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Sports-related muscle injuries: evaluation with MR imaging   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sports-related muscle pain is frequent in both trained and untrained persons; however, its severity and significance may be difficult to assess clinically. The authors used magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to evaluate acute strains and delayed-onset muscle soreness in sedentary subjects and postmarathon myalgia in trained runners. MR imaging documented the distribution of affected muscles and the absence of focal hematoma, fascial herniation, subsequent fibrosis, and fatty infiltration. Pain associated with strain and that occurring several days after exercise were both associated with prolongation of muscle T1 and T2. In a prospective evaluation of delayed-onset muscle soreness, abnormalities depicted at MR imaging persisted longer than symptoms by up to 3 weeks, indicating that MR imaging is sensitive to tissue alteration that is not apparent clinically. Highly trained marathon runners tended to have relatively mild abnormalities involving the myotendinous junctions.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to assess if MRI gives the same diagnostic information as herniography concerning the presence of hernias and reveals other causes of groin pain. The prospective study enrolled 20 patients referred for herniography, 6 women and 14 men, mean age 48 years. After herniography the patients underwent MRI using T1-weighted, fat-suppressed inversion recovery (STIR), and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP) pulse sequences. No contrast medium was administered at MRI. Herniography revealed 11 hernias and MRI depicted 8 of these. Magnetic resonance imaging depicted well the anatomy in the groins. In 3 patients where hernias were not revealed, MRI revealed inflammatory changes in the symphysis region as a possible cause of groin pain. The primary diagnostic tool for diagnosing hernias is herniography. If the herniogram is normal, MRI may reveal other causes of groin pain and may also better visualize related structures in the groin.  相似文献   

Groin pain is a frequently encountered symptom in the athlete. The differential diagnosis for an athlete presenting with groin pain is broad and diagnostic imaging plays a crucial role in reaching the correct diagnosis, allowing appropriate therapy to be instituted. In this article we present the radiological differential diagnosis of athletes presenting with groin pain. The common mechanisms of injury, presenting symptoms, and imaging findings for each of these entities are addressed.  相似文献   

