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Elvynna Leong Sok King OngFadzilah JaliNoraslinah Ramlee 《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2020,21(11):3259-3266
Background: This study aims to determine the survival rates for children and adolescents aged 0-19 years diagnosed with childhood cancer and to evaluate the associated factors for childhood cancer survival in Brunei Darussalam. Methods: The analysis was based on de-identified data of 263 childhood cancer for the period 2002 to 2017 retrieved from a population-based cancer registry. Overall survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Univariate analysis, using the log-rank test, was used to examine the differences in survival between groups. Multivariate analysis, using the Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) regression model, was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) and select the significant associated factors for childhood cancer patients’ survival. Results: The overall 1-, 5- and 10-year survival rates for all childhood cancers combined were 79.4%, 70.0% and 68.8% respectively. The most common types of cancer were leukemias, malignant epithelial neoplasms, lymphomas and tumours of the central nervous system (CNS). The 5-year survival estimates were highest for malignant epithelial neoplasms (84.2%) while the lowest was tumours of the CNS (44.1%). Log rank tests showed significant differences in childhood cancer patients’ survival between tumour types and period of diagnosis. In the Cox PH analysis, the presence of lymphomas, gonodal and germ cell neoplasms, and malignant epithelial neoplasms compared to leukemia; children aged 1-4 and 5-9 years compared to adolescents aged 15-19 years; and periods of diagnosis in 2002-2006 and 2007-2011 compared to 2012-2017 were significantly associated with lower hazard of death in this study. Conclusion: This study provides a baseline measurement of childhood cancer survival for monitoring and evaluation of cancer control programmes, to allow planning of cancer control program strategies such as surveillance, screening, and treatment to improve childhood survival rates in Brunei Darussalam. 相似文献
Elvynna Leong Sok King OngFadhliah MadliAbby TanDaphne Lai Norwani BasirNoraslinah RamleeVui Heng Chong 《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2020,21(1):259-265
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in both men and women. In most Asian countries, both the incidence and mortality rates of CRC are gradually increasing. In Brunei Darussalam, CRC ranks first and second in lifetime risk among men and women respectively. This study aims to report the overall survival rates and associated factors of CRC in Brunei Darussalam. Methods: This is a retrospective study examining CRC data for the period 2007 to 2017 retrieved from a population based cancer registry in Brunei Darussalam. A total of 728 patients were included in the analysis. Kaplan Meier method was used to estimate survival rates. Univariate analysis using log-rank test was used to examine the differences in survival between groups. Multivariate analysis using Cox PH regression was used to estimate hazard of death and obtain significant predictors that influence CRC patients’ survival. Results: The median survival time for colorectal, colon and rectal cancer patients were 57.0, 85.8 and 40.0 months respectively. The overall 1-, 3- and 5- year survival rates for CRC patients were 78.0%, 57.7% and 49.6% respectively. In univariate analysis, age at diagnosis, ethnicity, cancer stage, tumour location and histology were found to have significant difference in CRC patients’ survival. In the Cox PH analysis, older age (≥70 years), cancer stage, ethnicity and other histological type were determined as associated factors of CRC patients’ survival. Conclusion: This study found the overall 5-year survival rate of CRC in Brunei Darussalam is similar to that in some Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. However, more efforts need to be carried out in order to raise awareness of CRC and improve the survival of CRC patients. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(6):3473-3477
