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《军人食物定量》是对国家军用标准《军人食物定量标准》(GJB 826A-2000)的修订和补充后形成的新军用标准.新的食物定量设3个灶别,并调整了食物定量和结构,增加了食物品种,调整了动物性食物、粮食、水果和乳类的定量,新标准提供的各种营养素数量及质量更加科学、合理,能量和三大营养素及其能量比也可达到《军人营养素供给量》(GJB 823A- 1998)的要求.该标准对增强军人的身体素质、提高应激适应能力和适应高技术战争的需要具有重要意义.  相似文献   

《军人食物定量》是对国家军用标准《中国人民解放军军人食物定量标准》(GJB826-90)修订和补充后形成的新标准。新的食物定量标准设4个灶别,调整了食物定量和结构,增加了食物品种和动物性食物,黄豆,植物油的定量,新的标准提供的各种营养素数量及质量均有不同程度的提高,能量和三大营养素及其热比也可达到《军人营养素供给量》(GJB 823A-1998)的要求,。该标准对增强全军的身体素质,提高应激适应和适应高技术战争的需要具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正由军事医学科学院卫生学环境医学研究所郭长江课题组完成的《军人营养素供给量》修订版经中央军委后勤保障部批准,于2016年6月1日起开始在全军范围内颁布实施。新版《军人营养素供给量》(GJB 823B-2016)是在总结"十一五"全军营养调查与现场研究数据的基础上,结合国内外军队营养研究的最新进展和新时期部队的营养特殊需求进行修订的。与原标准相比,新军标增加了钠、钾、镁、磷的供给量,调整了部分人群锌、硒、维生素A、维生素D、维生素E、维生素B1、维  相似文献   

为了解武警边防官兵营养供状况,指导部队合理膳食营养,我们对武警驻滇边防某部官兵膳食结构进行了调查,报告如下。1对象与方法(1)对象:武警驻滇边防某部官兵89人,其中男78人,女11人,平均年龄(21.6±0.2)岁。中等劳动强度,执行二类区二类灶标准。(2)方法:采用记帐法统计该部2006年1月所消耗食物的种类及数量,根据《中国食物成分表2004》测算平均每人每日能量和各种营养素摄入量、三大营养素产能分布,以及蛋白质、脂肪和VA来源百分比。以GJB826A-2000《军人食物定量》、GJB823A-1998《军人营养素供给量》对结果进行评价。2结果(1)一般情况…  相似文献   

《军人营养素供给量》是对总后勤部1989年批准颁布实施的《中国人民解放军军人日膳食营养素供给量》(JGB823-89)进行修订和补充后形成的。修订后的标准,将全全军人员的作业类别划分为陆、海、空勤。提高了陆勤作业人员和蛋白质的供给量;在海勤人员中增设了核潜艇人员的能量和营养素供给量;在陆、海、空勤中均增设了锌、硒、碘和维生素D、E的供给量;同时也增加了在特殊环境条件下特殊军事作业的部队营养素的供给  相似文献   

目的 了解执行特殊任务部队官兵的营养状况,为合理营养供给提供依据.方法 调查新疆执行特殊任务某部队3个伙食单位膳食情况,检测官兵体质指数(BMI)和血清生化指标,并以"军人食物定量"GJB 826A-2000和"军人营养素供给量GJB 823A-1998国军标评价膳食质量.结果 调查单位战士的能量、蛋白质多数营养素摄入...  相似文献   

目的调查驻海拔高原官兵的膳食结构、营养状况及存在的问题,为制订高原部队膳食营养保障措施提供依据。方法抽取驻海拔3600 m的高原某部官兵71人为调查对象,采用称量法进行膳食调查,连续调查3 d。根据《中国食物成分表2002》计算每人每日热能及各种营养素摄入量,同时测量官兵身高和体质量并计算体质指数(BMI),根据GJB 826A-2010《军人食物定量》和GJB 823A-1998《军人营养素供给量》对其进行评价。结果该部官兵动物性食物摄入充足,但植物性食物摄入量未达标,部分品种摄入严重缺乏。总能量供给达到军标要求,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物供能比例分别是16.6%、35.9%和47.5%,供热比例不够合理。维生素B2摄入不足,碘和维生素B1摄入严重不足。结论该部官兵膳食调查与体格检查结果相吻合,部分人员存在营养不良的情况,有必要实施营养干预措施。  相似文献   

