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李梢,1973年10月生,北京中医药大学医学学士(1995),皖南医学院医学硕士(1998),北京中医药大学医学博士(2001)。现为清华大学信息学院教授(2009至今)、博士生导师(2008至今),清华信息国家实验室生物信息学研究部副主任(2006至今),兼任生命科学院兼职教授、医学院药学系兼职教授。《中国药学》(英文版)编委。  相似文献   

Dr. Hubiao Chen, the member of Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, graduated from Hunan Normal University in 1983. He obtained his PhD degree at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Beijing Medical University in 1988.From 1989–2006, he served at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking UniversityHealth Science Center as a lecturer (1989), associate professor (1990) and professor (1997). During that period, he also went to Tokyo Metropolitan University as a visiting scholar in 1995 and worked as an assistant professor at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University from 2000–2002 in Japan. Dr. Chen is currently an associate professor and programmedirector of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine programmeat the School of Chinese Medicine at Hong Kong Baptist University. Over the years, he has specialized in research in plant taxonomy, chemistry of natural products and scientific research into the resource and quality assessment of Chinese medicinal materials. He has published over 160 associated papers in domestic and international journals. Dr. Chen also serves as member of the editorialboard for several professional publications, and has written more than 40 books that are related with plant taxonomy, medicinal botany and Chinese herbal medicines. In addition, he also actively promotes the Chinese medicine digitalization and has launched two online databases of medicinal plants and Chinese medicinal materials. This Project received 2012 American Library Association (ALA) Presidential Citation for Innovative International Library award.  相似文献   

Rowland M 《Bioanalysis》2010,2(3):385-391
Malcolm Rowland is Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and a member and former director (1996-2000), of the Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research, University of Manchester. He holds the positions of Adjunct Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco; Member, Governing Board, EU Network of Excellence in Biosimulation; Founder member of NDA Partners; academic advisor to a Pharmaceutical initiative in prediction of human pharmacokinetics and Scientific Advisor to the EU Microdose AMS Partnership Program. He was President of the EU Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (1996-2000); Vice-President of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (2001-2009) and a Board Member of the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs, 2004-2008). He received his degree in Pharmacy and PhD at the University of London and was on faculty (School of Pharmacy, University of California San Francisco [1967-1975]) before taking up a professorship at Manchester. His main research interest is physiologically based pharmacokinetics and its application to drug discovery, development and use. He is author of over 300 scientific articles and co-author, with TN Tozer, of the textbooks Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications and Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. He was editor of the Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (formerly Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, 1973-2007) and, since 1977, has organized regular residential workshops in pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

1.范围《中国药学》(英文版)为中国科协主管,中国药学会主办,北京大学药学院承办的英文药学综合性期刊,现为单月刊。本刊主要报道药学领域各学科进展及科研成果,旨在促进学术交流。本刊登载药学研究各学科,包括药物化学、生药学、天然产物、药物分析、药剂学、生物制剂学、药理学、药物代谢与处置、药物基因组学以及临床药学等方面,同时报道  相似文献   

“老师不仅要传授知识而且也要在自己工作的领域中进行创新性的研究,追踪学科发展的前沿,这样才能在给学生传授知识的同时,告诉学生如何去掌握开启知识宝库大门的钥匙。当今的世界知识创新成为国家竞争力的核心要素,高校的责任就是要为国家培养高质量的创新型人才,同时也要做出创新性的研究成果,为国民经济的发展做出贡献。”  相似文献   

Otto Johan Sinius Boberg (1860-1825) exemplifies the immigrant pharmacists who helped convert the undisciplined drug trade of early America into a would-be profession. The education and inspiration of West European pharmacy that he brought with him did not square well with conditions in what had been the Old Northwest Territory. But the role of radical reformer or charismatic leader was foreign to his nature. He preferred a quiet determination and gradualism, focused at first on becoming an exceptional pharmacist among the roistering lumberjacks and dueling lumber barons of his hometown. Then, from about the turn of the century on, Otto came out from behind his counter to devote more time to his writings and to organizational efforts--working for the betterment of his calling. He and others like him, made an important difference during the period of transition in American pharmacy during the late nineteenth century. At age 65 Otto was continuing as a member of the State Board of Pharmacy, as Secretary of the Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Association, and as an analyst--although the drugstore and its management had been turned over to his pharmacist-son, Edwin. Then, on 23 October 1925, he died. Earlier that year the University of Wisconsin had recognized Boberg's exceptional service, as a pharmacist and analyst, to the people of his adopted state by conferring the honorary degree of "Master of Pharmacy." It was a title that Otto probably considered the highest possible compliment.  相似文献   

