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岳金平 《腹部外科》2009,22(1):64-64
目前,腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)虽是一项较成熟、安全的手术,但仍有并发症发生,应高度重视。本文对LC并发症的防治进行了探讨。  相似文献   

腹腔镜处理腹腔镜胆囊切除术后并发症   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨腹腔镜在处理腹腔镜胆囊切除术 (LC)后并发症的应用价值。方法 回顾分析我院 1992年 11月 2 0 0 0年 12月LC术后再次腹腔镜手术治疗 17例病例临床资料。结果  13例病例在腹腔镜下完成手术 ,4例中转开腹手术。结论 腹腔镜在处理LC术后胆漏、出血、胃肠道损伤等并发症时有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

胆囊切除术后胆漏25例诊治体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胆囊切除术后发生胆漏的原因及其预防措施和治疗方法。方法回顾性分析我院1997年5月-2007年7月胆囊切除术后胆漏25例的临床资料。结果本组25例中,经保守治疗和再次手术各治愈12例,死亡1例。结论胆囊切除术后胆漏可经保守治疗和再次手术治愈。应根据胆漏的具体原因采用不同的处理方法。  相似文献   

目的探查胆囊切除术后腹腔内胆汁积聚诊治与处理效果。方法对34例胆囊切除术后出现腹腔胆汁积聚,经穿刺抽吸,手术探查引流、结扎、修补等方法治疗。结果34例中自动吸收3例,治愈28例,死亡3例。结论胆囊切除术后腹腔内胆汁积聚的预后关键在于早期诊断。  相似文献   

与传统开腹胆囊切除术相比,腹腔镜胆囊切除术具有切口小、疼痛轻、康复快等特点,现已成为治疗胆囊良性疾病的"金标准"。尽管微创外科理念不断突破,腹腔镜器械不断更新,手术技术也日臻成熟,但腹腔镜胆囊切除术后并发症的发生仍是临床难题,需要医师的高度重视。本文现就腹腔镜胆囊切除术后相关并发症的诊治及预防措施作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术和开腹胆囊切除术术后患者满意度及并发症发生率情况。方法:选择2009年1月—2012年1月笔者单位收治的200例胆囊结石患者为研究对象,运用随机数字表法将入选患者分为开腹胆囊切除手术组(开腹组)和腹腔镜胆囊切除手术组(LC组)。比较两组患者术后感染、术后出血、胆瘘、阻塞性黄疸及腹胀等手术后并发症发生情况和患者满意度。结果:LC组患者在腹胀、阻塞性黄疸、术后感染及术后感染发生率明显低于开腹组(P<0.05),而LC组患者对医疗服务的满意率明显高于开腹组的(P<0.05)。结论:腹腔镜胆囊切除术具有手术安全、并发症少、患者满意度高等特点。  相似文献   

胆囊切除术后胆道功能障碍的内镜诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨内镜在胆囊切除术后胆道功能障碍的病因诊断和治疗中的价值。方法回顾性分析62例胆囊切除术后胆道功能障碍病人内镜诊治的资料。结果59例(95.2%)ERCP成功。39例肝外胆管结石中36例行EST或EPBD,经1~2次取石后取净。乳头炎性狭窄9例,经EST或EPBD治疗1次成功。乳头旁憩室压迫乳头开口2例和SOD3例,行EPBD治疗成功。胆管中段狭窄3例,壶腹部肿瘤2例,肝门胆管癌2例,均行内支架治疗后黄疸减退。胆瘘1例,行ENBD治疗成功。总的并发症发生率5.1%。结论ERCP是胆囊切除术后胆道功能障碍非常有价值的诊治措施。  相似文献   

2793例腹腔镜胆囊切除术后并发症分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
自1991年我国引进腹腔镜胆囊切除术(1aparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)以来,这一新技术在全国各地迅速展开.腹腔镜技术目前已经成为一种常规的手术方法,在各级医院已经越来越普及.我院也从1998年开展了此项新技术,通过广泛的实践,充分证明了LC具有创伤小、痛苦轻、恢复快、住院时间短等优点.然而LC的一些严重并发症仍然是困扰普外科医师的一个难题.总结我院2793例LC报道如下.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)后患者远期并发症的发生情况。方法:对247例LC患者术后进行长期随访,统计其远期并发症,并进行临床总结。结果:经过2~5年的随访,共发生LC相关的远期并发症68例,其中胆汁反流性胃炎27例,消化不良症状13例,胆管炎17例,胆总管结石16例,胆管良性狭窄10例。结论:LC存在较高的术后远期并发症发生率,术前必须严格把握手术适应证,对于可保守或继续观察的患者不要轻易行LC;术中仔细操作,遇疑难病例及时请上级医师介入或中转开腹,避免发生潜在的胆管损伤。  相似文献   

