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The adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐sensitive potassium (KATP) channel is a key component of insulin secretion in pancreatic β‐cells. Activating mutations in ABCC8 encoding for the sulfonylurea receptor subunit of the KATP channel have been associated with the development of neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM). The aim was to investigate clinical and functional characterization of the Pro1198Leu ABCC8 gene mutation associated with permanent NDM (PNDM).

Materials and Methods

The coding regions and conserved splice sites of KCNJ11,ABCC8 and INS were screened for mutations in a 12‐year‐old girl diagnosed with PNDM. The functional property of the mutant channel identified was examined with patch‐clamp experiments in COS‐1 cells. We also investigated the difference of effectiveness between two groups of oral sulfonylureas in vitro and in the patient.


We identified a heterozygous missense mutation (c.3593 C>T, Pro1198Leu) in ABCC8. The mutated residue (P1198) is located within a putative binding site of sulfonylureas, such as tolbutamide or gliclazide. In patch‐clamp experiments, the mutant channel was less ATP sensitive than the wild type. Furthermore, the sensitivity to tolbutamide was also reduced in the mutant channel. In addition to the tolbutamide/gliclazide binding site, glibenclamide is thought to also bind to another site. Glibenclamide was more effective than other sulfonylureas in vitro and in the patient. The treatment of the patient was finally able to be switched from insulin injection to oral glibenclamide.


We identified the Pro1198Leu ABCC8 mutation in a PNDM patient, and clarified the functional and clinical characterization. The present findings provide new information for understanding PNDM.  相似文献   

Wolf  M; Boyer  C; Tripodi  A; Meyer  D; Larrieu  MJ; Mannucci  PM 《Blood》1985,65(2):496-500
A qualitative defect of antithrombin III (AT III) has been demonstrated over three generations in eight members of an Italian family by the discrepancy between a normal amount of antigen and decreased antithrombin and anti-Xa activity in the presence or in the absence of heparin. By two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis in the absence of heparin, two peaks of AT III were present in all patients' plasma. AT III was purified from normal and propositus plasma by sulfate dextran precipitation followed by heparin affinity chromatography. The elution profile of the patient's AT III was abnormal and allowed the separation of two populations of AT III, normal and abnormal. The first fraction (normal AT III) contained AT III activity, migrated as a single peak by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis and by sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), demonstrated a single band with a molecular weight (mol wt) identical to that of normal AT III (60,000). Conversely, the last fraction, devoid of AT III activity, migrated as a single abnormal peak by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis in the absence of heparin. By SDS-PAGE, two bands were observed: one with a mol wt of 60,000 and a second one with a mol wt of 120,000. Western blots clearly demonstrated cross-reactivity of the 120,000 and 60,000 mol wt bands with monospecific antisera to human AT III. Reduction of the 120,000 mol wt band converted it to a single 60,000 mol wt band, suggesting the presence of an abnormal dimeric form of AT III. The name AT III Milano is proposed for this new variant.  相似文献   

Antithrombin III (AT III) has been confirmed to play an important role as a serine protease inhibitor in the mechanism of blood coagulation, and its deficiency or abnormality is found to cause thromboembolic disorders by reducing the anticoagulant activity. In this paper AT III gene of patient with congenital AT III deficiency, which was suggested to have qualitative abnormality by isoelectric focusing, was investigated. Analysis of the genomic structure by Southern blot hybridization with a cDNA probe (pAT6) revealed no detectable changes indicating any deletions, rearrangements and translocations. Therefore, we focused to analyze the sequence of exon 6 of AT III gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods followed by direct sequencing analysis. Nucleotide sequencing of exon 6 of AT III gene showed a G to T transitional mutation resulting in the conversion of arginine-406 to methionine coexisted with normal allele which encodes arginine. The mutation is located near the reactive center of AT III molecule, which region has been proved to be highly conserved during the evolution of serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family. From these results, it is concluded that the new type of mutation at amino acid site 407, which is similar to AT III Utah, is important for maintaining the structural and biological function of this inhibitor.  相似文献   