刘刚 《中国药学》2014,23(11):806-806
刘刚清华大学医学院药学系教授,系主任。教育部2004年度"长江学者"奖励计划特聘教授。研究方向:药物化学、化学生物学。1994年博士毕业于北京医科大学药学院,后在1994-1997期间分别于北京毒物药物研究所及The Scripps Research Institute从事博士后研究。作为高级研究助理于加州大学戴维斯分校工作三年后,2000年回到中国医学科学院药物研究所建立了自己的实验室。于2000年及2005年被分别授予"协和学者"特聘教授及教育部"长江学者"特聘教授。2011年,在清华大学医学院负责筹建药学系,并担任首任药学系主任。  相似文献   

《中国药学》(英文版)(Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences)是由中国药学会主办、北京大学药学院承办的药学综合性学术期刊。为了满足广大科研工作者的需求,  相似文献   

This year marks the 100th Birthday of Academician Zhicen Lou, a recognized professor of pharmacognosy and outstanding educator of pharmaceutical sciences. Prof. Zhicen Lou obtained his PhD from the College of Pharmacy, University of London in 1950. He returned China in 1951 and served successively as the director, professor and deputy director of the Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Beijing Medical University (Peking University Health Science Center). Prof. Zhicen Lou was devoted to the teaching and research of pharmacognosy in China. He pioneered the application of various modern scientific methods to study Traditional Chinese medicine, and had made major contributions to the development of pharmacognosy in China. He was one of the pioneers of modern pharmacognosy in China. He had won numerous prizes, including the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of National Medical Administration and the first prize of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  相似文献   

余四旺 《中国药学》2015,24(4):271-272
2015年3月24日下午,应我院王夔院士和余四旺副教授邀请,美国Rutgers新泽西州立大学药学院江亚伍(Tony Ah-Ng Kong)教授访问我院并进行了一系列学术交流活动。江亚伍教授现任美国Rutgers新泽西州立大学药学院杰出教授和Glaxo药学讲席教授,2011年被聘为北京大学医学部客座教授。江教授担任了Rutgers新泽西州立大学学术计划与评审委员会委员、药学研究生项目主任、Pharma D-Ph D委  相似文献   

Dean Guo, principal investigator/leading scientist of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of National Engineering Laboratory for TCM Standardization Technology, director of Research Center for Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Obtained his Ph. D of Pharmacognosy in Beijing Medical University in 1990. Worked as a postdoctor in Department of Chemistry and Biochemisty,Texas Tech University, USA from 1993 to 1996. Principal social concurrent posts include Member of Drug Evaluation Committee of SFDA, Member of the Executive Committee of the National Pharmacopoeia Committee, Expert Committee member of United States Pharmacopoeia, Board Memberand Advisor of Society for Medicinal Plant Research (GA), Advisor and Expert of Panel of the American Botanical Council (ABC). He also serves as Associate editor or Editorial Board member of 16 international journals such as Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Planta Medica, and etc.  相似文献   

Scott Waldman is currently the Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and the Director of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology. He is the Samuel MV Professor, Department of Medicine and Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. Waldman’s research interests focus on molecular pathways underlying early intestinal tumorigenesis and their utility as novel targeted agents for managing patients with colorectal cancer. Waldman obtained his BSc degree in Biology from the University at Albany, his PhD degree in Anatomy from Thomas Jefferson University and his MD degree from Stanford University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia and Stanford University in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology. He has received numerous honors and awards. He currently has 20 awarded patents and 30 patents pending related to novel diagnostic, therapeutic and immunological targets for gastrointestinal malignancies. He is a member of several editorial boards and scientific peer-review committees. Waldman has over 200 publications in various journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Gastroenterology, Journal of Biological Chemistry and Journal of Clinical Investigation. Waldman has served on many councils and chaired NIH study sections. He is currently a member of the Osler Society and the College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs Program. He is a past member of the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, a past Regent of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology and a past President of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.  相似文献   

“卓越工程师教育培养计划”是我国高等工程教育的一次重要改革,中国药科大学作为教育部首批“卓越工程师计划”实施单位之一,有必要对药学类专业的分析化学课程进行有效的改革,使其能够很好地适应我校药学类“卓越工程师培养”的要求。  相似文献   

Prasad B  Singh S 《Bioanalysis》2011,3(12):1319-1321
It gives me immense pleasure to nominate Bhagwat Prasad for the Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award 2011. He was my direct student since he joined the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in July 2004 until February 2011. I had been his teacher and later his guide during his Masters and PhD programs. Since March 2011 Bhagwat has been affiliated with the Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Washington, Seattle (WA, USA) as a post-doctoral fellow. His research projects include bioanalysis of transporter proteins in human tissues using modern LC-MS platforms and clinical studies for understanding drug-drug interactions. Under my direct supervision Bhagwat completed his MS (Pharm) and PhD. Bhagwat has used modern qualitative and quantitative LC-MS approaches during his research. He has first-hand experience of using multiple mass spectrometers. He has published several excellent research and review papers in journals such as, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis and Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. In a nutshell, Bhagwat Prasad is an outstanding bioanalytical researcher. I am deeply impressed by his drive and determination and, therefore, strongly nominate him for the Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award 2011.  相似文献   

