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OBJECTIVE: To compare the lifetime consumption patterns of patients with schizophrenia and multiple substance abuse and multiple substance abusers without schizophrenia. METHOD: Two hundred and thirty in-patients of a specialized rehabilitation facility for young drug abusers were assessed with regard to their lifetime consumption patterns of 16 different classes of psychoactive drugs. While 110 patients had no diagnosis of a schizophrenic disorder, 120 patients had a comorbidity of multiple substance abuse and schizophrenia. RESULTS: Comorbid patients reported a higher lifetime consumption of hallucinogens, whereas multiple substance abusers without schizophrenia showed a higher lifetime consumption rate of cocaine. CONCLUSION: The differences found in lifetime consumption patterns between comorbid patients and substance abusers without psychotic disorder do not support the so-called self-medication hypothesis. Instead, the differences in lifetime consumption of certain drugs might be a result of lower social competence and standing in schizophrenic patients and lower ability to procure certain illicit drugs.  相似文献   

Research suggests that buprenorphine may possess antidepressant activity. The Beck Depression Inventory was completed at baseline and 3 months by heroin dependent subjects receiving either buprenorphine or methadone maintenance as part of a larger, pre-existing, double blind trial conducted by NDARC (Australia). Depressive symptoms improved in all subjects, with no difference between methadone and buprenorphine groups, suggesting no differential benefit on depressive symptoms for buprenorphine compared to methadone.  相似文献   

Opiate drug abuse, through selective actions at mu-opioid receptors (MOR), exacerbates the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) in the CNS by disrupting glial homeostasis, increasing inflammation, and decreasing the threshold for pro-apoptotic events in neurons. Neurons are affected directly and indirectly by opiate-HIV interactions. Although most opiates drugs have some affinity for kappa (KOR) and/or delta (DOR) opioid receptors, their neurotoxic effects are largely mediated through MOR. Besides direct actions on the neurons themselves, opiates directly affect MOR-expressing astrocytes and microglia. Because of their broad-reaching actions in glia, opiate abuse causes widespread metabolic derangement, inflammation, and the disruption of neuron-glial relationships, which likely contribute to neuronal dysfunction, death, and HIV encephalitis. In addition to direct actions on neural cells, opioids modulate inflammation and disrupt normal intercellular interactions among immunocytes (macrophages and lymphocytes), which on balance further promote neuronal dysfunction and death. The neural pathways involved in opiate enhancement of HIV-induced inflammation and cell death, appear to involve MOR activation with downstream effects through PI3-kinase/Akt and/or MAPK signaling, which suggests possible targets for therapeutic intervention in neuroAIDS.  相似文献   

In a sample of 15 patients who had schizophrenia with drug abuse and 11 patients who had psychosis with drug intoxication, the presence or absence of the constellation of childhood asociality discriminated between these two entities. Furthermore, unexpectedly, schizophrenic drugabusing patients with asocial childhood histories believed that the drugs they had abused had caused their illness, while patients with the acute brain syndromes believed the drug abuse was NOT related to their illness.  相似文献   

Objective measures of experimentally induced aggressiveness were evaluated in heroin-dependent patients (HDP), 15 receiving buprenorphine (BUP) and 15 receiving methadone (METH) treatment. HDP were randomly assigned to BUP and METH groups. Fifteen healthy subjects (CONT) were included in the study as controls. During a laboratory task, the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm, subjects earned monetary reinforcement and could respond by ostensibly subtracting money from a fictitious subject (the aggressive response). Money-earning (points maintained) responses did not differ in BUP patients and in controls. In contrast, point-maintained responses were significantly lower in the group of HDP treated with METH than in both the BUP and CONT groups. Aggressive responses were significantly higher in the HDP group than in the CONT group. No significant differences in aggressive responses were found between the BUP and METH groups. Baseline concentrations of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol (CORT) were higher in HDP than in CONT. During the experimental task, ACTH and CORT increased significantly less in METH patients than in BUP patients and CONT. Norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) levels increased significantly more in HDP than in CONT, without any difference between the METH and BUP patients. PSAP aggressive responses positively correlated with NE and EPI changes, as well as with Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI) scores in both METH and BUP patients and also in CONT subjects. No correlation was found between the extent of heroin exposure, drug doses and aggressiveness levels. BUP, similarly to METH, does not seem to affect outward-directed aggressiveness, as aggressive responses related more to monoamine levels and personality traits than to the action of opioid agonists. Money-earning responses seemed to be unimpaired in BUP patients.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine was introduced as a potent analgesic with low abuse potential. Reports of buprenorphine abuse by opiate abusers have accumulated over the years, highlighting its use as a cheap alternative to heroin. The lower potency compared with heroin is being compensated by using a cocktail of buprenorphine with benzodiazepines or cyclizine. This study of 18 cases seen over 3 years broadly confirms these findings. Four cases reported haematemesis during acute withdrawal, a symptom not reported in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Neuropathological studies were carried out on 180 human immunodeficiency virus-seronegative intravenous drug addicts. The findings in victims of acute heroin intoxication (n = 116) were congestion (99.1%), capillary engorgement (68.1%), and/or perivascular bleeding (68.1%) – hemodynamic processes attributable to toxic primary respiratory failure. In a high percentage of these cases (88%), cerebral edema was also present. In 18 cases of acute heroin intoxication who survived for periods of hours or days, the sole postmortem finding was ischemic nerve cell damage, resembling that typically seen in systemic hypoxia. Semiquantitative analysis revealed nerve cell loss in the hippocampal formation and/ or Purkinje cell layer in 26% of the 162 chronic drug abusers. By contrast, in nearly 80% of these cases, the hippocampus showed enhanced expression of glial fibrillary acid protein by astrocytes and/or a proliferation of microglia, demonstrated by CD68 expression. Since such reactive processes are produced by primary neuronal damage, it can be assumed that chronic intravenous drug abuse results in obviously ischemic nerve cell loss. This could be demonstrated in the hippocampus, but it must also occur throughout the whole brain. The demonstration of ischemic nerve cell damage and neuronal loss or secondary reactive alterations has not been described previously. Received: 31 March 1995 / Revised, accepted: 27 November 1995  相似文献   

