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The purpose of this study was to analyse the changes produced by surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) longitudinally on 14 patients aged between 18 and 41 years. A pre-fabricated Hyrax appliance was cemented prior to the surgical intervention, which consisted of a maxillary buccal corticotomy with pterygoid separation. Models and postero-anterior (PA) headfilms were taken before expansion (T1), at the end of expansion (T2), at the end of retention (T3) and at least 1 year post-surgery (T4). Overall expansion and relapse were measured directly on the casts. Transverse distances increased more at the first molars (8.7 mm) and premolars (8.1 and 8.3 mm) than in the canine (5.2 mm) and second molar (5.5 mm) region. Minimal relapse occurred during the retention phase. The arch width decreased more during the post-retention period, with more pronounced reduction at the teeth used as anchorage during the expansion procedure (-2.0 mm for the first premolars and -2.6 mm for the first molars). The mean total dental relapse was 28 per cent. PA radiographic analysis for angular changes showed 9.6 degrees of lateral tipping per side during expansion. One-third of this movement relapsed during the retention period (-3.3 degrees) and this trend (-6.0 degrees) continued during the post-retention phase to reach practically the original value at T1. Skeletal changes monitored on the PA headfilms were minimal with great individual variation. The mean expansion measured in the proximity of the osteotomy site was only 1.3 mm. From this amount, 0.4 mm was lost during the retention and post-retention periods. Based on these findings, it appears that maxillary skeletal expansion by SARPE is mainly a lateral rotation of the two maxillary halves with only minimal horizontal translation. 相似文献
Maxillary sagittal and vertical displacement induced by surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
C H Chung A Woo J Zagarinsky R L Vanarsdall R J Fonseca 《American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics》2001,120(2):144-148
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sagittal and vertical effects on the maxilla induced by surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. Twenty patients (average age, 25.6 years) who required a surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion procedure were available for this study. Each patient was banded with a Haas-type palatal expander, maxillary surgery was performed, and the expander was activated. Presurgical and postexpansion lateral cephalograms were taken for each patient. The measurements of SNA, Frankfort horizontal-nasion-A point, sella-nasion-palatal plane, A-point-nasion-perpendicular (in millimeters), 1-nasion-A-point, 1-sella-nasion, 1-nasion-perpendicular (in millimeters) were made on each cephalogram, and the presurgical and postexpansion tracings were superimposed on the cranial base to determine the changes in the anterior nasal spine and posterior nasal spine positions. Results showed that from the presurgical cephalogram to the postexpansion cephalogram SNA, Frankfort horizontal-nasion-A point and A-point-nasion-perpendicular had a mean increase of 0.60 degrees (P <.05), 0.65 degrees (P <.05), and 0.55 mm (P <.05), respectively; 1-nasion-A-point decreased 2.18 degrees (P <.05) and 1-sella-nasion decreased 1.53 degrees (P <.05). No significant maxillary vertical displacement was noted from the first cephalogram to the second. In conclusion, surgically assisted RPE did not significantly affect the maxilla vertically; however, it did induce a slight forward movement of the maxilla and a slight retroclination of the maxillary incisors sagittally (P <.05). 相似文献
David M. Sarver DMD MS Mark W. Johnston DMD 《American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics》1989,95(6)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether anterior and inferior displacement of the maxilla seen with rapid palatal expansion when done with a banded rapid palatal expansion appliance is significantly different from an occlusally bonded rapid palatal expansion appliance. It was hypothesized that the bonded appliance would limit unwanted displacement of the maxilla by producing vertical forces on both arches in a manner similar to a functional appliance. The study was conducted using the bonded appliance on 20 adolescents and comparing the results with those of a banded appliance population—namely, 60 cases from Wertz's study. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken before treatment and again after the expansion appliances were removed. The results of this study suggest that the downward and anterior displacement of the maxilla often associated with the banded rapid palatal expansion appliance may be negated or minimized with the more versatile bonded appliance. 相似文献
