the CRF center are inhibited by large surround-stimuli and that this modulation is stimulus selective. Here we report that a significant proportion of V1 neurons in alert monkeys respond directly to stimuli outside the CRF with very long latency and much reduced selectivity. When surround stimuli are presented alone, three response patterns can be distinguished in 153 single- or multiunits tested: (1) 31.4% have no significant response; (2) 50.3% show excitatory responses that are significantly higher than spontaneous activity. The average latency of these responses is about 145 ms, 2–3 times longer than center responses; (3) 18.3% show suppressed spontaneous activity after stimulus onset. The direct surround responses are found to be only weakly selective for the orientation of contextual lines, and not selective for other contextual patterns tested. While the outburst of responses to stimuli within the CRF is not affected by reducing stimulus duration from 500 ms to 50 ms, late excitatory surround responses are virtually eliminated. We propose that the late excitatory surround responses to extra-CRF stimulation alone are the reflection of feedback from higher cortical areas and may contribute to reduced contextual inhibition of cells in V1. This could play a role in figure-ground segregation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Naito T  Sadakane O  Okamoto M  Sato H 《Neuroscience》2007,149(4):962-975
We previously suggested that orientation-tuned surround suppression of responses of cells in the primary visual cortex (V1) is primarily caused by a decrease in geniculocortical input for the cell [Ozeki H, Sadakane O, Akasaki T, Naito T, Shimegi S, Sato H (2004) Relationship between excitation and inhibition underlying size tuning and contextual response modulation in the cat primary visual cortex. J Neurosci 24:1428-1438]. To further test this hypothesis, we compared the strength of orientation and spatial phase selectivity of surround suppression, and the spatial extent of the extraclassical receptive field (ECRF) between the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and V1 neurons of anesthetized cats. Extraclassical surround suppression in the LGN was well tuned to orientation-contrast and relative spatial phase between the classical receptive field (CRF) and ECRF stimuli. Significant orientation-tuned surround suppression was observed in 72.6% of the LGN neurons and the 66.7% of the V1 neurons tested. The degree of orientation selectivity of ECRF in LGN was comparable to that in V1; however, the strength of the relative spatial phase selectivity of ECRF in LGN was higher than that previously reported for V1 [Akasaki T, Sato H, Yoshimura Y, Ozeki H, Shimegi S (2002) Suppressive effects of receptive field surround on neuronal activity in the cat primary visual cortex. Neurosci Res 43:207-220; DeAngelis GC, Freeman RD, Ohzawa I (1994) Length and width tuning of neurons in the cat's primary visual cortex. J Neurophysiol 71:347-374]. In 70% of the LGN neurons that exhibited significant orientation-tuned extraclassical surround suppression, the effective orientation of the suppression varied according to a change in the orientation of CRF stimulus, while the remaining 30% exhibited a fixed preferred orientation of the suppression regardless of the orientation of the CRF grating. These results suggest that the basic properties of surround suppression, such as orientation and spatial phase tuning, already exist in cat LGN and that a decrease of surround suppression in excitatory inputs from LGN by surround suppression is the primary cause of surround suppression in V1. Corticogeniculate feedback may further elaborate the properties of surround suppression in LGN.  相似文献   

