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性感是性社会学中一个时髦名词,在人类生活和人类文化中占有重要的位置.人们对性感的认识,过去只停留于漂亮、魅力的认识上,缺乏更全面的了解.本文从性感的定义、历史、性感标准、性感与漂亮及风骚的区别、性感的正副效应,从性社会学、性心理学、性美学、性医学、性法学、性文化等多角度加以剖析与阐述,并指出当今社会仍存在一些误区,我们应设法从观念上与认识上加以矫正.作者指出当今全球性感的流行新趋势,吾人对性感的新概念及新展望,应有一个清新的认识,从而使我们今后的生活不断享用到时尚的与绚丽的性感阳光.  相似文献   

浅析性感之美   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
性感关来自人自身,也来自对人体修饰的服装服饰;既涉及人体先天外在的容貌、身材与体态曲线,又与人的后天教育所形成的气质、风度、修养密不可分,它是人的内在关与外在美的统一,是形式关与内容美的统一。本文对感性美的浅析涉及人的体格、体貌、气质、风度、服装、服饰等多个方面。  相似文献   

性感训练治愈心理性勃起障碍1例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 一般情况 1.1 现病史 患者张××,男,29岁,郑州郊区人,初中文化程度,职业为水果商贩,以"阴茎勃起功能障碍、婚后一年不育"的主诉到我部就诊.  相似文献   

性人文旨意是和性有关的文化生活及异性之间对异文化产生的实质意义。早在上古时代,在人们群落当中已经对性文化艺术有了启动。经过漫长的发展普及、曾遭受过来自社会不同方面的磨难。为避免重重阻力和非议,采取隐性方式交流于民间,同时也必然会影响到文学艺术创作。于此,本章用“隐美探微”来命题,提示隐性美存在于我们的生活艺术之中。当人们真正理解了性人文存在隐性美的意义时,才会使当代人对性意识形态有所触动。  相似文献   

要说生活是艺求创作的源泉,“性”就是生活的源泉,它是万物之母,我因此而对它敬穆。能在人类中高傲地用艺术去表现它,这是我最大的快乐。  相似文献   

要说生活是艺求创作的源泉,“性”就是生活的源泉,它是万物之母,我因此而对它敬穆。能在人类中高傲地用艺术去表现它,这是我最大的快乐。  相似文献   

要说生活是艺求创作的源泉,“性”就是生活的源泉,它是万物之母,我因此而对它敬穆。能在人类中高傲地用艺术去表现它,这是我最大的快乐。  相似文献   

目的介绍“C”与“L”皮瓣在体表皮肤组织缺损修复术中的应用方法与经验。方法根据损伤组织的大小与形态,设计圆形,棱形切口,然后选择皮肤组织较松弛部位或切口相对隐蔽部位设计“L”或“C”形皮瓣,皮瓣大小与切除组织的比例约为:长1:1.5,宽1:1。圆形缺损设计“C”形皮瓣,棱形缺损设计“L”形皮瓣。结果本组29例,皮瓣全部成活。结论该方法简单,易操作,术后无明显瘢痕。  相似文献   

曹宁校 《中国性科学》2013,22(6):I0001-I0001
“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。”改革开放的春风带来了社会经济的飞速发展,社会文化和社会生活的进步极大的促进了个人美好幸福的追求。国人对性权利的尊重和性生活质量欲求也作为社会发展的一部分得到了应有的提高。  相似文献   

特大突发社会安全事件现场医疗救援分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
2009年7月5日新疆首府乌鲁木齐发生了新中国建国以来最严重的打砸抢烧杀的暴力事件,在整个事件的发生中,乌鲁木齐市120急救指挥中心参与了全部的保障救援工作。同时,也有力地检验了我中心在应对特大突发公共事件中的能力与水平。  相似文献   


Purpose of the Review

The purpose of this study is to review the impact of cannabis use on sexual functioning.

Recent Findings

The effects of cannabis on human sexuality have been known for centuries and explored for decades. The aphrodisiac effect of acute cannabis use has been frequently promoted, while the negative effect of its chronic use, especially in higher doses, has been less recognized and appreciated. The mechanism of cannabis effect on sexual functioning is not well understood, though results of some studies suggest a possible and controversial endocrinological explanation such as lowering of testosterone levels.


