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Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a phenotypic marker used as indicator of developmental stress or instability, is sometimes associated with insecticide application and resistance. Here we investigated the occurrence and amount of wing size and wing shape FA in Triatoma infestans females and males collected before and 4 months after a community-wide pyrethroid spraying campaign in a well-defined rural area of Pampa del Indio, Argentina. Moderate levels of pyrethroid resistance were previously confirmed for this area, and postspraying house infestation was mainly attributed to this condition. In the absence of insecticide-based selective pressures over the previous 12 years, we hypothesized that 1- if postspraying triatomines were mostly survivors to insecticide spraying (pyrethroid resistant), they would have higher levels of FA than prespraying triatomines. 2- if postspraying triatomines have a selective advantage, they would have lower FA levels than their prespraying counterparts, whereas if postspraying infestation was positively associated with immigrants not exposed to the insecticide, prespraying and postspraying triatomines would display similar FA levels. For 243 adult T. infestans collected at identified sites before insecticide spraying and 112 collected 4 months postspraying, wing size and wing shape asymmetry was estimated from landmark configurations of left and right sides of each individual. At population level, wing size and shape FA significantly decreased in both females and males after spraying. Males displayed greater wing size and shape FA than females. However, at a single peridomestic site that was persistently infested after spraying, FA declined similarly in females whereas the reverse pattern occurred in males. Our results suggest differential survival of adults with more symmetric wings. This pattern may be related to a selective advantage of survivors to insecticide spraying, which may be mediated or not by their pyrethroid-resistant status or to lower triatomine densities after insecticide spraying and the concomitant increase in feeding success.  相似文献   

This paper establishes that the weight: length ratio of Triatoma infestans is superior to weight alone as a measure of nutritional status. The weight: length ratios of adults, V and IV stage nymphs correlated with their time since feeding. The weight: length ratio of V stage nymphs correlated with their life expectancy expressed as days until moulting to the adult stage. The weight: length ratio of wild females measured on capture did not correlate with the number of eggs laid during the next 30 days, but after feeding on chicken in the laboratory this correlation was shown.The mean weight: length ratio of different classes of bugs was used to compare the nutritional status of T. infestans populations in three rural houses in central Brazil. One house was recently constructed, containing a newly-established population of bugs. One house was over 15 years old, containing a long-established bug population. The third house had been abandoned for six months and the bug population was in decline. The three houses were carefully demolished to allow a large sample of bugs to be collected from each. The mean weight: length ratios of adults, unfed V stage, fed and unfed IV stage, and fed and unfed III stage nymphs from the newly-colonized house were significantly higher than those of corresponding classes of bugs from the long-established bug population, and from the declining bug population.This evidence fulfils a prediction previously made by the author and supports the hypothesis that the density of domestic population of T. infestans depends on the nutritional status of the bugs which is, in turn, limited by the number of hosts available.  相似文献   

This paper examines the infection rate of Trypanosoma cruzi in Triatoma infestans, the main vector of Chagas disease in Argentina and neighbouring countries. The study was carried out in 1986-1987 on 5 houses (ranchos) in the endemic area of central Argentina. Domestic T. infestans populations were sampled in each season with a constant capture effort (2.5 man-hours/house) using a chemical irritant. The rectal content of the bugs was examined for the presence of T. cruzi. The vector population density showed seasonal changes with highest values during the hot season (November-April). The percentage of infected bugs was higher in mid-spring (November) and autumn (April) than in winter (August) and early spring (October). The mean number of parasites (epimastigotes and trypomastigotes) per microliter of rectal material was very high during mid- and late spring (December). The percentage and number of metacyclic forms differed between seasons, reaching the highest values in late spring. The percentage of infected bugs in houses with children younger than 10 years old was higher than that in houses without children, during all the seasons. Late spring seemed to be the period when domestic populations of T. infestans had the highest vector potential.  相似文献   

