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Reproductive function is impaired in the genetically obese (C57 B1/6J) ob/ob mouse. Serum LH, FSH, and testosterone concentrations were assessed in male ob/ob and lean littermates from 39 to 78 days of age. The lean animals demonstrated a three-fold rise in serum LH between 39 and 45 days of age that preceded a steep increase in serum testosterone which peaked at age 70 days. The obese animals did not demonstrate this LH rise; serum testosterone levels were low and had a blunted increase with age that paralleled that of normal animals. Serum FSH was lower than normal at all ages in the obese mice. The ventral prostrate and testes were small in the ob/ob mice. The castration of adult animals resulted in increased serum concentrations of both LH and FSH, with higher levels attained in the lean animals. Fifty-four-day-old castrated lean and obese mice were treated with testosterone for 15 days. Measurements of serum LH and FSH after 8 and 15 days of treatment demonstrated a marked sensitivity in the ob/ob animals to feedback inhibition of gonadotropins. This finding suggested persistent immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in obese mice. These studies indicate that the hypogonadism of the ob/ob mouse is the result of altered hypothalamic-pituitary function.  相似文献   

The ob/ob mouse responds predictably to chronic treatment with large doses of pituitary GH with marked hyperglycemia and decreased glucose tolerance. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the metabolic alterations produced by GH that lead to this diabetogenic response in the ob/ob mouse in order to determine whether this animal might serve as a useful model for the study of the cellular mechanisms involved in the diabetogenic action of GH. Female ob/ob mice were treated sc for 3 days with either saline or 200 micrograms/day S-carboxymethylated human GH (RCM-hGH), a diabetogenic GH derivative lacking significant growth-promoting or insulin-like activities. Six hours before the start of the experiment, the animals were given a sc injection of 2 micrograms dexamethasone and deprived of food. RCM-hGH treatment produced marked increases in fasting blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations, but had no effect on plasma glucagon or serum insulin-like growth factor I levels. It had no effect on liver glycogen level or in vitro hepatic glucose production in the absence or presence of pyruvate and lactate added to the incubation medium. By contrast, the in vitro stimulatory effects of insulin on [14C] glucose oxidation by isolated soleus muscle or segments of parametrial fat were greatly attenuated by RCM-hGH treatment, without changes in rates of basal glucose oxidation. This change in peripheral tissue responsiveness to insulin does not appear to involve glucose transport, since the in vitro stimulation by insulin of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose transport into isolated diaphragm muscle was not altered by RCM-hGH treatment. Moreover, the RCM-hGH-induced reduction in adipose tissue responsiveness to insulin does not appear to be mediated by a reduction in insulin binding, since [125I]iodoinsulin binding to adipocytes isolated from RCM-hGH-treated mice was similar to that to cells from saline-treated animals. Interestingly, the reduction in responsiveness to insulin seen with segments of adipose tissue from RCM-hGH-treated animals was not found with isolated adipocytes prepared from such tissue by collagenase digestion. These results suggest that the hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance produced in ob/ob mice by chronic GH treatment result primarily from increased peripheral tissue insulin resistance. Therefore, the ob/ob mouse provides a useful model to elucidate the cellular mechanism(s) of this aspect of the diabetogenic action of GH.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system would restore insulin signaling and normalize substrate use in hearts from obese ob/ob mice. Mice were treated for 4 wk with Captopril (4 mg/kg x d). Circulating levels of free fatty acids, triglycerides, and insulin were measured and glucose tolerance tests performed. Rates of palmitate oxidation and glycolysis, oxygen consumption, and cardiac power were determined in isolated working hearts in the presence and absence of insulin, along with levels of phosphorylation of Akt and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Captopril treatment did not correct the hyperinsulinemia or impaired glucose tolerance in ob/ob mice. Rates of fatty acid oxidation were increased and glycolysis decreased in ob/ob hearts, and insulin did not modulate substrate use in hearts of ob/ob mice and did not increase Akt phosphorylation. Captopril restored the ability of insulin to regulate fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis in hearts of ob/ob mice, possibly by increasing Akt phosphorylation. Moreover, AMPK phosphorylation, which was increased in hearts of ob/ob mice, was normalized by Captopril treatment, suggesting that in addition to restoring insulin sensitivity, Captopril treatment improved myocardial energetics. Thus, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors restore the responsiveness of ob/ob mouse hearts to insulin and normalizes AMPK activity independently of effects on systemic metabolic homeostasis.  相似文献   

