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Background: An utmost increase of breast cancer burden during the last several decades was reported in Asian countries. Findings from literature confirm that risk factors of breast cancers can be modifiable and non-modifiable in nature. Objective: The present study is designed to identify specific modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors associated with breast cancer. Methods: A matched case-control study was conducted considering 187 cases as women diagnosed with breast cancer and 187 hospital-controls as women without having breast cancer visiting the hospital. Other than standard risk factors, stress is measured using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and stress is measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Several modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors were assessed using conditional logistic regression to find out significant association with breast cancer. Results: Regular multi-vitamin uptake (OR = 3.38; 95%CI = 1.69 – 6.77; p-value = 0.001), poor sleep (OR = 11.29; 95%CI = 4.36 – 29.25; p-value < 0.001), irregular sleep (OR = 34.11; 95%CI = 10.03 – 115.92; p-value < 0.001) and severe stress (OR = 6.74; 95%CI = 3.06 – 14.81; p-value < 0.001) were found to be the highest odds ratio among all modifiable risk factor of breast cancer. Also, age at first childbirth less than 30 years (OR = 0.44; 95%CI = 0.25 – 0.78; p-value = 0.005) was found protective against breast cancer. Conclusion: In our study, stress, sleeping pattern, and regular multi-vitamin uptake were found to be significant modifiable risk factors of breast cancer. None of the non-modifiable risk factors were found to be significantly associated with the risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer remains one of the most widespread malignancies in the world. However, there is a lackof comprehensive studies considering colorectal cancer risk factors among Russian populations, particularlyin Siberia. The aim of this investigation was to determine the impact of various lifestyle, dietary, family, andsocioeconomical factors on colorectal cancer risk in South-East Siberia. We recruited 185 Russian colorectal cancercases and 210 gender-, age-, and ethnicity-matched asymptomatic controls with no history of any malignant tumor,using a specially designed questionnaire to obtain relevant information. After the statistical analysis, we definedseveral significant factors affecting colorectal cancer risk. Among these were smoking (OR=2.13, 95%CI=1.4-3.24, P=0.0004), being overweight (BMI between 25-30, OR=2.45, 95%CI=1.49-4.03, P=0.0004), alcohol drinking(OR=8.73, 95%CI=5.49-13.87, P<0.0001), beer drinking (OR=9.24, 95%CI=5.14-16.61, P<0.0001), consumptionof hard liquor (OR=9.37, 95%CI=5.92-14.82, P<0.0001), excessive red meat consumption (P<0.0001), excessiveintake of red meat products (P<0.0001), excessive intake of dairy products (P<0.0001), excessive sour cream andcheese consumption (P<0.0001 and 0.0002, respectively), spicy food consumption (OR=2.87, 95%CI=1.9-4.33,P<0.0001), family history of gastrointestinal malignant tumors (OR=3.99, 95%CI=2.09-7.59, P<0.0001), andincome exceeding twice the subsistence minimum (OR=5.34, 95%CI=3.35-8.53, P<0.0001). Certain factors, suchas high concentration of salt in the food and precancerous colonic lesions, demonstrated borderline significance(OR=3.45, 95%CI=1.68-7.1, P=0.0008, and OR=5.25, 95%CI=1.94-14.22, P=0.001, respectively). Some factorswere established as protective, like consumption of rye bread and both rye and wheat bread (OR=0.32,95%CI=0.21-0.5, P<0,0001, and OR=0.07, 95%CI=0.02-0.21, P<0.0001, respectively), and also low concentrationof salt in the food, although this was of borderline significance (OR=0.43, 95%CI=0.26-0.69, P=0.0006). ABOand Rhesus blood antigens were not associated with increased colorectal cancer risk. These results should bedefinitely applied for elaboration of programs of colorectal cancer prevention in Russia, particularly in Siberia.  相似文献   