1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组 2 1例中 ,男 8例 ,女 13例 ;年龄 2 8岁~ 79岁。 12例发生于本院 ,9例由外院转入。其中急诊手术15例 ,择期手术 6例。1.2 并发症本组 2 1例均为胆囊结石病例 ,并发症发生在开腹胆囊切除术时 2 0例 ,腹腔镜胆囊切除术 ( LC) 1例 ,并发症有医源性胆管损伤 11例 ,胆漏 2例 ,胆囊管残留过长 4例 ,黄疸 3例 ,出血 2例 ,心跳聚停 1例。2 处理及结果术中发现胆管意外损伤 12例 ,右肝管结扎 1例行松解术 ,右肝管撕裂伤 1例以 5- 0无损伤缝合线修补 ,肝总管分离破裂行修补术 2例 ,肝总管横断 1例立即对端吻合 ,过度…  相似文献   

胆囊切除术后胆道并发症的内镜处理   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
目的:探讨内镜在处理胆囊切除术后胆道并发症中的作用.方法:自1997年1月至2000年11月间,对胆囊切除术后出现腹痛和黄疸患者行ERCP,胆囊切除术后行ERCP的平均时间为95天.对明确为胆道并发症者,作以下治疗:①对于胆道残余结石,行EST或EPBD后取石.②对于胆管部分狭窄者,用内镜胆道扩张和内支架治疗.③对于胆总管完全横断者,行ERBD后继以外科手术.④对于胆漏者,行EST和ENBD治疗后辅以经皮腹腔引流.结果:224例胆道并发症者中,胆道残余结石169例(占75.4%),165例结石排出.胆总管部分狭窄37例(占16.5%),随访1年,25例均取得满意效果.胆总管完全横断12例(占5.4%),7例行ERBD,待黄疸减退后全部行外科手术.胆漏6例(占2.7%),5例避免再次外科手术,1例内镜治疗后2天症状无减轻而接受手术治疗.结论:胆囊切除术后临床上怀疑有胆道并发症,应尽早行ERCP检查.内镜对胆道残余结石和小的胆漏的疗效确切,对胆道部分狭窄的患者,首选内镜内支架治疗.  相似文献   

The results of surgical treatment of 230 patients with postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCES) have been analysed. There were the following causes of PCES development: stricture of the terminal common bile duct (48.7% of cases), which in 23.4% of patients was associated with choledocholithiasis; cicatricial stricture of the hepatic duct after iatrogenic trauma (23.2%), leaving the long stump of the cystic duct (2.3%). With the aim of PCES diagnosis, the complex of methods was used, which included ultrasound, roentgenologic, endoscopic studies, retrograde and percutaneous cholangiography, laparoscopy, fistulography, computerized tomography. The indications for individual types of operative intervention are substantiated.  相似文献   

Introduction: Injuries to the extrahepatic biliary tree at laparoscopic cholecystectomy cause major morbidity and are a major source of litigation. Injuries are often diagnosed late, leading to further complications and decreasing the chance of a successful repair. Methods: A prospective study was carried out of all patients with extrahepatic biliary injuries from cholecystectomy who were referred to the surgeons of the Universities of Melbourne Hepatobiliary Group between 1997 and 1999. Results: Twenty‐seven patients sustained biliary injuries to the extrahepatic biliary tree. Twenty patients (74%) had unrecognized injuries at the time of cholecystectomy. The median time to referral was 9 days. Only two of 11 operative cholangiograms were interpreted as showing a biliary injury. Conclusion: Biliary injuries are still occurring at laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Guidelines about the management of a suspected biliary injury are discussed. Clinical, radiological and pathological assessment should enable prompt diagnosis and management should be instituted early, preferably with the involvement of a hepatobiliary specialist.  相似文献   

胆囊切除术并发症的防治   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20  
胆囊切除术是腹部外科常见的安全性较高的手术。然而,当胆道存在解剖变异,或病变发展已导致胆囊萎缩、胆囊积水、Mirizzi综合征、胆囊肠道瘘,或伴有肝硬化、门静脉高压,梗阻性黄疸、肝脏转位时,稍有不慎,胆囊切除也可造成致病、致残、致命的严重并发症,切不可掉以轻心。思想重视,操作细致,麻醉松弛,手术野暴露良好,是避免严重并发症的重要保证。学会在困难情况下的处理技巧,就能化险为夷。现根据耳闻目睹的事实和亲身的经历,对胆囊切除术并发症的防治谈谈自己的体会。1 术中大出血术中引起大出血的原因及防治措施:(1)胆囊从胆囊床上撕脱。…  相似文献   

