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A series of tables is presented as a diagnostic aid for the clinician when he confronts a patient who has a cleft lip and/or palate, together with associated anomalies. The tables provide a rapid way of sorting through the recognized syndromes with orofacial clefting in search of a possible overall diagnosis. Today, 154 such syndromes are recognized. This is more than twice as many as were known in 1971. Undoubtedly, many new syndromes with orofacial clefting will be delineated in the future.  相似文献   

In assessing 143 infants with cleft lip and palate, we found feeding problems to vary with the patients' anatomic lesion. Effective feeding techniques were identified by first assessing the infant's ability to generate negative intraoral pressure and to move the tongue against the nipple and then by matching these deficits to appropriate feeding devices.  相似文献   

外科诱导的唇腭裂动物模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外科诱导的动物模型作为唇腭裂研究常用的实验方法之一,常应用于对该疾病临床治疗方面的科研工作,选择合适的动物模型对于实验结果的可靠性和外推至人类的适用性十分重要。本文对已应用于动物实验的唇腭裂模型进行了分类和回顾,并根据标准缺损的定义列出常用外科诱导的唇腭裂动物模型,包括灵长类动物以及大鼠、猫、犬和兔等,介绍其具体的手术方法和特点。横向评价各种实验动物的优缺点,总结实验动物的选择原则,使科研工作者在今后实验动物的选择上更有针对性。  相似文献   

After cleft lip repair the upper lip is sometimes attached at the premaxilla. The scar bands and contractures may occur deleterious effects on: the growth, the facial expression, the speech, problems during orthodontic treatment and in prosthetic dental care, regression of the attached gingiva, resorption of the transplanted bone and the aspect of the upper lip. In nine edentulous patients with cleft lip palate, in six patients with cleft lip palate and with a mutilated dentition and in ten younger patients with cleft lip palate the buccal sulcus was successfully restored. The importance of a free upper lip and adequate sulcus has been under-emphasized in treatment of the patient with cleft lip palate.  相似文献   

目的:唇腭裂伴牙槽突裂的上颌骨牙列矫正,常存在牙槽突裂隙区牙槽骨塌陷、牙龈高位、植入骨吸收等不理想状态,本研究回顾性分析8例患者,探讨上颌骨牙列矫治的治疗程序.方法:8例单侧牙槽突裂患者,在牙槽突裂植骨术同期行尖牙骨皮质切开,术后以正畸方法快速将尖牙向颌方、唇向移动,牙根移入植骨区.术前、术后1周、尖牙正轴完成后拍摄曲面体层片、尖牙根尖片、上颌咬合片和尖牙区照片,比较治疗前后尖牙区植骨量、尖牙牙根吸收程度和松动度变化;测量裂隙侧尖牙和邻牙之间的龈缘高度差和牙根之间的夹角,采用SPSS 17.0软件包对治疗前后各测量项目进行配对t检验,比较治疗前后结果有无统计学差异,评价植骨效果以及尖牙移动的有效性和安全性.结果:治疗后牙槽突裂植入骨高度均位于相邻牙牙根长度的1/2以上;裂隙侧尖牙牙根与邻牙牙根基本平行,牙根吸收均<2mm,龈缘高度较治疗前改建良好.结论:该治疗程序具有较强优势,在一次手术的基础上,使尖牙安全、有效进入裂隙区,保证了植入骨的丰满度和高度,重建了正常龈缘.  相似文献   

Alongside orthodontic treatment, tooth shape modification may be indicated for teeth associated with clefts of the lip and alveolus, and in non-carious teeth, minimal tooth preparation techniques appear to be most appropriate. Two methods of tooth shape modification are described. In one, hybrid composite materials, bonded to tooth enamel using the acid-etch technique, may be considered to provide a permanent, low cost, aesthetically satisfactory result, often without tooth preparation and with minimal operating time. Alternatively, indirect veneers may be appropriate for treatment of more severely malformed teeth.  相似文献   