Background: Primary liver cancer (PLC) is the fifth most common malignancy worldwide and is still associatedwith high mortality. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma are the two most common PLCs,and their incidence varies across regions. Currently there are no published data available on the incidence ofPLC in Brunei Darussalam. Materials and Methods: All proven PLCs between 2000 and 2009 were identifiedfrom the National Cancer Registry and reviewed. Metastatic diseases were excluded. A total of 123 cases (male65.8%, female 34.2%) were identified and their data collected for calculation of the age standardised rate(ASR). Results: The most common type of PLC was HCC (87.8%) followed by cholangiocarcinoma (10.6%).There were two cases of hepatoblastoma. The mean age at diagnosis was 63.2 years. The overall ASR of PLCwas 8.2/100,000, increasing from 4.5/100,000 population in 2000 to 11.4/100,000 population in 2009. The rateswere higher among males (12.0/100,000) than females (4.7/100,000). Among the ethnic groups, Chinese had thehighest rates (overall 13.1/100,000 with none recorded in 2000 to 30.3/100,000 in 2009) compared to the Malays(overall 8.5/100,000 increasing from 4.5/100,000 in 2000 to 12.3/100,000 in 2009) and the indigenous groups. Theincidence increased after the age of 50 and was highest among the 75-79 age groups. Increase was seen for HCCbut not for cholangiocarcinoma. Conclusions: The most common type of PLC is HCC and the annual incidenceof PLC is increasing in Brunei Darussalam,rates being higher in males and Chinese. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(12):7251-7256
Objectives: To estimate the proportion of liver cancer cases and deaths due to infection with hepatitis B virus(HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), aflatoxin exposure, alcohol drinking and smoking in China in 2005. Studydesign: Systemic assessment of the burden of five modifiable risk factors on the occurrence of liver cancer inChina using the population attributable fraction. Methods: We estimated the population attributable fractionof liver cancer caused by five modifiable risk factors using the prevalence data around 1990 and data on relativerisks from meta-analyses, and large-scale observational studies. Liver cancer mortality data were from the 3rdNational Death Causes Survey, and data on liver cancer incidence were estimated from the mortality data fromcancer registries in China and a mortality/incidence ratio calculated. Results: We estimated that HBV infectionwas responsible for 65.9% of liver cancer deaths in men and 58.4% in women, while HCV was responsible for27.3% and 28.6% respectively. The fraction of liver cancer deaths attributable to aflatoxin was estimated to be25.0% for both men and women. Alcohol drinking was responsible for 23.4% of liver cancer deaths in men and2.2% in women. Smoking was responsible for 18.7% and 1.0% . Overall, 86% of liver cancer mortality andincidence (88% in men and 78% in women) was attributable to these five modifiable risk factors. Conclusions:HBV, HCV, aflatoxin, alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking were responsible for 86% of liver cancer mortalityand incidence in China in 2005. Our findings provide useful data for developing guidelines for liver cancerprevention and control in China and other developing countries. 相似文献
[目的]估计2010年中国肿瘤登记地区卵巢癌的发病与死亡情况.[方法]根据全国肿瘤登记中心指定的审核方法和评估标准,对全国219个肿瘤登记处上报的2010年肿瘤登记数据进行评估,最终145个肿瘤登记处的数据纳入分析.将纳入的登记处按城乡、地区(东部、中部和西部地区)以及性别分层,计算各层卵巢癌的年龄别发病(死亡)率、结合全国人口,估计全国卵巢癌的发病(死亡)率、标化发病(死亡)率、构成比、累积发病(死亡)率.中国人口标化率(简称中标率)采用2000年全国普查标准人口年龄构成,世界人口标化率(简称世标率)采用Segi's世界标准人口年龄构成.[结果]2010年入选年报的145个登记处(城市63个,农村82个),共覆盖人群158 403 248人(其中城市92 433 739人,农村65 969 509人),卵巢癌的M/I比例为0.45,MV%为81.18%,DOC%为1.71%,UB%为0.30%.据估计,2010年全国卵巢癌新发病例约4.15万例,死亡病例约1.76万例.卵巢癌发病率为6.47/10万,中标率为5.22/10万,世标率为4.97/10万,累积率(0~74岁)为0.53%.城市地区分别为7.73/10万、6.01/10万、5.73/10万、0.62%;农村地区分别为5.19/10万、4.32/10万、4.09/10万、0.42%.全国卵巢癌合计死亡率约为2.74/10万,中标率为2.08/10万,世标率为2.04/10万,累积率(0~74岁)为0.23%.城市地区分别为3.52/10万、2.51/10万、2.45/10万、0.28%;农村地区分别为1.94/10万、1.57/10万、1.54/10万、0.17%.[结论]2010年我国女性卵巢癌发病率和死亡率并不高,但因其较高的病死率严重威胁妇女的健康,应成为女性重点防治的恶性肿瘤之一. 相似文献
[目的]评估中国肿瘤登记地区2009年卵巢癌的发病与死亡情况.[方法]按照全国肿瘤登记中心制定的审核方法和评价标准对全国104个肿瘤登记处上报的2009年肿瘤登记数据进行评估,共72个登记处的数据入选,计算卵巢癌发病率、死亡率、累积率、截缩率、构成比;人口标准化率根据全国1982年人口普查的人口结构和Segi’s世界人口结构为标准.[结果] 2009年72个登记地区共覆盖登记人口85 470 522人(其中城市57 489 009人,农村27 981 513人),卵巢癌新发病例3360例,死亡病例1454例.72个肿瘤登记地区卵巢癌发病率为7.95/10万,中标发病率为4.54/10万,世标发病率为5.53/10万,累积率(0~74岁)为0.59%.城市地区卵巢癌的发病率为9.37/10万,中标率为5.15/10万;农村地区发病率为5.02/10万,中标率为3.15/10万.全部地区卵巢癌死亡率为3.44/10万,中标率为1.71/10万,世标率为2.23/10万,累积率(0~74岁)为0.26%.城市地区卵巢癌死亡率为4.19/10万,中标率为1.97/10万;农村地区死亡率为1.89/10万,中标率为1.09/ 10万.[结论]我国女性卵巢癌的发病和死亡率虽然不高,但由于其发病隐匿,病死率高,严重威胁着妇女的健康,应成为女性重点预防的妇科恶性肿瘤. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2014,15(24):10787-10790
