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Growing teratoma syndrome (GTS) is rare and can mimic disease recurrence in patients with a history of immature teratoma. Benign hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy found on staging and surveillance computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) may lead to the presumption of metastatic malignancy. We report a case of a 38 year old with mixed mature and immature teratomas who developed new peritoneal masses after adjuvant chemotherapy despite a normalization of tumor markers. In addition to low FDG uptake observed in these peritoneal masses, a PET scan showed hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy and pulmonary and spleen lesions suggesting widespread metastases. Subsequent surgical resection confirmed a mixed pathology with GTS and sarcoidosis. We reviewed the current literature evidence of GTS and sarcoidosis as a benign cause of lymphadenopathy in cancer patients. We emphasize the importance of a tissue diagnosis before instituting therapy for presumed cancer recurrence to avoid potentially fatal diagnostic traps and management errors. A multiple disciplinary team approach is imperative in managing patients with suspected recurrent immature teratomas.  相似文献   

Coexistent growing teratoma syndrome (GTS) and gliomatosis peritonei (GP) arising during chemotherapy of ovarian immature teratoma (IMT) is extremely rare and can be misdiagnosed as recurrent or progressive disease. We present a 33-year-old woman diagnosed with GTS with synchronous GP during chemotherapy of IMT. She underwent ovarian cystectomy due to ovarian immature teratoma and chemotherapy were administered. The α-fetoprotein (AFP) concentration decreased from 28.7 ng/mL to normal after the second cycle. Four days after the third cycle of chemotherapy, ultrasound and CT revealed an 8-cm mass with negative tumor markers in the pouch of Douglas. An exploratory laparotomy was conducted, and a smooth round cystic-solid 8-cm mass was noted in the pouch of Douglas. Extensive peritoneal seeding glial nodules were also observed on the surface of the uterus, peritoneum, and omentum. The patient underwent a partial omentectomy, intact resection of the tumor, and resection of most of the glial nodules. Postoperative pathology demonstrated a pure mature cystic teratoma component in the mass, as well as diffuse GP involving the uterine serosa, peritoneum, and omentum; this diagnosis of GTS with synchorous GP should be considered in IMT patients with mass newly identified during chemotherapy while tumor markers are normal after treatment.  相似文献   

卵巢表皮样囊肿1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江萍  危群  袁志伟 《肿瘤学杂志》2005,11(5):391-391
患者女性,52岁,因体检发现左侧附件包块而入院.妇科检查:左侧附件区触及约5cm×5cm×4cm包块,质中,不规则,活动可,无压痛.B超示:左侧卵巢实性包块(性质待查).行左侧附件切除术.术中见:左卵巢囊性包块,约4cm3,输卵管及子宫、右附件未见异常.病理检查:卵巢囊性包块,约4cm×3cm×3cm,包膜完整,切面单房囊性,充盈大量灰白色豆渣样物,囊内壁稍粗糙,未见乳头及头结样突起.镜下见:囊内壁衬覆厚薄不均的成熟鳞状上皮,伴显著增厚的角质层,囊外壁为致密纤维组织(见图1).病理诊断:左侧卵巢表皮样囊肿.  相似文献   

噬血细胞综合征是由多种病因诱发的淋巴细胞、单核细胞和吞噬细胞系统异常激活、增殖所引起的免疫调节功能异常综合征。该病进展十分迅速,死亡率高。2007年我院收治1例非霍奇金淋巴瘤相关噬血细胞综合征,报告如下。  相似文献   

The incidence of secondary neoplasms of the testis during autopsies is approximately 2.5%. Although most secondary testicular metastases are due to prostate cancer, only a few patients with prostate cancer have clinically manifested testicular metastasis. We report the case of a prostate cancer patient with testicular metastasis who was diagnosed after the presence of a palpable mass in the right testis. A 56-year-old Japanese male presented to our hospital with an elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of 137 ng/ml. He was diagnosed with stage IV (T3N1M1b) prostate cancer and received androgen deprivation therapy, followed by various hormonal manipulations. His serum PSA level was undetectable for 1 year. No distant metastases were detected during imaging examinations. He received radiation therapy; however, his serum PSA level increased gradually. Four months later, he presented with right testicular swelling. Computed tomography revealed a heterogenous mass in the right testis and a right high inguinal orchiectomy was performed. Histopathological analysis showed that the right testis was infiltrated with metastatic adenocarcinoma with a Gleason score of 8. This is a rare case of right testicular metastasis in a patient with prostate cancer. Testicular metastasis of prostate cancer can be aggressive and metastasize.Key Words: Prostate cancer, Testicular metastasis, Orchiectomy  相似文献   

