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Summary Blood pressure and heart rate changes during sustained isometric exercise were studied in 11 healthy male volunteers. The responses were measured during voluntary and involuntary contractions of the biceps brachii at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the triceps surae at 30% and 50% MVC. Involuntary contractions were evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the muscle.Measurements of the time to peak tension of maximal twitch showed the biceps brachii (67.0±7.9 ms) muscle to be rapidly contracting, and the triceps surae (118.0±10.5 ms) to be slow contracting. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased linearly throughout the contractions, and systolic blood pressure increased more rapidly than diastolic. There was no significant difference in response to stimulated or voluntary contractions, nor was there any significant difference between the responses to contractions of the calf or arm muscles at the same relative tension.In contrast the heart rate rose to a higher level (P<0.01) in the biceps brachii than the triceps surae at given % MVC, and during voluntary compared with the electrically evoked contractions in the two muscle groups.It was concluded that the arterial blood pressure response to isometric contractions, unlike heart rate, is primarily due to a reflex arising within the active muscles (cf. Hultman and Sjöholm 1982) which is associated with relative tension but independent of contraction time and muscle mass.  相似文献   

At the onset of both electrically evoked (STIM) and voluntary (VOL) isometric calf exercise there is an increase in vascular conductance of the contralateral lower limb, suggesting withdrawal of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). Seven subjects performed STIM or VOL ischaemic calf exercise at 30% maximum voluntary contraction in a seated position. Blood pressure, heart rate and peroneal MSNA in the resting contralateral lower limb were recorded. During both STIM and VOL exercise blood pressure increased (P < 0.05). Blood flow increased by 40 +/- 3 and 35 +/- 3% and conductance increased by 37 +/- 3 and 31 +/- 4% (P < 0.05) after 10 s of STIM and VOL, respectively, and thereafter declined. The time course and direction of these changes persisted with subjects in a semisupine position, confirming that the transient conductance changes were not an artefact of the dependent leg position. Thigh cuff inflation for 1 min without exercise caused a 47 +/- 7.5% (P < 0.05) reduction in MSNA, which recovered when the circulation was restored. However, when cuff inflation was followed by STIM or VOL exercise, MSNA did not fall further. These data suggest that the transient increase in vascular conductance at the onset of contralateral electrically evoked or voluntary lower limb exercise is unrelated to MSNA.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) evoked by stimulation of the tibial nerve (TN) in the popliteal fossa, the sural nerve (Sur) at the lateral malleole, and an Achilles tendon (Achilles) tap were recorded before and during voluntary plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, and cocontraction of the ipsi- and contralateral foot in normal subjects. Suppression (gating) of the TN-SEP began around 60 ms before the onset of electromyographic activity (EMG), and became maximal 50–100 ms after the onset of EMG. Similar gating was observed for the SEP evoked by activation of muscle afferents (Achilles) and cutaneous afferents (Sur). The TN-SEP was similarly depressed at the onset of a plantarflexion as at the onset of dorsiflexion. A depression, although much smaller, was also observed at the onset of movement of the contralateral limb. The depression of the TN-SEP after the onset of EMG decreased when fast-conducting afferents were blocked by ischemia below the knee joint. The TN-SEP was equally depressed during tonic dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, and cocontraction of dorsi- and plantarflexors. The TN-SEP was depressed for up to 300 ms when preceded by stimulation of Sur or a biceps femoris tendon tap. Gating of lower limb SEPs thus appears to have both central and peripheral components of which neither seems to be specific for the muscle being contracted or the sensory afferents being stimulated. We encourage that caution is taken when drawing functional conclusions regarding movement-specific modulation of afferent inflow to the somatosensory cortex based on observations of gating of lower limb SEP. Received: 25 March 1997 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

This study compared between maximal voluntary (VOL) and electrically stimulated (ES) isometric contractions of the elbow flexors for changes in indirect markers of muscle damage to investigate whether ES would induce greater muscle damage than VOL. Twelve non-resistance-trained men (23–39 years) performed VOL with one arm and ES with the contralateral arm separated by 2 weeks in a randomised, counterbalanced order. Both VOL and ES (frequency 75 Hz, pulse duration 250 μs, maximally tolerated intensity) exercises consisted of 50 maximal isometric contractions (4-s on, 15-s off) of the elbow flexors at a long muscle length (160°). Changes in maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque (MVC), range of motion, muscle soreness, pressure pain threshold and serum creatine kinase (CK) activity were measured before, immediately after and 1, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h following exercise. The average peak torque over the 50 isometric contractions was greater (P < 0.05) for VOL (32.9 ± 9.8 N m) than ES (16.9 ± 6.3 N m). MVC decreased greater and recovered slower (P < 0.05) after ES (15% lower than baseline at 96 h) than VOL (full recovery). Serum CK activity increased (P < 0.05) only after ES, and the muscles became more sore and tender after ES than VOL (P < 0.05). These results showed that ES induced greater muscle damage than VOL despite the lower torque output during ES. It seems likely that higher mechanical stress imposed on the activated muscle fibres, due to the specificity of motor unit recruitment in ES, resulted in greater muscle damage.  相似文献   