Uday Saxena was appointed Chief Scientific Officer at Dr Reddy's Laboratories in 2000. In this role he provides the leadership and general strategy for the company's drug discovery research into metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disorders, inflammation, cancer and anti-infectives. He is also a member of the company's Senior Management Council. He gained his PhD at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, his thesis covering biochemical and functional characterisation of rat C-reactive protein with respect to lipid, lipoprotein metabolism, atherosclerosis and inflammation. On completing his postdoctoral fellowship at Colombia University, he went onto work on various drug discovery projects as Senior Scientist and Principal Research Scientist at Parke-Davis Warner-Lambert and as Director and Vice-President for preclinical research at AtheroGenics, Inc., before undertaking his current position. Uday Saxena has written over 50 peer-reviewed articles and invited reviews. He is currently on the Editorial Board of two international drug discovery-related journals including Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets.  相似文献   

This commentary presents contributions and accomplishments of Professor Saranjit Singh, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), SAS Nagar, India, to pharmaceutical research and education. Prof. Singh completed his successful tenure in October 2021. Over his 40+ years of illustrious academic career, he trained 147 Masters and 15 PhD students in the fields of drug stability testing, degradation chemistry, impurity and metabolite characterization, and advanced analytical technologies. He has published ~250 research articles, reviews, editorials, patent, book, and book chapters, and received numerous awards, including the Professor M.L. Khorana Memorial Lecture Award from the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and the Outstanding Analyst and Eminent Analyst awards from the Indian Drug Manufacturers' Association (IDMA). This commentary highlights Prof. Singh's inspiring personal and renowned professional journey, including early life, education, career, accomplishments, as well as his services to academia, industry, and regulatory. By sharing the contributions and accomplishments of Prof. Singh, we strongly believe that his story will inspire the next generation of scientists to continue his legacy to advance the field.  相似文献   

江亚伍教授(Prof.Ah-Ng TonyKong)现任美国Rutgers新泽西州立大学ErnestMario药学院Ⅱ级杰出教授(Distinguished)和Glaxo药学讲席教授(GalxoEndowed Chairin Pharmaceutics),并担任药学研究生项目主任、Rutgers新泽西州立大学癌症预防研究中心副主任、新泽西癌症研究所学术委员会委员及癌症发生与化学预防项目共同负责人、Rutgers新泽西州立大学学术计划与评审委员会委员、新泽西州立大学药学院预算与政策执行委员会委员等职务。  相似文献   

The effects of methylphenidate on the performance of 22 hyperactive children on a delayed reaction time (RT) task were investigated using a double blind cross over design. In addition, the influence of the drug on resting basal skin conductance and heart rate, and on the skin conductance component of the orienting response (OR) to nonsignal and signal stimuli were considered. RTs were faster and less variable and task-irrelevant motor responses less frequent when hyperactives were receiving methylphenidate than when they were receiving placebo. These results were taken as evidence that the drug improved attention. Methylphenidate increased basal skin conductance and heart rate levels during relaxation and also increased basal conductance during periods of stimulation. Although methylphenidate appeared to produce smaller phasic and tonic ORs, this finding may have resulted from the effect of the drug on basal conductance level rather than on the OR measures per se.This study was part of a dissertation submitted by the first author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at McGill University. The investigation was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada (Grant No. MA-1577) to Dr. Virginia I. Douglas and by a grant from the Ciba Pharmaceutical Company of Dorval, Quebec. The authors are indebted to Mr. Bertel Montine of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal for his help in obtaining hyperactive subjects. The authors are also grateful to Ciba Pharmaceutical Company of Dorval, Quebec for supplying and coding the drugs.  相似文献   

王炳和博士,《中国药学》(英文版)编委,佐治亚州也大学化学系杰出终身校董事教授(Regents Professor),文理学院副院长,以及医药及诊断试制研究中心主任。在药物研发上,他被授予并持有优治亚科研联盟杰出学者的席位。他也享有佐治亚癌症联盟的卓越学者的称号。  相似文献   

Robert J. Lefkowitz, M.D., is James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biochemistry at the Duke University Medical Center. He has been an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute since 1976. Dr. Lefkowitz received a Bachelor's degree from Columbia College and an M.D. degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. After serving an internship and one year of general medical residency at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, he served as a Clinical and Research Associate with Drs. Jesse Roth and Ira Pastan at the National Institutes of Health. He then completed his medical residency and research and clinical training in cardiovascular disease at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. During this time, he continued his research in the laboratories of Dr. Edgar Haber and was a teaching fellow at Harvard Medical School. On completing his training, he was appointed Associate Professor of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Duke University Medical Center.  相似文献   

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