田文明  翟薇 《肿瘤学杂志》2008,14(9):775-775
肺癌是心脏恶性转移瘤中最常见的原发肿瘤,临床上心脏作为肿瘤的靶器官容易被忽略。我科最近收治1例肺腺癌心脏转移患者,报道如下。 1临床资料  相似文献   

贲门癌术后转移以腹腔内脏器及淋巴系统转移为主,皮下转移甚为少见。2006年我院经治贲门癌术后皮下转移1例,该病例在贲门癌术后3年随访中仅发现皮下转移,且经切除后反复在同一处复发,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Breast metastasis from other primary carcinoma is very rare and could be difficult to identify despite immunohistochemistry analysis. Breast metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma can mimic triple-negative breast cancer. Given the prognosis and therapeutic challenges, a correct diagnosis appears essential, and molecular biomarkers could be useful. We report the case of a 52-year-old woman with a breast mass initially diagnosed as primary breast cancer and secondarily attached to breast metastasis from an EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma. The same activating EGFR mutations were identified in both the primary lung carcinoma and the breast metastasis.Key Words: Lung adenocarcinoma, Breast metastasis, EGFR mutation, Triple-negative breast cancer, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors  相似文献   

Thymic epithelial tumors are rare and often occur somewhere local. Metastatic sites of thymic carcinomas (Masaoka-Koga stage IVb) are mostly seen in the lung, liver and brain. We report a 64-year-old female with an initial diagnosis of thymoma B3 who first showed thoracic recurrences and then an asymptomatic isolated pelvic metastasis from her thymic carcinoma.Key words: Thymic carcinoma, Thymoma, Extrathoracic metastasis, Pelvic metastasis, Positron emission tomography  相似文献   

何聪  陈清勇 《肿瘤学杂志》2013,19(9):743-744
1资料患者男性,66岁,2012年11月24日无明显诱因出现咳嗽,咳少量白痰,痰不易咳出,伴食欲不佳,活动后胸闷气急,于2012年12月16日到某市人民医院就诊,查胸部CT示:右肺下叶见团状块,余两肺野密布大量小结节灶。12月20日行气管镜检查示:右肺下叶开口唇形狭窄,背段开口明显狭窄,触之易出血,未见新生物。黏膜充血,粗糙,呈浸润样改变,该处刷片,病理  相似文献   

肺癌舌转移极为罕见.本文报道1例肺癌伴舌、脑及腋窝淋巴结等多处转移. 1 临床资料 患者,女性,36岁,因"刺激性干咳两月,左头面部麻木伴疼痛两周"于2008年12月19日入我院胸外科.  相似文献   

患者女性,55岁,因左眼视力下降,有水波纹,伴头昏、呕吐2个月于2004年6月22日外院就诊.眼底检查提示左眼底视乳头水肿;头颅CT平扫未见异常;眼眶CT平扫未见异常;鞍部平扫未见占位病变.腹部B超提示:①脂肪肝,②胆囊多发性息肉,③右肾轻度水肿,④颈动脉硬化;骨骼平片正常;腰椎片提示腰椎退行性改变;心电图提示窦律、S-T改变;胸片提示:①右上肺片状阴影,建议做CT进一步检查,②主动脉硬化;肺部CT提示:①两上肺结核首先考虑,左上肺结节灶不完全排除肺癌,建议增强扫描;眼部B超提示:视盘边界不清伴盘面增殖水肿状,鼻侧网膜和脉络膜斑状色素紊乱,伴轻度隆起.考虑:①视乳头水肿,②视网膜占位性病变  相似文献   