A comparison of dental and dentoalveolar changes between rapid palatal expansion and nickel-titanium palatal expansion appliances. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
C Ciambotti P Ngan M Durkee K Kohli H Kim 《American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics》2001,119(1):11-20
A tandem-loop nickel titanium temperature-activated palatal expansion appliance was developed that produces light, continuous pressure on the midpalatal suture and requires little patient cooperation or laboratory work. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the nickel titanium palatal expansion appliance with that of a rapid palatal expansion appliance. The study sample comprised 25 patients who required palatal expansion as part of their orthodontic treatment. The sample was divided into 2 groups, with 13 patients in the nickel titanium group and 12 patients in the rapid palatal expansion group. Study models were taken before treatment and at the end of the retention period after expansion. Intermolar width, palatal width, palatal depth, alveolar tipping, molar tipping, and molar rotation were analyzed. In addition, occlusal radiographs were obtained before and 2 weeks after expansion to evaluate for sutural separation by the appliances. Results showed significant increases in midpalatal sutural separation, tipping of the alveolus, and tipping of the molars after expansion in both groups. However, greater midpalatal sutural separation was found in the rapid palatal expansion group and greater molar rotation was found in the nickel titanium group. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that alveolar tipping, palatal width change, and molar tipping are the best predictors of intermolar width change in the rapid palatal expansion group. Radiographic evidence of midpalatal sutural separation was less obvious in the nickel titanium group. These results suggest that both the nickel titanium and the rapid palatal expansion appliances are capable of expanding the maxillary dentition and alveolar process and are equally capable of correcting posterior crossbites. In the current study, the rapid palatal expander widened the palate more reliably, whereas the nickel titanium expander tipped the molars buccally to a greater extent and caused more distal molar rotation. The clinician's choice of expander will depend on his or her initial diagnosis and treatment goals. 相似文献
《International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery》2014,43(3):316-322
The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the amount of skeletal and dental expansion in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). The sample consisted of 21 patients (14 female and seven male) with a mean age of 25.4 years (range 17.4–41.8 years). Postero-anterior (PA) cephalograms were taken pre-expansion (T1), immediately after expansion (T2), and at post-expansion retention of 120 days (T3). SARPE promoted significant transverse skeletal changes, which were maintained from T2 to T3. Dentoalveolar expansion and dental tipping were also observed in the region of the first molars and first premolars; however the net effect at the first molars was significantly less than that at the first premolars. No statistically significant effect on the width of the nasal cavity was observed. The findings indicate that peculiarities inherent to dental effects may influence the clinical options for SARPE. Skeletal expansions with SARPE were significant and stable. Dental changes were different between molars and premolars. The transverse changes after SARPE should be observed for future procedures related to the retention and the completion of orthodontic treatment. 相似文献