回顾近10年对74例隆鼻术后并发症病人的处理,将隆鼻术后常见并发症分为7类。从临床角度分析了7类并发症发生的可能性原因,并相应处理。其中假体浅化问题随着临床病例数的增加及随访时间的延长,已变得日渐明显,除部分是由术者技术原因引起,更多的可能与其它因素有关。低毒性感染和免疫排异反应,临床诊断较难区分,但其临床表现相似,处理方法类同。通过对隆鼻术后并发症原因的分析,揭示了隆鼻术存在的问题,以引起足够的重视  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除术的并发症及处理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术并发症发生的原因及预防处理。方法回顾性分析我院1991年3月~2004年9月行LC的13 278例病人的临床资料,对术中、术后并发症的发生原因进行分析。结果发生并发症110例,发生率为0.83%。结论胆管损伤、胆漏和胆总管残余结石是LC的主要并发症,绝大部分并发症是能够预防和治愈的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To answer the question whether laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) or open cholecystectomy (OC) is safer in terms of complications, the authors evaluated complications relating to 1440 cholecystectomies performed by the same surgeons in a retrospective study. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: A definite pronouncement on whether LC truly is superior to OC is not possible because prospective trials are burdened with problems of recruitment. METHODS: After the introduction of LC at the authors' institution in April 1991 and until October 1993, 94.6% (700/740) of all patients admitted for operation because of symptomatic gallstone disease could be treated laparoscopically. The clinical records of the last 700 patients who underwent OC before the introduction of LC were re-evaluated with regard to both overall complications and the grade of complication (severity grade 1-4). A comparison of the incidence of complications relating to the two surgical methods, age, sex, common bile duct stones, acute cholecystitis, concomitant illness, Apache score, and length of operation was calculated by multivariate analysis using the logistic regression model. RESULTS: The total rate of complications in the OC group was 7.7%, with five postoperative deaths, compared with 1.9% and one postoperative death in the LC group. Multivariate analysis for OC revealed that both old age (p = 0.014) and the existence of common bile duct stones (p = 0.02) had independent prognostic influences in increasing the overall complication rate, whereas only old age (p = 0.019) influenced the overall complication rate after LC. Multivariate analysis of all cholecystectomies (n = 1440) showed that the overall complication rate was influenced independently by OC as a detrimental factor. CONCLUSIONS: As this analysis emphasizes, LC can be performed safely with an overall complication rate that is distinctly lower than that of OC. For selective surgery, LC is undoubtedly superior to OC and can probably be seen as a new "gold standard" for cholecystectomies.  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除术并发症的原因及处理   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8  
目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术并发症发生的原因及预防处理. 方法回顾分析我院1991年3月~2003年7月行LC的13 278例的临床资料. 结果发生并发症110例(0.83%).其中胆管损伤19例(0.14%),胆漏37例(0.28%),胆总管残余结石31例(0.23%),腹腔出血4例(0.03%),胃肠道损伤5例(0.04%),腹腔内脓肿3例(0.02%),切口感染及切口疝6例(0.05%),严重皮下气肿5例(0.04%).死亡5例(0.04%). 结论胆管损伤、胆漏和胆总管残余结石是LC的主要并发症,绝大部分并发症是能够预防和治愈的.  相似文献   

Bile duct complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Summary A retrospective review and analysis of patients referred to the Division of Gastroenterology and the Section of Gastrointestinal Surgery with common bile duct complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy was undertaken in order to identify injury patterns, management, and outcome. Sixteen patients were identified over a 20-month period. Twelve patients had major common bile duct injuries and four had minor injuries (cystic duct leaks). Seventy-one percent of injuries occurred with surgeons who had done more than 13 laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Eighty-three percent of patients who had major ductal injury did not have a cholangiogram prior to the injury. Sixteen percent of patients with major common bile duct injuries had findings of acute cholecystitis and 58% of these major injuries were easy gallbladders. One-third of major injuries were recognized at operation. Two-thirds of immediate repairs failed. All cystic duct leaks were managed nonoperatively.It appears that bile duct complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy are more common in the community than is reported. Bile duct complications occur with surgeons who are experienced and inexperienced with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Common bile duct injuries, unrecognized at laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the majority of cases, usually occur with easy gallbladders. Operative cholangiography is not utilized in the majority of common bile duct injuries. When immediate repair of common bile duct injuries is undertaken, the majority are unsuccessful. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is invaluable in the diagnosis and management of bile duct complications. Cystic duct leaks may be managed successfully with endoscopic stents.Presented at the annual SAGES meeting, April 10–12, 1992, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

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