Background and purposeOsteitis pubis (OP), a common pathology in elite athletes, is an aseptic inflammatory process of the pubic symphysis bone, and may involve surrounding soft tissues, tendons and muscles. OP is typically characterized by (often recurring) groin pain and is an important cause of time-off from sports activity in athletes. Aim of this retrospective study was to analyze magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in professional football players with clinical diagnosis of OP and to correlate MRI findings with clinical outcome.Material and methodsAll professional football players (23 males, 1 female; mean age: 21 ± 3.7 years; range: 16–30 years) with groin pain and clinical diagnosis of OP, who underwent pelvic MRI in our institution were retrospectively analyzed. The MR images were analyzed regarding the presence of bone marrow edema and its extension, whether fluid in the symphysis pubis or periarticular soft tissue edema with a rim-like periosteal distribution or edema in the muscles located around the symphyseal joint were present, whether degenerative changes of the symphysis pubis and of signs of symphyseal instability were encountered. A quantitative measurement of the signal intensity in bone marrow edema on 3 T STIR sequences was performed, normalizing these values to the mean signal intensity values in the ipsilateral iliopsoas muscle. All patients were classified according to a 3-point grading scale.For each patient, both the symptoms 18 months after the initial MRI examination, the duration of time off from playing football and the kind of treatment applied were evaluated.ResultsAmong all professional athletes, in 20/24 (83.3%) MRI showed signs of OP with bone marrow edema at the pubic bone. 12 of these patients showed complete clinical recovery without any symptoms after 18 months, while in 8 patients partial recovery with persistence of groin pain during higher sports activity was observed. Patients with edema in periarticular soft tissues or in the muscles around the symphyseal joint on MRI at the beginning of symptoms presented significantly more often with a partial recovery after returning to high sports activity (p = 0.042 and p = 0.036, respectively). A partial recovery was also significantly associated with higher normalized mean signal intensity values in bone marrow edema on STIR sequences at the beginning of symptoms (mean = 4.77 ± 1.63 in the group with partial recovery vs. mean = 2.86 ± 0.45 in the group with complete recovery; p = 0.0019). No significant association was noticed between MRI findings and time of abstinence from high sports activity, as well as between the 3-point grading scale and the time off from high sport activity and recovery at 18 months.ConclusionsEdema in periarticular soft tissues, edema with extension to the muscles located around the symphyseal joint, as well as higher normalized signal intensity values in bone marrow edema on STIR sequences in the pubic bones at the beginning of groin pain are the most reliable MRI findings of a poor clinical long-term outcome of OP in professional football players and should be regarded as negative prognostic factors.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging in athletes with chronic groin pain and correlate with the clinical features.Design and patients MR examinations performed in 52 athletes (51 male, 1 female; median age 26 years) with chronic groin pain and 6 asymptomatic control athletes (6 male; median age 29 years) were independently reviewed by two radiologists masked to the clinical details. Symptom duration (median 6 months) and clinical side of severity were recorded. Anatomical areas in the pelvis were scored for abnormality (as normal, mildly abnormal or abnormal) and an overall assessment for side distribution of abnormality was recorded, initially without post-gadolinium sequences and then, 3 weeks later (median 29 days), the post-gadolinium sequences only. Correlation between radiological and clinical abnormality was calculated by Spearmans correlation.Results Abnormal anterior pubis and enthesis enhancement significantly correlated with clinical side for both radiologists (both P=0.008). Abnormal anterior pubis and adductor longus enthesis oedema was significant for one radiologist (P=0.009). All other features showed no significant correlation (P>0.05). In the control cases there was no soft tissue abnormality but symphyseal irregularity was present (n=2). For both radiologists assessment of imaging side severity significantly correlated with clinical side for post-gadolinium (P=0.048 and P=0.023) but not non-gadolinium sequences (P>0.05).Conclusion The extent and side of anterior pubis and adductor longus enthesis abnormality on MR imaging significantly and reproducibly correlates with the athletes current symptoms in chronic adductor-related groin pain.  相似文献   

目的:探讨髋部疼痛病因的MRI影像学表现与鉴别诊断,为正确诊断髋部疼痛提供参考依据。方法:收集我院2005年8月~2009年7月期间,以髋部局部疼痛为主要临床症状的325例患者MRI资料。回顾性分析导致髋部局部疼痛的发病部位,病因及其MRI表现,探讨MRI对髋部疼痛的鉴别诊断价值。结果:引起髋部局部疼痛病因可来源于多个部位,包括骨盆、骶髂关节、腰椎等病变以及腹壁、泌尿生殖道、腹膜后间隙病变。其致病原因亦复杂多变,包括肌肉、肌腱软组织损伤,软骨损伤,关节脱位,骨折,梨状肌综合症,髋部弹响综合症,感染,关节游离体,骨性关节炎,股骨头无菌坏死,骨肿瘤,软组织肿瘤,泌尿系结石及椎间盘突出等多种疾病。结论:成人髋关节疼痛可由多种不同病因引起,可以直接与髋关节有关,也可以与髋关节周围结构有关,甚至与髋关节无关的结构如腰椎,腹膜后疾病。对于髋部疼痛,应根据临床表现选择适当影像学检查,综合考虑各种病因进行诊断。  相似文献   

Although computed tomography (CT) and radiographs are primary modalities in the evaluation of patients undergoing trauma, the indications for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in trauma have grown. MR has been most useful in patients with central nervous system or musculoskeletal trauma. In head trauma, MRI is most useful in the evaluation of patients with neurologic deficit greater than that expected from CT findings. MRI is useful in such situations because of its improved sensitivity to nonhemorrhagic and microhemorrhagic lesions as well as posterior fossa pathology. In the spine, MRI provides detailed assessment of the disc space, spinal cord, and ligamentous structures; guiding therapeutic decisions; and offering prognostic information. In the musculoskeletal system, MRI offers a noninvasive means of imaging injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage of the knee, shoulder, ankle, and elbow. Additionally, MRI may define a subset of radiographically occult bony injuries.  相似文献   