The influence of the pituitary gland of lean and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice on insulin secretion from microdissected pancreatic islets of lean and ob/ob mice has been studied by perifusing the pituitaries of these animals in series with the isolated islets and measuring insulin secretion at 5-min intervals over a period of 60 min. It has been shown that the pituitary perifusate of both lean and obese mice stimulate insulin secretion from lean mouse islets but not from obese mouse islets. The maximum stimulation occurs in the first 10 min and with the lean mouse pituitaries returns to the basal level in about 20 min, whereas with the obese mouse pituitaries insulin secretion is about double that from the control islets even after 40 min. A concentration of pure porcine ACTH equivalent to about three times the amount released from the pituitary gland under the experimental conditions used, caused only a small stimulation of insulin release. Possible interpretations of these findings and further lines of investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic tissue levels of nine regulatory peptides (bombesin, calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP], galanin, neuromedin B, neuropeptide Y [NPY], neurotensin, somatostatin, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal peptide [VIP]) were compared in Aston obese diabetic (ob/ob) and lean (+/?) mice aged 4, 16, and 28 weeks. Neurotensin concentrations were significantly lower in ob/ob mice than in lean mice, with a 20% reduction (P = .03) in the whole hypothalamus at 4 weeks of age, a 24% reduction (P = .009) in the lateral hypothalamus at 16 weeks, and a 50% reduction (P = .0007) in the central hypothalamus at 28 weeks of age. Apart from a 42% increase in vasoactive intestinal peptide concentrations in the central hypothalamus of ob/ob mice at 28 weeks (P = .02), levels of the other eight peptides examined did not differ significantly between obese and lean groups. Neurotensin is known to cause anorexia and increased energy expenditure when injected into the central hypothalamus. Reduced hypothalamic neurotensin concentrations may reflect reduced neurotensinergic activity, which might contribute to hyperphagia and decreased energy expenditure, two major defects that contribute to obesity and diabetes in the ob/ob syndrome.  相似文献   

Inherently obese mice (genotype ob/ob) developed abnormal incisor teeth at 26 weeks of age. Up to that age, their teeth were indistinguishable by visual criteria, from those of lean (wild-type) litter-mate mice. Radiography and preliminary histology suggested impaction of the tooth in its alveolus (socket) due to the disorganized production of enamel and dentine. Incidence was high (92 per cent) in obese and zero in lean mice. Upper incisor teeth were more severely affected than lower. The severity of teeth lesions could not be correlated with age or body weight. Both sexes were equally affected. The onset of teeth lesions marked the end to the rapid rise in body weight characteristic of the obese mouse. An irregular fall in body weight ensued which could be alleviated by powdering the pelleted food. This indicated the fall to be a consequence of impaired function of the incisor teeth. Abnormality of the teeth was entirely prevented by feeding obese mice from weaning, a similar amount of food to that eaten by lean mice. The high circulating levels of adrenocorticosteroids in the obese mouse are suggested as a cause of the incisor tooth abnormality.  相似文献   

Obese mice (Ume? ob/ob) and their lean litter-mates were investigated from 7 to 52 weeks of age with respect to the plasma concentration of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) and insulin. Plasma levels of IAPP were highly elevated in the ob/ob mice and remained unchanged until age 33 weeks, after which a sudden significant increase occurred at age 40 weeks. The plasma concentration of insulin gradually increased from start to end and reached extremely high levels. In the lean mice, there were no age-related differences in plasma levels of IAPP and insulin, being of the same magnitude as in normal NMRI mice. The plasma IAPP/insulin molar ratio was similar in lean and obese mice until age 14 weeks. At 21 weeks, the ratio in the ob/ob mice had decreased dramatically and remained markedly (sixfold) lower than in the lean mice until the end of the study. The IAPP concentration in the pancreata of 21-week-old ob/ob mice was 25-fold higher than that in the lean mice. Immunohistochemically, a majority of the ob/ob mice displayed enlarged and more numerous pancreatic islets, compared with the lean mice, and the IAPP- and insulin-labeling intensity was equal for all animals. At the electron-microscopic level, there was an increase in the number of IAPP- and insulin-immunoreactive gold particles per whole granule area as well as per core granule area. We conclude that the dramatically increased IAPP levels in severely hyperinsulinemic ob/ob mice may be of importance for the development of insulin resistance. Further, the disproportionate secretion of IAPP and insulin in the adult obese mouse might indicate a disturbed negative feedback effect of IAPP on insulin secretory mechanisms, resulting in very high plasma insulin levels.  相似文献   