We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the effect of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection on the risk of gastric cancer in Tokyo, Japan. The sera at the time of diagnosis from 282 gastric cancer cases and 767 sex- and age-matched cancer-free controls were tested for the presence of anti-HP IgG antibody (HM-CAP ELISA kit) and serum pepsinogen (PG) level (PG I and PG II Riabead). No significant association was observed in all sets [matched odds ratio (OR)=1.04, 95% confidence interval: 0.73–1.49]. In subgroup analyses, however, an association was suggested in females [OR=1.57], a younger population (<50 years) [OR=1.86], early cancer [OR=1.53] and small cancer (<40 mm) [OR=1.55]. Furthermore, we observed a tendency for odds ratios to decrease with an increase in age or cancer growth (depth of tumor invasion and tumor size). Considering that the spontaneous disappearance of HP due to extended mucosal atrophy may lead to these decreasing odds ratios, we applied the conditional logistic model adjusted for the PG I/II ratio as a measure of atrophic gastritis. This analysis showed a positive association with HP infection in all sets [OR=1.69; 1.01–2.81], distal cancer [OR=1.88; 1.07–3.31] and intestinal-type cancer [OR=3.76; 1.39–10.18]. We concluded that the risk of cancer associated with HP infection may be underestimated in studies with cross-sectional exposure because of spontaneous disappearance of HP due to extended mucosal atrophy.  相似文献   

河南新乡地区女性乳腺癌危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查新乡地区女性乳腺癌危险因素 ,为确定高危人群、提出预防措施提供依据。方法 我们从 1992年 4月到 1997年 4月与中国医科院肿瘤医院合作开展了《中国大样本乳腺癌病例对照调查研究》 ,这 5年中对我院就诊的经我院病理证实的乳腺癌30 0例进行病例对照研究。研究其妇科史、药物史、吸烟史及饮食史、家族史、疾病史、染发史等。结果 在单因素分析中 ,达到显著性水平的危险因素为行经期≥ 35年、服用避孕药、良性乳腺疾病史、被动吸烟及常食用蜂王浆等 ,达到显著性水平的保护因素为哺乳及常食豆类食品。条件 (logistic)多元回归分析显示 :重要的有统计学显著意义的乳腺癌危险因素是良性乳腺疾病史、被动吸烟 ;重要保护性因素是常食豆制品及哺乳。结论 新乡地区女性乳腺癌重要危险因素为良性乳腺疾病史及被动吸烟  相似文献   

Background: Bladder cancer is the second most incident malignancy among Lebanese men. The purposeof this study was to investigate potential risk factors associated with this observed high incidence. Methods: Acase-control study (54 cases and 105 hospital-based controls) was conducted in two major hospitals in Beirut.Cases were randomly selected from patients diagnosed in the period of 2002-2008. Controls were convenientlyselected from the same settings. Data were collected using interview questionnaire and blood analysis. Exposuredata were collected using a structured face-to-face interview questionnaire. Blood samples were collected todetermine N-acetyltransferase1 (NAT1) genotype by PCR-RFLP. Analyses revolved around univariate, bivariateand multivariate logistic regression, along with checks for effect modification. Results: The odds of havingbladder cancer among smokers was 1.02 times significantly higher in cases vs. controls. The odds of exposure tooccupational diesel or fuel combustion fumes were 4.1 times significantly higher in cases vs controls. The oddsof prostate-related morbidity were 5.6 times significantly higher in cases vs controls. Cases and controls showeddifferent clustering patterns of NAT1 alleles. No significant differences between cases and controls were foundfor consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, or artificial sweeteners. Conclusions: This is the first case-control studyinvestigating bladder cancer risk factors in the Lebanese context. Results confirmed established risk factorsin the literature, particularly smoking and occupational exposure to diesel. The herein observed associationsshould be used to develop appropriate prevention policies and intervention strategies, in order to control thisalarming disease in Lebanon.  相似文献   

Introduction: In Malaysia, prostate cancer is ranked 6th among male cancer and expected to increase in thefuture. Several factors have shown to be related to prostate cancer such as sociodemographic, lifestyle, diet,occupational exposure, medical and health status. This is the first time a similar study was conducted in Malaysiato recognize the risk factors for prostate cancer patients who came for treatment at Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Methods: Prostate cancer cases diagnosed between 2003 and 2008 whichmet with the inclusion criteria were included in the study. One hundred and twelfth (112) pairs of cases andcontrols matched by age and ethnicity were analysed. McNemar Odds Ratios (ORM) were calculated usingMcNemar Calculator software for univariate analysis while conditional logistic regression was used formultivariate analysis, both using SPSS version 12.0. Results: Most of the prostate cancer patients (68.8%) thatcame for treatment in UKMMC were above 70 years old. The majority were Chinese (50.0%) followed byMalay (46.4%) and Indian (3.6%). Multivariate analysis showed cases were more likely to have a first-degreerelative with a history of cancer (OR= 3.77, 95% CI= 1.19-11.85), to have been exposed to pesticides (OR= 5.57,95% CI= 1.75-17.78) and consumed more meat (OR= 12.23, 95% CI= 3.89-39.01). Significantly reduced risks ofprostate cancer were noted among those consuming more vegetables (OR= 0.12, 95% CI= 0.02-0.84), moretomatoes (OR= 0.35, 95% CI= 0.13-0.93) and those who had frequent sexual intercourse (OR= 0.44, 95% CI=0.19-0.96). Conclusion: Some lifestyle and occupation factors are strong predictors of the occurrence of prostatecancer among patients in UKMMC. More importantly, with the identification of the potentially modifiable riskfactors, proper public health intervention can be improved.  相似文献   

