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目的评价成华区以社区卫生服务机构为主体开展暗娼人群艾滋病干预工作模式的效果,为高危人群艾滋病干预工作提供参考。方法以成华区暗娼干预工作下沉至社区卫生服务机构的2011年为分界,将艾滋病综合防治信息系统中成华区2007~2014年暗娼哨点监测数据整理为"下沉前(2007~2010)"和"下沉后(2011~2014)",采用Epidata数据库录入数据,运用SPSS19.0软件分析数据,采用卡方检验方法(双侧检验方法),通过定量分析来比较"下沉"前后干预效果的不同并分析其可能原因。结果干预工作"下沉"后,暗娼人群艾滋病知识知晓率、安全套使用率上升,对干预服务的可及性提高,干预覆盖面扩大,总体疫情得到控制。结论以社区卫生服务机构为主体的暗娼人群干预模式具有可行性和有效性,可进一步加强非传播途径的宣传以减少歧视。 相似文献
目的探讨对医院建卡孕妇开展艾滋病健康教育的可行性及其效果。方法选取2006年1—6月在某市大型综合性医院产科建卡的258名孕妇,按预定的干预策略进行相关健康教育.并对干预前后的研究对象针对艾滋病的知识、态度及行为的改变进行评价。结果干预前孕妇艾滋病知识知晓率一般,如艾滋病病原学的问题、干预对象对艾滋病的接受程度较低,均低于50.0%;经过有效干预后,研究对象针对艾滋病知识、态度及行为发生了显著改变,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论在综合性医院开展孕妇艾滋病相关知识的健康教育方法可行,效果明显,值得推广。 相似文献
影响医疗戒毒效果的因素及护理干预措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨护理干预在自愿医疗戒毒中的作用。方法:将118例自愿疗戒毒病人随机分为研究组与对照组,对研究组58例病人采取心理护理和干预措施,对照组60例病人采取一般戒毒病人的护理,并分别进行焦虑自评量表(SAS)和自编毒品危害知识,稽延性戒断症状,心理渴求程度量表评定;出院后分别于2周1个月和2个月进行随访和尿检。结果:经统计学处理,干预后研究组各项量表总分和复吸率明显低于对照组,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.01),结论:对自愿医疗戒毒病人采取心理护理和干预措施,不但强化病人的戒毒心理,降低病人出院后的复吸率,同时对戒毒期病人积极配合治疗和病区管理皆有重要意义。 相似文献
目的探索流动人口艾滋病防治模式,预防艾滋病在流动人口中的传播和蔓延。方法建立以社区为基础的流动人口干预模式,政府组织领导,明确各部门职责,建立考核激励机制,充分动员基层工作人员和社会工作者的力量,全社会共同参与,针对不同类型的流动人口开展艾滋病防治工作。结果经过一年多的探索与实践,基层工作人员的能力明显提高,流动人口艾滋病防治知识知晓率提高,自我保护意识增强,多部门分工负责的机制已经形成,目标人群主动咨询检测的意识增强,防治工作取得了一定成效。结论以社区为基础的流动人口干预模式是可行和可推广的。但同时,也面临人力资源缺乏、经费不足、部门配合的积极性有待提高等挑战。 相似文献
心理治疗与家庭干预对戒毒患者康复的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
目的 探讨心理治疗和家庭干预对戒毒者康复的影响。方法 对 42例戒毒患者进行为期两月的心理治疗 ,并对其家属进行系统的健康教育 ,获得家庭的支持 ,与仅使用单纯药物替代疗法的 41例 (对照组 )比较 ,随访半年调查复吸率。结果 心理治疗与家庭干预组的复吸率明显低于对照组 (P<0 .0 1 )。结论 对戒毒患者进行系统的心理治疗和家庭干预可降低患者的复吸率。 相似文献
护理干预对艾滋病患者生存质量的效应研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的探讨护理干预对艾滋病(AIDS)患者生存质量的影响,改善艾滋病患者的不良心境,提高AIDS/HIV感染者的自我护理能力,从而提高其生存质量。方法将50例艾滋病患者随机分成两组,观察组(A组)26例,对照组(B组)24例,观察组在常规治疗护理的基础上进行心理干预及系统的健康教育,而对照组仅做常规的治疗护理。同时设50名正常人作为正常组(C组)。采用健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)和一些自选条目.于护理干预前测评A、B、C组,并于护理干预3个月后再次对A、B组进行测评分析。结果干预前A、B组的各方面比分均低于C组,干预3个月后观察组的生存质量明显提高(P〈0.01)。结论艾滋病患者总体生存质量较差,全面系统的护理干预,可明显改善其生存质量。 相似文献
目的 比较三种不同的健康教育方式对大学生艾滋病知晓率的影响,找出更有效的健康教育方式,为制定健康教育和行为干预策略提供一定的科学依据。方法 2018年9~10月分层整群随机选取某高校大学生600人,根据教育模式分为健康处方组(A组)、同伴教育组(B组)和健康讲座组(C组),每组200人。在教育前后对三组使用同一问卷进行调查,比较三组学生艾滋病知识和传播途径的掌握程度。结果 三组学生教育后对艾滋病知识和传播途径的掌握程度均优于教育前(P<0.05)。教育后,B组和C组在“艾滋病命名、HIV定义、艾滋病病原体存活时间、艾滋病可以预防吗、艾滋病可以治愈吗、多吃保健品可以预防艾滋病吗”这些知识的掌握程度均优于A组,C组在“艾滋病命名、HIV定义、艾滋病可以预防吗”这些知识的掌握程度均优于B组(P<0.05);除了“输入未经严格检查的血液或使用血制品可以感染艾滋病吗,咳嗽、打喷嚏、礼节性亲吻、拥抱会感染艾滋病吗”这两个问题,B组和C组学生知识掌握程度均优于A组(P<0.05);C组对“一个看起来健康的人会携带有艾滋病病毒吗、与感染者共桌吃饭会得艾滋病吗、与感染者握手会得艾滋病吗、蚊虫叮咬会得艾滋病吗"等问题的掌握程度优于B组(P<0.05)。结论 大学生预防艾滋病健康教育较理想的模式应以健康讲座教育为主,辅以同伴教育和发放健康处方,三者优势互补,可达到更好的效果。 相似文献
目的:探讨对肺结核合并艾滋病患者的护理干预措施。方法通过25例肺结核合并艾滋病患者回顾分析,了解早期、规范的护理患者,保证了患者的安全,同时也保证医护人员的安全。结果通过对患者进行心理护理、症状护理、用药护理、健康宣教等一系列护理干预,患者能积极配合治疗和转诊,保证了患者的安全。结论有效的护理干预能提高患者的自信心,提高治疗效果,有效控制感染,明显提高患者的生存质量。 相似文献
目的 探讨健康教育模式对师范大学生艾滋病的防治效果.方法 采用自编艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为问卷,对师范大学生进行艾滋病健康教育前、后调查,运用卡方检验进行数据分析.结果 健康教育后师范大学生对艾滋病基本知识知晓率显著提高,分别为99.1%,97.5%,95.2%,99.2%,98.4%,91.5%,96.0%(x2=49.25,83.65,45.73,20.56,4.78,83.59,35.73;P <0.001);对“蚊虫叮咬;同桌吃饭;握手、拥抱;共用劳动工具;共用游泳池、浴缸;共用剃须刀或牙刷”等非传播途径的知晓率有显著提高,分别为97.4%,98.8%,100.0%,99.1%,96.8%,93.6%(x2=292.60,174.15,26.85,11.36,120.14,48.96;P<0.001);对“及时治疗性病、远离毒品”等预防艾滋病的相关行为的知晓率有显著提高,分别为96.2%,98.8% (x2 =20.43, 35.64;P <0.001);对艾滋病人及病毒感染者交往的态度、行为有显著的改变,分别为88.7%,83.2%,95.2%,86.8%,95.8%(x2 =67.63,227.83,39.08,72.82,93.61;P <0.001).结论 健康教育是师范大学生艾滋病防治的一种有效模式. 相似文献
