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Book reviewed in this article:
Why Lamarck Won't Go Away: Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution: The Lamarckian Dimension. By E va J ablonka and M arion J. L amb .  相似文献   


《Annals of human genetics》1983,47(2):169-176
Book reviewed in this article:
Population and Biological Aspects of Human Mutation.
Outline of Genetic Epidemiology.
Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual.
Huntington's Chorea.
The Genetics of Neurological Disorders.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1994,58(3):299-302
book reviewed in this article:
Genetic Studies in Affective Disorders: Overview of Basic Methods, Current Directions, and Critical Research Issues. Edited by D. F. P apolos and H. M. L achman.
Gene and Chromosome Analysis. Edited by K enneth W. A dolph.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1977,40(4):493-495
Book reviewed in this article:
The Eye and Inborn Errors of Metabolism . Ed D. B ergsma , A. J. B ron and E. C otlier .
Aspects of Genetics in Paediatrics. Scientific Proceedings of the 3rd Unigate Workshop held at the Royal College of Physicians, St Andrews Place, London, N.W . 1. Edited by D onald B arltrop
Anthropological Studies of Human Fertility . Edited by B ernice A. K aplan  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1968,31(4):429-431
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistics for Biologists . By R. C. C ampbell
Regulation and Control in Living Systems . Edited by H. K almus
The Genetical Analysis of Behaviour . By P. A. P arsons
Taiwan Aborigines . By C. K. C hai  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1970,34(2):221-228
Book reviewed in this article: Comparative Mammalian Cytogenetics. Edited by Kurt Benirschke Epidemiology of Mongolism. By A. M. Lilienfeld and C. H. Benesch A Study of the early Development of Mongols. By Valerie A. Cowie Medizinische Genetik Grundlagen, Ergebnisse und Problems. By Widukind Lenz Classification and Biology. By E,. A. Crowson An ABC of Medical Genetics. By C. O. Carter Equilibrium Behaviour of Population Genetic Models with Non-Random Mating. By Samuel Karlin The Biology of Twinning in Man. By M. G. Bulmer An Introduction to Probability Theory. By P. A. P. Moran Computer Applications in Genetics. Edited by Newton E. Morton A Genetics Program Library. Edited by Newton E. Morton  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1973,37(2):233-236
Book reviewed in this article:
Computer Simulation in Genetics. By J ack L. C rosby
Die Huntingtonsche Chorea. Eine populationsgenetische Studie. By G. G erhard W endt and D orothea D rohm
The Thalassaemia Syndromes. By D. J. W eatherall and J. B. C legg  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1995,59(3):343-346
The Evolution of Theodosius Dobzhansky: Essays on his Life and Thought in Russia and America. Edited by M. B. A dams .
Genetics of Malignant Disease. Edited by B. A. J. P onder .
Identification of Transcribed Sequences. Edited by U. H ochgeschwender and K. G ardiner .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1978,42(2):259-264
Book reviewed in this article: Human Heredity. By C. O. Carter . Human Genetics. By E. Novitski Genetic Engineering: Threat or Promise? By Laurence E. Karp . Purine Metabolism in Man. 2. Regulation of Pathways and Enzyme Defects. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 76A. Edited by M. M. Muller , E. Kaiser and J. E. Seegmiller . Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutases. Edited by A. M. Michelson , J. M. Mc Cord and I. Fridovich . Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution. By Masatoshi Nei .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1973,36(3):363-366
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Cytogenetics. Volume I. General Cytogenetics. By J ohn L. H amerton .
Human Cytogenetics. Volume II. Clinical Cytogenetics. By J ohn L. H amekton .
Mendelian Inheritance in Man , 3rd edition. By V. A. M c K usick .
Humangentik. Ein kurzes Handbuch in fünf Bänden. Edited by P. E. B ecker .
Vol. 1/2 (1969). Merkmale des Gesichts. Schmecken und Riechen. Merkmale der Gliedmassen. Papillarleisten. Psychologie. By H. v. B racken , G. J örgensen , L. L oeffler , H. O epen , H. R itter , J. S chaeuble , F. S chwarzfischer and G. Z iegelmayer .
Vol. 1/4 (1972). Blutgruppen. By H. H elmbold , F. S chwarzfischer and F. V ogel .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1985,49(3):255-258
Book reviewed in this article:
The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. By M. K imura .
Genetic Analysis of the Cell Surface. Receptors and Recognition Series B, vol. 16. Edited by P. G oodfellow .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1967,31(2):209-213
Book reviewed in this article:
Protein Biosynthesis and Problems of Heredity, Development and Ageing . By Z h . A. M edvedev .
The Development of Sex Differences . By E leanor E. M accoby .
Rece. lzt Advances in, Biological Psychiatry . Vol. IX. Edited by J. W ortis .
Chromosomes Today . Vol. 1. Edited by C. D. D arlington and K. R. L ewis .
Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics . Edited by R. R iley and K. R. L ewis .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1956,21(1):115-118
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Affictions and Chromosomal Aberrations. By R. T urpin and J. L ejeune
Congenital Malformations. Proceedings of the Third International Conference. Edited by F. C larke F raser and V. A. M c K usick.
Mental Subnormality: Modern Trends in Research. Edited by B. W. R ichards
Color Blindness. An Evolutionary Approach. By R icardo C ruz -C oke.
Problems in Human Biology. A Study of Brazilian Populations. By F rancisco M. Salzano and N ewton F reire -M ala  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Progressive Muskeldystrophie, Myotonie, Nyasthenie . Edited by E. K uhn .
Current Xtdies in Hemophilia. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the World Federation of Hemo philia. Paris, September 7–9, 1965. Edited by J. P. S ooller and F. Josso.
Origins of Man . By J. B uettner -J anusch .
Genetics of Interracial Crosses in Hawaii . By N. E. M orton , C. S. C hung ; and M.-P. MI.
Mental Deficiency: the Changing Outlook . Edited by A nn M. C larke and A. D. B. C larke .
Cranial Morphology in Down's Syndrome. A Comparative Roentgencephalometric Study in Adult Males . By E rik K isling .
Advances in Blood Grouping , volume II. By A. S. W iener and M. S hapiro .
The Language of Life. An Introduction to the Science of Genetics . By G eorge and M uriel B eadle .
The Control of Environment . Edited by J. D. R oslansky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1970,34(1):117-118
Book reviewed in this article:
Genetic Mosaics and Other Essays. By C urt S tern
Fortschritte der allgemeinen und klinischen Humangenetik (Advances in Human Genetics). p]dited by P. E. B ecker , W. L enz , F. V ogel and G. G. W endt  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,43(4):429-431
Book reviewed in this article:
Genetic Epidemiology . Edited by N ewton E. M orton and C hin S ik C hung
Evolutionary Biology . Volume 11. Edited by M. K. H echt , W. C. S teere and B. W allace
Clinical Atlas of Human Chromosomes . By J ean D e G rouchy and C atherine T urleau
Myotonic Dystrophy . By P. S. H arper . Eastbourne: W. B. Saunders.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1979,42(3):415-416
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Genetics. By J. H. E dwards .
Cliniml Glaucoma. B y G eorge G orin .
The Eye in Chromosome Duplications and Deficiencies. By M arcelle J ay .  相似文献   

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