Cannabis has bidirectional effect on sexual functioning. Low and acute doses of cannabis may enhance sexual human sexual functioning, e.g., sexual desire and enjoyment/satisfaction in some subjects. On the other hand, chronic use of higher doses of cannabis may lead to negative effect on sexual functioning such as lack of interest, erectile dysfunction, and inhibited orgasm. Studies of cannabis effect on human sexuality in cannabis users and healthy volunteers which would implement a double-blind design and use valid and reliable instruments are urgently needed in view of expanded use of cannabis/marijuana due to its legalization and medicalization.

丁玫 《中国性科学》1999,8(3):18-21
在性学研究中,性与婚的问题一直是人们非常关心并经常涉及的问题。如果能在这个方面取得较为全面的共识,那么,这对性学的发展和社会的进步会是大有好处的。为了便于研究,首先需要对性与婚的概念,尤其是对性的概念做一些探讨。首先要特别指出的是,这里所说的性是人类的性,是正常人的性。这一点很重要。弗洛伊德研究的是病态人的性心理和性行为。这和我们研究的正常人的性心理和性行为有所不同,不能混为  相似文献   

陈虹  田利 《中国性科学》2008,17(8):46-48
鉴于目前社会上一些人的性关系比较复杂,人们对如何把握自己的性行为还存在着极其模糊的认识。笔者从临床医学及心理的角度,揭示婚前性行为和婚外恋等超越法规的性行为所导致的不良后果以及恶劣影响,以唤起人们的法律意识和责任心,使之克制自己性行为的盲目性和随意性。  相似文献   

性与健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 从人的本质谈起 中国古代认为性是人的一种本质,是人生命的一种基本需要.《孟子》书上说:"食、色,性也",《礼记》上说"饮食男女,人之大欲存焉!"讲的都是这个道理.所以古人讲"性命"二字,没有"性"也就没有"命".  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

The purpose of this review is to discuss controversies about hormonal contraception (HC) and sexuality, as well as to analyze sexual function according to the type of HC.

Recent Findings

HC has negative effects on sexual desire and lubrication, and may contribute to increased vestibular pain. Although there are several different types of HC, all alter the androgenic environment, which may have negative effects on sexual function. On the other hand, there may be reasons to support the use of HCs, and there can be improvement in sexuality associated with their use. For instance, there may be benefits for benign gynecological disorders such as endometriosis, menorrhagia, and dysmenorrhea. In addition, owing their contraceptive capacity, HC helps alleviate the fear of pregnancy, increasing the pleasure of the sexual experience. Another important aspect may be the relationship between hormonal contraceptives, body image and appearance, self-esteem, and sexuality.


There is sufficient evidence that HC may have both a positive and a negative impact on female sexuality. Additional research is needed on several key issues: searching for an HC without negative effects on sexuality, or with as little effect as possible; detecting women at risk of sexual dysfunction following initiation of HC; and finally, the possibility of adding androgens to HCs to minimize sexual side effects.

Beauty is an abstract construct. We all have our own ideas about what is and is not beautiful--a particular song or painting, a man or woman. Accurately describing what exactly "it" is that makes the song, painting or person beautiful, however, is a daunting task. In this article, we attempt to make the case that beauty and physical attractiveness is a serious matter. We begin with a discussion of the role of beauty in evolutionary theory. Next, we turn to theories of the physiology of beauty, which focus on physical characteristics such as pathogen resistance, averageness, physical symmetry, body ratios, and youthfulness. We then describe changes in the societal standards of beauty through a discussion of the relatively recent history of mass media images of beauty. We then use the psychological construct of body image to begin to understand the nature of beauty on an individual level. The article concludes with a discussion of the things that we do to make ourselves more beautiful.  相似文献   

性与健康关系极为密切,协调的性生活会给人们带来愉快的情趣和健康的身体,带来幸运和成功的事业。孟子说“食色性也”,意思是说吃饭和性生活同样重要,是人们生活需要的,老年人同青壮年人一样,也同样需要量力而行的、适度的广义的性生活。笔者试图从健康长寿的概念,老年性反应的特点及性欲与禁欲三个方面论述老年性生活与健康长寿的关系,说明老年性生活是健康长寿的因素之一,但不是唯一因素。老年夫妻的性生活应以伴恋行为为主,即性爱抚和性游戏为主,这种性行为能使老年夫妻保持精神上的轻松愉快,延缓衰老、健康长寿。  相似文献   

性教育已推动了数年,并且官方数据显示其是有效的.然而,这些项目鲜有持续的跟踪调查.越来越多的人希望得到专业人士的帮助,但他们不知去哪些机构或组织获取相关信息.官方公布的数字显示的只是一个侧面,性教育的内容和质量有待提高.  相似文献   

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