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社区居家安宁疗护以社区为单位,社区服务中心及家庭医生团队为核心,为临终患者提供全方位照料与支持,减轻患者痛苦,满足患者居家临终与离世的意愿。蒲黄榆社区卫生服务中心于2019年底建立“协和-蒲黄榆联动”的居家安宁疗护模式,至今该模式已经过一定的实践与完善,本文将介绍该居家安宁疗护服务模式。  相似文献   

赵越  刘兰秋 《中国全科医学》2022,25(19):2330-2335
社区居家安宁疗护服务是安宁疗护服务的重要组成部分,以社区居家安宁疗护服务为中心是安宁疗护服务发展的方向。英国与美国作为开展社区居家安宁疗护服务较早的国家,在社区居家安宁疗护服务的患者准入标准、服务团队与服务内容、经费保障等方面都积累了较为丰富的经验,也建立起了相对健全的社区居家安宁疗护服务体系。我国可适当借鉴英国和美国社区居家安宁疗护服务的发展经验,制定适合我国的社区居家安宁疗护服务的患者准入标准,加强多学科安宁疗护团队建设,将非药物疗法纳入社区居家安宁疗护服务范畴,实行按床日付费的支付方式,使疾病终末期患者能在其熟悉的环境中安详、有尊严地离世,保障其善终权益。  相似文献   

目的 构建上海市社区安宁疗护准入、准出标准,以指导社区筛选出真正属于安宁疗护范畴并急需照护的人群。 方法 通过文献回顾和焦点小组访谈确定出安宁疗护服务对象的准入、准出判断维度;于2017年7—8月间邀请6家上海市安宁疗护试点单位安宁疗护科资深执行人和管理者代表,经过两轮Delphi咨询,采集各位专家对社区安宁疗护准入、准出标准的意见。 结果 社区安宁疗护服务对象准入的4个判断维度分别是:病种、生存期、症状、患者和家属的主观意愿;准出的3个判断维度分别是:患者和家属的主观意愿、症状、患者死亡。居家和机构安宁疗护准入标准的差异主要体现在:病种(机构比居家多一个脑血管病)、生存期(居家倾向于<180 d,机构倾向于<90 d)、症状(机构可以处理更多的临床症状)。居家和机构安宁疗护准出标准的差异主要体现在机构准出标准需考虑临床症状缓解、生存期延长等因素。 结论 本研究梳理的社区安宁疗护准入、准出标准,与现有的安宁疗护标准相比,补充了生存期的其他要求,明确了病种范围,并综合考虑了社区安宁疗护试点单位的服务能力和服务对象意愿的表达方式,新增了准出标准,为居家安宁疗护、机构安宁疗护和综合医院间有序转介奠定了基础。   相似文献   

目的了解上海市社区卫生服务中心安宁疗护服务现状。方法本研究为横断面调查。2022年1月采用随机数字表法从上海市各区中按每区随机抽取一家社区卫生服务中心进行问卷调查, 调查各中心2021年1—12月开展住院、居家、门诊模式的安宁疗护服务情况。结果发放问卷16份, 回收有效问卷16份。提供住院、居家、门诊安宁疗护服务的社区卫生服务中心数分别为13、16、14家。住院、居家、门诊服务人数分别占全年安宁疗护服务人数的77.93%(1 935/2 483)、6.36%(158/2 483)、15.71%(390/2 483)。各中心住院安宁疗护年服务58(29, 137)人, 设置床位数12(10, 20)张, 人均住院时间(29.55±11.18)d, 床位使用率(55.51±30.02)%。中心城区床位使用率(74.76±19.33)%显著高于郊区(39.00±28.32)%(t=2.61, P=0.024)。各中心居家安宁疗护年服务10(3, 19)人, 人均居家时间(66.97±29.41)d。住院和居家模式服务费用构成中诊疗费占比最低[住院(8.61±5.27)%, 居家(6.25±3...  相似文献   

目的 分析居民接受安宁疗护的相关因素,为更好地开展安宁疗护服务提供科学依据。方法 采用便利抽样方法,抽取符合纳入标准的广州市社区居民共1 776名为研究对象。使用自行设计的《安宁疗护服务调查问卷》,进行问卷调查,SPSS统计软件进行统计分析。析筛选出的影响因素使用向后逐步释然比法进行logistics(α进=0.05,α出=0.10)回归方程计算。结果 城镇职工医保相对自费居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为2.962);与家人居住相对于独居的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为1.746);接受或参与过志愿者服务的居民相对于无接受或参与的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为3.668);认为安宁疗护在社区卫生院实施的居民相对于认为安宁疗护在二级或三级医院的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为1.756);曾经思考或与他人谈论过临终事情的居民相对于没有的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为1.459);认为安宁疗护需要有固定团队的居民相对认为不需要有固定团队的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为1.808);认为医生需要与病患及亲戚、朋友共同讨论终末护理和治疗问题较认为不需要的居民更愿意接受安宁疗护(OR值为...  相似文献   