To test whether changes in oxygenation of a resting skeletal muscle, evoked by a static contraction in a contralateral muscle, is uniform within a given skeletal muscle, we used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Seven subjects performed 2 min static knee extension exercise at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction. Changes in oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) were monitored using multiple-channel NIRS (40 channels, 13 sources and 12 detectors) attached on the contralateral nonexercising triceps surae muscle. Changes in HbO2 were expressed as a percentage of total labile signals. To characterize the distribution of changes in HbO2, channels were compared between their positions on the triceps surae muscle, and represented as ‘proximal versus distal’ and ‘lateral versus medial’ portions. During static muscle contraction, the averaged changes in HbO2 of all channels were correlated with those in calf blood flow (plethysmography; R 2=0.188, P<0.05) and with calf vascular conductance (R 2=0.146, P<0.05). HbO2 did not differ significantly between the lateral and medial portions of the triceps surae muscle. In contrast, the decrease of HbO2 in the proximal portion of the muscle was greater than that of the distal portion (P<0.05). These results indicate that the changes in oxygenation of a resting muscle, evoked by static contraction of the contralateral muscle, are heterogeneous.  相似文献   

This study compared voluntary (VOL) and electrically evoked isometric contractions by muscle stimulation (EMS) for changes in biceps brachii muscle oxygenation (tissue oxygenation index, ?TOI) and total haemoglobin concentration (?tHb = oxygenated haemoglobin + deoxygenated haemoglobin) determined by near-infrared spectroscopy. Twelve men performed EMS with one arm followed 24 h later by VOL with the contralateral arm, consisting of 30 repeated (1-s contraction, 1-s relaxation) isometric contractions at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for the first 60 s, and maximal intensity contractions thereafter (MVC for VOL and maximal tolerable current at 30 Hz for EMS) until MVC decreased ~30% of pre-exercise MVC. During the 30 contractions at 30% MVC, ?TOI decrease was significantly (P < 0.05) greater and ?tHb was significantly (P < 0.05) lower for EMS than VOL, suggesting that the metabolic demand for oxygen in EMS is greater than VOL at the same torque level. However, during maximal intensity contractions, although EMS torque (~40% of VOL) was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than VOL, ?TOI was similar and ?tHb was significantly (P < 0.05) lower for EMS than VOL towards the end, without significant differences between the two sessions in the recovery period. It is concluded that the oxygen demand of the activated biceps brachii muscle in EMS is comparable to VOL at maximal intensity.  相似文献   