目的对接触液体推进剂人员进行膳食营养状况调研,针对存在的问题,提出解决办法。方法膳食调查采用称质量法,连续调查3d。采用膳食营养软件计算能量和各种营养素摄入量,以国家军用标准《军人营养素供给量》和《军人食物定量》评价膳食质量。结果接触液体推进剂人员脂肪摄入偏高、碳水化合物摄入偏低。维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B1、尼克酸摄入量存在不同程度不足和缺乏。矿物质钙、锌摄入量不足。结论接触液体推进剂人员膳食结构存在不合理现象,某些营养素超标而另一些营养素缺乏。应减少脂肪摄入,增加蔬菜、水果、牛奶、海产品、豆类及制品的摄入,合理调整膳食结构。  相似文献   

目的调查高原陆军某部官兵的膳食结构和营养状况,为指导部队合理膳食及制定高原军人营养素供给量、食物定量标准提供科学依据。方法选取驻海拔3000 m高原地区陆军某部一个伙食单位就餐人员为调查对象,采取称量法进行连续4 d的膳食调查;采用运动心率换算和生活观察法计算高原官兵24 h的能量消耗情况;同时利用身高体重计和体成分分析仪测量体质量、身高和身体脂肪量,计算体质指数(BMI)。并以GJB 826B-2010《军人食物定量》,GJB 823B-2016《军人营养素供给量》为依据进行评价。结果该部官兵人均每日能量消耗为16.2MJ(3875.9kcal),属于重度劳动强度;能量摄入基本可满足部队作业的能量消耗,畜肉、禽蛋、水果等食物摄入充足,谷物、蔬菜、鱼虾、牛奶、大豆等食物摄入未达标,部分食物摄入不足军标一半;摄入的三大营养素中,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物供能分别占总能量的13.0%、47.0%、40.0%,碳水化合物供能比偏低,脂肪供能比偏高;蛋白质、烟酸、维生素C等营养素摄入充足,钠摄入超标,维生素B_1、维生素E、维生素B_6、钙、锌、硒、碘等摄入不达标;BMI指数在正常范围内的官兵占83.3%,体脂率偏高者占2.8%。结论高原陆军某部官兵膳食结构不够合理,主要表现为:部分食物摄入量未达到军标规定的水平,食物供能比例不够合理,营养素摄入不够均衡,应减少高油高盐饮食,增加未达标食物与营养素的摄入。  相似文献   

正军人是一个特殊的群体,与一般居民相比,生活方式和工作环境有所不同,由此决定了军人营养需求的特殊性。《军人营养素供给量》是指导我军开展营养保障工作最为重要的标准之一,该标准规定了陆、海、空勤人员每日膳食能量及各种营养素供给量,是制定军人食物定量、指导餐谱设计、评价膳食营养状况和研发军用食品的重要依据。我军最早的军人营养素供给量是以卫生规范的形式颁布于  相似文献   

In 403 elderly people residing in their own homes a dietary interview was undertaken with special reference to the intakes of vitamins and minerals. The group was randomly selected. The data were compared with the Recommended Dietary Allowances, Joint Nordic Recommendations and the absolute minimal necessary amounts. Intakes of folacin was low in 100% of the interviewed, intakes of cholecalciferol was low in 62% and in 83% intakes of pyridoxine was low as compared to the recommendations. The majority had sufficient amounts of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, retinol and cobalamin from the diet. The intake of zinc was low in 87% of the interviewed, but risk of zinc deficiency might only be present in 0.5%. The intakes of iron and calcium was judged to be sufficient. The physiological needs of the elderly may, however, vary from the standards used here and recommendations with special reference to the elderly are in request. The conclusion is that the diet of the elderly, possibly with exception of folacin, is well above their absolute minimal requirements, but the margin towards malnutrition is small. This means that elderly people should be considered a vulnerable group with respect to the intakes of vitamins and minerals.  相似文献   