Cardiac rehabilitation uptake following myocardial infarction: cross-sectional study in primary care
Margaret E Cupples Mark A Tully Martin Dempster Mairead Corrigan Damian O McCall Bernadette Downey 《The British journal of general practice》2010,60(575):431-435
Policies suggest that primary care should be more involved in delivering cardiac rehabilitation. However, there is a lack of information about what is known in primary care regarding patients’ invitation or attendance.Aim
To determine, within primary care, how many patients are invited to and attend rehabilitation after myocardial infarction (MI), examine sociodemographic factors related to invitation, and compare quality of life between those who do and do not attend.Design of study
Review of primary care paper and computer records; cross-sectional questionnaire.Setting
Northern Ireland general practices (38); stratified sample, based on practice size and health board area.Method
Patients, identified from primary care records, 12–16?weeks after a confirmed diagnosis of MI, were posted questionnaires, including a validated MacNew post-MI quality-of-life questionnaire. Practices returned anonymised data for non-responders.Results
Information about rehabilitation was available for 332 of the 432 patients identified (76.9%): 162 (37.5%) returned questionnaires. Of the total sample, 54.4% (235/432) were invited and 37.0% (160/432) attended; of those invited, 68.1% (160/235) attended. Invited patients were younger than those not invited (mean age 63?years [standard deviation ﹛SD﹜ 16] versus 68.5?years [SD 16]); mean difference 5.5?years (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.7 to 9.3). Among questionnaire responders, those who attended were younger and reported better emotional, physical, and social functioning than non-attenders (P = 0.01; mean differences 0.44 (95% CI = 0.11 to 0.77), 0.48 (95% CI = 0.10 to 0.85) and 0.54 (95% CI = 0.15 to 0.94) respectively).Conclusion
Innovative strategies are needed to improve cardiac rehabilitation uptake, integration of hospital and primary care services, and healthcare professionals’ awareness of patients’ potential for health gain after MI. 相似文献12.
昆明市一所大学预防药物滥用及HIV/AIDS研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在云南省财贸学院开展为期半年的预防药物滥用及感染性免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)活动。53名自愿参加预防活动的大学生作为预防对象。预防方法以个人和社会技能训练为主,辅予信息传播方法和拒绝技能训练。训练课程分为8次,每次90分钟。活动前后进行自身对照比较。结果显示,预防活动能提高预防对象相关知识的水平。预防对象的个人和社会技能比参加活动前有显著的提高。不足的是这种预防活动没有能改变预防对象对药物滥用及HIV/AIDS的负性态度。研究对今后以学校为基础的预防方法提出了建议。 相似文献
Saurabh Shrivastava Prateek Shrivastava Jegadeesh Ramasamy 《African health sciences》2015,15(1):278-280
