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OBJECTIVE: Breast milk transmission continues to account for a large proportion of cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 worldwide. An effective HIV-1 vaccine coupled with either passive immunization or short-term antiretroviral prophylaxis represents a potential strategy to prevent breast milk transmission. This study evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of ALVAC HIV-1 vaccine with and without a subunit envelope boost in infants born to HIV-1-infected women. DESIGN:: Placebo-controlled, double-blinded study. METHODS: Infants born to HIV-1-infected mothers in the US were immunized with a prime-boost regimen using a canarypox virus HIV-1 vaccine (vCP1452) and a recombinant glycoprotein subunit vaccine (rgp120). Infants (n = 30) were randomized to receive: vCP1452 alone, vCP1452 + rgp120, or corresponding placebos. RESULTS: Local reactions were mild or moderate and no significant systemic toxicities occurred. Subjects receiving both vaccines had gp120-specific binding serum antibodies that were distinguishable from maternal antibody. Repeated gp160-specific lymphoproliferative responses were observed in 75%. Neutralizing activity to HIV-1 homologous to the vaccine strain was observed in 50% of the vCP1452 + rgp120 subjects who had lost maternal antibody by week 24. In some infants HIV-1-specific proliferative and antibody responses persisted until week 104. HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses were detected in two subjects in each treatment group; the frequency of HIV-1 specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses did not differ between vaccine and placebo recipients. CONCLUSION: The demonstration of vaccine-induced immune responses in early infancy supports further study of HIV-1 vaccination as a strategy to reduce breast milk transmission.  相似文献   

In order to develop a reliable and inexpensive serodiagnostic method to be used for anti-HIV antibody detection in Thailand, recombinant envelope (TM or gp41 subunit) protein of HIV-1 subtype E was produced from prokaryotic cell (Escherichia coli) as the source of antigen in enzyme immunoassay (TE diagnostic EIA kit). HIV-1 gp41 subunit of subtype E was successfully expressed in E. coli in the form of polyhistidine-tagged proteins, comprising of rgp41A (601 bases N-terminal half of TM or 25kDa) and rgp41B (560 bases C-terminal half of TM or 24 kDa) by using an expression vector, pBAD/His C. The amount of protein, dilution of sera, and anti-human IgG labeled HRP used in the EIA test optimized by a checker board titration of the protein and seropositive or seronegative sera, were 5.0 microg/ml, 1:300, and 1:4,000, respectively. The blinded test evaluation of TE-diagnostic EIA in 500 seropositive and 500 seronegative sera which have been simultaneously tested by two available commercial kits and compared with our TE diagnostic EIA, gave 99.6% sensitivity and specificity. The other known genetic subtypes sera such as subtype A (n=5), B (n=9), C (n=4) and D (n=5) were also positive with this EIA. The estimated manufacturer cost per test of rgp41 based anti-HIV antibody detection EIA or TE-diagnostic EIA was about 15 baht. This recombinant envelope (gp41 or TM) protein from HIV-1, which can be produced in large quantities without any hazards from growing the virus and has lower cost to produce anti-HIV antibody serological diagnostic kit, should be considered as an HIV screening test in Thailand.  相似文献   

The native HIV-1 Tat protein was chosen as a vaccine candidate based on its key role in the virus life cycle and on the correlation of Tat-specific immune responses with the asymptomatic stage and lower disease progression rates, but also due to its sequence conservation amongst the various HIV clades as well as the adjuvant effects on dendritic cells. Safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data in monkeys support the development of this vaccine concept.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality for HIV-infected persons. Containment of the initial respiratory inoculation to the lung appears defective in patients with AIDS despite the low burden of HIV in bronchoalveolar macrophages. We have studied the fungistatic activity of human bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM) cultured with an encapsulated strain of C. neoformans in the presence of pooled human serum. We observed 51.6% fungistasis after 24 h of culture. Fungistasis was diminished if the pooled human serum was heat-inactivated but was not affected by anticryptococcal capsular IgG. HIV envelope protein (gp120) has been shown to interfere with lymphocyte activation in vitro. We studied the effects of gp120 on BAM function and found that fungistatic activity was inhibited 25% (p < 0.001). Although binding of yeasts was not affected, gp120 inhibited the internalization of bound yeasts by 46% (p = 0.025). These experiments indicate that gp120 decreases the internalization and fungistasis of C. neoformans by human BAM, and they suggest a mechanism to explain how a small number of HIV-1-infected cells in the lung could impair the containment of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope represents a major challenge to vaccine and drug development, particularly because the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. To explore whether distinct patterns of positive selection within the envelope glycoprotein (gp) 120 exist and are associated with functionally relevant domains, we conducted a long-term survey of sequence evolution in 20 HIV-1-infected persons who interrupted antiretroviral therapy. In total, 1753 clonal sequences encompassing the C2-V3-C3 region of gp120 were derived. Strikingly, positively selected amino acids mapped almost exclusively (P=.0003) to externally accessible residues on the gp120 crystal structure. The current understanding of envelope structure and function associates the main determinants of viral entry and the targets for neutralizing antibodies with these exterior regions of gp120, strongly suggesting that the observed adaptive evolution of these sites occurs in response to respective selective forces.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An objective of the first efficacy trial of a candidate vaccine containing recombinant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 envelope glycoprotein 120 (rgp120) antigens was to assess correlations between antibody responses to rgp120 and the incidence of HIV-1 infection. METHODS: Within the randomized trial (for vaccinees, n=3598; for placebo recipients, n=1805), binding and neutralizing antibody responses to rgp120 were quantitated. A case-cohort design was used to study correlations between antibody levels and HIV-1 incidence. RESULTS: Peak antibody levels were significantly inversely correlated with HIV-1 incidence. The relative risk (RR) of infection was 0.63 (95% confidence interval, 0.45-0.89) per log(10) higher neutralization titer against HIV-1(MN), and the RRs of infection for second-, third-, and fourth-quartile responses of antibody blocking of gp120 binding to soluble CD4 versus first-quartile responses (the lowest responses) were 0.35, 0.28, and 0.22, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Despite inducing a complex, robust immune response, the vaccine was unable to reduce the incidence of HIV-1. Two interpretations of the correlative results are that the levels of antibodies (i) caused both an increased (low responders) and decreased (high responders) risk of HIV-1 acquisition or (ii) represented a correlate of susceptibility to HIV-1 but had no causal effect on susceptibility. Although the data cannot definitively discriminate between these 2 explanations, (ii) appears to be more likely.  相似文献   