Rat thyroidectomy resulted in changes in a number of parameters used to characterise the mechanical and histochemical status of skeletal muscle. Thus thyroidectomy resulted in a prolongation of soleus slow-twitch muscle isometric contraction time and half-relaxation time with a reduced maximum velocity of shortening and maximum rate of development of tetanic tension but no significant change in twitch: tetanus ratio i.e. the ratio of twitch force/unit area to tetanic force/unit area. In addition the percentage of IIA fibres was reduced and the percentage of type I fibres increased. Triiodothyronine, administered to hypothyroid rats, brought about a speeding of these parameters again with no change in twitch: tetanus ratio. There was an increase in the percentage of IIA fibres with a concomitant reduction in the percentage of type I fibres. These changes were induced over 18 days and resulted in isotonic and isometric properties almost identical to those of soleus muscles from chronically hyperthyroid rats; speeding could be detected as early as 2 days after triiodothyronine had been given. Consideration is given to the possibility that changes in myosin isoforms and/or the kinetics of changes in intracellular calcium concentration in activation and relaxation could account for the time course of the observed changes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that prolonged vibration of the rectus femoris decreases maximal voluntary knee extension performance in the ipsilateral leg. In the present study, measurements of maximal voluntary isometric knee extension contractions with the ipsilateral (right) leg and the contralateral (left) leg were made immediately before and after vibration treatment. Significant reductions in maximal force and maximum rate of force generation occurred in both the ipsilateral and contralateral legs following 30 minutes of continuous vibration at both 30 Hz and 120 Hz, with 30 Hz causing the greatest ipsilateral effects. However, although the level of neural activation (iEMG) of the vibrated muscle (right rectus femoris) was reduced following 30 Hz vibration (P=0.026), there were no significant changes occurring in a synergistic muscle (right vastus lateralis) or in either contralateral muscle. It was concluded that muscle vibration may act through spinal reflex pathways to influence the homonymous motoneuron pool. The effects on contralateral force but not specific muscle iEMG suggest an effect on heteronymous motoneuron pools or an effect acting on central descending drive to contralateral muscles. These findings may have implications for the rehabilitation of patients with an immobilised limb. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary The time course of phosphorylcreatine (PC) resynthesis in the human m. quadriceps femoris was studied during recovery from exhaustive dynamic exercise and from isometric contraction sustained to fatigue. The immediate postexercise muscle PC content after either form of exercise was 15–16% of the resting muscle content. The time course of PC resynthesis during recovery was biphasic exhibiting a fast and a slow recovery component. The half-time for the fast component was 21–22 s but this accounted for a smaller fraction of the total PC restored during recovery from the isometric contraction than after the dynamic exercise. The half-time for the slow component was in each case more than 170 s. After 2 and 4 min recovery the total amounts of PC resynthesized after the isometric exercise were significantly lower than from the dynamic exercise.Occlusion of the circulation to the quadriceps completely abolished the resynthesis of PC. Restoration of resynthesis occurred only after release of occlusion.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper was to propose triggered intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging sequences for the evaluation of perfusion changes in calf muscles before, during and after isometric intermittent exercise. Twelve healthy volunteers were involved in the study. The subjects were asked to perform intermittent isometric plantar flexions inside the MRI bore. MRI of the calf muscles was performed on a 3.0 T scanner and diffusion‐weighted (DW) images were obtained using eight different b values (0 to 500 s/mm2). Acquisitions were performed at rest, during exercise and in the subsequent recovery phase. A motion‐triggered echo‐planar imaging DW sequence was implemented to avoid movement artifacts. Image quality was evaluated using the average edge strength (AES) as a quantitative metric to assess the motion artifact effect. IVIM parameters (diffusion D, perfusion fraction f and pseudo‐diffusion D*) were estimated using a segmented fitting approach and evaluated in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. No differences were observed in quality of IVIM images between resting state and triggered exercise, whereas the non‐triggered images acquired during exercise had a significantly lower value of AES (reduction of more than 20%). The isometric intermittent plantar‐flexion exercise induced an increase of all IVIM parameters (D by 10%; f by 90%; D* by 124%; fD* by 260%), in agreement with the increased muscle perfusion occurring during exercise. Finally, IVIM parameters reverted to the resting values within 3 min during the recovery phase. In conclusion, the IVIM approach, if properly adapted using motion‐triggered sequences, seems to be a promising method to investigate muscle perfusion during isometric exercise.  相似文献   

Electromechanical delay (EMD) in isometric contractions of knee extensors evoked by voluntary, tendon reflex (TR) and electrical stimulation (ES) was investigated in 21 healthy young subjects. The subject performed voluntary knee extensions with maximum effort (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC), and at 30%, 60% and 80% MVC. Patellar tendon reflexes were evoked with the reflex hammer being dropped from 60°, 75° and 90° positions. In the percutaneous ES evoked contractions, single switches were triggered with pulses of duration 1.0 ms and of intensities 90, 120 and 150 V. Electromyograms of the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles were recorded using surface electrodes. The isometric knee extension force was recorded using a load cell force transducer connected to the subject's lower leg. The major finding of this study was that EMD of the involuntary contractions [e.g. mean 22.1 (SEM 1.32) ms in TR 90°; mean 17.2 (SEM 0.62) ms in ES 150 V] was significantly shorter than that of the voluntary contractions [e.g. mean 38.7 (SEM 1.18) ms in MVC,P < 0.05]. The relationships between EMD, muscle contractile properties and muscle fibre conduction velocity were also investigated. Further study is needed to explain fully the EMD differences found between the voluntary and involuntary contractions.  相似文献   

It is well known that monosynaptic spinal reflexes and motor evoked potentials following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are reinforced during phasic and intensive voluntary contraction in the remote segment (remote effect). However, the remote effect on the cortical silent period (CSP) is less known. The purpose of the present study is to determine to what extent the CSP in the intrinsic hand muscle following TMS is modified by voluntary ankle dorsiflexion and to elucidate the origin of the modulation of CSP by the remote effect. CSP was recorded in the right first dorsal interosseous while subjects performed phasic dorsiflexion in the ipsilateral side under self-paced and reaction-time conditions. Modulation of the peripherally-induced silent period (PSP) induced by electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve was also investigated under the same conditions. In addition, modulation of the CSP was investigated during ischemic nerve block of the lower limb and during application of vibration to the tibialis anterior tendon. The duration of CSP was significantly shortened by phasic dorsiflexion, and the extent of shortening was proportional to dorsiflexion force. Shortening of the CSP duration was also observed during tonic dorsiflexion. In contrast, the PSP duration following ulnar nerve stimulation was not altered during phasic dorsiflexion. Furthermore, the remote effect on the CSP duration was seen during ischemic nerve block of the lower limb and the pre-movement period in the reaction-time paradigm, but shortening of the CSP was not observed during tendon vibration. These findings suggest that phasic muscle contraction in the remote segment results in a decrease in intracortical inhibitory pathways to the corticospinal tract innervating the muscle involved in reflex testing and that the remote effect on the CSP is predominantly cortical in origin.  相似文献   

