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目的 了解河北某非法采血村村民感染丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因亚型分布情况.方法 对该村全体村民采集静脉血标本计520份,无菌分离血清;以RT-PCR法扩增其中可利用的483份血清HCV之C/E1基因片段,双脱氧链终止法测序;用Mega4.0软件进行HCV系统进化分析,构建系统进化树,判定基因亚型.结果 483份标本中,HCV RNA阳性者70份,阳性率14.5%;基因分型1b亚型36例,占51.4%;2a亚型34例,占48.6%.结论 该村村民血清HCV检出率约为14.5%,远高于一般人群;HCV亚型构成为1b、2a各半.  相似文献   

背景:当前分离培养骨髓间充质干细胞方法的有多种,但在外科手术中进行获取的方法仍然较少,而外科分离所得细胞对于相应疾病的具有揭示原因和提供研究线索的价值。 目的:在骨科手术中以直接贴壁差速贴壁分离培养纯化与鉴定骨髓间充质干细胞。 方法:在骨科关节置换等大手术中吸取少量人骨髓血,采用直接贴壁法分离骨髓间充质干细胞,在贴壁后36~48 h行洗盘处理,并通过长期体外培养,特定培养基自身的筛选作用对细胞进行筛选,当细胞生长达到足量时进行鉴定。 结果与结论:采用直接贴壁法能够在长骨髓腔内混合血中分离培养骨髓间充质干细胞并形成集落,其形态学表现和表面分子经鉴定符合骨髓间充质干细胞特点,能够获得符合要求的人骨髓间充质干细胞,从而进行后续实验。  相似文献   

背景:目前组织工程心脏瓣膜再内皮化种子细胞主要来源于成熟内皮细胞,内皮祖细胞作为内皮细胞的前体细胞越来越受到人们的关注。 目的:分离和扩增人脐带血内皮祖细胞,观测其体外生物学特性。 方法:密度梯度离心法分离新鲜的脐血中单个核细胞,在含血管内皮生长因子和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子的培养液中培养扩增,通过形态学、免疫荧光和流式细胞仪等对贴壁细胞进行鉴定;并与脐静脉内皮细胞进行增殖和迁移能力比较。 结果与结论:随着培养和诱导时间延长,贴壁细胞形态发生明显的改变,从小圆形变成梭形,逐渐分化成典型成熟内皮细胞的鹅卵石样形态,并可形成特征性的克隆;体外诱导7 d后90%以上贴壁细胞呈Dil-ac-LDL和FITC-UEA-I双阳性;贴壁细胞流式细胞仪分析显示:培养7 d的细胞VEGFR-2、CD34和CD133表达分别占(77.4±4.9)%、(52.4±6.6)%和(19.4±2.1)%,培养28 d的细胞VEGFR-2和CD34表达分别占(81.1±7.4)%和(7.6±3.1)%,而未检测到CD133表达;人内皮祖细胞增殖和迁移能力明显高于人脐静脉内皮细胞(P < 0.05),并且细胞数量可扩增达109 L-1。结果显示用密度梯度离心法和贴壁筛选法,可从人脐带血分离、纯化内皮祖细胞;内皮祖细胞可诱导分化为内皮细胞,增殖和迁移能力都很强。  相似文献   