Dietary habits, nutrition knowledge, and gastrointestinal complaints were evaluated in 21 female and 50 male triathletes; 30 completed hemoccult slides to determine the frequency of gastrointestinal bleeding. Triathletes trained 11 h/wk with weekly distances of 5.3, 116.5, and 40.9 km for swimming, biking, and running, respectively. Mean daily energy intake averaged 9058 and 11,591 kJ for women and men, respectively; 53.8% of the energy was from carbohydrates. Mean intakes of vitamins and most minerals exceeded the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), but many had intakes below RDAs for some nutrients; greater than 60% had low zinc and copper intakes. Because 39% took a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement, some had intakes 200-600% above the RDA. Although there were notable misconceptions about nutrition, nutrition knowledge was high. Upper-gastrointestinal complaints, reported by 50%, included bloating and abdominal gas; the incidence of positive hemoccult slides was 27%. The relation among performance, dietary patterns, nutrition knowledge, and gastrointestinal function remains to be established.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》1986,6(7):785-798
Utilizing three-day diet records, average daily intakes of energy and nutrients have been assessed in a group of 691 non-institutionalized males and females aged 60 to 98 years living in the Boston area. Energy intakes were substantially lower than current recommendations. Over this age range, absolute energy consumption declined significantly in males only; on a body weight basis, there was no association with age in either sex. In relation to the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), the intake of protein appeared adequate. Among the micronutrients, 20 percent of males and up to 38 percent of females consumed less than two-thirds of the calcium RDA. The percentages of intakes below two-thirds of the RDA's for vitamins were modestly reduced when concurrent use of nutrient supplements was considered. Among the factors associated with reduced dietary quality were lower educational attainment, lower family income, and (among males) the wearing of dentures.  相似文献   

New approaches to assess selenium status and requirement   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nève J 《Nutrition reviews》2000,58(12):363-369
Selenium is one of the essential nutrients that may have beneficial effects on health at dietary intakes higher than the established Recommended Dietary Allowances in the United States. Dietary recommendations for this element have been the subject of much controversy, illustrating the difficulties involved in the definition of requirements based on the interpretation of biochemical markers. This review will show how concepts may differ and even change as a consequence of the evolution of the knowledge concerning classical parameters (e.g., identification of isoforms of the classical selenium-dependent enzyme glutathione peroxidase) or following the discovery of new biologic markers for selenium such as iodothyronine desiodinase, thioredoxin reductase, or the selenoproteins P and W.  相似文献   

Laws to prohibit adulteration of foods were enacted before 1900, but the first steps in the development of nutritional regulations were taken only after passage of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938. This act authorized the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to establish Standards of Identity for foods, including standards for enrichment with vitamins and minerals to meet Minimum Daily Requirements (MDRs). The legal definition of nutrients, however, has remained unclear. Vitamins are foods when used as supplements but drugs when prescribed as therapeutic agents. To protect consumers, in 1962 the FDA proposed Standards of Identity for Special Dietary Foods, e.g., vitamin supplements. Opposition to the proposal has been vigorous and was the subject of the longest hearings on record. Implementation of standards has been contested in the courts and curtailed by Congressional action. A bill passed in 1975 prohibits the FDA from establishing Standards of Identity for special dietary foods for adults. During the legal and political controversy, the validity of Recommended Dietary Allowances as nutritional standards was challenged but subsequently confirmed. Revised regulations for vitamin and mineral preparations, taking into account the Congressional and court actions, will become effective January 1, 1978, sixteen years after first being proposed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the dietary and anthropometric profiles of the Brazilian amputee soccer players during the training period before the world soccer amputee championship, according to their positional roles in the game. METHODS: Fifteen male athletes participated in the study. Data on height, weight, skinfold thickness, and circumferences were collected to assess nutritional status. Dietary intake was obtained by using 6-d dietary records, analyzed by a Nutrition Support Program for total energy intake, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. One-way analysis of variance was used to identify differences in groups (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Midfield players were heavier than the others, and this difference may have been caused by a large quantity of subcutaneous fat. Dietary data showed a low carbohydrate intake and high protein and fat intakes. No athlete met the recommendations for vitamin E, and forward players did not meet recommendations for calcium. CONCLUSION: Amputee athletes need an individualized nutritional orientation and the lack of information about disabled sports and athletes highlights the need for more studies in this area.  相似文献   