An HIV-vaccine consisting of a DNA prime, recombinant fowlpox virus (rFPV) boost was evaluated in a double-blind placebo controlled trial. One milligram of pHIS-HIV-B expressing mutated gag, pol, env, vpu, tat and rev was administered at weeks 0 and 4 boosted by 5 x 10(7) pfu rFPV-HIV-B expressing gag/pol at week 8. The vaccine regimen was safe, but there was no difference between vaccine (n = 18) and placebo recipients (n = 6) for Gag or Pol-specific T-cell immune responses at week 9.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of HIV-1 is displayed on the surface of the virion or infected cell as an oligomer of multiple gp120/gp41 complexes. We sought to unravel the relationships between this oligomeric structure and the requirements for sequential interactions with CD4 and coreceptor (CCR5 or CXCR4). We used a quantitative cell fusion assay to examine the effects of coexpressing pairs of Envs, each nonfunctional because of a specific defect in one of the essential properties. We observed efficient fusion activity upon coexpression of two Env variants, one containing a gp41 subunit with a mutated fusion peptide and the other containing a gp120 subunit with a mutated CD4 binding site or a mismatched coreceptor specificity. We also observed fusion upon coexpression of two Env variants with distinct gp120 defects, i.e., a CD4 binding site mutation and the incorrect coreceptor specificity determinants. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments verified the efficient formation of mixed oligomers, suggesting that the observed fusion reflected subunit complementation within the oligomeric complex. These results support a model in which cooperative subunit interactions within the Env oligomer result in concerted conformational changes upon receptor binding, resulting in activation for fusion. The implications of these findings for Env function and virus neutralization are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of volunteer recruitment in HIV vaccine trials has recently been considered particularly with respect to critical issues, such as motivation, psychological assessment and social impact. The preventative and therapeutic phase I trials based on the recombinant biologically active Tat vaccine candidate, sponsored in Italy by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, included a specific centralised procedure (SCP) developed to support both the sponsor and the volunteers during trial enrolment and conduction. This process, which is an integrated, multidisciplinary, biomedical and psycho-socio-behavioural network, represented a novel and important aspect for the conduction and success of the clinical study. A specific flow of information from the sponsor to the population was developed through the SCP which started from the national announcement of the trials (through a press conference and a press release) to the enrolment of the volunteers. To this aim a telephone counselling intervention was performed to supply the scientific information translated in personalised message, allowing to select potential participants prior to the first contact with the clinical sites. Furthermore, the multi-step procedure contributed in reinforcing the motivation to participation and trial retention, providing important hints for the design of standardised enrolment procedures to be used in clinical studies. Indeed, this methodological approach, which foresees the joined participation of researchers and expert of communication, could be followed in future vaccine trials in order to improve the effectiveness of enrolment procedures.  相似文献   

HIV-1 affects microglia and astroglia, which subsequently contributes to the neurodegenerative changes. Viral proteins cause neurotoxicity by direct action on the CNS cells or by activating glial cells to cause the release of cytokines, chemokines or neurotoxic substances. Opioid abuse has been postulated as a cofactor in the immunopathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS. HIV-induced pathogenesis is exacerbated by opiate abuse and that the synergistic neurotoxicity is a direct effect of opiates on the CNS. Chemokines and their receptors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neuroAIDS. Herein we describe the effects of morphine and/or gp120 on the expression of the genes for the beta-chemokine MIP-1beta and its receptors CCR3 and CCR5 by the U373 cells which are a human brain-derived astrocytoma/glioblastoma cell line. Our results indicate that treatment of U373 cells with morphine significantly downregulated the gene expression of the beta chemokine, MIP-1 beta, while reciprocally upregulating the expression of its specific receptors, CCR3 and CCR5 suggesting that the capacity of mu-opioids to increase HIV-1 co-receptor expression may promote viral binding, trafficking of HIV-1-infected cells, and enhanced disease progression. Additionally, opiates can enhance the cytotoxicity of HIV-1 viral protein gp120 via mechanisms that involve intracellular calcium modulation resulting in direct actions on astroglia, making them an important cellular target for HIV-opiate interactions.  相似文献   