Objectives. To characterize lifetime psychiatric diagnosis groups among methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients and associations of diagnosis to long-term (up to 20 years) retention and survival either during treatment or post discontinuation. Methods. A total of 758 patients with available psychiatric diagnosis (98% of those ever admitted between June 1993 and June 2012) were followed-up until June 2013. Lifetime psychiatric diagnosis was assessed according to DSM-IV-TR (Axis I, II, I & II, or none). Observed urine samples at 1 and 13 months were positive for drugs if at least one was positive. Survival data were based on the Israel National Population Registry. Survival and retention in MMT were compared (Kaplan Meier) between groups. Results. The Axis II (personality disorders) group had the worst mean long-term retention (5.8 years, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 5.0–6.5) compared with the Axis I, Axis I & II or no psychiatric diagnosis groups (9.6 years, 95% CI 8.8–10.4) (P < 0.0005). Mean survival since admission (16.4 years, 95% CI 15.9–16.9) was similar for all groups. Axis II patients included more males, more drug injectors, were younger at initial opiate use and more likely left treatment before 1 year. Conclusions. Personality and coping mechanisms (Axis II) could be significant obstacles to the success of MMT, warranting special interventions to overcome them.  相似文献   

目的 探索对海洛因依赖重度药瘾较理想的戒毒治疗方法。  方法 采用美沙酮与丁丙诺啡联合用药方案 ,对海洛因依赖重度药瘾 41例行戒毒治疗 ,1 2天为一疗程 ,并与单用美沙酮组 2 0例进行比较。  结果 联合用药组控制症状较彻底 ,鸦片类药物戒断症状量表 (OWS)总分平稳下降 ,症状波动小 ,减药顺利 ,两药替换平稳 ,戒毒成功率 73 2 %。  结论 我们认为美沙酮联用丁丙诺啡是一种值得推荐的戒毒治疗方法。  相似文献   

Following our finding of high rates of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) among methadone maintained (MMT) former opiate addict women with a history of childhood sexual abuse, we compared 68 MMT sexually abused women to 48 women from a Sexual Abuse Treatment Center (SATC) without a history of opiate addiction, for clinical-OCD (Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale), dissociation (Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), complex-post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress – Non-Other Specify), sexual PTSD (the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale) and trauma events history (Life Event Inventory). MMT patients were treated for longer periods and were older and less educated. Clinical OCD was more prevalent among the MMT patients (66.2% vs. 30.4%, respectively), while complex-PTSD and high dissociation score (DES≥30) were more prevalent among the non-addicts (46.9% vs. 19.1%, and 57.1% vs. 11.8% respectively). The high rate of OCD among sexually abused MMT women was not found in women who are sexually abused non-addicts. As dissociation was rare among the MMT group, it may just be that the opioids (either as street-drugs or as MMT) serve as an external coping mechanism when the access to the internal one is not possible. Future study about OCD and dissociation before entry to MMT are needed.  相似文献   



In offending populations, prevalence rates of mental disorders are much higher than in the general population. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether mental disorders can improve the prediction of recidivism beyond actuarial risk assessment tools.