Dietary fiber's role in the prevention and treatment of constipation has long been known, but now fiber is touted as a cure for many of the ills in Western countries. Although some data exist to relate dietary fiber intake to certain diseases, lack of agreement on what dietary fiber is and how it should be measured make interpreting the data difficult. Further, not all dietary fiber is created equal. Water-soluble fibers, such as pectin and gums, have little effect on stool weight and hence are not appropriate treatment for patients with constipation. Water-insoluble fibers, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, are most effective in aiding laxation but may also limit absorption of minerals and possibly vitamins. Wheat bran is a good source of hemicellulose; vegetables supply cellulose to the diet. Most agencies are recommending a doubling or tripling of dietary fiber intake. Typical recommendations are set at 25 to 50 grams of dietary fiber daily. Different analytical methods for dietary fiber yield conflicting fiber values, and dietary fiber values do not exist for many foods, making fiber recommendations controversial and difficult to achieve. Fiber in the diet should ideally be increased by the consumption of unrefined breads and cereals and more fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians routinely consume 40 to 50 gm dietary fiber daily without ill effect. Fiber supplements may be appropriate for some patients, but the composition of the fiber should be known and be appropriate for the disease being treated. Before fiber supplements are marketed, clinical trials should be conducted to support the use of the supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study describes the nutritional intake, growth, and early food habits of 10 Norwegian children born deaf and blind. They were 1 girl and 9 boys aged 8 to 23 years. A 4-day dietary record, anthropometric measurements, and interviews with the parents were obtained. The children had energy intakes below or in the lower range of the reference values given in the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). Intakes of vitamins and minerals were acceptable when supplements were taken into account. Despite low physical activity, all pupils were thin. The interviews with the parents revealed early and serious feeding problems that arose at weaning. At the same time, growth retardation was registered for a majority of the pupils. All pupils were described as strikingly thin while growing up. We conclude that the early feeding problems were so pronounced that malnutrition may be considered a contributing factor to the growth retardation.  相似文献   

The antioxidants--vitamin C,vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the second in a series of articles reviewing the recent revisions of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and the resulting Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). In April of 2000, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences released Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. The central premise of the report did not perpetuate the prevailing popular thought that large doses of antioxidants will prevent chronic diseases. Instead the panel concluded that at this time, insufficient scientific evidence exists to sustain claims that ingesting megadoses of dietary antioxidants can prevent certain chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. In some instances recommended nutrient levels were reduced from the previous report in 1989; e.g., for the first time upper tolerable levels of ingestion (UL) were established to prevent the harmful effects of over consumption of essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. Although dietary recommendations do exist for vitamin A, the panel did not set recommendations for beta-carotene or the other carotenoids due to lack of sufficient research to support recommended intakes or upper tolerable levels of intake. However, the panel advises the public to avoid intakes of provitamin A compounds, such as the numerous carotenoids, beyond the levels required to prevent vitamin A deficiency. Changes were also made with regard to estimating the amount of provitamin A carotenoids required to make a unit of retinal. The revised estimate suggests a twofold higher conversion rate than previously believed. Although this comprehensive report on the dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and the carotenoids did not decisively confirm the role of antioxidants for the prevention of chronic diseases in humans, many research studies have generated new data to support this concept. Additional research is needed to define the attributes of antioxidants as studies progress from in vitro and animal studies to human nutrition.  相似文献   

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