European Journal of Applied Physiology - This study examined the time course of contralateral adaptations in maximal isometric strength (MVC), rate of force development (RFD), and rate of...  相似文献   

The relationship between relative force, electromyogram (EMG) and time to fatigue was examined in seven male and seven female subjects [mean (SD) age, 21.7 (3.2) years] during isometric handgrip exercise. Subjects performed sustained submaximal contractions of the right handgrip at three different intensities: 30%, 50%, and 75% of the pretrial maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). EMG was sampled in 1-s epochs every 15 s during the contractions, and the integrated EMG (IEMG) values were then normalized to that of the pretrial MVC. As expected, time to fatigue was longest at 30% MVC and shortest at 75% MVC, but women performed consistently longer than men at each of the three intensities [woman vs men; 400.7 (35.8) vs 364.3 (34.4) s, 205.1 (15.6) vs 139.4 (13) s, and 89.9 (11.4) vs 66.4 (6.4) s, for 30%, 50%, and 75% MVC, respectively; P < 0.05)]. IEMG increased in a non-linear fashion over time during each trial, with the magnitude of IEMG being proportional to the intensity of the contraction. At the endurance limit, IEMG was greatest in the 75% MVC trial, however, no IEMG values reached those obtained in the related MVC [30%, 57.2 (6.9)%; 50%, 84.6 (5.7)%; 75%, 92.8 (7.4)%]. In conclusion, endurance time during sustained submaximal isometric handgrip exercise is dependent up on the intensity of the effort, with women having significantly larger endurance times than men. The related increase in IEMG is also proportional to the intensity of effort, however, the factors causing force to fail prior to the final IEMG reaching its predicted maximum remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Intracellular potassium ([K+]i), interstitial potassium ([K+]inter), intracellular sodium ([Na+]i), and resting membrane potential (RMP) were measured before and after repetitive stimulation of mouse soleus and EDL (extensor digitorum longus) muscles. At rest, RMP was –69.8 mV for soleus and –74.9 mV for EDL (37°C). [K+]i was 168 mM and 182 mM, respectively. In soleus, free [Na+]i was 12.7 mM. After repetitive stimulation (960 stimuli) RMP had decreased by 11.9 mV for soleus and by 18.2 mV for EDL. [K+]i was reduced by 32 mM and 48 mM, respectively, whereas [K+]inter was doubled. In soleus [Na+]i had increased by 10.6 mM, demonstrating that the [K+]i-decrease is three times higher than the [Na+]i-increase. It is concluded that this difference reflects different activity induced movements of Na and K, and that the difference is not due to the Na/K pumping ratio. The possible involvement of the potassium loss in muscle fatigue is discussed. After stimulation RMP recovered with a time constant of 0.9 min for soleus and 1.5 min for EDL. Within the first minutes after stimulation the intracellular potassium concentration increased by 20.4 mM/min for soleus and 21.7 mM/min for EDL. Free [Na+]i decreased with less than 10 mM/min. The mechanisms underlying the different rate of changes are discussed.Parts of this work have been published in preliminary form (Juel and Sjøgaard 1984)  相似文献   

1. Experiments were designed to show whether elements of the command descending from higher centres to exercising muscles provide an input for cardiovascular and respiratory control. Vibration, known to be a powerful stimulus to the primary afferents from muscle spindles, was applied to the biceps tendon of human subjects performing sustained isometric contractions with the biceps or the triceps muscle. When the biceps was contracting this activation of muscle spindle primary afferents in it provided an element of reflex excitation, so that less central command was required to achieve a given tension. When triceps was contracting, the activation of muscle spindle primary afferents in its antagonist, biceps, contributed an element of reflex inhibition, so that more central command than normally was required to achieve a given tension. The cardiovascular and respiratory responses to an isometric effort could thus be investigated at any tension when the central command was normal, decreased, or increased.2. Blood pressure, heart rate, and pulmonary ventilation all increase in an isometric effort. The increase in each is less when the central command is reduced. The increase in each is greater when the central command is increased.3. It is concluded that there is irradiation of cardiovascular and respiratory control centres by the descending central command during voluntary muscular contractions in man.  相似文献   

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