Background: Ovarian cancer is an important cause of mortality in women. The aim of this study was toevaluate the incidence and mortality rates and trends in the Iranian population and make predictions. Materialsand Methods: National incidence from Iranian annual of National Cancer Registration report from 2003 to 2009and National Death Statistics reported by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education from 1999 to 2004 wereincluded in this study. A time series model (autoregressive) was used to predict the mortality for the years 2007,2008, 2012 and 2013, with results expressed as annual mortality rates per 100,000. Results: The general mortalityrate of ovarian cancer slightly increased during the years under study from 0.01 to 0.75 and reaching plateauaccording to the prediction model. Mortality was higher for older age. The incidence also increased during theperiod of the study. Conclusions: Our study indicated remarkable increasing trends in ovarian cancer mortalityand incidence. Therefore, attention to high risk groups and setting awareness programs for women are neededto reduce the associated burden in the future. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2015,16(9):3927-3930
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common gastrointestinal cancer and the incidence isincreasing in many developing countries. While it can be detected early and even prevented through screeningand removal of premalignant lesions, there are barriers to screening which include low level of knowledge andawareness of CRC. This study assessed the level of knowledge of CRC in Brunei Darussalam. Materials andMethods: A total of 431 (262 male and 161 female) subjects participated in this questionnaire study. Subjectswere scored on their knowledge of signs/symptoms (maximum 10 correct answers) and known risk factors forCRC (maximum 10 correct answers) and were categorised into poor (0-2), moderate (3-4) and satisfactory (5-10).Comparisons were made between the various patient factors. Results: Overall, 54.1% could not name any CRCsigns/symptoms or associated risk factors. Most were not aware of any screening modalities. The overall scoresfor CRC signs/symptoms and risk factors were 1.3±1.39 (range 0-6) and 0.6±1.05 (range 0-5) respectively. Overall,the breakdown of scores was: poor (78.1%), moderate (20.3%) and satisfactory (6.2%) for signs/symptoms andpoor (93.2%), moderate (6.2%) and satisfactory (0.7%) for risk factors. Higher level of education, female genderand non-Malay race were associated with higher scores for both signs/symptoms and knowledge of screeningmodality; however the overall scores were low. Conclusions: Our study showed that the general knowledge ofCRC in Brunei Darussalam is poor. Being female, with higher levels of education and non-Malay race wereassociated with higher scores, but they were still generally poor. More needs to be done to increase the publicknowledge and awareness of CRC. 相似文献
Colorectal Cancer in Brunei Darussalam: An Overview and Rationale for National Screening Programme 下载免费PDF全文
Mei Ann LimVui Heng ChongSok King OngYa Chee Lim 《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2019,20(12):3571-3580
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide after lung and breast cancers, and ranks second in terms of cancer mortality globally. Brunei Darussalam reports high incidence of CRC in the Southeast Asian region and has no formal national screening programme for CRC. Screening for CRC in Brunei Darussalam is offered in an opportunistic fashion for individuals with average or above average risks for CRC, that is, the individual has a positive family history of CRC or neoplasms and is more than 50 years old. Opportunistic screening is widely practiced but this is not standardised. The Ministry of Health in Brunei Darussalam is currently in the process of implementing a CRC screening programme as part of a larger national health screening based on the increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This review article assesses the situation of CRC in Brunei Darussalam from the 1980s to