背景:内皮祖细胞可从外周血与脐血中获取,是修复各种疾病所致损伤的血管内皮细胞不可或缺的细胞来源。 目的:比较人外周血与脐血来源的内皮祖细胞经体外培养后生物学特性的差异。 方法:通过密度梯度离心法和6%羟乙基淀粉结合密度梯度离心法分别分离人外周血与脐血中的单个核细胞,分别设为脐血源组和外周血源组,计数各组单个核细胞数量,按1.0×106/cm2接种于大鼠尾胶包被的培养皿中,用内皮细胞培养基进行诱导,共培养7 d。 结果与结论:外周血与脐血体外培养分离出内皮祖细胞具有类似的形态学特征。光学显微镜下观察,随着培养天数的增加,大多数细胞由早期的贴壁圆形转变为梭形。外周血源组内皮祖细胞有细胞集落形成,脐血源组可见梭形细胞自行排列生长为典型的线样结构。锥虫蓝染色及绘制细胞生长曲线后发现,外周血源组单个核细胞及内皮祖细胞数量、内皮祖细胞活率及增殖能力均低于脐血源组(P < 0.05)。外周血源组和脐血源组内皮祖细胞在接种后第3天增殖速度达到峰值,在随后的培养中细胞增殖呈衰减态。流式细胞仪及免疫荧光染色检测结果显示,外周血源组和脐血源组内皮祖细胞均可表达具有内皮祖细胞表型的CD133、CD34和血管内皮细胞因子受体2表面标志物,两组既摄取Dil标记乙酰化低密度脂蛋白,也能标记体外内皮祖细胞的标志物荆豆凝集素Ⅰ。结果证实,脐血来源的内皮祖细胞与外周血来源的内皮祖细胞生物学特性相近,脐血来源的内皮祖细胞增殖能力更强。  相似文献   

背景:极小胚胎样干细胞是近年来发现的一种具有类似胚胎干细胞生物学特性的非造血干细胞,但对其体外培养扩增的方法报道极少。有研究推测,人胚胎成纤维细胞能为人骨髓极小胚胎样干细胞体外培养扩增提供良好的微环境。 目的:从人胚胎躯干中分离、培养人胚胎成纤维细胞,制备人胚胎成纤维细胞饲养层用于人骨髓极小胚胎样干细胞的培养。 方法:利用胰酶消化法从孕5-9周龄人胚胎躯干中分离培养人胚胎成纤维细胞。制作饲养层,使用不同浓度丝裂霉素C处理后,用于培养分选后的人骨髓极小胚胎样干细胞,以细胞形态、生长曲线作为胚胎成纤维细胞和饲养层的评价指标。 结果与结论:从人胚胎中成功分离培养出人胚胎成纤维细胞,该细胞可传代24代以上,且经过传代及冻存复苏后生物学特性无改变。丝裂酶素C低于12 mg/L时,人胚胎成纤维细胞增殖不能完全抑制;高于14 mg/L,人胚胎成纤维细胞可能死亡。12 mg/L丝裂霉素C作用3 h后能较好地抑制人胚胎成纤维细胞的增殖,并且保持其活力约2周,可以在很长一段时间内用作人骨髓极小胚胎样干细胞的饲养层。  相似文献   

EPCs在心血管组织工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温昱  张传森 《解剖学杂志》2007,30(1):105-108
内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cells,EPCs)来源丰富,易于培养,活性高,具有多分化潜能,能够满足心血管组织工程对种子细胞的要求,是构建心血管组织工程的新生力量,但EPCs在心血管组织工程中的应用刚刚起步,为进一步深入研究,本文就目前有关EPCs的来源、分离与培养、鉴定、  相似文献   

背景:目前国内外尚无统一方法分离培养子宫内膜干细胞,实验重复性较差。 目的:寻找一种方便、高效、科学的体外分离子宫内膜干细胞的方法。 方法:采用混合法(机械和酶消化相结合)及胶原酶Ⅰ法分离子宫内膜干细胞,比较两种方法分离所得活细胞数及细胞生长周期的差异;并采用免疫细胞化学法和RT-PCR法检测CD90和CD117的表达情况。 结果与结论:经过15 d的原代培养后,子宫内膜干细胞形态呈圆梭形,细胞贴壁平铺生长,具有成纤维细胞形态,细胞排列无极性;细胞化学染色及RT-PCR法均检测到干细胞标志物CD90和CD117表达,证明培养的细胞具有干细胞特性。混合法获得的活细胞数多于胶原酶Ⅰ法,其差异有显著性意义 (P < 0.01),两种方法分离所得的细胞具有相同的生长周期。结果说明混合法是一种方便、高效、科学的体外分离子宫内膜干细胞的方法。  相似文献   

