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病理大体标本的拍摄技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
病理大体标本的拍摄技术钟国华,凌启波在医学领域内。病理工作者对于病理大体标本是深知其珍贵的。为了满足病理工作者编著、教学与科学研究交流等要求,需要将大体标本拍摄。制成照片或幻灯片。正确而完美的大体标本照片和幻灯片。是任何完美的语言描述、详尽的形态描写...  相似文献   

病理大体标本是医学工作者和医学生认识和了解疾病,探讨和研究疾病发生发展及其变化规律的一个重要手段和途径。在长期的临床和医学实践中,人们将一些平时比较罕见和珍贵的医学实物标本收集并保留了下来,制成标本后供人们在学习和研究时使用。昆明医学院病理解剖教研室从解放以来,已陆续收集并制作了大约五千多个病理大体标本,它涵盖了云南省常见的各种类型和各个系统的不同疾病的实物样本。目前,我们教研室的病理学大体标本陈列馆已被列为了云南省宣传科普教育基地,[第一段]  相似文献   

本文结合实践体会,参阅文献,概述制作与保存病理大体标本的新技术、新方法和应用。一、恢复甲醛固定陈旧标本原有颜色的方法现今保持标本原来颜色的方法日益增多,效果甚佳。不仅可以保持新鲜标本的颜色,而且对以往用甲醛固定时间很久,而失去颜色及应用价值的陈旧标本,已有办法恢复原来颜色。此法对很有价值的陈旧标本,特别是某些罕见的珍贵标本,重新为教学、科研服务,具有重要现实意  相似文献   

介绍一种病理大体标本的装瓶方法李恩鸿江昌新谭郁彬以往供教学所用,装在瓶中的病变脏器(肝、脾、肾、肺、胃、肠等薄片状标本)多采用医用缝合线将标本固定在玻璃棒支架上,悬在福马林液体中。其缺点是:经过多年,无数人的传递,观察,穿在标本边缘的固定用线常将组织...  相似文献   

病理大体标本制作技术改进与保色的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
病理标本是形态教学和科研的重要材料,既往曾有人对如何保存病理标本的色泽进行探索,但由于保色欠佳,并易霉变,致使难以久存。近10年来,我们在实际工作中,对制作技术做了大量的改进与研究,取得一定的经验,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

为了提高我院的办学水平,提高临床医学专业学生对解剖层次和各器官的毗邻认识,提高医疗操作技术水平,培养高技能的实用型医学专业人才,我们对人体的整体标本制作方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

收集和保存高质量大体标本(即人体病理大体标本)在近一二十年来普遍不被临床病理科重视,其标本装置技术基本处于停滞状态.然而这项工作确有其非常重要的现实意义和广阔的应用前景.本科室收集筛选了2003-2005年间住院患者手术标本近200例,通过精心设计和制作,建立了大体标本陈列室,现报告如下.  相似文献   

在教学中非常需要一个心脏传导系的大体标本,来展示各主要结构的位置、形态和连系。而文献中对人心窦房结的大体解剖没有介绍,对房室结和房室束的解剖也很少报道。我们根据对心传导系主要部分的解剖,结合各书和图谱的展开方法,设计了能显示这些结构的大体标本。在教学中配合其它动物心传导系注射及染色标本,取得了较好的效果。制作标本的取材,要求固定成人心,外形好,肌肉色泽清晰。沿主、肺动脉瓣稍上方切去大血管,上、下腔静脉分别保留5cm、2cm。县体操作方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

制作塑化标本的大体解剖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塑化标本不需用福尔马林液保存,无毒无味,且使用时间长。现在尸体材料来源越加困难,标本经塑化后使用和保存对教学和科研都非常有益,这也是人体解剖学标本发展的一个趋势。现有的技术资料对标本的塑化过程已有详尽介绍[1,2]。故本文重点介绍为制作塑化标本进行的...  相似文献   

我校地处北国江城,寒冬一、二月份气温可降到零下30℃左右,这正是自然冰冻断面标本制作的大好时机。十多年来,我们依照CT和MRI断层图像的不同要求及科研、教学的需要,为军内外部分医学院校制作了自然冰冻横断面、矢状断面标本十五具,共3000余件。既节省经费,又保证供给。在制作人体断面标本方面也有了一些探索。  相似文献   

As more and more emphasis is placed on the use of prosected specimens to support teaching and learning of gross anatomy, consideration must be given to developing new methods to preserve human cadaveric material, and in ways which will resist the wear and tear to which they are necessarily subjected. Taxidermists have developed techniques for freeze-drying whole small animals as a method of long term preservation (Metcalf, 1981). We have explored the use of this methodology to preserve small prosected specimens for use in the teaching of gross anatomy. The technique we report here was tested initially on larynges (Fig. 1) but has since been applied with equal success to other structures, including pieces of small intestine dissected to show the arterial arcades (Fig. 2). We have used material from cadavers which were preserved using our standard embalming procedure (O'Sullivan & Mitchell, 1993).  相似文献   

We routinely employ cold Jores' fixative to improve color preservation of gross autopsy specimens for conferences and teaching and to facilitate development of a photographic teaching collection of gross pathological specimens. The fixed specimens also permit light microscopic examination. Additionally, we have found that color restoration of previously fixed gross specimens is possible with McCormick's fixative.  相似文献   

The study of large ("whole mount") histologic sections underscores the complexity of bone lesions and explains the great potential for misdiagnosis when a limited biopsy sample is assumed to be totally representative. Diagnostic pitfalls can generally be avoided by insisting on the opportunity for clinical-radiologic-pathologic correlation ("triangulation") before a final diagnosis is made. Essential to the method of triangulation is equal attention to the three lines of evidence. The ability to render reliable, clinically relevant, and individually pertinent consultations (as opposed to purely histologic opinions) derives from pursuing questions until all lines of evidence point ("triangulate") to the same answer. This is especially true in the realm of cartilage tumors where the limitations of histopathology are widely acknowledged. In this review, the use of radiographic data will be explored in general terms and in the special context of chondroid lesions.  相似文献   

A problem-based learning experience was implemented at the University of Florida College of Medicine during the Fall, 1989 gross anatomy course for first year medical and dental students. A problem for deliberation was selected by students at one dissecting table (two medical and two dental) that related to the cadaver they were dissecting. Each member of the group picked a single topic and researched that subject either through use of the library or personal contacts with basic science or clinical faculty. Specific times within the course were established for the problem-based sessions. Each student gave a 5 to 10 minute oral presentation to a faculty member and one or two other groups of students. The overall rating for the sessions by the students was positive (72.5% ranked them either outstanding or above average). Eighty-two percent of the students felt that these sessions were a useful method of providing clinical correlations with gross anatomy and 81.6% stated they thought the program should be continued next year. Conversely, approximately 20% of the students responded that they could have been doing something more productive with their time and several felt it was unfair that their sessions were scheduled just prior to an examination. Overall, the opinion of the faculty was that the sessions were a positive experience, encouraged cooperation between medical and dental students, and generated additional interest in the dissecting experience.  相似文献   

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