Effects on the sagittal pharyngeal dimensions of protraction and rapid palatal expansion in Class III malocclusion subjects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study examined the effects of rapid palatal expansion (RPE) and maxillary protraction headgear therapy in 18 patients with a skeletal Class III malocclusion (11 girls and seven boys; mean age 10.9 years) on upper airway dimensions compared with an untreated control group (nine girls and eight boys; mean age 10.9 years). Pre- and post-treatment cephalometric radiographs were traced and analysed at similar time intervals. The average treatment time was 6.94 +/- 0.56 months. Wilcoxon's test was used for intragroup comparisons and the Mann-Whitney U-test for intergroup comparisons. A significant increase occurred in the maxillary forward position. Mandibular forward movement and downward and backward rotation were inhibited. In addition, the upper incisors were proclined (P < 0.001), and the lower incisors were significantly retroclined (P < 0.05). When the treatment and control groups were compared, the upper airway linear measurements (pns-ad1, pns-ad2, APW-PPW, APW'-PPW') and the nasopharyngeal area had increased in the treatment group. These results demonstrated that maxillary expansion together with protraction of the maxilla improved naso- and oropharyngeal airway dimensions in the short term. 相似文献
快速上颌扩弓保持与复发的动物实验研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 :研究腭中缝扩张 (Sd Sd)、牙槽突倾斜和弯曲 (At b At b)、牙齿移位 (Td Td)、牙齿倾斜 (Tt Tt)在快速扩弓、保持和复发结束时的比例变化及该变化与扩弓稳定性的关系。方法 :选择 6周龄SD雄性大鼠 2 4只 ,随机分为 3组 ,每组均设实验组 6只和对照组 2只 ,实验组经过快速扩弓期 ( 1周 )、保持期( 4周 )、复发期 ( 4周 ) ,对照组不作扩弓处理 ,制作四环素荧光标记不脱钙磨片 ,在荧光显微镜下观察并将图像输入计算机分析仪测量腭中缝的宽度 (SW )、磨牙颊尖区增宽的量 (即扩弓量M M )和磨牙牙槽嵴增宽的量 (RM RM) ,从而利用公式计算出 4个部分的比例。结果 :磨牙扩弓量 (M M )在扩弓结束时、保持结束时、复发结束时 4部分 [(Sd Sd) :(Tt Tt) :(At b At b) :(Td Td) ]的比例变化为 :45 .2 % ( 0 .47mm ):17.8% ( 0 .19mm) :2 5 .7% ( 0 .2 7mm) :11.4% ( 0 .12mm ) -5 2 .3 % ( 0 .47mm) :15 .5 % ( 0 .14mm ):18.9% ( 0 .17mm) :13 .3 % ( 0 .12mm) -61.8% ( 0 .3 4mm) :18.2 % ( 0 .10mm) :1.8% ( 0 .0 1mm) :18.2 % ( 0 .10mm )。结论 :腭中缝扩张 (Sd Sd)是快速上颌扩弓中最重要的部分 ,其稳定性关系到扩弓的成败。 相似文献
Arch perimeter changes on rapid palatal expansion 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
M D Adkins R S Nanda G F Currier 《American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics》1990,97(3):194-199
Relationships between changes in arch perimeter and arch width resulting from rapid palatal expansion with the Hyrax appliance were analyzed with the use of dental study casts of 21 adolescent patients. Photographs and measurements from the dental casts obtained before treatment and approximately 3 months after stabilization were used. Regression analysis indicated that changes in premolar width were highly predictive of changes in arch perimeter (r2 = 0.69) at approximately 0.7 times the premolar expansion. Without any orthodontic appliances attached to the mandibular teeth in 16 of the 21 patients, buccal uprighting of the posterior teeth was observed because of the redirection of occlusal forces. In addition, posterior movement of the maxillary incisors and buccal tipping of the anchor teeth were quantified. The prediction of arch perimeter change for a given amount of expansion is helpful in the treatment planning of rapid palatal expansion cases and may facilitate nonextraction orthodontic treatment. 相似文献
Wolfgang Heiser Andreas Niederwanger Beatrix Bancher Gabriele Bittermann Nikolaus Neunteufel Siegfried Kulmer 《American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics》2004,126(1):91-99
The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the palatal form in patients treated with and without premolar extractions. Records collected at pretreatment, at bracket removal, at the end of retention, and 5 years out of retention were examined. Stone casts were mounted on an articulator with an anatomic face-bow and a central wax record, and measurements were made with a 3-dimensional digitizer. The hypothesis that orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions changes the palatal form was verified. 相似文献
目的:探讨快速腭扩展对牙颌各结构的横向矫正作用。方法:对12例恒牙期上颌狭窄病例用Hyrax扩弓器行快速腭扩展矫治。通过矫治前后研究模型分析,头颅后前位定位X线片头影测量分析评价腭扩展效果。结果:快速腭扩展使上腭中缝打开,上颌牙齿及牙槽基骨颊向移动,支抗磨牙位移最大,平均4.84mm。牙槽突点(alm)侧移大于上颌点(mx)。全鼻高侧移过程中以鼻高中1/2水平(bn50)侧移量最大,平均2.74mm。上颌中线两侧牙齿,牙槽骨及颌骨位移值的变化无统计学差异。结论:上颌快速腭扩展在打开腭中缝解除上牙弓狭窄时,上颌牙齿、牙槽基骨发生了颊向移动,基骨位移量大于牙齿位移量,上颌牙槽突发生了形变。鼻上颌复合体整体位移效果呈三角形,中线两侧基本对称。 相似文献
Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion for management of transverse maxillary deficiency 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SA-RPE) is a combined orthodontic and surgical procedure which facilitates an increase in transverse maxillary width in skeletally mature adults. Many different techniques have been described. In 1992 Pogrel and associates described a conservative method of widening the maxilla. This procedure consisted of bilateral zygomatic buttress and midpalatal osteotomies combined with the use of a tooth-borne device postoperatively. Other moreradical SA-RPE procedures have been described in which more extensive osteotomies have been performed. Experience of SA-RPE using the simplified technique described by Pogrel et al is describe. 相似文献