present day, including incidence of CRC in different age groups, ethnicities and genders; relevant non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors of CRC in Brunei Darussalam setting; and common CRC screening techniques used in Brunei Darussalam as well as other Asia-Pacific countries. The review also discusses the merits of a national CRC screening programme. With the increasing incidence of CRC worldwide and in Brunei Darussalam, national screening for CRC in Brunei Darussalam is an important strategy to lower morbidity and mortality rates. A review of the progress and outcome of the national screening programme will be available a few years after rollout. 相似文献
Increasing Incidence of Colorectal Cancer,Starting at a Younger Age for Rectal Compared to Colon Cancer in Brunei Darussalam 下载免费PDF全文
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2015,16(12):5063-5067
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common gastrointestinal malignancy and is a significantcause of mortality. Its incidence is generally increasing in Asia. Reports from the West have indicated that theincidence of rectal cancer is increasing in the younger population. This study assessed the time trend of CRCin Brunei Darussalam specifically assessing the different age groups at which the incidences start to increase.Materials and Methods: The National Cancer registry was reviewed (1991 to 2014). The age standardizedrate (ASR) and the age specific incidence rates (ASIRs) for three time periods (1991-1998), (1999-2006) and(2007-2014) were calculated. Results: The mean age of diagnosis was 59.3±14.6 years old, incidences beingslightly higher amongst men (57.6%) and Malays (67.1%). The most common tumor type was adenocarcinoma(96.4%). Rectal cancers accounted for 35.2% (n=372/1,056) of all cancers of the large bowel; more men wereaffected than women. The proportion of rectal cancer was also high among the indigenous group. In the threetime periods, the ASR for CRC increased from 16 per 100,000 (1991-1998) to 19.6 per 100,000 (1999-2006) and24.3 per 100,000 (2007-2014). The ASIRs for CRC increased markedly between the time periods 1998-2006 and2007-2014, beginning in the 40-44 years age group. For rectal cancers, the ASIRs started to increase in the 25-29age group onward whereas for colon cancers, the increase was observed at a later age, starting from the 45-49age group. Conclusions: Our study showed an increase in the incidence of CRC including in the younger agegroups. The increase was seen earlier in rectal cancer compared to colon cancer. These data mirror the trendsreported from the West. 相似文献
Prognostic Factors for Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Following Primary Cytoreductive Surgery or Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 下载免费PDF全文
Chalaithorn NantasuphaTanarat MuangmoolKittipat Charoenkwan 《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2022,23(11):3791-3799
Aim: To examine the association between clinicopathological factors and survival in advanced epithelial ovarian, tubal, and primary peritoneal cancers patients who had primary cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and those that received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Methods: Women who had CRS or NAC between 2008-2017 were included. Association between clinical characteristics, pretreatment imaging, serum markers, surgical and pathological factors, and disease recurrence/progression/death was examined in multivariable analysis. Results: Two hundred and three women were recruited in this study (CRS 128 women and NAC 75 women). Median overall survival was 33.7 months for the CRS group and 27.9 months for the NAC group (p=0.04). Median progression-free survival was 14.9 months in the CRS group and 12.1 months in the NAC group (p=0.04). For the CRS group, factors independently associated with increased risk of death included primary peritoneal carcinoma (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 6.94), stable disease/progression at treatment completion (aHR 5.97), and initial tumor size of more than 12 cm (aHR 1.87). For the NAC group, stable disease/progression after complete treatment (aHR 6.45) and pre-treatment platelet to lymphocyte ratio of more than 310 (aHR 2.20) were significantly associated with an increased risk of death. Conclusions: NAC appeared to be a good alternative treatment for stage III/IV tubo-ovarian carcinoma. The worse survival outcome associated with primary peritoneal carcinoma and large initial tumor size in the patients who received CRS suggested that NAC could be an attractive option for those with these characteristics. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2009,10(5):823-826
