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聘用人员是当前军队医院建设发展的一支重要力量,在医院建设发展中的地位日益突出,作为驻边疆地区军队医院,将聘用人员纳入地方事业单位编制管理、开展军民融合式人力资源管理的新模式,是稳定聘用人员队伍、有效利用社会人才为军队医院建设服务的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

随着军队医院的不断发展和军队体制编制改革的进展,军队医院需从地方聘用大量医务人员,而招聘到优秀、高素质的医务人员,是军队医院迫切需要解决的问题。结合多年工作经验,对加强军队聘用人员招聘工作提出思考。  相似文献   

军队文职人员是履行现役军官(文职干部)同类岗位相应职责的非现役人员,实行聘用制度,目的是吸纳社会优秀人才为军队建设服务。本文探讨军队院校从地方招聘人员应把握的关键环节,有助于选拔到更适应军队建设需要的人员,增加招聘工作效益。  相似文献   

本文从对军队医院聘用人员队伍建设的认识着手,围绕创新军队医院聘用人员队伍管理模式、建立科学的任用、考评体系和提高地方聘用人员执行非战争军事任务能力,探讨新形式下军队医院聘用人员队伍建设的方法与路径,对军队医院聘用人员队伍建设的长效机制进行探索。  相似文献   

人才是第一资源。本文阐述军队医院聘用人员管理的思考与实践,主要是:医院立足自身不断探索,科学有效招聘、全面系统培育、合理人才激励,解决军队医院人才不足问题,提高医院人事管理水平,提升医院核心竞争力,促进医院又好又快发展。  相似文献   

目前,军队医院因部队体制编制调整,对社会人力资源的需求日益突出,为确保医院医疗工作的正常运行,需加大对地方聘用制人员的引进力度,经过多年的实践,本院对聘用地方人员探索出了一些有效的做法,以期为军队医院选好、管好、育好、用好聘用制人员提供借鉴[1]。1聘用地方合同人员存在的主要问题1.1选人标准不高边疆地区军队医院在聘用地方人员时,大多数做法是选择地方医学院校应庙毕业生,有的医院还与一些院校建立了用人协议关系,以确保人才的输送工作不间断。但医学院校毕业生在择业方面一般会选择大中城市的医院,而大多数军队医院坐落位置较…  相似文献   

军队医院聘用制卫生专业技术人员招聘与管理探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
军队医院聘用卫生专业技术人员是指符合国家、军队规定的卫生专业技术岗位所需条件,由社会聘用到军队医疗机构的医、药、护、技、工程、研究岗位工作的合同制非军队人员。军队医院对社会人力资源的需求日见突出,其招聘及管理工作应依据国家、军队有关法规,维护受聘人员和聘任单位双方的合法权益,坚持按需设岗、择优聘用、同岗同酬和规范化管理。  相似文献   

结合医院管理聘用人员的实践做法,旨在探讨在当前精简整编的大趋势下保持军队医院的优势,从政策制度、教育培养、招聘模式、岗位管理、发展通道等方面创新适合军队医院发展的聘用制人员管理模式,以期进一步提高聘用制人员使用效率和管理科学化水平,促进聘用制人员队伍建设向更高水平发展,实现军队医院可持续发展.  相似文献   

聘用人员是军队医院发展中不可缺少的支持力量,也为军队医院人力资源管理工作带来了一定的法律风险。从招聘录用、纪律管理、人事管理3个环节着手,分析了军队医院聘用人员管理中容易产生的法律风险,并提出了防范的具体措施。  相似文献   

军队医院聘用人员管理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对军队医院聘用人员的管理机制、考核机制、激励机制等问题分析,探讨加强和规范聘用制人员队伍建设,激发聘用人员工作热情和创新力,实现医院建设向依托军队资源和社会资源相结合的转变,促进军队医院的快速、持续和多维化发展。  相似文献   

西部大开发,全省跨越式发展,给医疗卫生行业提出了严峻的课题:卫生改革如何尽快适应跨越式发展的需要?笔者认为,医疗卫生改革不能老是停留在口头上,应拿出改革中的创新精神,以"三个代表"重要思想为指导,去勇于探索、努力实践.近年来,眉山市东坡区经过创新探索,积累了初步的经验与做法:  相似文献   

To describe the sex and age differences in asthma hospitalization among the Canadian population, we conducted an analysis based on a total of 9,486,173 hospital records in Canada for a 3-year period (1994/1995, 1995/1996, and 1996/1997), including 204,304 asthma patients and 288,977 asthma-related records. Asthma as one of the first five diagnoses, accounted for 3.0% of total hospitalizations, which was almost constant across the 3-year study period. The 3-year cumulative incidence of asthma hospitalization was substantially higher for young boys than girls, and it was reversed for adults. The incidence ratio for females vs. males for asthma hospitalization reached 2.8 for individuals 25 to 34 years of age, decreased gradually with increasing age, and then approached unity for those aged 80 years or more. The data suggest that sex is an important determinant for asthma, and the sex effect varies considerably over a life span.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to understand present infant complementary foods eating and compare trends over the past 10 years in Taiwan. We investigated the methods used to introduce infants to complementary foods, difficulties encountered, sources of information and the principle caregiver's knowledge about infant feeding. This study focused on findings from the 2005-2008 Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) and compared with those from the 1997-1999 Child NAHSIT. Interviews in both surveys were carried out by trained interviewers. In 2005-2008 survey, 50% of infants aged 7-12 months had started eating baby cereals or juice at age 4-6 months as recommended. The proportions of infants aged 10-12 months who were introduced to particular complementary foods at recommended periods varied from biscuits (51.1%) to tofu (1.1%). The proportions were higher in 2005-2008 than in 1997-1999 for only 3 items. In both survey, more than 80% of mothers were the one who made the decision to introduce their children to complementary foods. More than 75% of caregivers fed baby cereals to their babies from milk bottles. In 2005-2008, the most commonly encountered problem was that the child wouldn't eat. Nutrition knowledge of the caregivers have improved since 1999, but still needs fostering. The timing to introduce complementary foods become later than ten years ago. Whether the delay will affect the normal dietary intakes of children after one year of age needs attention. The government should not only promote breastfeeding, but also reevaluate current evidence-based recommendation on complementary food introduction time.  相似文献   

The effects of sediment characteristics and geochemical fractions on the biological availability of cadmium to estuarine animals were studied. Grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and a polychaete (Nereis virens) were exposed to Cd-treated sediment for 14 days. The test populations were evaluated for mortalities, oxygen consumption (exceptN. virens), and bioaccumulation of Cd. Sediment Cd was extracted sequentially to determine the exchangeable (EP), easily reducible (ERP), organic-sulfide (OSP), moderately reducible (MRP), and acid extractable (AEP) geochemical phases.The shrimp displayed significant respiration effects; the shrimp and mussels bioaccumulated Cd, particularly in the Cd-sand treatments. The polychaete did not bioaccumulate Cd. The OSP contained the greatest concentrations of Cd in all treatments. The Cd-sands were characterized by relatively higher levels of EP and ERP than for silts or clays. A statistical model was developed that describes the bioaccumulation of Cd as a function of EP and ERP geochemical fractions of sediment Cd forM. edulis.  相似文献   

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