Metastases to the larynx from distant primaries are very rare.The present article reports a case of metastatic papillary adenocarcinomaof the larynx of lung origin. The patient was a 59-yearold femalenon-smoker, who had a history of adenocarcinoma of the rightlung. For the laryngeal tumor, we performed a partial laryngectomyfollowing biopsy. The tumor of the larynx was a papillary adenocarcinomaresembling the lung tumor, both demonstrating positive immunohistochemical staining for pulmonary surfactant apoprotein.The findings emphatically indicated the laryngeal tumor to bemetastasis from the primary papillary adenocarcinoma of thelung. The present case report presents the clinical findings,course of disease and histopathological findings with briefreviews of the literature.  相似文献   

逯国奎 《肿瘤学杂志》2001,7(6):333-333
患者男 ,48岁 ,因右眼结膜肿物1个月 ,近15天生长迅速于2001年6月18日入院治疗。患者入院前5个月曾行食管中段癌根治术 ,食管中段癌长3.5cm ,术后切除组织送病理检查 ,病理报告为食管鳞状细胞癌侵及食管全层 ,并转移至食管淋巴结。体检未见异常。眼科检查 :双眼视力均为5.2。眼球活动自如 ,双眼睑无红肿及肿块。右眼颞侧球结膜可见1.5cm×1.0cm大小肿块 ,肿块隆起呈粉红色 ,质硬表面有菜花状结节 ,边界清 ,触之可活动。未见其它异常。B超 :肝胆无异常。食管钡餐造影 :吻合口通畅。CT检查 :右侧胸膜肥厚粘…  相似文献   

患者男 ,48岁 ,因右上眼结膜肿物1个月 ,近15天生长迅速 ,于2001年6月18日入院治疗。患者入院前5个月曾行食管中段癌根治术 ,食管中段癌长3.5cm ,术后切除组织送病理检查 ,病理报告为食管鳞状细胞癌侵及食管全层 ,并转移至食管淋巴结。体检未见异常。眼科检查 :双眼视力均为5.2。眼球活动自如 ,双眼睑无红肿及肿块。右眼颞侧球结膜可见1.5cm×1.0cm大小肿块 ,肿块隆起呈粉红色 ,质硬表面有菜花状结节 ,边界清 ,触之可活动。未见其它异常。B超 :肝胆无异常。食管钡餐造影 :吻合口通畅。CT检查 :右侧胸膜肥…  相似文献   

乳腺癌眶内转移1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淋巴结、骨骼、肝脏、肺脏、胸壁等是乳腺癌常见转移部位,眼内转移较少见。恶性肿瘤转移至眼部的常见部位是葡萄膜,尤其是脉络膜,眼眶通常不是恶性肿瘤转移的常见部位,我院诊治1例乳腺癌眶内转移患者,报道如下。  相似文献   

BHD综合征(Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome)是一种常染色体显性遗传病,好发于30 ~40岁,临床上罕见,国内尚未见报道,我们报道1例BHD综合征并结合文献复习报告如下.1临床资料患者,男性,54岁,因左肾区痛疼不适1个月,彩超示左肾实性占位入院.查体:左肾区叩痛,面部、躯干多发皮肤隆起结节,粉红色,直径0.5~1.5cm,自述数十年无不适症状,无明显增大.右肺局部呼吸音低,叩诊呈过清音.询问家族史,其父死于肾癌,兄弟3人无类似病史.实验室检查未见异常,彩超检查示左肾多发性低回声占位,直径3.0~5.0cm,局部可见血流信号,考虑肾脏占位.CT检查示左肾上极直径3cm、下级直径5cm的实性占位,CT值27~45HU,强化后肿物增强明显,CT值72~86 HU,略低于正常肾实质.IVP右肾显影良好,左肾中下盏受压变形.术前胸部X线片发现右肺囊肿,大小约3.0×4.0cm,无不适症状,肺功能正常,既往无自发性气胸病史,胸外科会诊可暂不处理随访观察.  相似文献   

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