Twenty old houses in a rural area of central Brazil were sampled monthly for Triatoma infestans during 16 months. The samples indicated peak adult emergence between January and May, preceded by peak emergence of stage V, IV and III nymphs respectively. Stage I and II nymphs were rarely taken in the samples. A much smaller peak of adult emergence occurred in September; thus the two peaks of adult emergence during the year were consistent with the approximately six months duration of egg-to-adult development usually recorded in laboratory studies.During January, 1977, when the study began, all houses were searched for dead bugs, exuviae, eggs and eggshells. These samples were used to calculate stage mortalities, from which a simple life-table was constructed. These data were combined with laboratory data concerning stage development times and female longevity and fecundity. Sensitivity analysis of the life-table showed it to be most sensitive to small changes in daily mortality rate and total egg-to-adult development time.The data were used to advance an hypothesis that the size of domestic populations of T. infestans is mainly controlled by changes in the egg-to-adult development time and, to a lesser extent, by changes in female reproductivity. Both these factors are in turn controlled by the nutritional status of the bug population, which, if the supply of food, i.e. number of hosts, is constant, is dependent upon the density of the bug population. It is argued that this mechanism of density regulation functions within limits set by the prevailing ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Reported are the environmental and demographic risk factors associated with the domestic infestation and density of Triatoma infestans in three heavily infested rural villages in Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina. In a one-factor unadjusted analysis, the number of T. infestans captured per person-hour was associated significantly and negatively with the use of domestic insecticides by householders, type of thatch used in the roofs and the age of the house; and positively with the following: degree of cracking of the indoor walls and presence of hens nesting indoors. In one model, using multiple linear regression and a backward stepwise elimination procedure, most of the variation in the overall abundance of T. infestans was explained by insecticide use and the presence of hens nesting indoors; in another model using the same procedure it was explained by insecticide use, bug density in 1988 and previous spraying with deltamethrin in 1985. Variations in bug density per capture stratum (household goods, beds, walls and roof) were explained by the bug density in other strata and by one or two of the following risk factors: hens nesting indoors, type of roof, presence of cracks in the walls and number of people living in the house. Bug density might be locally controlled by the availability of refuges in the roofs and walls, by the presence of hens nesting indoors and by the use of domestic insecticides. Certain local materials, such as a grass known as simbol, could be successfully used in rural housing improvement programmes aimed at reducing the availability of refuges for insects in the roof.  相似文献   

Identifying the origins of insect vectors collected after community-wide residual insecticide applications is a relevant challenge in the Gran Chaco region where the main vector of Chagas disease Triatoma infestans usually reinfests human dwellings. Wing geometric morphometry was used to compare the right wings of 63 males and 54 females collected at 4 months post-spraying (MPS) with those from 165 males and 111 females collected before full-coverage spraying with pyrethroids in a well-defined rural area in Northeastern Argentina. Male and female wing centroid size resulted significantly larger at 4 MPS than before interventions, but no significant changes in shape were detected. Metric disparity (variance of shape) varied significantly in males but not in females. Using shape variables, a relatively large fraction of post-spraying males (70%) and females (54%) could not be differentiated from those collected at the same source house or at the nearest infested house before interventions. Bugs collected at 4 and 8 MPS in a persistently infested house were mainly assigned to the source house. These results support the hypothesis of persistent bug populations that survived the insecticide application at local spatial scales, and are consistent with the occurrence of vector control failures most likely related to moderate pyrethroid resistance. Wing geometric morphometry is a useful tool for identifying sources of reinfestation, but it is limited by the spatial structure found in the reference populations. Combined with field and genetic data, this approach may contribute to the understanding of the reinfestation process and improvement of vector control strategies.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a slight and random departure from bilateral symmetry that is normally distributed around a 0 mean, has been widely used to infer developmental instability. We investigated whether habitats (ecotopes) and host-feeding sources influenced wing FA of the hematophagous bug Triatoma infestans. Because bug populations occupying distinct habitats differed substantially and consistently in various aspects such as feeding rates, engorgement status and the proportion of gravid females, we predicted that bugs from more open peridomestic habitats (i.e., goat corrals) were more likely to exhibit higher FA than bugs from domiciles. We examined patterns of asymmetry and the amount of wing size and shape FA in 196 adult T. infestans collected across a gradient of habitat suitability and stability that decreased from domiciles, storerooms, kitchens, chicken coops, pig corrals, to goat corrals in a well-defined area of Figueroa, northwestern Argentina. The bugs had unmixed blood meals on human, chicken, pig and goat depending on the bug collection ecotope. We documented the occurrence of FA in wing shape for bugs fed on all host-feeding sources and in all ecotopes except for females from domiciles or fed on humans. FA indices for wing shape differed significantly among host-feeding sources, ecotopes and sexes. The patterns of wing asymmetry in females from domiciles and from goat corrals were significantly different; differences in male FA were congruent with evidence showing that they had higher mobility than females across habitats. The host-feeding sources and habitats of T. infestans affected wing developmental stability depending on sex.  相似文献   