Background: Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide and infectionwith H. pylori is considered essential for its development. Helicobacter pylori infects more than 50% of theworld’s population with higher prevalence in developing countries than developed countries. The prevalence ofH. pylori varies in different societies and geographical locations. The objectives of this study were to estimate theseroprevalence and determine the risk factors of H. pylori infection in dyspeptic patents in Ethiopia. Materialsand Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 209 dyspeptic patients was carried out from February 15 to April30, 2013. Five to ten ml venous blood was collected from each dyspeptic patient and analyzed for detection ofHelicobacter pylori immunoglobulin (IgG). The socio-demographic characteristic, hygienic practices, alcoholconsumption, sources of drinking water and types of latrine were also obtained with a pre-tested questionnaire.Results: The overall seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori was 72.2%. There was statistically significant differencein the prevalence of H. pylori among age groups (p=0.02). Seroprevalence of H. pylori was higher in those patientswho used unprotected surface water (76.4%) than those with access to piped tap water (65.9%). There was alsostatistically significant differences in prevalence of H. pylori with the habit of hand washing before meal (p=0.01)and alcohol consumption (p=0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of H. pylori was high in the study area andincreased with age of dyspeptic patients. Alcohol consumption and the type of drinking water are risk factorsthat have associations with the prevalence of H. pylori. Molecular epidemiological techniques can show a truepicture of H. pylori and improvement in the drinking water quality is recommended.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence support the notion that MUC1 is often aberrantly expressed in gastric cancer, and itis a ligand for Helicobacter pylori. Genetic variation in MUC1 gene may confer susceptibility to H. pylori infectionand gastric cancer. We assessed the association of common polymorphisms in MUC1 gene with H. pylori infectionand non-cardia gastric cancer using an LD-based tag SNP approach in north-western Chinese Han population.A total of four SNPs were successfully genotyped among 288 patients with non-cardia gastric cancer and 281age- and sex-matched controls. None of the tested SNPs was associated with H. pylori infection. SNP rs9426886was associated with a decreased risk of non-cardia gastric cancer, but lost significance after adjustment formultiple testing. Overall, our data indicated that common genetic variations in MUC1 gene might not make amajor contribution to the risk of H. pylori infection and non-cardia gastric cancer in our studied population.  相似文献   

Background: The association of obesity with the occurrence of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer has beendemonstrated. However, there is limited knowledge on the risk factors of thyroid nodules in in severely obese patients.The aim was to evaluate the occurrence of thyroid nodules in severely obese and nonobese patients and determine thefactors associated considering sociodemographic, lifestyle, and biochemical variables. Methods: This is a case-controlstudy of 134 adults which 67 nonobese, control group, and 67 severely obese (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2), case group. Allparticipants underwent thyroid ultrasound. Results: The occurrence of thyroid nodules in a control group was 13.4% (n= 9), while in a case group was 29.9%, n = 20), difference statistically significant (p = 0.017). Factors associated withthe occurrence of thyroid nodules in severely obese patients were lower mean age (p = 0.022); higher economic class(p = 0.010); nonconsumption of alcohol (p = 0.017); higher fasting glycemia (p = 0.009), fasting insulin (p = 0.001),homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance [HOMA-IR] (p = 0.045), and triglyceride (p = 0.009) mean values;and lower vitamin D3 (p = 0.045) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p = 0.041) mean values. Conclusions:Occurrence of thyroid nodules in severely obese patients was higher than nonobese. Lower age at diagnosis, highereconomic level, nonconsumption of alcohol, hyperinsulinemia, higher HOMA-IR scores, and lower vitamin D3 levelswere factors associated with the occurrence of thyroid nodules in severely obese patients.  相似文献   