Chronic treatment of ob/ob mice with growth hormone (GH) increases plasma insulin and blood glucose concentrations, and enhances insulin resistance in peripheral tissues. The purpose of the present study was: (1) to determine the length of time required for the development of increased circulating insulin concentration and adipose tissue insulin resistance in response to GH in the ob/ob mouse, (2) to examine the relationship between the rise in insulin concentration and the development of insulin resistance, and (3) to test whether the hormone derivative could enhance insulin resistance in isolated adipose tissue when added in vitro. Female ob/ob mice were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with either saline or 200 micrograms of S-carboxymethylated human GH (RCM-hGH), a diabetogenic GH derivative, which lacks significant insulinlike or growth-promoting activities. A threefold increase in plasma insulin concentration was observed three and six hours after RCM-hGH injection, but increased hyperglycemia was evident only after six hours. The in vitro stimulatory effect of insulin on [14C]glucose oxidation by parametrial adipose tissue was unchanged at three hours but suppressed six hours following administration of RCM-hGH. When the plasma insulin level of ob/ob mice was increased threefold by the administration of neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin, the in vitro stimulatory effect of insulin on [14C]glucose oxidation by adipose tissue isolated from these animals was not altered, suggesting that insulin-induced receptor or postreceptor changes do not account for the increased insulin resistance produced by RCM-hGH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle mass in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice displays a reduced mass compared with their normal lean counterpart mice. However, the functional capacity of the available skeletal muscle mass in these animals has not yet been determined. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the properties of skeletal muscle in ob/ob mice and determine the effects of leptin administration on skeletal muscle in these mice. METHODS: Following 4 weeks of i.p. leptin administration (or control treatment) anaesthetized ob/ob and lean mice had their extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles removed, and standard measures of isometric contractile properties and fatigability were performed. Histochemistry was used to determine fibre type proportions and individual fibre areas of all muscles. RESULTS: Leptin had no effect on the morphology or function of ob/ob skeletal muscle despite reducing body mass in ob/ob mice. Force production was unaltered in obese mice. However, a significant prolongation of contraction and relaxation times were evident. Obese skeletal muscle was also more fatigue resistant. Fibre proportions displayed a more slow type profile in ob/ob skeletal muscle, and in conjunction with previous work a reduced ability to hypertrophy. CONCLUSION: Skeletal muscle from obese mice is morphologically and functionally different from lean mouse skeletal muscle. Obese muscle is very similar to skeletal muscle from aged mice, and the specific contractile properties examined appear to be determined by the fibre make-up of these muscles.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to compare the contributions of the genotype of the brown adipose tissue (BAT) and of its environment to the obesity of the mutant mouse C57 BL/6J ob/ob. Pieces of interscapular BAT from lean or obese mice were transplanted to a site underneath the kidney capsule of recipient lean or obese mice. The grafts were left in place for 6 to 12 weeks and then examined by histological methods by electron microscopy to examine the ultrastructure of the mitochondria and by fluorescence histochemistry to examine the catecholaminergic innervation of the grafts. When lean BAT was grafted into obese mice, or when obese BAT was grafted into lean mice, kept at ambient temperatures, the characteristics of the donor BAT (i.e. lipid droplet size, mitochondrial ultrastructure and catecholaminergic innervation) transformed partially, but not completely, towards those of BAT in the host mouse. However, if lean mice containing obese BAT grafts were cold-acclimated at 4 degrees C or obese mice containing lean BAT grafts were warm-acclimated at 33 degrees C, the characteristics of the donor BAT transformed completely towards those of the BAT in the host mouse. This complete transformation occurred even if the host mice were returned to 23 degrees C after the period of temperature acclimation. Fluorescent histochemical observations indicated that the sympathetic innervation of BAT grafts was only indistinguishable from that of the lean or obese host BAT when the mice received a period of temperature acclimation (cold for lean mice; warm for obese mice). We conclude that BAT grafts from lean mice can assume the typical characteristics of BAT in obese hosts and that BAT grafts from obese mice can assume the typical characteristics of BAT in lean hosts provided that both the sympathetic innervation and the vascularization of the grafts is the same as in the host. Intrinsic properties of BAT in genetically obese mice are therefore unlikely to be of paramount importance in determining the obesity of the ob/ob mouse. Our results support the conclusions of other workers in implicating the low activity of the sympathetic innervation of BAT as being crucially important in causing the reduction of thermogenic activity.  相似文献   