An association was determined between Triatona infestans, poultry, and humans in Trinidad, in the Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. To collect triatomines, four samples were taken at the area immediately surrounding six houses by the one hour/man capture method (December 1991 - October 1992). Peridomiciliary ecotopes were classified as arthropic (where humans carry out daily activities) or non-anthropic. Tratomine feeding habits were also determined. Of 134 biotopes, 21% had T. infestans, 22% had poultry, and 54% were anthropic. Some 25% of the latter harboured both poultry and T. infestans. Poultry were the only domestic animals associated with T. infestans, a finding that was exclusive to anthropic ecotopes. The proportion of feedings on individual fowl (61/146) was highly significant. Chicken coops are not used in Trinidad, and poultry brood in anthropic structures. Due to the materials used for making their nests and their repeated use, a periodic bug flow can be established from the intra- to the peridomiciliary area and vice versa, through passive transport. The close relationship among T, infestans, poultry, and humans in anthropic biotopes where other T. cruzi reservoirs such as dogs are also present contributes to the maintenance of domestic triatomine colonies and transmission of Chagas' disease to humans.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Triatoma infestans, Triatoma guasayana, and Triatoma sordida was evaluated in Amamá and other neighboring rural villages in northwestern Argentina for five years after massive spraying with deltamethrin in 1992 and selective sprays thereafter. Local residents and expert staff collected triatomines in domiciliary and peridomestic sites. During 1993-1997, the prevalence of T. cruzi was 2.4% in 664 T. infestans, 0.7% in 268 T. guasayana, and 0.2% in 832 T. sordida. T. cruzi infection was more frequently detected in adult bugs and in triatomines collected at domiciliary sites. The infected T. guasayana and T. sordida were nymphs and adults, respectively, captured at peridomestic sites. The prevalence of T. cruzi infection in T. infestans decreased from 7.7% to 1.5% during the surveillance period, although that change was not statistically significant. Comparison of T. infestans infection rates before the control program and during surveillance showed a highly significant decrease from 49% to 4.6% in bedrooms, as well as a fall from 6% to 1.8% in peridomestic sites. Because of its infection with T. cruzi and frequent invasion of domiciliary areas and attacks on humans and dogs, T. guasayana appeared implicated as a putative secondary vector of T. cruzi in domestic and peridomestic sites during the surveillance period. T. sordida was the most abundant species, but it was strongly associated with chickens and showed little tendency to invade bedrooms.  相似文献   

The patterns of genetic structure in natural populations provide essential information for the improvement of pest management strategies including those targeting arthropod vectors of human diseases. We analyzed the patterns of fine-scale genetic structure in Triatoma infestans in a well-defined rural area close to Pampa del Indio, in the Argentine Arid-Humid Chaco transition, where a longitudinal study on house infestation and wing geometric morphometry is being conducted since 2007. A total of 228 insects collected in 16 domestic and peridomestic sites from two rural communities was genotyped for 10 microsatellite loci and analyzed. We did not find departures from Hardy–Weinberg expectations in collection sites, with three exceptions probably due to null alleles and substructuring. Domestic sites were more variable than peridomestic sites suggesting the presence of older bug populations in domestic sites or higher effective population sizes. Significant genetic structure was detected using F-statistics, a discriminant analysis of principal components and Bayesian clustering algorithms in an area of only 6.32 km2. Microsatellite markers detected population structuring at a finer geographic scale (180–6300 m) than a previous study based on wing geometric morphometry (>4000 m). The spatial distribution of genetic variability was more properly explained by a hierarchical island than by an isolation-by-distance model. This study illustrates that, despite more than a decade without vector control interventions enhancing differentiation, genetic structure can be detected in T. infestans populations, particularly applying spatial information. This supports the potential of genetic studies to provide key information for hypothesis testing of the origins of house reinfestation.  相似文献   