BackgroundGlobally, it has been estimated that almost 15% of world''s population live with some form of disability, of which the majority are from developing nations.ObjectivesTo explore the role of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) in the health sector, identify the prevalent challenges, and to suggest measures to facilitate its smooth implementation in community.MethodsAn extensive search of all materials related to the topic was made using library sources including Pubmed, Medline and World Health Organization. Keywords used in the search included community, community-based rehabilitation, disabled, and public health.ResultsThe notion of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) emerged in 1978 with an aim to improve the accessibility of disabled people to rehabilitation services, especially in developing countries, by ensuring optimal use of locally available resources. CBR programs support people with disabilities by providing health services at their doorsteps, and thus estalish a strong linkage between people with disabilities and the health-care system.ConclusionCBR encompasses a set of interventions that are implemented for a diverse and complex group of disabled people, and thus necessitates careful planning and systematic execution for ensuring welfare of these vulnerable people. 相似文献
Ali A. Rabaan Abdul Hawil Abas Trina Ekawati Tallei Mona A. Al-Zaher Noor M. Al-Sheef Fatimawali Esraa Z. Al-Nass Eba A. Al-Ebrahim Yunus Effendi Rinaldi Idroes Mather F. Alhabib Hussain A. Al-Fheid Ahmad Akroman Adam Talha Bin Emran 《Journal of medical virology》2023,95(1):e28306
Monkeypox is a rare zoonotic disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. The disease can result in flu-like symptoms, fever, and a persistent rash. The disease is currently spreading throughout the world and prevention and treatment efforts are being intensified. Although there is no treatment that has been specifically approved for monkeypox virus infection, infected patients may benefit from using certain antiviral medications that are typically prescribed for the treatment of smallpox. The drugs are tecovirimat, brincidofovir, and cidofovir, all of which are currently in short supply due to the spread of the monkeypox virus. Resistance is also a concern, as widespread replication of the monkeypox virus can lead to mutations that produce monkeypox viruses that are resistant to the currently available treatments. This article discusses monkeypox disease, potential drug targets, and management strategies to overcome monkeypox disease. With the discovery of new drugs, it is hoped that the problem of insufficient drugs will be resolved, and it is not anticipated that drug resistance will become a major issue in the near future. 相似文献
R. Mirakian P. W. Ewan S. R. Durham L. J. F. Youlten P. Dugué P. S. Friedmann J. S. English P. A. J. Huber S. M. Nasser 《Clinical and experimental allergy》2009,39(1):43-61
These guidelines have been prepared by the Standards of Care Committee (SOCC) of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) and are intended for allergists and others with a special interest in allergy. As routine or validated tests are not available for the majority of drugs, considerable experience is required for the investigation of allergic drug reactions and to undertake specific drug challenge. A missed or incorrect diagnosis of drug allergy can have serious consequences. Therefore, investigation