Elevations in serum gastrin concentration of six to seven times were found in postabsorptive 5- and 10-wk-old, but not 30- and 40-wk-old, obese mice in comparison with the appropriate lean controls. At 10 wk of age a fourfold hypergastrinemia was also evident in (ob/ob) mice denied food for 48 h. In 10-wk-old (ob/ob) mice that had eaten the same amount of food as lean mice from weaning, serum gastrin was six times that of lean controls. Antral gastrin concentration was 54% higher in fed 10-wk-old (ob/ob) mice than in lean mice. No relationship was found between alterations in serum gastrin and measures of gastrointestinal size or proliferative status. Maximal gastric acid output, expressed with respect to oxyntic mucosal dry weight, was reduced by 52% in 10-wk-old (ob/ob) mice compared with lean controls. It is concluded that the hypergastrinemia of 10-wk-old (ob/ob) mice is not caused by hyperphagia, but may be a consequence of reduced acid inhibition of gastrin release.  相似文献   

In obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice, as compared to controls, hepatic pyruvate kinase (PK) activity was enhanced by 35.63% (214.75 +/- 13.60 nmol/min/mg protein v 158.33 +/- 10.47, P less than 0.01) when measured at saturating (6.6 mmol/L) concentration of the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate (total activity), but the activity recorded at subsaturating (1.3 mmol/L) substrate concentration (active fraction) was unchanged (86.37 +/- 6.42 v 85.66 +/- 13.59) or even decreased if expressed as percent of the total activity (40.21 +/- 2.56% v 54.10 +/- 5.07, P less than 0.05). Since insulin induces the synthesis of hepatic PK and favors the conversion of the inactive (phosphorylated) to the active (dephosphorylated) form, these findings suggest that in ob/ob mice the striking hyperinsulinemia, although it is able to increase the hepatic content of PK, fails to activate this enzyme. This may favor gluconeogenesis in these animals. The hepatic concentration of PK effectors (fructose-1,6-P2 and phosphoenolpyruvate) was unchanged in ob/ob mice, and the in vitro effect of the activator fructose-1,6-P2 (15 mumol/L), which would favor the activation (dephosphorylation) of PK, was preserved. It is suggested that hepatic PK in ob/ob mice is resistant to activation by insulin.  相似文献   

Obese (ob/ob) and lean mice at 4 weeks of age were housed at 23 degrees C or 14 degrees C for 4 to 8 weeks to examine effects of acclimation to mild cold on energy balance. Energy intake of young lean mice increased by about 50% when housed at 14 degrees C, but energy intake of cold-acclimated obese mice increased by only 8%. Efficiency of energy retention (ratio of energy gain to energy intake) in obese mice declined from 22% +/- 1.2% at 23 degrees C to 10% +/- 1.8% after 4 weeks at 14 degrees C. Lean mice exhibited a less pronounced response to temperature; their efficiency of energy retention declined from 7% +/- 1.3% at 23 degrees C to 4% +/- 2.2% after 4 weeks at 14 degrees C. After 8 weeks of cold exposure, body weights and efficiency of energy retention became equal in obese and lean mice. Calculated heat production of cold-acclimated obese and lean mice was 40% higher than that of respective controls. Obese mice reacclimated to 23 degrees C after being kept for 4 weeks at 14 degrees C consumed the same amount of energy and were 16% more efficient than obese maintained at 23 degrees C; reacclimated lean mice consumed 12% more energy but were 53% less efficient than lean mice maintained at 23 degrees C. The results indicate that obese mice are able to increase heat production and markedly reduce their efficiency of energy retention when acclimated to mild cold but that they, unlike lean mice, rapidly revert to a high efficiency of energy retention after 4 weeks of reacclimation to 23 degrees C.  相似文献   