Although fluctuating asymmetry is a sensitive indicator of stress, its links with health remains controversial, especially in humans. Here, we explored for the first time the association between fluctuating asymmetry and malaria infections in humans, from 107 participants involved in a long term medical survey in Senegal. No clear relationship was detected. Depending on traits considered, associations were not significant, or (marginally) significant but not in the same directions. We discuss the possible reasons for the global weakness of the signals detected in this study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of a single residual spraying of pyrethroids on the occurrence and abundance of Triatoma infestans in peridomestic ecotopes in rural La Rioja. METHODS: A total of 667 (32.8%) peridomestic sites positive for T. infestans in May 1999 were randomly assigned to treatment within each village, sprayed in December 1999, and reinspected in December 2000. Treatments included 2.5% suspension concentrate (SC) deltamethrin in water at 25 mg active ingredient (a.i.)/m(2) applied with: (a) manual compression sprayers (standard treatment) or (b) power sprayers; (c) 1.5% emulsifiable concentrate (EC) deltamethrin at 25 mg a.i./m(2); and (d) 10% EC cis-permethrin at 170 mg a.i./m(2). EC pyrethroids were diluted in soybean oil and applied with power sprayers. All habitations were sprayed with the standard treatment. FINDINGS: The prevalence of T. infestans 1-year post-spraying was significantly lower in sites treated with SC deltamethrin applied with manual (24%) or power sprayers (31%) than in sites treated with EC deltamethrin (40%) or EC permethrin (53%). The relative odds of infestation and catch of T. infestans 1-year post-spraying significantly increased with the use of EC pyrethroids, the abundance of bugs per site before spraying, total surface, and host numbers. All insecticides had poor residual effects on wooden posts. CONCLUSION: Most of the infestations probably originated from triatomines that survived exposure to insecticides at each site. Despite the standard treatment proving to be the most effective, the current tactics and procedures fail to eliminate peridomestic populations of T. infestans in semiarid rural areas and need to be revised.  相似文献   

For about half of all Chagas disease cases T. infestans has been the responsible vector. Contributing to its genetic knowledge will increase our understanding of the capacity of geographic expansion and domiciliation of triatomines. Populations of all infestans subcomplex species, T. infestans, T. delpontei, T. platensis and T. melanosoma and the so-called T. infestans "dark morph", from many South American countries were studied. A total of 10 and 7 different ITS-2 and ITS-1 haplotypes, respectively, were found. The total intraspecific ITS-2 nucleotide variability detected in T. infestans is the highest hitherto known in triatomines. ITS-1 minisatellites, detected for the first time in triatomines, proved to be homologous and thus become useful markers. Calculations show that ITS-1 evolves 1.12-2.60 times faster than ITS-2. Despite all species analyzed presenting the same n=22 chromosome number, a large variation of the haploid DNA content was found, including a strikingly high DNA content difference between Andean and non-Andean specimens of T. infestans (mean reduction of 30%, with a maximum of up to 40%) and a correlation between presence/absence of minisatellites and larger/smaller genome size. Population genetics analysis of the eight composite haplotypes of T. infestans and net differences corroborate that there are clear differences between western and eastern populations (60%), and little genetic variation among populations (1.3%) and within populations (40%) within these two groups with migration rates larger than one individual per generation corresponding only to pairs of populations one from each of these groups. These values are indicative either of a large enough gene flow to prevent population differentiation by drift within each geographic area or a very recent spread, the latter hypothesis fitting available data better. Phylogenetic trees support a common ancestor for T. infestans and T. platensis, an origin of T. infestans in Bolivian highlands and two different dispersal lines, one throughout Andean regions of Bolivia and Peru and another in non-Andean lowlands of Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To verify any possibility of the elimination of p24 in feces of Triatoma infestans, p24 being an antigen and one of the markers of HIV infection. The purpose of the study was the evaluation of any risk of contamination by laboratory staff who work with activities related to this particular insect, and also investigate any mechanism that might thus lead to the dissemination of HIV. METHOD: Triatoma infestans were fed with p24-marked blood from 23 AIDS patients. Twenty-four and 48 hours later, their feces were examined in order to verify the presence of the antigen. The search for p24 was performed by means of the immunoenzymatic technique. RESULT AND CONCLUSION: No protein 24 was detected in any of the samples. In accordance with the applied methodology, the purpose of showing that the elimination of p24 does not occur, was obtained. Were this question approached in other ways different results might reveal new information in terms of risks of HIV dissemination.  相似文献   

In Argentina, reinfestation with Aedes aegypti was registered in 1986. At present, the mosquito is well established in 10 provinces, from Buenos Aires up to the country's northern frontiers. This paper presents estimates of genetic variability in Ae. aegypti populations from central Argentina and determinations of genetic distances among them. We analyzed allozymic frequencies at 11 loci in samples from 3 localities. The proportion of polymorphic loci varied between 27.3 and 63.6. Expected mean heterozygosity ranged from 0.090 to 0.161 and Rogers' similarity among samples ranged between 0.909 and 0.958. The lack of relationship between genetic and geographic distances is in agreement with a recent colonization of the studied area. The mean Wright's coefficient FST value (0.065) indicates low levels of genetic differentiation among populations from different localities. Given the recent reinfestation with this mosquito in Argentina, the high levels of polymorphism found could indicate multiple introductions of representative samples from genetically different subpopulations.  相似文献   

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