Background & Objectives: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. The aim of thisstudy was to evaluate prognostic factors using Bayesian interval censoring analysis. Methods: This is a historicalcohort study of 178 patients from February 2003 through January 2008, admitted with gastric cancer to onereferral hospital in Tehran. Age at diagnosis, sex, histology type, tumor grade, tumor size, pathologic stage,lymph node metastasis and distant of metastasis were entered into the analysis using Bayesian Weibull andExponential models. The term DIC was employed to find best model. Results: The results showed that as ageincreased, the risk of death slightly increased significantly in both Weibull and Exponential models with similarresults. Patients with grater tumor size were also in higher risk of death followed by advanced pathologic stage.Neither the Weibull nor the Exponential models found sex, distant metastasis, histology type, tumor grade andlymph node metastasis to be prognostic factors. Based on DIC, Bayesian analysis of the Weibull model performedbetter than the Exponential model. Conclusion: According to these results the early detection of patients atlower ages and in primary stages is important to increase the survival in patients with gastric cancer. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2013,14(12):7657-7661
Background: This study concerns uptake and results of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening of governmentservant as part of the Health Screening Program that was conducted in Brunei Darussalam in 2009. Materialsand Methods: Government servants above the age of 40 or with family history of CRC were screened with a singlefecal occult blood test (FIT, immunohistochemistry). Among 11,576 eligible subjects, 7,360 (66.9%) returned theirspecimen. Subjects with positive family history of CRC (n=329) or polyps (n=135) were advised to attend clinicsto arrange screening. All the subjects with positive FIT (n=142, 1.9%) were referred to the endoscopy unit forcounselling for screening colonoscopy. Results: Overall only 17.7% of eligible subjects attended for screening;54.9% (n=79/142) of positive FIT, 8.8% (n=29/329) of positive family history of CRC and none with history ofpolyps (n=0/135). Of these, only 54 patients (50.5%) agreed for colonoscopy, 52 (48.6%) declined as they wereasymptomatic, and one was not offered (0.9%) due to his very young age. On screening colonoscopy, 12.9% (n=7)had advanced lesions including a sigmoid carcinoma in situ and six advanced polyps. The other findings includednon advanced polyps (n=21), diverticular (n=11) and hemorrhoids (n=26). One patient who missed his screeningcolonoscopy appointment re-presented two years later and was diagnosed with advanced right sided CRC. Allthe advanced lesions were detected in patients with positive FIT, giving a yield of 20.5% for advanced lesionsincluding cancers in the 5.1% FIT positive subjects. Conclusions: Our study showed screening for CRC evenwith a single FIT was effective. However, the uptake rate was poor with just over half of the patients agreeing toscreening colonoscopy. Measures to increase public awareness are important. Since one limitation of our studywas the relatively small sample size, larger studies should be conduced in future. 相似文献
[目的]探讨绝经前后卵巢癌患者临床病理因素、细胞因子、CA125和机体免疫状况的差异,以及这些因素对绝经前后卵巢癌患者生存的影响。[方法]收集了2003~2005年浙江省肿瘤医院55例绝经前卵巢癌和55例绝经后卵巢癌患者。回顾性分析了这两组患者临床病理因素、血清细胞因子、外周血淋巴细胞亚群以及血清CA125的差异。[结果]绝经前后卵巢癌患者细胞因子表达无显著性差异,但绝经后卵巢癌患者肿瘤低分化的比例高于绝经前卵巢癌患者(76.4%vs58.2%,P<0.05),而且绝经后卵巢癌患者CD4+细胞比例异常显著高于绝经前患者(60.0%vs36.4%,P<0.05)。绝经后卵巢癌患者3年和5年生存率均分别低于绝经前卵巢癌患者(47.3%vs63.6%;24.3%vs53.3%),绝经后卵巢癌患者中位总生存时间明显低于绝经前卵巢癌患者(34个月vs64个月,P<0.01)。血清CA125高的绝经前卵巢癌患者死亡风险比CA125正常的患者高(HR=2.67;P=0.053);CD3+细胞比例异常的绝经前卵巢癌患者预后比CD3+细胞比例正常患者差(HR=2.94;P=0.016);接受了>6个周期化疗的绝经后卵巢癌患者比... 相似文献
回顾性分析了390例胃癌行根治性切除术后的病例,通过对临床病理指标的单因素和多因素Cox回归分析,研究诸因素影响预后的作用程度。结果:本组3-YSR、5-YSR分别为55.4%、40.3%,手术死亡率为3.6%。肿瘤浸润深度、淋巴结阳性数、肿瘤大小和根治程度是影响术后生存率的独立性因素。与预后相关性因素包括:年龄、组织类型、解剖部位和淋巴结转移程度。其它因素与预后无明显相关性。 相似文献