Information is integrated across the visual field to transform local features into a global percept. We now know that V1 neurons provide more spatial integration than originally thought due to the existence of their nonclassical inhibitory surrounds. To understand spatial integration in the visual cortex, we have studied the nature and extent of center and surround influences on neuronal response. We used drifting sinusoidal gratings in circular and annular apertures to estimate the sizes of the receptive field's excitatory center and suppressive surround. We used combinations of stimuli inside and outside the receptive field to explore the nature of the surround influence on the receptive field center as a function of the relative and absolute contrast of stimuli in the two regions. We conclude that the interaction is best explained as a divisive modulation of response gain by signals from the surround. We then develop a receptive field model based on the ratio of signals from Gaussian-shaped center and surround mechanisms. We show that this model can account well for the variations in receptive field size with contrast that we and others have observed and for variations in size with the state of contrast adaptation. The model achieves this success by simple variations in the relative gain of the two component mechanisms of the receptive field. This model thus offers a parsimonious explanation of a variety of phenomena involving changes in apparent receptive field size and accounts for these phenomena purely in terms of two receptive field mechanisms that do not themselves change in size. We used the extent of the center mechanism in our model as an indicator of the spatial extent of the central excitatory portion of the receptive field. We compared the extent of the center to measurements of horizontal connections within V1 and determined that horizontal intracortical connections are well matched in extent to the receptive field center mechanism. Input to the suppressive surround may come in part from feedback signals from higher areas.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of neurons in V1 is modulated by stimuli placed outside their classical receptive fields. This nonclassical surround provides input from a larger portion of the visual scene than originally thought, permitting integration of information at early levels in the visual processing stream. Signals from the surround have been reported variously to be suppressive and facilitatory, selective and unselective. We tested the specificity of influences from the surround by studying the interactions between drifting sinusoidal gratings carefully confined to conservatively defined center and surround regions. We found that the surround influence was always suppressive when the surround grating was at the neuron's preferred orientation. Suppression tended to be stronger when the surround grating also moved in the neuron's preferred direction, rather than its opposite. When the orientation in the surround was 90 degrees from the preferred orientation (orthogonal), suppression was weaker, and facilitation was sometimes evident. The tuning of surround signals therefore tended to match the tuning of the center, though the tuning of the surround was somewhat broader. The tuning of suppression also depended on the contrast of the center grating-when the center grating was reduced in contrast, orthogonal surround stimuli became relatively more suppressive. We also found evidence for the tuning of the surround being dependent to some degree on the stimulus used in the center-suppression was often stronger for a given center stimulus when the parameters of the surround grating matched the parameters of the center grating even when the center grating was not itself of the optimal direction or orientation. We also explored the spatial distribution of surround influence and found an orderly relationship between the orientation of grating patches presented to regions of the surround and the position of greatest suppression. When surround gratings were oriented parallel to the preferred orientation of the receptive field, suppression was strongest at the receptive field ends. When surround gratings were orthogonal, suppression was strongest on the flanks. We conclude that the surround has complex effects on responses from the classical receptive field. We suggest that the underlying mechanism of this complexity may involve interactions between relatively simple center and surround mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. The responses of single neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex of the cat to brief air-pulse stimuli were quantitatively examined. These controlled natural stimuli activated almost exclusively rapidly adapting hair units which, on systematic movement of the stimulus through the receptive field, gave unit-response profiles that showed the classical unimodal tent-shaped distribution. 2. Conditioning stimulus-induced inhibition of a response evoked by a fixed test stimulus was measured by systematically moving the conditioning stimulus through the receptive field. The spatial distribution of in-field inhibitory activity was unimodal and highly covariant with that of the conditioning excitation, the peak inhibition corresponding to the functional center of the excitatory receptive field. 3. Nearly one-half of the units studied evidenced inhibition extending beyond the excitatory receptive field, forming a "surround" inhibitory region; but these were usually restricted areas with rather weak inhibitory effects. 4. Time-course measuring revealed, on the average, inhibition effects measureable from 10 ms before to some 70 ms following conditioning stimulation, with peak inhibition delayed some 10--15 ms from the conditioning stimulus onset. We showed the backward inhibition, occurring with the test stimulus delivered before the onset of the conditioning stimulus, to be a property of the test response duration. Inhibition measured in the surround areas had essentially the same time course as the inhibition calculated from measurements made within the receptive fields. 5. The spatial and temporal profiles of the excitatory and inhibitory cortical unitary activity are thus very similar to the parametric features of psychophysical enhancement and masking. These findings suggest that the excitatory and inhibitory activities related to individual stimuli interact in multipoint stimulus paradigms so that simple unimodal composite profiles are synthesized.  相似文献   

Acute experiments on 27 adult anesthetized and immobilized cats investigated 101 on and off receptive fields in 67 neurons in visual cortex field 17 by mapping using single local stimuli presented sequentially at different parts of the visual field, as well as in combination with additional stimulation of the center of the receptive field. Both classical and combined mapping identified receptive fields with single receptive zones (63.4% and 29.3% respectively), along with fields consisting of several (2-5) excitatory and/or inhibitory zones (36.6% and 70.7%). We provide the first report of receptive fields with horseshoe, cross, and T shapes. Simulations of horizontal interneuronal interactions in the visual cortex responsible for the multiplicity of excitatory and inhibitory zones of receptive fields were performed. A role for cooperative interactions of neurons in this effect was demonstrated. The possible functional role of receptive fields of different types in extracting the features of visual images is discussed.  相似文献   