Summary The insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide content of acid-ethanol extracts of pancreas from lean and obese (ob/ob) mice of various ages was determined by radioimmunoassay. Rat and mouse pancreatic polypeptide react weakly with antibodies to avian, bovine and canine pancreatic polypeptide, but immunoassay for this peptide was possible using an antibody to the carboxyl-terminal hexapeptide of bovine pancreatic polypeptide and amino-terminal labelled bovine pancreatic polypeptide as tracer. The insulin, glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide content of pancreas from obese mice was greater than that of lean controls. The increase in insulin content uniformly involved ventral, dorsal and splenic lobes. Glucagon content was elevated primarily in the splenic lobe. Pancreatic polypeptide content was most significantly elevated in the splenic lobe where pancreatic polypeptide cells are infrequent in normal lean mice and this was accompanied by increased numbers of pancreatic polypeptide cells per islet in this lobe.  相似文献   

DL-alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine methyl ester hydrochloride affected the hyperphagia and hypothermia characteristic of the genetically obese mouse (genotype, ob/ob) throughout an experimental period of 5 days. Intraperitoneal injections of 100 mg/kg body weight, daily, resulted in a significant increase in the average daily food consumption by 60 per cent, already elevated 35 per cent above that of lean litter-mates. The drug, administered at the same dose, caused a similar percentage elevation of food intake in the lean litter-mates. Rectal temperatures of obese mice were raised significantly throughout the 5-day period by an average of 0.95 degrees C, following administration of the drug. There was a significant rise of 0.75 degrees C in the rectal temperature of lean mice on 2 of the 5 days in the period. Body weight remained unchanged. Further experiments are necessary to determine the site of action at which DL-alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine brings about these effects at this dose in lean and obese mice.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of glucagon in the pathogenesis of the obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) syndrome in mice. Plasma C-terminal immunoreactive glucagon concentrations were measured in fed and fasted ob/ob mice at different ages between 5-40 weeks, and in 20-week-old mice after the administration of established stimulators and inhibitors of glucagon secretion. Plasma glucagon concentrations were inappropriately raised irrespective of age, nutritional status and the accompanying prominent changes in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. Glucose suppressed plasma glucagon in the fed but not the fasted state, suggesting a dependence on the marked hyperinsulinaemia associated with feeding. Administration of 0.25 units insulin/kg to fasted mice failed to affect plasma glucagon and glucose concentrations. Increasing the dose to 100 units/kg restored the normal suppressive actions of insulin. Fasted mice showed an exaggerated glucagon response to arginine but not to the parasympathomimetic agent pilocarpine. Fed mice displayed normal plasma glucagon responses to the sympathomimetic agents noradrenaline and adrenaline. Administration of insulin antiserum or 2-deoxy-D-glucose raised plasma glucagon concentrations of fed mice. Contrary to the lack of suppression by glucose in the fasted state, heparin-induced increase in free fatty acids reduced plasma glucagon concentrations. This study demonstrates inappropriate hyperglucagonaemia and defective A-cell function in ob/ob mice. The extent of the abnormality is exacerbated by fasting and appears to result from insensitivity of the A-cell to the normal suppressive action of insulin.  相似文献   

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), a recognized component of the enteroinsular axis, is raised in the plasma and intestine of obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice. To evaluate the control of plasma GIP and its role in the hyperinsulinaemia of the ob/ob syndrome, GIP and insulin were determined at different ages in fed mice, and at 10-12 weeks of age after fasting/refeeding and administration of GIP, different nutrients and insulin to mice fasted for 18 h. Plasma GIP and insulin were raised in adult (10- and 20-week-old) compared with younger (3- and 5-week-old) mice, although GIP was not increased in the presence of hyperinsulinaemia at 3 weeks of age. Fasting suppressed and refeeding promptly restored plasma GIP and insulin concentrations. Administration of GIP to mimic postprandial concentrations evoked a marked but transient insulin response which was protracted in the presence of rising hyperglycaemia. Orally administered fat, glucose and amino acids raised GIP concentrations with fat having a particularly strong effect. Glucose and amino acids also evoked prominent increases of insulin, but fat produced only a small rise in insulin in the absence of increasing glucose concentrations. Consistent with glucose-potentiation, a mixture of all three nutrients greatly augmented the insulin response without further increase of plasma GIP. Glucose-induced increase in endogenous insulin and doses of exogenous insulin up to 100 units/kg did not suppress basal, fat-stimulated or glucose-stimulated GIP release. The results indicate that raised GIP concentrations make an important contribution to the hyperinsulinaemia and related metabolic abnormalities of the ob/ob syndrome.  相似文献   