背景:内皮祖细胞不仅参与胚胎血管生成,也参与出生后血管发生和血管内膜损伤后修复,对治疗缺血性疾病意义重大,但目前对内皮祖细胞的分离、培养、鉴定还存在争议。 目的:体外分离、培养大鼠骨髓与外周血来源的内皮祖细胞,并比较其生物学特性。 方法:密度梯度离心法分离SD大鼠骨髓和外周血单个核细胞,接种于纤维连接蛋白铺被的培养瓶中贴壁培养,用加入血管内皮生长因子、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子及表皮生长因子的完全培养基诱导培养,对获得的贴壁细胞进行细胞形态学,免疫细胞化学染色,流式细胞仪,透射电镜,以及Dil-acLDL、FITC-UEA-1双荧光染色法检测。 结果与结论:骨髓来源的内皮祖细胞数量多,集落状生长,增殖能力强;外周血来源的内皮祖细胞数量较少,散在生长,消化后能贴壁但不能传代。两种不同来源的内皮祖细胞免疫细胞化学检测贴壁细胞CD133、CD34、Flk-1、Ⅷ因子在不同时段呈阳性表达;激光共聚焦显微镜观察,Dil-acLDL、FITC-UEA-1均为双染。透射电镜检查外周血来源的内皮祖细胞发现W-P小体。提示大鼠骨髓和外周血均能分离培养出内皮祖细胞,但前者是早期内皮祖细胞,后者为晚期内皮祖细胞,两者生物学特性各不相同。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市人群土源性寄生虫的感染状况,为防治决策提供科学依据。方法将1982—2007年间按不同年代,且资料完善、有代表性年份的蛔虫、钩虫人群感染率调查资料进行统计,比较发展趋势。并对蛔虫、钩虫感染者与未感染者进行对照调查,用回归分析方法分析感染与生吃蔬菜、赤脚下地劳动、年人均收入的关系。结果建国初期蛔虫、钩虫感染率最高分别达到92.9%和74.7%,2007年已分别降至23.42%和7.89%,呈稳定下降态势。病例一对照研究共调查了1180人,其中病例(感染者)425人,对照755人。蛔虫、钩虫病例对照研究结果表明。感染与生吃蔬菜、赤脚下地劳动、年人均收入密切相关。结论人群钩虫、蛔虫感染率呈下降趋势。社会经济发展、环境因素和社会因素发生改变,对促进土源性寄生虫的防治工作发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:编制《汉区少数民族学生文化疏离感》测量量表,并检验该量表的信、效度。方法:提出文化疏离感的操作性定义。通过对汉区少数民族学生进行开放式问卷调查和访谈收集问卷项目,然后进行小样本初步测查、修订问卷、大样本测查,最后确定了《汉区少数民族学生文化疏离感》的测量量表。结果:该量表的CRONBACH(α)系数、分半信度、题项与总分的相关指标较好;通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析构想出文化疏离感的四个维度:文化孤立感、文化分离感、不和谐感、被控感。结论:《汉区少数民族学生文化疏离感》量表具有较好的信度和效度指标,具有一定理论意义。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the amino-acid composition of the perfusion fluid was investigated during adequate perfusion of isolated dog organs (the thorax and a complex consisting of the thoracic organs, kidneys, and liver). The concentration of amino acids such as histidine, lysine, and alanine in the perfusion fluid 6 h after the beginning of perfusion of the organ complex was higher, whereas that of arginine, serine, aspartic acid, threonine with glutamine, isoleucine, proline, leucine, and valine was much lower than initially. In experiments on the isolated thorax the dynamics of the amino-acid composition of the medium was studied during perfusion for 4 h. The concentration of alanine, lysine, and histidine in the medium increased, whereas those of serine, aspartic acid, isoleucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine decreased.Department of Biophysics, L. V. Kirenskii Institute of Physics, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Krasnoyarsk. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR S. V. Anichkov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 80, No. 7, pp. 36–38, July, 1975.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic aspects of a whooping cough outbreak are studied in a village of a rural precinct of Kolokani in Mali. The survey shows that the village as been contaminated by two children coming from Bamako, an urban center. Spreading of the epidemic is due to the lack of suitable therapy and vaccination. Seventeen cases are noticed within 83 children aged 0 to 13 years (20.5%) from October 12th, 1988, to January 22nd, 1989. The attack rate is the same in males and females. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of the population to face whooping cough are noted. Measures are proposed for therapy and prevention.  相似文献   

