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BackgroundThe number of cancer survivors in the general population is increasing. Oral and dental status affects patients' quality of life and oral function, which, in turn, may affect nutritional intake and general health. The authors review the importance of oral health and the role of the oral health care provider in supporting dietary intake and providing nutritional guidance.MethodsThe authors provide a brief review of oral complications of therapy and nutritional guidelines for patients with head and neck cancer.ResultsOral adverse effects of head and neck cancer treatment include salivary gland dysfunction, taste change, orofacial pain and mucosal sensitivity, oral infection, tissue defects and necrosis, trismus and fibrosis, progressive dental and periodontal disease, and problems with prosthesis function.ConclusionsManaging oral adverse effects of treatment may have an impact on dietary and nutritional intake, as well as on quality of life. Dietary modifications may be needed because of the patient's oral function and may include modification of food texture and flavor, as well as the use of dietary supplements.Clinical ImplicationsAs part of the patient's health care team, dental care professionals should be aware of the oral adverse effects of cancer therapy, as well as their role in recognizing and treating the resulting oral conditions. In addition, they should provide guidance to patients to support their oral dietary and nutritional intake.  相似文献   

目的:探讨通过经皮内镜下胃造瘘(PEG)通路营养支持在头颈部肿瘤患者放疗中的应用价值。方法:选择103例放疗中出现经口进食受限,需要辅以营养支持的头颈部肿瘤患者,随机分为PEG组47例、鼻饲组56例,分别通过PEG和鼻胃管接受同样强度的营养支持。观察2组患者的情绪、食欲、生活质量以及对置管和治疗的耐受性和依从性变化;记录感染发生情况,计算感染发生率及人均疗程总抗生素用药频度(DDDs);比较放疗前后体重、白蛋白以及血清转铁蛋白水平等营养指标的变化。采用SPSS 11.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:临床观察方面,PEG组患者对放疗的情绪、食欲及生活质量下降不明显,但耐受性及依从性明显提高,社会生活不受影响;鼻饲组对放疗的情绪低落,食欲及生活质量下降明显,耐受性及依从性差,社会生活受到影响。感染发生方面,PEG组感染发生率为19.1%(9/47),显著小于鼻饲组的33.9%(17/56,P=0.0292);PEG组人均疗程总抗生素用药频度为1.5,低于鼻饲组的4.3。营养指标方面,PEG组患者的体重和白蛋白分别由置管前的(63.6±4.2)kg、(34.0±4.5)g/L下降为放疗后的(60.7±2.5)kg和(31.4±3.8)g/L,转铁蛋白则由(27.6±3.9)μmol/L上升为(28.4±1.3)μmol/L,但无显著差异(P=0.185);鼻饲组则由治疗前(65.3±5.6)kg、(33.7±3.1)g/L和(28.2±2.1)μmol/L下降为治疗后的(58.4±3.3)kg、(29.6±4.3)g/L和(26.2±2.3)μmol/L,差异均有显著性(P<0.01)。虽然置管前两组各指标水平无显著差异,但放疗结束后PEG组体重、白蛋白和转铁蛋白丢失较鼻饲组显著减少(P<0.01)。结论:作为一种新的肠内营养通路,PEG在头颈部肿瘤放疗过程中的应用不增加感染发生率,患者耐受性好,依从性高,可有效恢复或改善其营养状况,提高生活质量,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine risk factors for delirium after major head and neck cancer surgery. The postoperative experience of 38 patients who underwent major head and neck cancer surgery and were managed in the high care unit was retrospectively examined by reviewing their medical records. Delirium was defined as confusion and abnormal behavior that interfered with postoperative recovery. Postoperative delirium occurred in 10 patients (26.3%) who all had stage IV cancer, flap reconstruction, an operative time of more than 10 h, blood transfusion of more than 4 units or infusion of more than 5000 ml, which together suggested the risk of delirium increased significantly with extensive surgery. Delirium occurred less frequently in patients with minor tranquilizer use for postoperative sleep disorder. Multivariative analyses showed an operative time of >10 h and no use of minor tranquilizer as significant factors for increasing the incidence of delirium, with odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of 11.4 (1.5-83.8) and 9.8 (1.5-66.0), respectively.  相似文献   

Treatment of head and neck cancer with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy can cause oral damage. Long-term treatment can damage the salivary glands, the oral mucosa, and the maxilla, leading to altered production of saliva and to multiple infections. These lesions can be prevented, limited or avoided by thorough evaluation prior to treatment and by therapeutic follow-up and preventive measures. The dentist must have strong medical knowledge of the possible short-, medium-, and long-term oral complications of the cancer treatment, and must have knowledge of the protocols for oral management of cancer patients. The availability of a multidisciplinary medical team together with a dentist to attend to the patient prior to the cancer treatment, as well as close communication between team members during and after treatment, is crucial. The aim of the present study was review the stomatological management of head and neck cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy and summarizing current treatments, therapeutic innovation and tissue regeneration perspectives.  相似文献   