Five hundred and thirty-one histologically confirmed breast carcinoma cases examined from 1983 to 1986 inclusive at the Cancer institute (WIA), Madras, india, were matched for age, socioeconomic class and menopausal status with an equal number of controls. Cancer patients without diseases in breast, gynaecological organs or endocrine glands were used as controls. Risk factors for breast cancer were analyzed separately in the premenopausal and the postmenopausal groups. in neither group was there significant association between age at menarche and breast cancer risk. Single women had higher risk than married women. Nulliparity was found to be a risk factor in premenopausal women only. the relative risk increased with age at marriage and age at first birth. A three-fold risk was noted in both pre- and postmenopausal groups when the interval between age at first birth and menarche was more than 12 years and also in women who attained menopause between the age of 44-49.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is involved in many gastrointestinal diseases, such as chronic gastritis (CAG), peptic ulcer and gastric cancer (GCA). Both host factors and H. pylori strain differences may contribute to differences in the diseases. Thus, we conducted an age and gender matched case-control study of 35 patients each with CAG, gastric ulcer (GUL), duodenal ulcer (DUL) and gastric cancer (GCA) to examine the role of strain differences of the H, pylori cytotoxin genes cagA and vacA in these diseases. We employed polymerase chain reaction to examine the gastric juice for H. pylori DNA. The test was positive for 26 (74.3%) CAG, 29 (82.9%) GUL, 28 (80.0%) DUL and 27 (77.1%) GCA patients, showing no statistically significant difference among the diseases (P= 0.84). cagA and vacA genes (picked up by using a vacA l+ vacA 2 primer pair which detected nonvariable regions of the vacA gene) were detected by PCR in the H. pylori DNA-positive cases as follows: CAG, 92.3% and 76.9%; GUL, 100% and 86.2%; DUL, 89.3% and 89.3%; GCA, 92.6% and 85.2%, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found in the frequencies of these cytotoxin genes in H. pylori -positive cases among the various gastric diseases ( P =0.39 for cagA and P=0.64 for vacA ).  相似文献   

We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the association between serum levels of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) and the risk of gastric cancer. Cases were 214 patients who had been diagnosed with gastric cancer and controls were 120 persons who underwent medical checkups. Serum levels of Cu/Zn SOD were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Compared with the lowest quartile, the OR (odds ratio) was 4.54 (95% CI (confidence interval), 1.62–12.66) for the third quartile and 15.75 (95% CI, 5.84–42.46) for the highest quartile. With both early and advanced cancers, as well as with the intestinal and diffuse types, a significant increase in risk was observed with increasing levels of serum Cu/Zn SOD. Our case-control study showed that serum levels of Cu/Zn SOD were significantly elevated in gastric cancer patients compared with apparently healthy controls, and higher Cu/Zn SOD levels may be associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Linzhou City has one of the highest incidences of oesophageal cancer in China, and in the world. A case-control ‍study was here conducted to investigate potential risk factors in this area. Linzhou Cancer Registry was used to ‍identify cases of oesophageal cancer, aged between 30 and 75, diagnosed between January 1998 and April 1999. ‍Three neighbourhood controls were selected for each case, matched according to age, sex and village of residence. A ‍total of 211 cases and 633 controls were interviewed. A strong association was found between socio-economic status ‍and the risk of oesophageal cancer. Increased income, residential space and education were all significantly associated ‍with a decreased risk (OR 0.54, 0.36 and 0.30 respectively). Using a drinking water source other than tap water was ‍significantly associated with an increased risk (OR 5.49). The consumption of beans, vegetables and vinegar all ‍showed a protective effect with odds ratios of 0.37, 0.44 and 0.37 respectively. Preferences for a low salt diet or a high ‍salt diet were both associated with an increased risk. It can be concluded that in Linzhou, oesophageal cancer is a ‍disease related to poverty. Having a drinking water source other than tap water increases the risk of oesophageal ‍cancer. As in other populations, a high consumption of vegetables and beans are associated with a decreased risk and ‍a preference for a high salt diet is associated with an increased risk. ‍  相似文献   

Objective: Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadly malignant neoplasms. Currently, it is one of the main causes of cancer deaths worldwide. The study aimed to identify and evaluate patient characteristics, demographic and lifestyle factors that are associated with lung cancer at diagnosis. Methods: The study included 400 patients diagnosed with lung cancer and 400 within the control group. The research was based on a clinical, direct, individual, structured, in-depth and focused interview. Assessment of activity and BMI was used according to WHO recommendations, as well as the expert system. Results: The mean age of the patients was 74.53 ± 7.86 years, while in the control group 59.5 (7.93). There was a strong positive relationship between the incidence of tuberculosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the risk of lung cancer (p <0.001). The risk of lung cancer was significant in the case of smoking 20 or more than 20 cigarettes a day and smoking for more than 20 years (p = 0.01). Conclusions: Active and passive smoking, are a leading risk factor for lung cancer, which shows that understanding of the long-term and fatal effects of smoking is still very low in society.  No significant correlation has been found between lifestyle and risk of lung cancer. However, there was a strong positive correlation between tuberculosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the risk of lung cancer. Occupation is a predisposing factor for lung cancer occurrence.  相似文献   