Connections between the excitatory and inhibitory zones of the receptive fields of neurons sensitive to the orientations of single bars and cross-shaped figures in the primary visual cortex were studied by classical and combined mapping. Factor and correlation analysis revealed different relationships between the main characteristics of neurons and their receptive fields for bar and cross detectors. Factor analysis of these connections showed that variables with the greatest weightings, combined into a single factor, were different for different detectors. In bar detectors, there was a direct correlational relationship between background activity and the weighting characteristics of the excitatory and inhibitory zones of their receptive fields. In cross-shaped figure detectors, the indexes of inhibition were positively related to the index of sensitivity to the figure, the characteristics of the excitatory zones of the receptive field, and background activity. In these detectors, increases in the area and weighting of additional receptive field excitatory zones in combined mapping were significantly greater than in bar detectors. The question of the difference in the mechanisms forming the receptive fields of bar and cross-shaped figure detectors, for which direct and recurrent horizontal inhibitory connections with surrounding neurons are more important, is discussed.  相似文献   

 The effects of stimuli falling outside the ’classical receptive field’ and their influence on the orientation selectivity of cells in the cat primary visual cortex are still matters of debate. Here we examine the variety of effects of such peripheral stimuli on responses to stimuli limited to the receptive field. We first determined the extent of the classical receptive field by increasing the diameter of a circular patch of drifting grating until the response saturated or reached a maximum, and by decreasing the diameter of a circular mask in the middle of an extended grating, centred on the receptive field, until the cell just began to respond. These two estimates always agreed closely. We then presented an optimum grating of medium-to-high contrast filling the classical receptive field while stimulating the surround with a drifting grating that had the same parameters as the central stimulus but was varied in orientation. For all but five neurons (of 37 tested), surround stimulation produced clear suppression over some range of orientations, while none showed explicit facilitation under these conditions. For 11 cells (34% of those showing suppression), the magnitude of suppression did not vary consistently with the orientation of the surround stimulus. In the majority of cells, suppression was weakest for a surround grating oriented orthogonal to the cell’s optimum. Nine of these cells (28%) exhibited maximum inhibition at the optimum orientation for the receptive field itself, but for 12 cells (38%) there was apparent ’release’ from inhibition for surround gratings at or near the cell’s optimum orientation and direction, leaving inhibition either maximal at angles flanking the optimum (9 cells) or broadly distributed over the rest of the orientation range (3 cells). This implies the existence of a subliminal facilitatory mechanism, tightly tuned at or near the cell’s optimum orientation, extending outside the classical receptive field. For just two cells of 13 tested the preferred orientation for a central grating was clearly shifted towards the orientation of a surrounding grating tilted away from the cell’s optimum. The contrast gain for central stimulation at the optimal orientation was measured with and without a surround pattern. For nine of 25 cells tested, surround stimulation at the cell’s optimum orientation facilitated the response to a central grating of low contrast (≤0.1) but inhibited that to a higher-contrast central stimulus: the contrast-response gain is reduced but the threshold contrast is actually decreased by surround stimulation. Hence the receptive field is effectively larger for low-contrast than for high-contrast stimuli. Inhibition from the periphery is usually greatest at or around the cell’s optimum, while suppression within the receptive field has been shown to be largely non-selective for orientation. Inhibition by orientations flanking the optimum could serve to sharpen orientation selectivity in the presence of contextual stimuli and to enhance orientational contrast; and it may play a part in orientation contrast illusions. Received: 28 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 January 1997  相似文献   

It is generally thought that orientation selectivity first appears in the primary visual cortex (V1), whereas neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), an input source for V1, are thought to be insensitive to stimulus orientation. Here we show that increasing both the spatial frequency and size of the grating stimuli beyond their respective optimal values strongly enhance the orientation tuning of LGN neurons. The resulting orientation tuning was clearly contrast-invariant. Furthermore, blocking intrathalamic inhibition by iontophoretically administering γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor antagonists, such as bicuculline and GABAzine, slightly but significantly weakened the contrast invariance. Our results suggest that orientation tuning in the LGN is caused by an elliptical classical receptive field and orientation-tuned surround suppression, and that its contrast invariance is ensured by local GABAA inhibition. This contrast-invariant orientation tuning in LGN neurons may contribute to the contrast-invariant orientation tuning seen in V1 neurons.  相似文献   