During the course of a large-scale HIV-1 vaccine field trial (VAX004), full-length gp120 sequences were determined for 349 new HIV-1 infections. The data collected represent the largest survey of full-length gp120 sequences from new HIV-1 infections ever assembled. Previous studies have shown that subtype B viruses typically possess 18 cysteine residues that are covalently linked to form 9 conserved disulfide bridges. However, in this study we found that approximately 20% of the trial participants possessed envelope proteins with an unusual number of cysteine residues that could very likely result in unusual protein structures. One class of variants included envelope proteins with two additional cysteine residues in close proximity, potentially yielding additional disulfide-bonded loops. Other classes of variants included envelope proteins where amino acid replacements increased or decreased the number of cysteine residues by one, resulting in molecules with either 19 or 17 cysteines, respectively. Initial functional analysis demonstrated that envelope proteins with 19 cysteine residues bind to CD4 and the CCR5 chemokine coreceptor, and are infectious. These results suggest that the protein structure of gp120 in newly transmitted viruses may be more heterogeneous than previously appreciated and potentially represent a new mechanism of virus variation. The disulfide variation that we report here may have important implications for HIV vaccine and drug development efforts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Achieving the level of population immunity required for measles elimination may be difficult in regions of high human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) prevalence, because HIV-1-infected children may be less likely to respond to or maintain protective antibody levels after vaccination. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study of the immunogenicity of standard-titer measles vaccine administered at 9 months of age to HIV-1-infected and uninfected children in Lusaka, Zambia. RESULTS: From May 2000 to November 2002, 696 children aged 2-8 months were enrolled. Within 6 months of vaccination, 88% of 50 HIV-1-infected children developed antibody levels of >or=120 mIU/mL, compared with 94% of 98 HIV-seronegative children and 94% of 211 HIV-seropositive but uninfected children (P=.3). By 27 months after vaccination, however, only half of the 18 HIV-1-infected children who survived and returned for follow-up maintained measles antibody levels >or=120 mIU/mL, compared with 89% of 71 uninfected children (P=.001) and in contrast with 92% of 12 HIV-1-infected children revaccinated during a supplemental measles immunization activity. CONCLUSIONS: Although HIV-1-infected children showed good primary antibody responses to measles vaccine, their rapid waning of antibody suggests that measles vaccination campaigns may need to be repeated more frequently in areas of high HIV-1 prevalence.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate safety and possible efficacy of induction of oral immune regulation using colitis extracted proteins(CEP) in Crohn‘s disease (CD) subjects.METHODS: Ten CDs were treated orally with autologous CEP thrice weekly for 16 wk. Subjects were monitored for CDAI and IBDQ. Immune modulatory effect was assessed by T-lymphocyte FACS analysis, CEP-specific IFNγ ELISPOT assay and cytokine levels.RESULTS: Induction of oral immune regulation significantly ameliorated disease activity. All (10/10) subjects had clinical response (CDAI≤70) and 7/10 achieved clinical remission (CDAI≤150). Significant increase in mean IBDQ score was noted (134&#177;9vs 164&#177;12). No treatment-related adverse events were noted. High levels of CEP-specific IFNγ spot forming colonies were detected in five subjects prior to treatment and in all five, a marked decrease was observed. The CD4+/CDS+ lymphocyte ratio and peripheral NKT cell numbers increased significantly, in 7/10 and in 5/10 subjects, respectively. Significant increase in serum IL-10 and IL-4 levels was observed in 7/10 subjects during treatment period.CONCLUSION: Immune regulation via oral administration of CEP is a safe and possibly effective treatment for subjects with moderate CD and may provide means of antigen-specific immune modulation.  相似文献   

Maytansine has significant antitumor activity in animal model systems. The initial clinical trial of maytansine was carried out in 38 adult solid tumor patients. Five daily bolus injections were repeated at 21-day intervals. A total of 78 courses were administered over a dose range of 0.1--0.8 mg/m2/day X 5 days. Gastrointestinal toxicity was dose-related and dose-limiting at doses of greater than or equal to 0.5 mg/m2. Dose-related neurotoxicity was also observed. No drug-related myelosuppression or change in serum creatinine level was seen. Hepatic toxicity was subclinical and reversible. Of 16 patients evaluable for response, two with breast cancer had therapeutic benefit. Phase II studies of maytansine are recommended at a starting dose of 2.0--2.5 mg/m2/course repeated at 21-day intervals.  相似文献   

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