The outcome of endodontic therapy in 16 patients irradiated for head and neck cancer was studied. Thirty-five postradiation endodontically treated teeth (54 roots) were included in the study. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 54 months. At the time of last follow-up, 46 of 54 roots were being maintained. No osteoradionecroses were seen in association with teeth that had been endodontically treated. From this review, it is clear that endodontic therapy is a viable method of treating diseased teeth in patients irradiated for oral neoplasms.  相似文献   

Our main aims were to assess haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations from preoperative assessment to discharge from hospital, and to review which patients had blood transfusions and compliance with national transfusion guidelines. We studied a consecutive series of 131 patients between October 2016 and September 2017 who had either neck dissection or resection and free microvascular tissue transfer. Half the patients had soft tissue free flaps (n = 65), 26% had composite free flaps (n = 34), and 24% neck dissection only (n = 32). Using the WHO definition of anaemia, 4% (1/28) of patients who had neck dissections and 19% (16/85) of those who had free flaps were anaemic preoperatively. The median (IQR) Hb at discharge was 131 (119–144) g/L for patients who had neck dissections, 103 (95–114) g/L for those who had soft free flaps, and 95 (90–104) g/L for those who had composite free flaps. No patients who had neck dissection were given a red blood cell (RBC) transfusion, whereas they were given to 26/99 (26%) of those who had free flaps. Hb concentrations were checked after each unit in 31/39 transfusions (79%). Concentrations for those who had free flaps fell by about 30 g/L from admission to operation, and only four patients were given tranexamic acid peroperatively. Postoperatively Hb remained at similar concentrations until discharge, with 23/98 (24%) given iron orally on discharge. In terms of compliance with blood transfusion guidelines there was a notable absence of the use of tranexamic acid and of iron intravenously. An increase in their use could potentially reduce the number of blood transfusions required and the postoperative incidence of anaemia, and have a favourable effect on outcomes such as complications, fatigue, and overall quality of life.  相似文献   

Patients who undergo treatment for head and neck cancers often suffer from acute or late reactions to therapy. Severity of these oral complications may be based on the location and extent of tumor, as well as the type and extent of treatment. Some complications are transient, whereas others require a lifetime of management secondary to damage that results in permanent dysfunction. Patients who have a history of head and neck cancers are also at an increased risk for recurrences or second malignancies, and therefore require close follow-up. Dental professionals should provide preventive and supportive care, including education and symptom management, for patients experiencing oral complications related to cancer therapy, and should closely monitor patients' level of distress, ability to cope, and treatment response.  相似文献   

Pain is commonly present at the time of diagnosis of head and neck cancer. Pain occurs in all patients treated for oropharyngeal cancer. This study examined the prevalence, severity and characteristics of pain in patients treated with radiation therapy for cancer involving the head and neck and oral cavity. Pain increases throughout the course of radiation and persists following treatment and in some patients continues for 6–12 months. Pain frequently requires systemic analgesics in addition to oral rinses.  相似文献   

Radiation mucositis is characterized by erythema, pseudomem-branes, and ulceration of mucosa in the irradiated field. We present two cases of oral mucosal changes in patients treated with radiotherapy in the head and neck region, which included mucosal erythema and ulceration outside of the radiated fields. One case was confirmed as herpes virus infection, and the other was diagnosed as Sweet's syndrome. When mucositis extends beyond the radiation fields, the clinician should consider other causes of mucosal inflammation and erythema in order to begin appropriate management.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮咽造瘘术在头颈部肿瘤切除和重建手术后提供肠内营养的临床效果。方法:2012年1月一2012年7月.20例行头颈部手术的患者存我科接受经皮咽造瘘术,由经皮咽造瘘胃管提供肠内营养支持。收集每例患者的相关资料.包括患者信息、诊断、治疗方法、安放胃管时间及出现的并发症,对治疗效果和并发症进行分析。结果:所有患者均能耐受经皮咽造瘘口留置的胃管,无营养不良表现。留置胃管时间最短6d,最长84d,平均43.8d。在随访期内.1例患者的胃管意外脱山,2例患者的造瘘口渗出物较多,1例患者诉说胃管异物感比较明显,1例患者因反流性食管炎于术后第6天拔除胃管,其余患者均未发现明显的并发症。拔管后造瘘口可白行愈合,瘢痕小,不影响美观,、结论:经皮咽造瘘术是安全可行的,具有美观、舒适的优点,简便、经济,容易推广,并发症少,是一项值得推荐的肠内营养方法。  相似文献   