We analyzed the extracellular responses of 70 V1 neurons (recorded in 3 anesthetized macaque monkeys) to a single oriented line segment (or bar) placed within the cell classical receptive field (RF), or center of the RF. These responses could be modulated when rings of bars were placed entirely outside, but around the RF (the "near" surround region), as described in previous studies. Suppression was the main effect. The response was enhanced for 12 neurons when orthogonal bars in the surround were presented instead of bars having the same orientation as the center bar. This orientation contrast property is possibly involved in the mediation of perceptual pop-out. The enhancement was delayed compared with the onset of the response by about 40 ms. We also observed a suppression originating specifically from the flanks of the surround. This "side-inhibition," significant for nine neurons, was delayed by about 20 ms. We tested whether these center/surround interactions in V1 depend on feedback connections from area V2. V2 was inactivated by GABA injections. We used devices made of six micropipettes to inactivate the convergent zone from V2 to V1. We could reliably inactivate a 2- to 4-mm-wide region of V2. Inactivation of V2 had no effect on the center/surround interactions of V1 neurons, even those that were delayed. Therefore the center/surround interactions of V1 neurons that might be involved in pop-out do not appear to depend on feedback connections from V2, at least in the anesthetized monkey. We conclude that these properties are probably shaped by long-range connections within V1 or depend on other feedback connections. The main effect of V2 inactivation was a decrease of the response to the single bar for about 10% of V1 neurons. The decrease was delayed by <20 ms after the response onset. Even the earliest neurons to respond could be affected by the feedback from V2. Together with the results on feedback connections from MT (previous paper), these findings show that feedback connections potentiate the responses to stimulation of the RF center and are recruited very early for the treatment of visual information.  相似文献   

Neurons throughout the visual system have receptive fields with both excitatory and suppressive components. The latter are responsible for a phenomenon known as surround suppression, in which responses decrease as a stimulus is extended beyond a certain size. Previous work has shown that surround suppression in the primary visual cortex depends strongly on stimulus contrast. Such complex center-surround interactions are thought to relate to a variety of functions, although little is known about how they affect responses in the extrastriate visual cortex. We have therefore examined the interaction of center and surround in the middle temporal (MT) area of the macaque (Macaca mulatta) extrastriate cortex by recording neuronal responses to stimuli of different sizes and contrasts. Our findings indicate that surround suppression in MT is highly contrast dependent, with the strongest suppression emerging unexpectedly at intermediate stimulus contrasts. These results can be explained by a simple model that takes into account the nonlinear contrast sensitivity of the neurons that provide input to MT. The model also provides a qualitative link to previous reports of a topographic organization of area MT based on clusters of neurons with differing surround suppression strength. We show that this organization can be detected in the gamma-band local field potentials (LFPs) and that the model parameters can predict the contrast sensitivity of these LFP responses. Overall our results show that surround suppression in area MT is far more common than previously suspected, highlighting the potential functional importance of the accumulation of nonlinearities along the dorsal visual pathway.  相似文献   

The surround suppression of the receptive field is important for basic visual information processing, such as orientation specificity. To date, the effects of aging on the strength of surround suppression are not clear. To address this issue, we carried out extracellular single-unit studies of the receptive field properties of cells in the primary visual cortex (area V1) in young and old rhesus (Macaca mulatta) monkeys. When presented with the oriented central stimulus, we found that cells in old animals showed reduced orientation and direction selectivity compared with those in young animals. When presented with the oriented central stimulus together with the optimal surround stimulus, more selective cells {orientation bias (OB) ≥0.1; a bias of 0.1 is significant at the P<0.005 level} in animals of both ages showed reduced orientation selectivity compared with the experiment that presented only the oriented central stimulus. When presented with the optimal central stimulus together with the oriented surround stimulus, cells in old animals showed reduced orientation and direction selectivity compared with young animals. Moreover, broadly tuned cells (OB<0.1) in old animals exhibited significantly reduced suppression indices that quantified the strength of the surround suppression of the receptive field, when compared with those in young animals. These results suggest that aging may seriously affect the surround suppression of the receptive field of V1 cells. Thus, the decreased strength of surround suppression of the receptive field may be one possible reason for the decreased stimulus selectivity of V1 cells previously found in the senescent brain. This work will contribute to an understanding of the physiological mechanisms mediating surround suppression of the receptive field.  相似文献   