背景 安宁疗护全方位照护内容中,包括生存期评估和心理疏导在内的许多契合安宁疗护理念、符合患者需求的试点自主服务,因缺少收费依据无法纳入医保,成为制约安宁疗护发展的瓶颈问题。 目的 系统调查社区卫生服务中心实际开展但未纳入收费和医保的安宁疗护自主服务项目的开展情况,为规范安宁疗护服务内容、完善安宁疗护服务定价收费机制提供科学依据。 方法 于2020年7—10月,采用典型抽样法,在上海市各区选取安宁疗护业务量较大的1~2家社区卫生服务中心作为调查机构,最终调查30家机构。采用自行设计的"上海市安宁疗护试点自主服务项目调查表"对纳入机构开展调查,量表包括住院安宁疗护服务、居家安宁疗护服务两个方面的5类35项服务项目,由各机构安宁疗护服务负责人根据过去一年服务开展情况进行填写。 结果 29家(96.7%)机构的调查表被有效回收,其中28家(96.6%)开展了住院安宁疗护服务,开展项目中位数为27(15)项,25家(86.2%)开展了居家安宁疗护服务,开展项目中位数为25(15)项。5类服务项目在住院安宁疗护服务、居家安宁疗护服务中的开展项目数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。中心城区、近郊区、远郊区社区卫生服务中心的住院安宁疗护服务、居家安宁疗护服务开展项目数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。评估、舒适照护、安宁疗护适宜技术、心理支持、人文关怀5类服务项目,在住院安宁疗护服务中的平均开展比例分别为85.7%、78.6%、48.6%、88.4%、67.5%,在居家安宁疗护服务中的平均开展比例分别为86.3%、60.0%、42.0%、84.0%、62.0%。 结论 社区卫生服务中心的试点自主服务项目开展较广泛,服务可及性和区域均衡性较好。亟须进一步规范服务项目内容,制定临床标准,完善价格收费机制,改革支付方式,以激励机构和医务人员规范提供安宁疗护服务。  相似文献   

罗涛  赵越  刘兰秋 《中国全科医学》2022,25(19):2315-2319
建立健全安宁疗护服务体系是健康老龄化的应有之义。当前,我国安宁疗护服务已纳入国家医疗卫生体系,形成了多主体安宁疗护服务供给局面,"住院-门诊-居家"的多元安宁疗护服务模式初具雏形,部分地区还探索出安宁疗护"指导中心-示范基地-专业机构"的推进体系。但我国的安宁疗护服务体系构建仍存在覆盖面窄且分布不均,安宁疗护服务提供机构准入、评价、退出机制尚待健全,整合性安宁疗护服务模式尚未建立等诸多问题。应明确安宁疗护"基本医疗卫生服务"的法律性质,健全"住院-门诊-居家"安宁疗护服务模式,构建以基层社区居家安宁疗护服务为重点的整合型安宁疗护服务体系,建立安宁疗护"国家中心-区域中心-专门机构"的推进体系。  相似文献   

刘兰秋  赵越 《中国全科医学》2022,25(19):2320-2324
21世纪的日本"少子高龄化"特征明显,发展居家安宁疗护、构建完备的居家安宁疗护服务体系,是日本卫生服务提供体制改革的重要方向。本文介绍了日本居家安宁疗护的含义与理念,以及关于居家安宁疗护服务提供机构、提供人员、提供内容及费用保障的法律规定,提示我国在条件成熟时应尽快健全安宁疗护相关立法,在卫生服务提供体系框架下实现居家安宁疗护的稳定发展,建立并强化安宁疗护过程中的协作机制,并为居家安宁疗护提供必要的经费保障,通过完善的制度设计保障老年人"居家善终"的权益。  相似文献   

目的 分析安宁疗护中心入住患者人口学资料及结构,探究其对国家制定相关政策的启示。方法 对北京某医院安宁疗护中心收治患者的人口学特征及治疗基本情况进行分析。结果 508例患者中,99.2%为癌症末期患者,平均年龄为(69.8±15.4)岁,60岁以下患者占安宁疗护中心患者总人数的19.1%。住院时长中位数为26 d, 86.2%的患者在安宁疗护中心离世。结论 我国安宁疗护患者呈现癌症患者占比高、老年人群占比高、住院时间长及病死率高等特点。建议加强癌症相关科室建设,针对不同年龄群体制定相应的安宁疗护策略,构建安宁疗护评估体系。  相似文献   