The present prospective-longitudinal study was conducted between 2001 and 2021 and included 1066 men convicted of sexual offenses in Austria. All participants were evaluated with actuarial risk assessment tools for the prediction of sexual and violent recidivism and the Structured Clinical Interview for Axis I and Axis II disorders. Sexual and violent reconvictions were assessed.


Exhibitionism and an exclusive pedophilia showed the strongest correlations with sexual recidivism in the total sample. In the child related offense subsample additionally a narcissistic personality disorder was correlated with sexual recidivism. The strongest correlation with violent recidivism was found for an antisocial and borderline personality disorder. None of the mental disorders could improve the prediction of recidivism beyond actuarial risk assessment tools.


Common current actuarial risk assessment tools revealed good predictive accuracy in men convicted of sexual offenses. With few exceptions mental disorders were only weakly associated with recidivism, suggesting that there is no direct link between mental disorders and violent and sexual reoffending. Mental disorders should nevertheless be considered in treatment issues.  相似文献   

The limitation of the methadone maintenance program has pressed for a re-evaluation of our understanding of the underlying causes of addiction. Apparently, one of theunderlying causes or end result produced by the drug itself is that of depression. It explains why the addicts try to maintain to the maximum, the euphoric state and are unwilling to rehabilitate. A pilot study was conducted for the treatment of ex-methadone addicts with large dosages of antidepressants and anxiolytics. Out of 117 ex-methadone and soft drug addicts treated with antidepressants and anxiolytics, 46% ex-methadone and 46.3% soft drug abusers failed to become abstinent. The failures were basically related to the management of treatment. The study suggests a possibility for detoxification from methadone and control of relapse by antidepressants and anxiolytics.  相似文献   

The hidden drug abuse in a stratified sample of a year cohort born in 1953 was studied by measuring the difference between drug abuse stated in interviews and registered in public health and social welfare files in 1968, 1973 and 1976. Among men who had stated high-frequency drug use in a school questionnaire in 1968 hidden drug abuse comprised two thirds of the total abuse, among women from the same group one half. In groups with lower degrees of abuse hidden drug abuse was 70-90% of the total abuse. Intravenous abuse was mostly known to public health and social welfare authorities. When trying to estimate the total number of drug abusers in an area there is reason to at least double the figures presented in case-finding studies.  相似文献   

On the hypothesis that drug addiction may be due to "masked depression", lithium was administered to 20 opiate addicts. Only nine patients took the lithium carbonate tablets for more than a few weeks; during this period they seemed to abstain from taking opiates. After 1 year, all the patients were off lithium and most of them again took opiates. Due to lack of cooperation on the part of the patients, the observations can neither confirm nor refute our hypothesis. The study shows that psychological and socio-environmental factors make trials on drug treatment of opiate addicts almost impossible to carry out.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Both methadone and buprenorphine are effective therapy for heroin dependence. Efficacy is best documented for methadone maintenance therapy, but safety concerns limit its use. Buprenorphine offers lower overdose risk and improved access, but efficacy may be lower. The authors compared adaptive, buprenorphine-based stepped care to optimal methadone maintenance treatment. METHOD: This randomized controlled trial was undertaken 2004-2006. It consisted of a 24-day uniform double-blind induction phase followed by single-blind flexible dosing based on structured clinical criteria, for a total of 6 months. Ninety-six self-referred subjects with heroin dependence were randomly assigned to methadone or to stepped treatment initiated with buprenorphine/naloxone and escalated to methadone if needed. All subjects received intensive behavioral treatment. Primary outcome was retention in treatment. Secondary outcomes were completer analyses of problem severity (Addiction Severity Index) and proportion of urine samples free of illicit drugs. RESULTS: Overall, 6-month retention was 78%. Stepped treatment and methadone maintenance therapy outcomes were virtually identical. Among completers of stepped therapy, 46% remained on buprenorphine/naloxone. Proportion of urine samples free of illicit opiates increased over time and ultimately reached approximately 80% in both arms. Problem severity decreased significantly and uniformly in both arms. CONCLUSIONS: A stepped treatment of heroin dependence as described here appears equally efficacious compared to optimally delivered methadone maintenance therapy. Together with prior data on the advantageous safety of buprenorphine, this suggests that broad implementation of strategies using buprenorphine as first-line treatment should be considered.  相似文献   

Major causes of drug abuse identified in the literature are outlined. Contributing factors are located on individual, interpersonal, and social levels, with the family of origin established as very important. An integrated approach to family therapy that takes all these levels into account is described employing concepts, hypotheses, and techniques from different kinds of therapy.  相似文献   

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