The oral hypoglycemic agent, ciglitazone, (5-[4-(1-methylcyclohexylmethoxy)benzyl]-thiazolidine-2,4-dione), was fed for nine days to genetically obese (ob/ob) mice aged 5 to 6 weeks. This treatment resulted in a lowering of plasma glucose and circulating insulin levels, but did not cause a fall in plasma corticosterone levels. Basal 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake by the perfused hindquarters of ob/ob mice was unchanged by ciglitazone feeding. In the presence of 0.1 mU/mL insulin in the perfusion medium, there was a significant increase in the uptake rate of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by the skeletal muscle of ciglitazone-treated ob/ob mice, while there was no insulin effect in untreated ob/ob mice. Insulin at a concentration of 1 mU/mL caused a further stimulation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose transport. However, this response was significantly lower than the maximal stimulation in lean mice. Ciglitazone feeding did not have any effect on [5-3H]-glucose metabolism by the perfused muscle which remained subnormal, suggesting that the posttransport metabolism of glucose was limited by substrate availability. In the perfused mouse liver, net [14C]-glucose production from [14C]-lactate was unchanged by ciglitazone treatment while gluconeogenesis from [14C]-alanine was reduced. These findings show that ciglitazone produces its hypoglycemic effect by improving the insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle, as others have reported in the adipose tissue. The presence of elevated plasma levels of corticosterone and lower levels of insulin in ciglitazone-treated ob/ob mice suggests that the adrenal glucocorticoids are responsible for the basal defects in glucose transport and the hyperinsulinemia is responsible for the insulin insensitivity.  相似文献   

Obese (ob/ob) and lean mice at 4 weeks of age were housed at 23 degrees C or 14 degrees C for 4 or 8 weeks to determine effects of acclimation to mild cold on the growth of skeletal muscle, bone, and fat. Body weights at 12 weeks of age averaged 48 +/- 0.6 g and 27 +/- 1.9 g for obese mice housed at 23 degrees C and 14 degrees C and 29 +/- 0.5 g and 26 +/- 0.6 g and 26 +/- 0.6 g for lean mice housed at 23 degrees C and 14 degrees C, respectively. At 23 degrees C, muscle weights of obese mice were approximately 60% of those in lean mice. Muscles of obese mice did not grow during the first 4 weeks at 14 degrees C (4 to 8 weeks of age) but did show a small gain during the second 4 weeks (9 to 12 weeks of age) at 14 degrees C. As a result, by the end of 8 weeks at 14 degrees C, muscles of obese mice weighed only 35% to 45% as much as muscles of lean mice. Growth of the tibia and femur followed the same pattern as the muscles. Obese mice housed at 23 degrees C from 4 to 12 weeks of age contained about six times as much fat as lean mice at this age. Although exposure to 14 degrees C for 8 weeks depressed the accumulation of fat in obese mice, they still contained approximately three times the percentage body fat as lean counterparts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle growth in obese (ob/ob) and lean mice was estimated from changes in fat-free carcass weight during development. No differences were observed at 2 wk of age, but fat-free carcasses of obese mice weighed less than those of lean mice at 5 wk of age. Fat-free carcasses of the adult obese mice were only 78% as heavy as those of lean mice, although the obese mice weighed up to twice as much as the lean mice. Even though obese mice accumulated less muscle than lean mice, urinary creatinine output of the obese mice was equal to that of the lean mice. The amount of 3-methylhistidine (3MH) in the carcasses of the mice and urinary output of 3MH were used to calculate the fractional breakdown rate (FBR) of myofibrillar proteins. Accumulation of 3MH in the carcasses paralleled carcass weight gain; thus, obese mice accumulated less 3MH than lean mice. Urinary output of 3MH was measured from 5 to 37 wk of age and was as great in the obese as in the lean mice; consequently, the FBR of the myofibrillar proteins was faster in the obese than in the lean mice. The FBR averaged 8.5 ± 0.6%/day for obese mice and 5.0 ± 0.1%/day for lean mice. The rate of 3MH accumulation in the carcass and the FBR were subsequently utilized to calculate a fractional synthesis rate (FSR) for the myofibrillar proteins. The FSR was not reduced in obese mice. The results suggest that obese mice accumulate less muscle because the rate of muscle degradation is increased.  相似文献   

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