Background: Mumps is a vaccine-preventable disease that usually occurs as a parotitis, but it can also lead to several life- threatening complications, including pancreatitis, meningitis and encephalitis. Objective: To determine and diagnosis of mumps disease, which is communicable disease usually affects childrens. Although it is seen worldwide, but outbreaks not common in India. Materials and Methods: Thirty one suspected mumps cases, who presented to the unimmunized population of Chikkahallivana village in Davangere district of Karnataka, India in January 2014, with clinical evidence of fever, cervical lymphadenitis and ear pain, manifest with self-limited uni-or bilateral parotitis. A total of 31 cases consisting of 31 blood and 31 throat swabs were tested for diagnosis of mumps disease. Results: Of the 31 suspected cases, laboratory results showed 18 positive for mumps IgM antibodies and 7 cases showed presence of mumps virus RNA by RT-PCR using MV specific nested primers. From 31 cases, 5 were positive with both the methods. Conclusion: We confirmed the cases by serological as well as a sensitive RT-nested PCR-based method and sequencing results for the molecular identification of mumps infection. Sequencing results of the SH gene identified outbreak strain as genotype C, which was consistent with other outbreaks in India.  相似文献   

The genetic mechanisms underlying congenital heart disease (CHD) are complex and remain incompletely understood. The majority of patients with CHD have an isolated heart defect without other organ system involvement, but the genetic basis of isolated CHD has been even more difficult to elucidate compared to syndromic CHD. Our understanding of the genetics of isolated CHD is advancing in large part due to advances in next generation sequencing, and the list of genes associated with CHD is rapidly expanding. Variants in hundreds of genes have been identified that may cause or contribute to CHD, but a genetic cause can still only be identified in about 20–30% of patients. Identifying a genetic cause for CHD can have an impact on clinical outcomes and prognosis and thus it is important for clinicians to understand when and what to test in patients with isolated CHD. This chapter reviews some of the known genetic mechanisms that contribute to isolated inherited and sporadic CHD as well as recommendations for evaluation and genetic testing in patients with isolated CHD.  相似文献   

Three isolates of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were isolated from tracheal samples of dead village chickens in two provinces (Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham) in Cambodia during 2011–2012. All of these Cambodian NDV isolates were categorized as velogenic pathotype, based on in vivo pathogenicity tests and F cleavage site motif sequence (112RRRKRF117). The phylogenetic analysis and the evolutionary distances based on the sequences of the F gene revealed that all the three field isolates of NDV from Cambodia form a distinct cluster (VIIh) together with three Indonesian strains and were assigned to the genotype VII within the class II. Further phylogenetic analysis based on the hyper-variable region of the F gene revealed that some of NDV strains from Malaysia since the mid-2000s were also classified into the VIIh virus. This indicates that the VIIh NDVs are spreading through Southeast Asia. The present investigation, therefore, emphasizes the importance of further surveillance of NDV in neighboring countries as well as throughout Southeast Asia to contain further spreading of these VIIh viruses.  相似文献   

Summary Procedures for preparing isolated islets and completely dissociated single islet cells free from the surrounding acinar tissue are described. The mixture of Ficoll and Conray solution (Ficoll-Conray solution) employed for the collection of islets is less viscous and toxic than the plain Ficoll solution and is also applicable for the separation of cells other than islets. Dissociation of islet cells by Dispase results in a satisfactory yield of single islet cells with viability greater than 95%. The islets and dispersed islet cells can be maintained in culture for several months with no deterioration of hormone-producing ability.  相似文献   

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