We report a new homozygous CTG-->CCG (Leu-->Pro) mutation at codon 354 in the factor XIIIA gene of a patient suffering from FXIII deficiency. Leu354 lies in a pocket within the core domain of the FXIIIA molecule, with its side chain pointing into the structure of the barrel 1 domain. Replacement of leucine with a proline residue gives rise to steric hindrance between the proline ring and the surrounding residues, and rearrangement of these residues would be necessary for proline to be accommodated at this position. Using PCR-RFLP, we have demonstrated the absence of this mutation from 220 normal alleles. Together, these data suggest that Leu354Pro is likely to be the disease-causing mutation in this factor XIII deficient family.  相似文献   

A new familial variant of antithrombin III: 'Antithrombin III Paris'   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S ummary . A 59-year-old woman presented a recurrent history of thromboembolism. A qualitative defect of antithrombin III (AT III) was suggested by the discrepancy between a normal amount of AT III antigen and a decreased heparin cofactor activity. Six members of the same family showed a similar defect although clinically asymptomatic. The qualitative abnormality of AT III was confirmed by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis. In the absence of heparin, a single peak was obtained with both control and patients' plasmas. In the presence of heparin, two peaks of AT III were observed in the patients' plasmas: the mobility of one peak was similar to that of the control, whereas the other showed a decreased mobility, suggesting a lack of binding to heparin. The two populations of AT III were separated by affinity chromatography on heparin-agarose. 50% of the patients' AT III bound to the agarose beads. The remainder, recovered in the supernatant, migrated in two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis as a single peak with the same mobility in the presence or absence of heparin, and was devoid of heparin cofactor activity. This familial AT III variant characterized by a reduced affinity for heparin is tentatively named 'Antithrombin III Paris'.  相似文献   

Summary . The antithrombin III (ATIII) isoform pattern of a number of serum and plasma samples was analysed by isoelectric focusing and immuno-blotting. A novel ATIII isoform pattern which was observed in 4/80 children with acute lymphatic leukaemia (ALL) and in 1/4 children with Ewing's sarcoma, has been shown by family studies to be due to a mutant form of ATIII (AT Dublin) in the heterozygous state. The coagulation properties of AT Dublin heterozygotes were normal. In addition the immunological and activity levels of their ATIII were normal. The effects of thrombin and heparin on the mutant ATIII were similar to controls. Neuraminidase treatment reduced the ATIII isoforms to one in controls and two in the mutant. Two-dimensional gel analysis showed the mutant ATIII to have an identical molecular size distribution to the normal form. This mutant is, thus, most likely due to an amino acid substitution giving a more basic molecule that is clinically silent (at the coagulation level). It may be of interest that the frequency of AT Dublin in the ALL group is significantly higher than in the control group (3/430) studied ( P < 0·001).  相似文献   

We report a 45-year-old woman with a new transthyretin (TTR) variant, substitution of leucine for tryptophan at residue 41, who has showed vitreous opacities without any other visceral organ involvement since age of 42. Congo red staining of vitrectomy specimens revealed that the vitreous fluid contained amyloid fibrils, which were strongly positive for immunohistochemical staining using anti-human TTR antiserum. DNA analysis of the TTR gene showed a G to T transversion at the second nucleotide of codon 41, indicating a replacement of tryptophan (TGG) by leucine (TTG). These results indicate that the patient's vitreous amyloid is associated with this novel TTR mutation.  相似文献   

Pregnant women with hereditary antithrombin III (AT-III) deficiency are frequently associated with thromboembolic disorders. We have treated a pregnant woman with hereditary AT-III deficiency, who had suffered from thromboembolic disorders at her past three gestations, with AT-III concentrate. Dosage of AT-III concentrate to maintain plasma AT-III activity over 80% was 3,500 units per week during second and third trimesters, but more frequent administration was necessary around delivery. In recent reports, pregnant women with hereditary AT-III deficiency had been treated with heparin or warfarin except for during abortion and delivery, in which time AT-III concentrate was widely utilized. But the use of heparin or warfarin during gestation is occasionally harmful, AT-III concentrate should be chosen for management in pregnancy in women with hereditary AT-III deficiency.  相似文献   