Effects of sinusoidal grating stimulus presented outside the classical receptive field (CRF) on neuronal responses were studied in the primary visual cortex of anaesthetized cats. Among 101 cells electrophysiologically recorded, the predominant effect of the stimulus in the receptive field surround (SRF) was the suppression of responses to the CRF stimulation, and the SRF grating suppressed them up to 56% of the responses (44% suppression) to the CRF stimulus alone. The strong suppression was observed more often in layer II/III cells than in other layers and in complex cells more often than in simple cells. The modulatory effects by SRF stimulus might be enhanced by the cortical recurrent excitation particularly in the superficial layers. We also examined whether the modulation by the surround grating exhibits a differential effect according to the presence or absence of figure-ground segregation in the stimulus configuration. For this purpose, effects of stimulus configuration with orientation-, direction-contrast or relative spatial phase difference between CRF and SRF stimuli (figure-ground segregated configuration) were compared with those of uniform configuration of stimulus (non-segregated configuration). There was a population of cells, which exhibited significantly stronger suppression with non-segregated configuration than with figure-ground segregated configuration. Such differential modulation of response by the SRF stimulus in the primary visual cortex is a possible basis of perceptual figure-ground segregation.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) receives its driving input from the eyes via the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus. The lateral pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus also projects to V1, but this input is not well understood. We manipulated lateral pulvinar neural activity in prosimian primates and assessed the effect on supra-granular layers of V1 that project to higher visual cortex. Reversibly inactivating lateral pulvinar prevented supra-granular V1 neurons from responding to visual stimulation. Reversible, focal excitation of lateral pulvinar receptive fields increased the visual responses in coincident V1 receptive fields fourfold and shifted partially overlapping V1 receptive fields toward the center of excitation. V1 responses to regions surrounding the excited lateral pulvinar receptive fields were suppressed. LGN responses were unaffected by these lateral pulvinar manipulations. Excitation of lateral pulvinar after LGN lesion activated supra-granular layer V1 neurons. Thus, lateral pulvinar is able to powerfully control and gate information outflow from V1.  相似文献   

It is traditional to believe that neurons in primary visual cortex are sensitive only or principally to stimulation within a spatially restricted receptive field (classical receptive field). It follows from this that they should only be capable of encoding the direction of stimulus movement orthogonal to the local contour, since this is the only information available in their classical receptive field "aperture." This direction is not necessarily the same as the motion of the entire object, as the direction cue within an aperture is ambiguous to the global direction of motion, which can only be derived by integrating with unambiguous components of the object. Recent results, however, show that primary visual cortex neurons can integrate spatially and temporally distributed cues outside the classical receptive field, and so we reexamined whether primary visual cortex neurons suffer the "aperture problem." With the stimulation of an optimally oriented bar drifting across the classical receptive field in different global directions, here we show that a subpopulation of primary visual cortex neurons (25/81) recorded from anesthetized and paralyzed marmosets is capable of integrating informative unambiguous direction cues presented by the bar ends, well outside their classical receptive fields, to encode global motion direction. Although the stimuli within the classical receptive field were identical, their directional responses were significantly modulated according to the global direction of stimulus movement. Hence, some primary visual cortex neurons are not local motion energy filters, but may encode signals that contribute directly to global motion processing.  相似文献   

Shou T  Wang W  Yu H 《Neuroscience》2000,98(2):207-212
Here we report that the extended surround outside the classical receptive center (hereafter called the extended surround) of most retinal ganglion cells in the cat exhibit significant orientation bias to grating stimuli, and that the center and the extended surround show different orientation biases at different spatial frequencies.As a result, some retinal ganglion cells possess a complex receptive field structure, which allows them to detect sophisticated image segmentation (e.g. texture segmentation) in addition to simple luminance edges. This property was previously thought to exist primarily in the visual cortex. Moreover, in about one quarter of 128 cells studied the center did not exhibit an orientation bias. Thus, these surrounds alone may determine the cells' orientation bias.In conclusion, the extended surround may play an important role in processing more complex pattern in natural scenes since the classical receptive field is too small to describe all the properties of a retinal ganglion cell.  相似文献   

In sensory cortical networks, peripheral inputs differentially activate excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Inhibitory neurons typically have larger responses and broader receptive field tuning compared with excitatory neurons. These differences are thought to underlie the powerful feedforward inhibition that occurs in response to sensory input. In the motor cortex, as in the somatosensory cortex, cutaneous and proprioceptive somatosensory inputs, generated before and during movement, strongly and dynamically modulate the activity of motor neurons involved in a movement and ultimately shape cortical command. Human studies suggest that somatosensory inputs modulate motor cortical activity in a center excitation, surround inhibition manner such that input from the activated muscle excites motor cortical neurons that project to it, whereas somatosensory input from nearby, nonactivated muscles inhibit these neurons. A key prediction of this hypothesis is that inhibitory and excitatory motor cortical neurons respond differently to somatosensory inputs. We tested this prediction with the use of multisite extracellular recordings in anesthetized rats. We found that fast-spiking (presumably inhibitory) neurons respond to tactile and proprioceptive inputs at shorter latencies and larger response magnitudes compared with regular-spiking (presumably excitatory) neurons. In contrast, we found no differences in the receptive field size of these neuronal populations. Strikingly, all fast-spiking neuron pairs analyzed with cross-correlation analysis displayed common excitation, which was significantly more prevalent than common excitation for regular-spiking neuron pairs. These findings suggest that somatosensory inputs preferentially evoke feedforward inhibition in the motor cortex. We suggest that this provides a mechanism for dynamic selection of motor cortical modules during voluntary movements.  相似文献   