目的观察转移性乳腺癌患者的疗效及预后情况,分析影响转移性乳腺癌患者生存的预后因素。方法选取转移性乳腺癌患者329例进行回顾性研究。结果总生存率(OS)1年总生存率为62.9%,2年总生存率为41.9%,3年总生存率为25.8%及5年总生存率11.9%。接受治疗的患者中位生存时间为18.2个月,分别为:骨转移患者23.4个月,淋巴结转移患者31.3个月,肝转移患者17.6个月,肺转移患者15.3个月,脑转移患者7.2个月。通过单因素及多因素分析,获取了同生存获益相关的预后因素。结论对转移性乳腺癌生存有积极影响的独立因素包括:体力状况,年龄≤70岁以及没有内脏的转移。对于此类患者,在解救治疗中应采取较为积极的处理措施,争取更好的生存获益。 相似文献
248例N0期非小细胞肺癌的预后因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:回顾性分析248例N0期非小细胞肺癌的预后因素。方法:本文选取1994年1月~1997年7月间行根治性切除的248例N0期非小细胞肺癌,采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线(Log-Rank检验)和COX多因素回归对该组病例的预后因素进行分析。结果:术中同侧肺门和纵隔淋巴结清扫超过6枚的病例生存率高于6枚以下的病例(P=0.005);术后生存率随T1、T2、T3和T4依次明显递减(P<0.001);术后化疗组病例的生存期高于非化疗组(P=0.016);鳞癌和腺癌的生存率高于其他病理类型(P=0.002)。结论:纵隔淋巴结的清扫数量、术后化疗与否、肿瘤的T分期和病理类型是影响N0期非小细胞肺癌预后的主要因素,而性别、术后放疗、术后免疫治疗、手术方式等对预后无明显影响。 相似文献
[目的]评价浙江省肿瘤登记地区2000~2009年卵巢癌发病与死亡的流行状况。[方法]根据浙江省6个肿瘤登记处上报的数据,计算并分析浙江省肿瘤登记地区居民卵巢癌的发病率和死亡率、中国人口标化率(中标率)、世界人口标化率(世标率)、年龄别发病率和死亡率等指标。2000~2009年卵巢癌发病率和死亡率变化趋势采用年度变化百分比(APC)估计。[结果]2000~2009年浙江省肿瘤登记地区卵巢癌发病率为7.83/10万,死亡率为2.14/10万。年龄别发病率随着年龄增长呈现不同变化趋势.20岁后增长明显,55-岁组发病率达到顶峰,而年龄别死亡率则随着年龄增长而平缓增加.在70~岁达到高峰。发病率从2000年的6.86/10万。升高到2009年的8.04/10万,年度变化百分比(APC)为6.40%(95%CI:3.78%~9.08%)。卵巢癌死亡率则呈平缓上升趋势,年度变化百分比(APC)为6.63%(95%CI:-2.85%-7.00%)。[结论]卵巢癌发病率与死亡率呈逐年上升趋势,应加强卵巢癌防治工作。 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2016,17(1):159-163
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the world, and the fourth in Iran in both genders. The aim of this study was to find predictive factors for CRC survival. Materials and Methods: Medical records of 570 patients referred to the radiotherapy oncology department of Shiraz Namazi hospital from 2005 to 2010 were retrospectively analysed. Data were collected by reviewing medical records, and by telephone interviews with patients. Survival analysis was performed using the Cox’s regression model with survival probability estimated with Kaplan-Meier curve. The log-rank test was used to compare survival between strata. Data was analyzed with Stata 12. Results: The five-year survival rate and the mean survival time after cancer diagnosis were 58.5% and 67±1.4 months. On multivariate analysis, age of diagnosis, disease stage and primary tumor site‚ lymphovascular invasion and type of treatment (in colon cancer) were significant factors for survival. Conclusions: Age of diagnosis and type of treatment (adjuvant therapy in patients with colon cancer) were two modifiable factors related to survival of CRC patients. Therefore earlier diagnosis might help increase survival. 相似文献
《Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention》2014,15(4):1627-1632
Background: Several studies indicated that the diagnosis season affects the prognosis of some cancers, suchas examples in the prostate, colon and breast This retrospective study aimed to investigate whether the diagnosisand recurrent season impacts the prognosis of epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Methods: From January 2005to August 2010, 161 epithelial ovarian cancer patients were analyzed and followed up until August 2013. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and the log-rank test were used to make the survival analysis. Multivariate analysis wasconducted to identify independent prognostic factors. Results: The prognostic factors of overall survival inepithelial ovarian cancer patients included age, clinical stage, pathological type, histological grade, residualdisease after primary surgery, recurrent season and adjuvant chemotherapy cycles. Moreover, clinical stage,histological grade, residual disease after primary surgery, recurrent season and adjuvant chemotherapy cyclesalso impacted the progression-free survival of epithelial ovarian cancer patients. The diagnosis season did nothave a significantly relationship with the survival of operable epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Median overallsurvival of patients with recurrent month from April to November was 47 months, which was longer (P < 0.001)than that of patients with recurrence month from December to March (19 months). Median progression-freesurvival of patients with recurrence month from April to November and December to March was 20 and 8months, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The recurrence season impacts the survival of epithelial ovariancancer patients. However, the diagnosed season does not appear to exert a significant influence. 相似文献