Chronic wrist pain: evaluation with high-resolution MR imaging   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the evaluation of the triangular fibrocartilage complex and the intrinsic and extrinsic ligaments of the wrist was assessed in 43 patients with chronic wrist pain. Forty-one patients underwent correlative arthrography. Twenty-three patients underwent arthroscopy or arthrotomy or both. The normal anatomy of the triangular fibrocartilage and the intrinsic and extrinsic ligaments could be demonstrated effectively with MR imaging. MR imaging was effective in the evaluation of triangular fibrocartilage tears with a sensitivity of 1.0, a specificity of 0.93, and an accuracy of 0.95 when compared with arthrography; 0.89, 0.92, and 0.90, respectively, when compared with arthroscopy and arthrotomy. MR imaging could also be used effectively to evaluate tears of the intercarpal ligaments, particularly the scapholunate ligament. Disruptions of the extrinsic ligaments, articular cartilage defects, and subluxations of the distal radioulnar joint were also well demonstrated. MR imaging is an effective procedure in assessing patients with chronic wrist pain.  相似文献   



To evaluate the difference in the caliber of cisterna chyli between patients with and without portal hypertension on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to assess the alteration of the caliber of cisterna chyli related to contraction waves during serial T2‐weighted MRI.

Materials and Methods:

This study included 177 patients with and without portal hypertension who underwent two sets of T2‐weighted MRI. MR images were evaluated for the visibility of cisterna chyli, the difference in the diameter of cisterna chyli between two patients groups, and the alteration in the diameter of cisterna chyli during serial T2‐weighted MRI.


The mean maximal diameter of cisterna chyli in patients with portal hypertension (4.97 ± 1.87 mm, range; 2.5–13.1 mm) was significantly larger (P < 0.001) than that in patients without portal hypertension (3.37 ± 1.25 mm, range; 1.5–6.8 mm). In 132 patients with visible cisterna chyli and portal hypertension, 25 (19%) patients had a positive caliber change of cisterna chyli of more than 2 mm between two sets of T2‐weighted MR images.


The dilatation of cisterna chyli can be demonstrated at MRI in patients with portal hypertension. Additionally, the positive caliber change of cisterna chyli related to contraction waves was observed in subsets of patients during serial T2‐weighted MRI. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;35:624‐628. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective was to retrospectively examine whether a manual therapy technique is effective in the treatment of chronic adductor-related groin pain in athletes. Thirty-three athletes with chronic adductor-related groin pain were approached. Thirty patients gave their consent to participate in the study. Patient satisfaction, return to activity and numeric pain score were recorded. Patients were treated after prewarming of the muscles; one hand is used to control the tension in the adductor muscles and the other hand is used to move the hip into abduction and external rotation. This flowing, circular motion stretches the adductor muscle group. The movement is repeated three times in one treatment session. Twenty-five out of 30 (83%) athletes reported a good or excellent satisfaction. Twenty-seven out of 30 (90%) athletes had resumed sport at (15/30) or below (12/30) their previous level of activity. The pain score for during or after activity decreased significantly from 8.7 to 2.2 after the treatment ( P <0.01). This study shows that the manual therapy treatment might be a promising treatment for chronic adductor-related groin pain in athletes.  相似文献   

Chronic adductor dysfunction, osteitis pubis and abdominal wall deficiency are mentioned as pathologies explaining long-standing groin pain (LGP) in athletes. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the validity of diagnostic tests used to identify these pathologies in athletic OKE. Additionally, starting points for intervention were searched for. A systematic literature search was performed to retrieve all relevant diagnostic studies and studies describing risk factors. The methodological quality of the identified studies was evaluated. Seventeen studies provided an insight into pathologies; eight provided relevant information for intervention. Adduction provocation tests are moderately valid for osteitis pubis. A pelvic belt might provide some insight into the role of the pubic symphysis during adduction provocation. Palpation can be used for provocation of adductors and symphysis. Roentgen, bone scan and herniography show poor validity. Bilateral abdominal abnormalities on ultrasound appear to be a valid marker for LGP. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can visualize edema and other abnormalities, although the relation to groin pain is not unambiguous. The methodological quality of the studies ranged from poor to good. MRI and ultrasound should be the primary diagnostic tools after clinical examination.  相似文献   