1. The electromyographic silent period was observed in jaw-closing muscles during a maximal clench following a tap to the mandibular symphysis in eight subjects before and after rapid palatal expansion. 2. No differences in mean silent period duration were observed among the three jaw-closing muscles examined. 3. A large (r = 0.96) and statistically significant (p less than 0.01) correlation coefficient between two sets of silent period durations at one session indicates that these measurements are repeatable and reliable. 4. The mean silent period duration for the eight patients with malocclusions was 33.5 msec. prior to rapid palatal expansion and 51.2 msec. after the completion of palatal expansion. The difference was statistically significant (p less than 0.01) and represents a 61 percent increase. 5. Patients with symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are not the only group showing a prolonged silent period duration. 相似文献
Goldenberg DC Alonso N Goldenberg FC Gebrin ES Amaral TS Scanavini MA Ferreira MC 《The Journal of craniofacial surgery》2007,18(2):302-311
Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) is the procedure of choice for treating transverse maxillary deficiency in adult patients. The use of computed tomography (CT) as a method of evaluating the efficiency of this procedure has not been yet reported. Consequently, few landmarks for use in evaluating maxillary expansion have been defined. The goals of the present study were to define parameters to assess skeletal changes after SARPE and to use CT to evaluate those parameters. From June of 2004 to May of 2005, 15 patients underwent SARPE (a modified Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy without pterygomaxillary separation, together with a sagittal palatal osteotomy) according to a defined protocol. To determine the pattern of transversal expansion, linear and angular measurements of the anterior, intermediate, and posterior portions of the maxilla were evaluated in axial and coronal views. The cross-sectional area of the maxilla was calculated to obtain general information about maxillary expansion. The reliability of the method was confirmed. Significant overall expansion was observed. However, different patterns of expansion were seen in the three regions analyzed. In the anterior and intermediate portions of the maxilla, the increase in maxillary width was greater than that observed in the posterior portion. The transverse expansion of the maxilla achieved through SARPE without pterygoid plate separation was less than uniform. The accurate evaluation of the postoperative changes was heavily dependent upon images acquired through CT. 相似文献
A.S. Jesus C.B. Oliveira W.H. Murata E.S. Gonçales V.A. Pereira-Filho A. Santos-Pinto 《International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery》2021,50(8):1059-1068
This retrospective study was performed to evaluate nasomaxillary changes in 36 patients at an advanced stage of skeletal maturity who underwent miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) or surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) with/without an alar base cinch. Cone beam computed tomography images taken before and after expansion were analysed. Changes in the width of the dental arch (D66S, D66I), maxillary base (MxMol), and nasal floor and nasal cavity in the molar and canine regions (NaFMol, NaFCan, NaCMol, NaCCan) were compared, as well as changes in the choanal aperture (CA) and nasal soft tissue (NW). The MARPE technique produced smaller dental changes (D66S; P = 0.025) and greater nasomaxillary expansion (MxMol, P = 0.010; NaCMol, P = 0.016; NaCCan, P = 0.017; NaFMol, P = 0.001; CA, P = 0.002) than both SARPE techniques. Changes in NW did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.200). MARPE uniformly increased the anterior and posterior widths of the nasal cavity. SARPE expanded the nasal cavity in a ‘V-shape’ pattern. Changes in the nasal cavity and choanal aperture related to the amount of dental arch expansion were greater for MARPE than for SARPE. All three approaches increased the width of the nasal soft tissue, although the cinch in SARPE limited this increase. 相似文献
Skeletal and dental changes accompanying rapid midpalatal suture opening 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
R A Wertz 《American journal of orthodontics》1970,58(1):41-66