临终患者在居家照顾时面临多方面的困难,而居家安宁疗护秉承全人、全家、全队、全程的照顾理念,能够满足居家临终患者和家属的全方位需求。本文报道1例乳腺恶性肿瘤终末期患者的照顾历程和居家安宁疗护过程,并总结居家安宁疗护工作经验,以期为今后的居家安宁疗护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

目的研究北京市临终关怀服务的现状,并依据所得数据提出相关政策建议。方法问卷调查和专家访谈.对调研数据进行统计学分析。结果①在被调查的446名老年人中,了解临终关怀服务者占23.9%;②老年居民生活不能自理者主要选择居家照料(46.4%)、养老院(32.7%)和护理院(15.9%);③老年居民希望就近就医者占72.0%,希望上门服务者占17.5%;④老年人希望最佳临终关怀服务机构在社区者占53.3%,在综合性医院者占22.9%,在独立临终关怀机构者占21.1%,在老年护理机构者占2.7%。结论①临终关怀机构不完善,队伍建设亟需加强;②亟待确立临终关怀的服务标准。  相似文献   

背景 安宁疗护已成为国家健康体系中的重要环节。2017年以来国家卫生主管部门主导开展了两个批次的全国安宁疗护试点,共计1个直辖市及76个城市(区)成为试点单位。然而,作为安宁疗护主要服务提供者和主要服务场所的社区卫生机构,目前尚未形成切实可行的服务模式,亟须探索研究。目的 基于社区卫生工作实际,组建全科医学背景下安宁疗护多专业团队,确立团队成员角色,探索安宁疗护多专业团队服务模式(H-MPT)并评估其运行效果。方法 本研究采用定量与定性混合研究设计对2016年10月-2019年12月在康健安宁疗护开展的H-MPT进行效果评估。定量研究采用自行编制的“H-MPT团队成员评估表”“H-MPT服务患者家属评估表”。定性研究的开展则采用自编访谈提纲,对H-MPT团队成员中的医生、护士进行录音访谈。对量表评估和访谈结果进行描述性统计。结果 量表评估结果显示,团队成员对各条目的评估值为4.58~5.00分,患者家属对各条目的评估值为4.60~5.00分。访谈结果显示,H-MPT服务模式提升了人文关怀服务质量、提高了团队协作效率、有助于改善医患关系及提升对医务社会工作者的认可。结论 基于全科医学平台组建安宁疗护多专业团队的服务模式,不仅提升了安宁疗护的总体服务质量,而且为当下开展社区为本的安宁疗护提供一个专业服务的框架。  相似文献   

通过梳理中国社区安宁疗护的发展模式和经验,分析社区安宁疗护发展存在的主要问题,为社区安宁疗护发展提出合理化建议,如加大支持保障力度、加强人才队伍建设、树立正确的生死观等,以促进国内社区安宁疗护服务更快更好地发展。  相似文献   

A home care Hospice programme was set up to provide care to the patients with advanced diseases and their families in Singapore. After office-hour, the service is managed by a doctor on weekdays, with the assistance of a nurse during daytime on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The doctor on-call made an average of 3.1 phone calls and 1.3 visits each weekday evening. Over the weekends and public holidays, there were a mean of 16.7 phone calls and 6 visits each day. More than half of the visits (50.3%) were made for certification of death. The commonest symptoms that prompted visits were dyspnoea (20%) and pain (12.2%). The busiest period during weekdays was between 6.00 pm and 11.00 pm, when our doctors did most of their visits. The workload of the hospice home care service is likely to increase and resources such as family health physicians can be explored to help to meet this increasing demand. This can be achieved through the provision of comprehensive training and easy accessibility to medical records which are kept with patients.  相似文献   