Background: The association between Helicobacter pylori infection and cardiovascular risk factors remainscontroversial. The high prevalence of H. pylori infection among Afghan patients warranted the investigation of thisassociation. The aim of the present study was to determine the association between H. pylori infection and cardiovascularrisk factors among patients visiting an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan. Methods: We performed across-sectional study of 271 consecutive patients in an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan from April 2017 toJune 2017. The diagnosis of H. pylori infection was achieved using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. Thepatients were divided into H. pylori positive (n=189) and H. pylori negative (n=82) groups. The association between H.pylori infection and cardiovascular risk factors was analyzed. Results: Of the total 271 study participants, 102 (37.6%)were male and 169 (62.4%) female. The mean age ± standard deviation of the patients who were H. pylori-positiveand H. pylori-negative was 51.0 ± 17.6 years and 51.6 ± 17.6 years, respectively. In multivariate logistic regressionanalyses, H. pylori infection was significantly associated with diabetes mellitus (DM) (odds ratio [OR] 3.16, 95%confidence interval [CI] 1.31-7.62, P = 0.011), and body mass index (BMI) levels (OR 1.17, 95% CI 108-1.26, P <0.001). Conclusions: Our study indicated that H. pylori infection was significantly associated with DM and elevatedBMI levels in patients from an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan. More aggressive measures, including DM,obesity control, and H. pylori eradication are needed.  相似文献   

Background: Breast cancer in Kazakhstan and its Kyzylorda oblast is the most prevalent cancer in womenand features increasing trends of incidence. The aim of study was to reveal risk factors for breast cancer amongwomen of Kyzylorda oblast of Kazakhstan. Materials and Methods: A hospital-based case-control study wasconducted at Kyzylorda oblast Oncology Center, including 114 cases of breast cancer and 196 controls. Binarylogistic regression analysis was performed. Results: Social and behavioral risk factors for breast cancer wereevaluated, among which unfavorable living conditions, chronic stress, unilateral breastfeeding, breastfeeding lessthan 3 months and over 2 years, abortions, and hereditary predisposition were found to be related with increasedbreast cancer risk. Breastfeeding for 6-24 months was found to be protective. Conclusions: The findings may havesignificant impact on activity planning aimed towards breast cancer reduction among women in Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Objective: Early prediction of breast cancer is one of the most essential fields of medicine. Many studies have introduced prediction approaches to facilitate the early prediction and estimate the future occurrence based on mammography periodic tests. In the current research, we introduce a novel machine learning tool for the early prediction of breast cancer. Methods: Three basic resources are used to identify the most essential risk factors; including the BCSC (Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium) dataset, a medical questionnaire, and multiple international breast cancer reports. The BCSC dataset has been normalized and balanced; consequently, the questionnaire and the medical reports are analyzed in order to define the degree of importance and a potential weight factor of each risk factor. These weights are used to scale risk factors and then the optimizable tree-based ML model is trained using the balanced weighted risk factors datasets. Results: Three balanced versions of the BCSC dataset are used; oversampled, down-sampled and mixed datasets. Each risk factor has a weight (1, 2 or 4) assigned based on a mathematical modelling of the questionnaire and the international breast cancer reports. The experiments are applied on the weighted and non-weighted versions of the database, and they indicate that the performance increases significantly by using the weighted version of the risk factors. The tests prove that the down-weighting of the non-essential risk factor increases the accuracy and reduces errors. The overall accuracy of the weighted balanced datasets reaches 100%, 95.8% and 95.9% for down-sampled, oversampled and mixed datasets respectively. Conclusion: Weighting the risk factors of the BCSC dataset improves the performance by increasing the accuracy and reducing the false rejection and false discovery rates for all versions of balanced datasets. The weighting approach can also be used to improve the estimation score of breast cancer by scaling the individual scores of risk factors.  相似文献   