Clinical aspects of antithrombin III deficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Owen  MC; Borg  JY; Soria  C; Soria  J; Caen  J; Carrell  RW 《Blood》1987,69(5):1275-1279
Antithrombin III (AT-III) Rouen is a hereditary abnormal antithrombin with normal progressive inhibitory activity and reduced heparin cofactor activity. It was isolated from the plasma of a woman who suffered a sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss and balance impairment. There was no familial history of thrombosis. By heparin- Sepharose chromatography, AT-III Rouen was separated from the normal antithrombin on elution with increasing concentrations of NaCl. AT-III Rouen eluted earlier than is normal at both pH 7.4 and pH 6.0. At the lower pH, the antithrombins bound more avidly to the column, with the abnormal AT-III eluting closer to the normal than at the higher pH. Two- dimensional peptide mapping of tryptic and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digests of carboxymethylated antithrombins was performed on thin-layer silica plates. The abnormal peptide was located by tryptophan staining, and amino acid analysis and sequence studies demonstrated a substitution of an arginine at residue 47 for a histidine. Results from this study suggest that replacement of arginine 47 by a partially positively charged histidine has less effect on the heparin binding affinity than dose replacing it with a neutral cysteine side chain as in AT-III Toyama, in which no heparin binding was observed. In addition, heparin binding per se is not a sufficient condition to activate AT-III.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I amyloidosis (AApo A-I) is an inherited systemic disease that results from pathologic deposition in tissues of fibrils composed of Apo A-I-related molecules. This disorder has been linked to mutations occurring within the coding region of the Apo A-I gene and heretofore, nine such variants had been described. Recently, a tenth alteration was found in an Italian population where the substitution of proline for leucine at position 75 (Leu75Pro) was associated with amyloid deposits in the liver. We now report our studies on a patient of different ethnicity who has hepatic amyloidosis and a similar mutation in the amyloidogenic precursor protein, as evidenced from analyses of genomic Apo A-I-encoding DNA. Additionally, fibrils extracted from the liver and characterized chemically were found to be composed almost exclusively of a approximately 96 residue N-terminal Apo A-I fragment that contained the Leu75Pro substitution. RFLP analyses revealed that the patient was heterozygous for this mutation; however, < 10% of the plasma Apo A-I consisted of the aberrant protein while the remainder had the normal (wild-type) sequence. Our findings provide further evidence that the Leu75Pro variant is associated with a predominant hepatic phenotype and can occur in individuals of diverse ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

A human liver cDNA library was constructed by using poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from a human liver biopsy specimen. This library is comprised of 40,000 independent transformants with an average inserted DNA length of 1,200 base pairs. By using the previously cloned baboon antithrombin III cDNA as a specific hybridization probe, greater than 30 human antithrombin III cDNA clones were identified from this library. The clone with the longest DNA insert was selected for sequence analysis. This antithrombin III cDNA clone contains 1,479 base pairs of inserted human DNA and was designated phATIII 113. It contains DNA sequences that code for a signal peptide and the entire mature antithrombin III protein which is comprised of 432 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that serpin conformational alteration caused by single point mutations can be responsible for protein deficiency associated with human diseases. A typical example is the alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency caused by the Z variant carrying a Glu342Lys substitution. Only a few cases of "conformational disease" involving other serpins have been described so far. We investigated a severe antithrombin deficiency in a 13-month-old child with fever and cerebral venous thrombosis. The infant was found to be homozygous for a new antithrombin gene mutation (7396T>C, predicting a Phe229Leu antithrombin variant), and heterozygous for the factor V Leiden mutation. Mild atypical antithrombin deficiency was found in both parents, who were first cousins, asymptomatic, and heterozygous for the same antithrombin gene mutation. The Phe229Leu variant, which does not readily fit into the current classification of antithrombin deficiency, was shown to be a thermolabile antithrombin that spontaneously polymerized in the proband's circulation. This points to a key role for the conserved Phe at position 229, which is near the reactive site loop in a region critical for serpin function and stability. Molecular modeling suggested how the mutation might destabilize this region of the protein and thereby favor reactive site loop insertion and polymerization. This study provides the first direct evidence of antithrombin polymerization in vivo causing antithrombin deficiency and severe thrombotic disease.  相似文献   