Which physicians make home visits and why? A survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Recent changes in the North American health care system and certain demographic factors have led to increases in home care services. Little information is available to identify the strategies that could facilitate this transformation in medical practice and ensure that such changes respond adequately to patients' needs. As a first step, the authors attempted to identify the major factors influencing physicians' home care practices in the Quebec City area. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail to all 696 general practitioners working in the Quebec City area. The questionnaire was intended to gather information on physicians' personal and professional characteristics, as well as their home care practice (practice volume, characteristics of both clients and home visits, and methods of patient assessment and follow-up). RESULTS: A total of 487 physicians (70.0%) responded to the questionnaire, 283 (58.1%) of whom reported making home visits. Of these, 119 (42.0%) made fewer than 5 home visits per week, and 88 (31.1%) dedicated 3 hours or less each week to this activity. Physicians in private practice made more home visits than their counterparts in family medicine units and CLSCs (centres locaux des services communautaires [community centres for social and health services]) (mean 11.5 v. 5.8 visits per week), although the 2 groups reported spending about the same amount of time on this type of work (mean 5.6 v. 5.0 hours per week). The proportion of visits to patients in residential facilities or other private residences was greater for private practitioners than for physicians from family medicine units and CLSCs (29.7% v. 18.9% of visits), as were the proportions of visits made at the patient's request (28.0% v. 14.2% of visits) and resulting from an acute condition (21.4% v. 16.0% of visits). The proportion of physicians making home visits at the request of a CLSC was greater for those in family medicine units and CLSCs than for those in private practice (44.0% v. 11.3% of physicians), as was the proportion of physicians making home visits at the request of a colleague (18.0% v. 4.5%) or at the request of hospitals (30.0% v. 6.8%). Physicians in family medicine units and CLSCs did more follow-ups at a frequency of less than once per month than private practitioners (50.9% v. 37.1% of patients), and they treated a greater proportion of patients with cognitive disorders (17.2% v. 12.6% of patients) and palliative care needs (13.7% v. 8.6% of patients). Private practitioners made less use of CLSC resources to assess home patients or follow them. Male private practitioners made more home visits than their female counterparts (mean 12.8 v. 8.3 per week), although they spent an almost equal amount of time on this activity (mean 5.7 v. 5.2 hours per week). INTERPRETATION: These results suggest that practice patterns for home care vary according to the physician's practice setting and sex. Because of foreseeable increases in the numbers of patients needing home care, further research is required to evaluate how physicians' practices can be adapted to patients' needs in this area.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with the location of death (home or hospital) of patients referred to a palliative care home support team. DESIGN: Retrospective case-control chart review. SETTING: Palliative care inpatient unit with a home support team in a large chronic care hospital. SUBJECTS: All 75 patients receiving services from the home support team who died at home between June 1988 and January 1990 and 75 randomly selected patients receiving the same services who died in hospital. OUTCOME MEASURES: Place of death (home or hospital). RESULTS: Of the 267 patients referred to the palliative care home support team during the study period 75 (28.1%) died at home. Factors significantly associated with dying at home were the patient's preference for dying at home recorded at the time of the initial assessment (p < 0.001), a family member other than the spouse involved in the patient's care (p = 0.021) and the use of private shift nursing (p < 0.001). The patients who died in hospital were more likely than the other patients to have had no home visits from the palliative care team after the initial assessment (p = 0.04). The patient's preference for dying at home was not met if the caregiver could not cope or if symptoms were uncontrolled. The patient's preference for dying in hospital was not met if his or her condition deteriorated rapidly or if the patient died suddenly. CONCLUSIONS: Patients' preference as to place of death, level of caregiver support and entitlement to private shift nursing were significantly associated with patients' dying at home. The determination of these factors should be part of every palliative care assessment. Patients and their families should be informed about available home support services.  相似文献   

A growing number of researchers are exploring strategies to improve hospice care through the use of web-based technologies. This study of 50 hospice patients and caregivers was conducted in order to obtain data describing home internet use among hospice service recipients. Over half (58%) of respondents reported having home internet access, with most using a dial-up connection. Primary reasons for accessing the web included e-mail and information searches. Findings suggest that the hospice industry should explore adopting web-based technologies as a strategy to enhance rather than replace traditional care. Providers must consider the strengths and potential limitations of patients and caregivers when designing online services. Specific recommendations for web-based hospice interventions are discussed at length.  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市社区卫生服务中心舒缓疗护服务的开展情况,分析服务开展与实施中所存在的相关问题以及其影响因素,并针对如何持续扩大临终关怀服务覆盖面、优化社区舒缓疗护人力资源配备、行业的可持续发展提供科学的建议。 方法 本文通过对2015年上海市安宁疗护服务现状基线调查数据报表进行分析,同时采用抽样法选取上海市部分社区卫生服务中心进行定性小组访谈,采用SWOT分析方法总结上海市社区在开展舒缓疗护人力资源现状和服务项目的政策框架与保障机制、行业规范细则、人才队伍初步建立、多学科团队合作等方面所存在的优势、劣势、机遇及挑战。 结果 目前上海市共有80所临终关怀机构,但具有完备人力资源配置并给予专业培训的医院仅有5家,仍有接近20家医院医生和护士配备未达到上海市级标准,缺少对应的支持人员。行业缺乏深入的考核和细化的规范,在内涵建设上存在较大差距。影响舒缓疗护服务开展的主要因素为行业规范细则缺乏、专业人才紧缺、医疗保险未完全衔接、政府及社会投入不足等。 结论 需在本市大力开展医养结合的同时适时嵌入临终关怀服务需求,并制定临终关怀发展战略规划。同时成立上海市临终关怀培训认证中心,推动社会慈善事业投入临终关怀领域,最大限度地达到以患者为中心,最终形成完整的安宁疗护模式。   相似文献   

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