The prosthodontist provides the final active treatment for the patient with a cleft. He must anticipate and decide upon the prosthodontic procedures in collaboration with the plastic surgeon and/or the orthodontist during the period of their interventions. The purpose of prosthodontic treatment is to prevent the relapse of the maxillary segments and the teeth after surgical and/or orthodontic correction, as well as the rehabilitation of mastication, speech and aesthetics. The individual peculiarities of the cleft patient should be taken into consideration from the beginning. They are: discrepancy in the maxillo-mandibular relationship, malposition, malformation and tipping of teeth, caries, flat palate resulting from severe scarring, perforations. It is imperative to preserve the teeth in any condition with the exception of occlusal interference. Extraction of teeth adjacent to the cleft or in scar tissue leads to extensive bone resorption, enlargement of the cleft and gingival recession. Generally speaking, two teeth in each alveolar segment should be used as abutment teeth in bridge work. The teeth likely to relapse should be reconstructed in good intercuspal digitation and splinted primarily or secondarily. Bridge work is the first choice among the various prosthodontic procedures. If, however, a removable prosthesis is inevitable, rigid support should be obtained.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate cephalometrically the lower lip position and area of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) comparatively with Class I skeletodental normal subjects. PATIENTS: Lateral cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs obtained from 24 patients with UCLP (mean age 12.86 years), along with 20 normal individuals (mean age 12.33 years) used as a control group, were examined. DESIGN: In addition to standard cephalometric dentofacial variables, lower lip area (superior, middle, inferior) was also measured using a digital planimeter on the lateral cephalograms. RESULTS: The superior and middle part of the lower lip areas were significantly smaller (p < .05) in the UCLP group, compared to the control group. The inferior and total lower lip areas of patients with UCLP were found to be significantly smaller than controls. The labiomental angle was also smaller (38.79 degrees). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the lower lip of patients with UCLP is smaller, retruded, and curved, with a deep labiomental sulcus, compared with normal individuals during puberty. Therefore, practitioners should focus not only on the upper lip of patients with UCLP but also should consider the lower lip as it was found distinct from normal individuals during puberty.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare two groups of adult male patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) on the basis of lateral cephalometric radiographs. PATIENTS: The first group of adult male patients with complete BCLP was comprised of 13 unoperated patients with an average age of 21 years. The second group was comprised of 14 patients with an average age of 21 years 7 months, who had been operated only on the lip prior to 2 years of age. DESIGN: The following measurements were evaluated: angle and length of cranial base; maxillary spatial positioning and length; mandibular spatial positioning; morphology and length; maxillomandibular relationship; vertical facial length; dental positioning; interdental arch relationship; and soft profile. RESULTS: The results suggest that lip repair has a significant influence on certain areas of the craniofacial complex, mainly the premaxilla and the upper incisors. CONCLUSIONS: The most significant findings consequent to lip repair consisted of reduction of the premaxillary anterior projection and lingual tipping of the upper incisors. Retropositioning of the premaxilla, especially in the alveolar part, is a desired effect of lip repair in complete BCLP. Such effect on the projected premaxilla is usually beneficial, except when the exceedingly severe lip pressure, unfavorable growth pattern, or both retropositions the midface profile beyond acceptable sagittal limits.  相似文献   

目的:观察婴儿早期行唇腭裂手术对完全性唇腭裂患儿上颌骨发育的近期影响.方法: 35 例完全性唇腭裂患儿分为2 组,婴儿期接受唇腭裂手术的20 例为唇腭裂一期修复组,随访时平均年龄(9.99± 0.84) 岁;15 例于婴儿期行唇裂手术未接受腭裂修复的为单纯唇裂修复组,随访时平均年龄(10.24± 1.14) 岁;另20 名无先天性唇腭裂的10 岁龄学童作为正常对照组;3 组分别取头颅侧位片与上牙颌模型,进行测量分析.结果: 2 组唇腭裂患儿之间的上颌骨发育无明显差异,与正常对照组相比较,均有生长抑制.结论:婴儿期行唇腭裂手术的完全性唇腭裂患儿在10 岁左右上颌骨发育与正常儿童存在明显差异,腭裂手术不是引起差异的主要原因,可早期完成该手术.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Lateral cephalograms from the growth archive of the Sri Lankan Cleft Lip and Palate Project were analyzed in a cohort design to study the long-term effects of lip repair on dentofacial morphology in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. METHODS: A total of 71 patients were recruited, including 23 adult patients with nonsyndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate without surgical repair and 48 adult patients with nonsyndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate who had lip repair, but without management of alveolus or anterior vomer. The design utilized exact matching on ethnicity and statistical control for gender and age. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The data support the hypothesis that lip repair primarily produces a bone-bending effect on the anterior maxillary alveolus (alveolar molding), accompanied by controlled uprighting of maxillary incisors, and secondarily produces a bone-remodeling effect (bone resorption) in the base of the anterior maxillary alveolus. When analyzed by the age at lip repair and the surgeon who performed lip repair, early lip repair produced a greater bone-remodeling effect than did late lip repair, and variation in the surgeon who performed lip repair had an insignificant impact on dentofacial morphology after adjusting for covariates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the long-term effects of palate repair on craniofacial growth in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional study. SETTING: Sri Lankan Cleft Lip and Palate Project. SUBJECTS: Forty-eight adults with nonsyndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate, 29 men and 19 women, had lip repair only (LRO group). Fifty-eight adults with nonsyndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate, 35 men and 23 women, had lip and palate repairs by the age of 9 (LPR group). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical notes were used to record surgical treatment histories. Cephalometry was used to determine craniofacial morphology. RESULTS: In the lip and palate repair group, the depth of the bony pharynx (Ba-PMP), the maxillary length at the alveolar level (PMP-A), the effective length of the maxilla (Ar-IZ, Ar-ANS, Ar-A), the maxillary protrusion (S-N-ANS, SNA), the anteroposterior jaw relation (ANS-N-Pog, ANB), and the overjet were smaller than in the lip repair only group. There were no significant differences in the maxillary length at the basal level (PMP-IZ, PMP-ANS) and the anterior and posterior maxillary heights (N-ANS and R-PMP, respectively) in the two groups. CONCLUSION: Palate repair inhibits the forward displacement of the basal maxilla and anteroposterior development of the maxillary dentoalveolus in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Palate repair has no detrimental effects on the downward displacement of the basal maxilla or on palatal remodeling in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

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