Sports-related injuries of the lower extremity are frequent. Before magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was available, ultrasound, radionuclide scintigraphy and computed tomography were used to evaluate muscle trauma. Although relatively inexpensive, these imaging modalities are limited by their low specificity. The high degree of soft tissue contrast and multiplanar capability of MR imaging, allow direct visualization as well as characterization of traumatic muscle lesions. This pictorial review highlights the spectrum of traumatic muscle lesions on MRI, with emphasis on its typical appearances. Received: 8 May 1998; Revision received: 31 August 1998; Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

Torsion knot and whirlpool patterns result from the twisting of the spermatic cord, which produces distortion of cord structures. These two findings, along with spermatic cord vascularity, were used to prospectively differentiate testicular torsion from epididymitis in 11 patients with subacute scrotal pain who underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The final diagnosis was established clinically in four patients and surgically in five. MR imaging enabled the recognition of each entity without error. Retrospective review of findings highlighted other potential discriminating features, the most important of which were testicular size and vascularity. Because of its ability to highlight vessels and detail normal and abnormal intrascrotal anatomy, MR imaging in this small series enabled the differentiation of subacute torsion from epididymitis with 100% accuracy. This high degree of accuracy warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Sonography, computed tomography, and most recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been advocated as noninvasive imaging methods for the preoperative evaluation of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). We prospectively assessed the value of MRI in this clinical setying. Twenty of 23 patients with AAA referred for evaluation with biplane aortography underwent MRI within 3 days of aortography. MR and angiographic studies were interpreted prospectively and independently and then the results were compared with each other and with the operative findings. All angiographically demonstrated infrarenal and suprarenal aneurysms except one were documented as such by MRI. The distal extent of the aneurysm on MRI agreed with that on angiography in all but 3 cases. MRI is an accurate method for assessing the size and extent of AAA and its relationship to the main renal artery origins. MRI is not accurate in detecting vascular obstructions or accessory renal arteries. Therefore, the usefulness of MRI and the need for aortography in preoperative assessment of AAA depends upon the specific information the surgeon requires prior to aneurysmectomy in a given patient.  相似文献   

A group of 41 patients with intracranial meningiomas were examined by MR imaging (MRI) and MR angiography (MRA) to assess the. clinical value of MRA in the preoperative evaluation of these patients. The results of MRA were compared with the results of intraarterial cerebral catheter X-ray angiography (XRA; n = 19) and with the operative findings (n = 41 ): Our results showed a good correlation between MRA and XRA/surgery in demonstrating the relationship between the tumor and adjacent venous and arterial structures. Use of MRA was also helpful in demonstrating the degree of intrinsic tumor vascularity. It also supplied important information for operative planning Adjunct XRA was mandatory if detailed information about tumor-feeding vessels was requested by the neurosurgeon, especially in highly vascularized angiomatous meningiomas and in meningiomas suspected of tumor feeding by vessels of the internal carotid artery. Correspondence to: A. Goldmann  相似文献   



To investigate age-related changes in normal adult pancreas as identified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Materials and methods

We examined 115 patients without pancreatic diseases (21–90 years) who underwent upper abdominal MRI to evaluate the normal pancreatic MRI findings related to aging. The parameters examined were the pancreatic anteroposterior (AP) diameter, pancreatic lobulation, pancreatic signal intensity (SI), depiction of the main pancreatic duct (MPD), grade of the visual SI decrease on the opposed-phase T1-weighted images compared with in-phase images, and enhancement effect of the pancreas in the arterial phase of dynamic imaging.


The pancreatic AP diameter significantly reduced (head, p = 0.0172; body, p = 0.0007; tail, p < 0.0001), and lobulation (p < 0.0001) and parenchymal fatty change (p < 0.0001) became more evident with aging. No significant correlation was observed between aging and pancreatic SI, however the SI on the in-phase T1-weighted images tended to decrease with aging. No significant correlation was observed between aging and the depiction of the MPD as well as aging and contrast enhancement.