We have explored the spatial organization of orientation contrast effects in primate V1. Our stimuli were either concentric patches of drifting grating of varying orientation and diameter or grating patches displaced in x-y coordinates around a central patch overlying the classical receptive field (CRF). All cells in the sample exhibited response suppression to iso-oriented stimuli exceeding the CRF. Changing the outer stimulus orientation revealed five response patterns: 1) orientation alignment suppression (17% of cells)-a suppressive component tuned to the same orientation as the cell's optimal, 2) orientation contrast facilitation (63%)-responses to orientation contrast stimuli exceeded those to the center stimulus alone, 3) nonorientation specific suppression (3%), 4) mixed general suppression and alignment suppression (14%), and 5) orientation contrast suppression (14%)-cross-oriented stimuli evoked stronger suppression than iso-oriented stimuli. Thus most cells (94%) showed larger responses to orientation contrast stimuli than to iso-oriented stimuli, and over one-half showed orientation contrast facilitation. There appeared to be a spatially structured organization of the zones driving the different response patterns with respect to the CRF. Nonorientation-specific suppression and orientation contrast suppression were predominantly evoked by orientation contrast borders located within the CRF, and orientation contrast facilitation was mainly driven by surround stimuli lying outside the CRF. This led to different response patterns according to border location. Zones driving orientation contrast facilitation were not necessarily contiguous to, nor uniformly distributed around, the CRF. Our data support two processes underlying orientation contrast enhancement effects: a simple variation in the strength of surround suppression drawing on the fact that surround suppression is tuned to the same orientation as the CRF and a second process driven by orientation contrast that enhanced cells' responses to CRF stimulation by either dis-inhibition or orientation contrast facilitation. We suggest these processes may serve to enhance response levels to salient image features such as junctions and corners and may contribute to orientation pop-out.  相似文献   

The receptive-field properties of neurons in the striate visual cortex of normal and reeler mutant mice were studied with single-unit recording methods in order to determine whether the connections underlying these properties are altered by the developmental abnormality in neuronal position that characterizes reeler neocortex. Neurons with a projection through the corpus callosum were selected for study because they form a physiologically identifiable class of visual cortical neurons with a characteristic distribution of receptive-field properties that can be compared for normal and reeler cortex. Transcallosal cortical neurons in area 17 near its border with area 18a were identified by antidromic stimulation delivered through bipolar electrodes in the contralateral cortex. A computer controlled the visual stimuli, data acquisition, and analysis. Transcallosal neurons were principally found in layers II-III and V in the normal cortex and in a broand band deep in the reeler cortex. These populations had similar distributions of antidromic latencies, indicating that the neurons sampled from normal and reeler cortex were taken from populations with similar axonal diameters and soma sizes. The receptive-field properties of 46 units in 22 normal mice and 28 units in 11 reeler mice were characterized. Transcallosal neurons in both normal and reeler cortex were usually binocularly responsive and dominated by input from the contralateral eye. They exhibited either nonoriented (31 and 48%, respectively) or oriented (69 and 52%) receptive fields. Tuning 10 stimulus velocity was broad, with peak velocity sensitivities ranging from 1 to 1,000 degrees/s. Directional selectivity was present in 41% of normal units ad 32% of reeler units. There was no significant difference between normal and reeler cortex in the distribution of these properties. Transcallosal neurons were also examined for the presence of an inhibitory surround by comparing their responses to moving or stationary stimuli of varying sizes. Of the tested neurons, most (11/17 in normal cortex, 6/9 in reeler) showed evidence of a decrease in response to large moving stimuli. A large proportion (16/20) of normal neurons tested with stationary flashing stimuli had some degree of surround inhibition whereas significantly fewer (5/17) neurons in reeler cortex had this property. Thus, transcallosal neurons in reeler cortex less frequently had an inhibitory surround demonstrable with stationary flashing stimuli, but this difference between normal and reeler was not apparent with a moving stimulus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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