Background: Pancreatic cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer death with an increasing trend in China.Dietary intake is believed to play an important role in pancreatic cancer carcinogenesis. The aim of this paper wasto evaluate associations between some dietary factors and risk of pancreatic cancer in a multi-centre case-controlstudy conducted in China. Materials and Methods: Cases (n=323) were ascertained from four provincial cancerhospitals. Controls (n=323) were randomly selected from the family members of patients without pancreaticcancer in the same hospitals, 1:1 matched to cases by gender, age and study center. Data were collected with aquestionnaire by personal interview. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were estimatedusing conditional logistic regression. Results: Tea intake (OR =0.49; 95%CI: 0.30-0.80) was associated with a halfreduction in risk of pancreatic cancer. Reduced vegetable consumption (P trend: 0.04) was significant related topancreatic cancer. Although no significant association was found for meat and fruit, ORs were all above or belowthe reference group. A protective effect was found for fruit (OR=1.73 for consumption of 1-2 times/week vs morethan 3 times/week; 95%CI: 1.05-2.86). A high intake of meat was associated to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer(OR=0.59 for consumption of 1-2 times /week vs. more than 3 times /week; 95%CI: 0.35-0.97). Conclusions: Thepresent study supports fruit consumption to reduce pancreatic cancer risk and indicates that high consumptionof meat is related to an elevated risk. Direct inverse relations with tea and vegetable intake were also confirmed.  相似文献   

In Japan, there have been a few reports on the familiar factors of gastric cancer (GC)and on the GC risk related to family history (FH) at other cancer sites. We analyzed the association between GC occurrence and a positive FH of cancer of the stomach and of other sites in a hospital-based case-control study. The subjects included cases histologically confirmed as incident cancer of the stomach (n=136; 86 male and 50 female patients) and sex and age (± 1 year)-matched controls. GC risk was high when a subject had a parental history of GC [Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio adjusted for sex and age (OR) =2.3; 95% confidence interval (95%CI):1.1–5.0]. GC risk was almost unity for a cancer FH of any other cancer site, even among closer relatives, suggesting little or no contribution to GC occurrence. The familial occurrence of GC found in this study suggests the existence of a genetic susceptibility to cancer of the stomach. Further, females tended to show higher GC risks than males, when reporting an affected mother (OR=6.0; 95%CI:1.1–31.4 and OR=1.4; 95%CI:0.4–4.8, respectively), whereas males showed a slightly higher risk than females when reporting an affected father (OR=2.4; 95%CI:0.8–7.5 and OR=2.3; 95%CI:0.4–15.6, respectively). This suggests a possible gender difference in how environmental factors influence GC occurrence. The development of gastric tumors seems to be due to a complex and unknown interaction between environmental and genetic factors.  相似文献   

Background: The reason for the high incidence of gastric cancer (GC) in Xianyou County of China was largelyunknown. We aimed to explore the potential sociodemographic risk factors and their associations to GC. Methods:A population-based case-control study was conducted during March 2013 and April 2016 in Xianyou County. Allnewly diagnosed patients of GC were recruited as cases, while controls were selected by matching for cases’ sex, age(± 3 years) and the place of residence. Results: A total of 523 GC cases and 523 matched healthy controls were includedin the final analysis with mean age of 66.27±8.81 years for cases and 66.31±8.83 years for controls, respectively.Participants with low socioeconomic status were observed with higher GC risk compared to those in high socioeconomicstatus (adjusted OR=2.10, 95% CI: 1.13-3.89). Compared to those regularly drink green tea, patients did not have thisdietary habit had nearly 3-fold increased GC risk (adjusted OR=2.91, 95% CI: 1.38-6.13). Other dietary habit, includingconsumption of hard food, omission of breakfast, consumption of pickled vegetables 30 years ago, overeating were allassociated with increased risk of GC. Interaction effect were found. Patients in low socioeconomic status and skippedbreakfast had 10-fold higher risk of GC compared to reference group in high socioeconomic status and eat breakfastregularly (OR=10.71, 95% CI: 5.19-22.10). Furthermore, patients in low socioeconomic status and consumed pickledvegetable 30 years ago had 6-fold higher risk of GC compared to those in high socioeconomic status but did not intakepickled vegetables 30 years ago (OR=6.11, 95% CI: 3.87-9.66). Conclusion: High incidence of GC risk in XianyouCounty might be partly attributed to various sociodemographic factors. Specific prevention effort could be target onpopulation in low socioeconomic status combined with habit of breakfast omission or intake of pickled vegetables.  相似文献   

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