S ummary . An Italian family with thrombosis and hereditary dysfunctional AT III, i.e. reduced biological activity and normal levels of the immunoreactive protein is presented. The abnormal molecule, called AT III 'Vicenza', was characterized by two-dimensional crossed immunoelectrophoresis either in the absence or presence of heparin. In the presence of heparin, a normal pattern was found in plasma, but abnormality was evident in serum. A similar abnormality was found in plasma artificially clotted with thrombin. The role of thrombin in inducing the immunoelectrophoretic abnormality of AT III 'Vicenza' is discussed.  相似文献   

The factor Xa inactivating function of antithrombin III is measured automatically by an amidolytic method, adapted to a centrifugal analyser. Plasma is diluted in buffer with heparin. In stage I, diluted plasma is incubated with excess factor Xa. Heparin accelerates the saturation of antithrombin with factor Xa. In stage II, remaining factor Xa is determined with the chromogenic substrate Bz-Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg-pNA. The precision of the present assay compares favourably with that of the clotting assays and immunoassay. There is a close correlation (r = 0.82) between the results obtained with this assay and the immunoassay of antithrombin III.  相似文献   

Summary Two patients with familial antithrombin III deficiency developed deep venous thrombosis of the lower limb. The diagnosis of venous thrombosis was made by the indium labelled platelet technique which also allowed for the daily assessment of thrombus size. Each patient received treatment with Warfarin, subcutaneous heparin, and infusions of antithrombin III concentrates. The authors conclude that infusions of antithrombin III concentrates may be of value in limiting the extent of acute thrombosis in patients with a severe deficiency of this protein and may help prevent pulmonary embolism. The haemorrhagic risk of continuing modest doses of heparin with high dose ATIII therapy appears small. In addition to its value in the diagnosis of venous thrombosis the indium platelet technique may give an early indication of thrombus extension and may thus indicate the effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Two patients with familial antithrombin III deficiency developed deep venous thrombosis of the lower limb. The diagnosis of venous thrombosis was made by the indium labelled platelet technique which also allowed for the daily assessment of thrombus size. Each patient received treatment with Warfarin, subcutaneous heparin, and infusions of antithrombin III concentrates. The authors conclude that infusions of antithrombin III concentrates may be of value in limiting the extent of acute thrombosis in patients with a severe deficiency of this protein and may help prevent pulmonary embolism. The haemorrhagic risk of continuing modest doses of heparin with high dose ATIII therapy appears small. In addition to its value in the diagnosis of venous thrombosis the indium platelet technique may give an early indication of thrombus extension and may thus indicate the effectiveness of treatment.  相似文献   

A family with a high incidence of spontaneous thromboembolism has been investigated and those members affected were found to have significantly depressed levels of plasma and serum heparin cofactor activity; i.e., antithrombin III and anti-Xa activity. Further studies revealed that despite a marked diminution of antithrombin III activity in these patients measurement of antithrombin III by immunological techniques showed the levels to be normal. It is concluded that this anomaly represents a defect in the synthesis of the antithrombin III molecule. The abnormality appeared to be inherited but the mode of inheritance could not be determined with the available data.  相似文献   

Quantitative antithrombin deficiency constitutes an important risk factor for venous thromboembolism, stillbirth, and other complications of pregnancy. Studies suggest, however, that individuals heterozygous for missense mutations involving the heparin-binding site of antithrombin do not have a significantly increased thrombotic risk. Owing to the rarity of such mutations, it remains unclear whether any specific heparin-binding site defects might be associated with thrombotic potential. We report here the case of a pregnant woman with an exceptionally rare Type II heparin-binding site antithrombin variant. This case highlights the difficult issues that are associated with the management of Type II antithrombin deficiency during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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