Oral pseudomembranous candidiasis and mucositis were assessed in 39 patients receiving a total dose of 39-70 Gy radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Mucositis was scored using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group criteria, and oral candidiasis was diagnosed on the basis of clinical evaluation and quantitative laboratory findings. Radiation-induced mucositis was observed in 9/39 patients. Only 3/39 patients discontinued radiotherapy due to acute severe mucosal effects. Candidiasis (colony-forming units 35 to > or = 60/lesion) associated with mucositis was diagnosed in 30/39 patients: the most frequent aetiology of the infection was Candida albicans (n = 23), followed by Candida glabrata (n = 3), Candida krusei (n = 2), Candida tropicalis (n = 1) and Candida kefyr (n = 1). Patients with confirmed oral pseudomembranous candidiasis were treated with either fluconazole 200 mg/day or itraconazole 200 mg/day for 2 weeks. Clinical improvement and concomitant negative Candida cultures (mycologic cure) were the criteria determining a response to antifungal treatment. Etest revealed very low voriconazole MICs (0.004-0.125 microg/ml) for all isolates, and fluconazole resistance for eight C. albicans strains (MIC > 64 microg/ml) and for the C. krusei isolates (MIC > 32 microg/ml). The same strains showed itraconazole susceptibility dose dependence (MIC 0.5 microg/ml). Despite the itraconazole susceptible dose dependent MIC readings, all patients with oral pseudomembranous candidiasis caused by these strains responded to antifungal treatment with 200 mg/day itraconazole. Oral mycologic surveillance of patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck malignancies and susceptibility testing of isolates may be indicated in cases with mucositis-associated confirmed oral pseudomembranous candidiasis to ensure prompt administration of targeted antifungal treatment. On the basis of the low MIC values found, clinical evaluation of voriconazole is indicated for management of oral pseudomembranous candidiasis refractory to other azoles.  相似文献   

Dentists have a definite place on oncology teams and tumor planning boards, especially when a patient with head and neck cancer is to be treated with radiation therapy. In many instances, the dentist can support these patients more than any other health care professional. Besides fabricating appliances to support the radiotherapist, the dentist can make a wide variety of appliances to make the patient more comfortable. With a regular recall system he or she can intercept and treat the complications of head and neck radiation therapy as early as possible. The dentist can provide these patients with the information they need to understand and prevent the complications of radiation therapy. To accomplish this task, the dental oncologist requires good records from the oncologist including diagnosis, radiation dose and fields, prognosis, and other treatments planned. The dentist also needs the support of the medical and administrative staff members.  相似文献   

Patients with head and neck cancer are often malnourished and have a high incidence of postoperative complications. Studies of patients with head and neck cancer receiving immunonutrition in the perioperative period have suggested, but not conclusively demonstrated, benefit. This study reviews randomised trials comparing perioperative standard polymeric nutrition or no nutritional supplementation with immunonutrition in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Electronic databases were searched; reference lists checked and letters sent requesting details of further data. Data were combined to estimate the common relative risk of postoperative complications (wound infections, fistula formation, death and length of hospital stay), and associated 95% confidence intervals. Random effects models were used.10 trials of polymeric nutritional supplementation with immunonutrition were identified; one compared two types of immunonutrition. There was little evidence of heterogeneity. Pooled estimates showed a reduction in length of hospital stay by 3.5 days (95% CI 0.7 to 6.3 day, P < 0.01). No reductions in clinical complications were seen. Perioperative immunonutrition is associated with reduced length of hospital stay; the mechanism is unclear as other outcomes were not improved. Trials were small with incomplete reporting of outcomes. An adequately powered trial is required to substantiate benefit.  相似文献   

目的: 探讨拟接受放化疗头颈肿瘤患者胃造瘘的时机。 方法: 回顾分析2016年1月—12月间接受放化疗的头颈肿瘤患者,由放疗科医师根据营养风险评估,估计存在营养障碍问题,拟行经皮内镜胃造瘘术(PEG),分为放化疗前预防性胃造瘘组(预防性PEG组)和放化疗期间胃造瘘组(反应性PEG组),其中预防性PEG组234例,反应性PEG组93例。检测2组患者置管前、后的体重、白蛋白水平,计算并比较置管前、后BMI及白蛋白变化程度;观察2组患者耐管及创面感染情况,比较2组放疗结束后拔管率的变化。采用SPSS 11.5软件包对2组患者的数据进行团体t检验和χ2检验。 结果: 放化疗结束后,预防性PEG组BMI、白蛋白值及拔管率均显著高于反应性PEG组(P<0.01),而预防性PEG组的感染率显著低于被动性PEG组(P<0.05)。 结论: 预防性PEG术能改善头颈部肿瘤患者接受放化疗后的营养状况,减轻放化疗引起的并发症。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that patients treated for trauma or cancer of the head and neck may go on to experience psychological distress. We aimed to measure the impact of this on their quality of life (QoL) and to explore their willingness to be referred for psychological support. A total of 96 patients with facial injuries and 124 with cancer of the head and neck completed a self-reported questionnaire to identify psychological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) Scale), quality of life (WHOQoL-BREF), satisfaction with treatment, and willingness to accept psychological support. Thirty-nine percent of patients showed high levels of depressive symptoms and 43% reported high levels of anxiety; 43% in the trauma group and 12% in the cancer group had high ASD scores. Patients with high scores on the HADS reported poorer QoL, and 40% of those with high levels of psychological distress were willing to consider psychological support. Despite the fact that patients report high levels of satisfaction with their medical and surgical care, many have psychological problems and have needs that are not being met. A large proportion would use psychological support services.  相似文献   

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