and management of drug allergy is best carried out in specialist centres with large patient numbers and adequate competence and resources to manage complex cases. The recommendations are evidence-based but where evidence was lacking consensus was reached by the panel of specialists on the committee. The document encompasses epidemiology, risk factors, clinical patterns of drug allergy, diagnosis and treatment procedures. In order to achieve a correct diagnosis we have placed particular emphasis on obtaining an accurate clinical history and on the physical examination, as these are critical to the choice of skin tests and subsequent drug provocation. After the diagnosis of drug allergy has been established, communication of results and patient education are vital components of overall patient management. 相似文献
Jonathan Banks Julian PH Shield Deborah Sharp 《The British journal of general practice》2011,61(589):e492-e497
The rapid increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity in recent years has led to inconclusive debate about the most effective way to manage the condition and the most appropriate care setting. Primary care has been suggested as a key site to identify and treat obesity in children.Aim
To identify children from general practice databases with a body mass index (BMI) categorised as ‘obese’, and invite them for a primary care consultation and possible referral to a specialist secondary care clinic.Design and setting
Targeted screening of GP practice databases for obese children in 12 general practices in Bristol, UK.Method
Participating GP practices searched databases for children''s BMIs which were then screened by the study team to identify obese children (≥98th centile). Practices invited families of obese children to consult their GP with the potential for referral to a specialist clinic. Follow-up data was recorded with respect to: consultations; consultations about child''s weight; and referrals to specialist clinic; and other referrals.Results
A total of 285 letters inviting families to consult their GP were sent; 134 patients consulted their GP in the follow-up period (minimum 3 months), and 42 of these consultations discussed the child''s weight. Nineteen patients received a secondary care referral and six received an alternative weight-management referral.Conclusion
The low take-up following the mail-out of an invitation to consult highlights the inherent difficulties of engaging families and their obese children in care pathways that facilitate long-term weight management. 相似文献18.
目的了解艾滋病患者的心理健康状况,建立心理辅导机制。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对艾滋病住院患者进行心理健康测评。结果①艾滋病患者的心理健康水平不显著低于全国常模(t=1.41,P>0.05);②艾滋病患者的躯体化、人际关系敏感、敌对3个因子与全国常模有显著性差异(P<0.05);③艾滋病人男性患者与女性患者相比较躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、精神病性有显著性差异(t=-1.89,-1.89,-3.88,-2.09,-2.29;P<0.05)。结论在艾滋病患者中开展心理健康辅导可以降低和减少患者对社会的敌对性,提高其生活质量。 相似文献
陈桂芳 《国际病理科学与临床杂志》2016,(5):702-706
随着社会环境和人们生活方式的变化,腰椎间盘突出症的发病人数不断增加。为此展开的手术率也不断升高。但是手术作为一种心理和生理的应激刺激,加之术后神经损伤、手术创伤和脊柱生理力学的变化,如不及时有效的进行护理和健康教育,可能引起患者运动功能障碍、诱发或加重并发症,造成患者心理生理的苦痛。健康教育作为腰椎间盘突出症患者康复的重要保障,可指导术后康复,提高疗效,减少复发。并可降低患者焦虑、抑郁心理的发生率,改善患者腰椎功能,提高患者的生活质量。通过优化健康教育方案,并加以推广,能更好地造福腰椎间盘突出症患者。 相似文献