MRI findings of pancreatic atrophy, lobulation, and fatty degeneration are characteristic changes related to aging, and it is necessary to recognize these changes in the interpretation of abdominal MRI in patients with and without pancreatic disease.  相似文献   

Chronic groin pain is a common entity in the sporting population and causes considerable morbidity. The differential diagnosis is wide, and this article presents a review of the common causes with particular reference to anatomy, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings.  相似文献   

MR imaging: its role in detecting occult fractures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Magnetic resonance (MR) studies were performed on 30 consecutive patients who continued to be symptomatic despite negative or inconclusive findings on radiographs and other imaging studies including radionuclide bone scans, computed tomography, and/or polytomography. There were 9 men and 21 women, 20–92 years old (mean age 63 years) whose MR studies were done 3–72 h after frank trauma in 22 cases and in another 8 after 1–4 weeks of increasing pain subsequently attributed to trauma or unaccustomed effort. MR studies were performed using 0.5-T (Phillips) or 1.5-T (Phillips, GE) superconductive magnets. Results indicated that: (1) MR images allowed identification of acute fractures in an emergency room setting, as well as subtle subacute or chronic fractures in the context of strong clinical suspicions despite negative or inconclusive radiographs and other subsequently indecisive imaging studies. (2) MR imaging is the most sensitive way of documenting the earliest changes in traumatized osseous and soft tissue structures simultaneously.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI in liver lesion detection in comparison with unenhanced MRI and dynamic CT. The image sets of 148 of 151 patients enrolled in a multicenter German phase-III trial were evaluated by two independent radiologists unaffiliated with the investigating centers. Patients underwent a routine MRI protocol comprising T2- and T1-weighted spin-echo and T1-weighted gradient-echo (GE) sequences pre and 1 h post 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-BOPTA (Bracco-Byk Gulden, Konstanz, Germany). Additionally, a serial T1-weighted GE scan was performed after administration of the first half of the dose. All patients underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced CT. The evaluation was performed with regard to the number and size of lesions detected per patient by each modality or sequence. Furthermore, all pre CM and pre + post CM image sets were analyzed for number of lesions per patient. Both readers detected significantly more lesions in the contrast-enhanced image set compared with the unenhanced image set (32 and 39 %, respectively; p < 0.0001). While contrast-enhanced CT detected a similar number of lesions to unenhanced MRI, it was clearly inferior to contrast-enhanced MRI (reader 1: p = 0.0117; reader 2: p = 0.0225). Of the T1-weighted scans performed, the dynamic and late T1-weighted GE exams contributed most to the increased lesion detection rate (reader 1: p = 0.0007; reader 2: p = 0.0037). The size of the smallest lesion detected by means of MRI was significantly larger in the pre-CM image sets than in the pre + post CM image sets (reader 1: p = 0.001; reader 2: p < 0.0001). Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI detected significantly smaller lesions than contrast-enhanced CT (reader 1: p = 0.0117; reader 2: p = 0.0925). Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MR imaging improves liver lesion detection significantly over unenhanced MRI and dynamic CT. Received: 18 October 1999/Revised: 19 June 2000/Accepted: 21 June 2000  相似文献   

Shoulder instability: evaluation with MR imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seeger  LL; Gold  RH; Bassett  LW 《Radiology》1988,168(3):695-697
Instability of the glenohumeral joint is a common cause of chronic shoulder pain and disability. One or more episodes of subluxation or dislocation may result in a tear, detachment, or attenuation of the glenoid labrum, stripping of the joint capsule from the scapula, or trauma to the tendons or muscles of the rotator cuff. A series of 27 shoulders examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed changes of glenohumeral instability, which were confirmed with open or arthroscopic surgery. MR imaging was capable of displaying common types of pathologic conditions resulting from instability, including labral trauma, capsular detachment, and retraction of the subscapularis muscle. MR imaging is a valuable diagnostic tool for the evaluation of glenohumeral instability.  相似文献   

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