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PURPOSE. To identify nursing diagnoses and interventions applicable for post-acute-phase battered women.
METHODS. Eight battered women were interviewed twice for 2 hours. Gordon's functional health patterns provided the framework for data collection.
FINDINGS. Fifty-three nursing diagnoses and 52 nursing interventions were indicated in the data; 24 nursing diagnoses and 26 nursing interventions were present in all participants' data.
CONCLUSIONS. With the use of comprehensive interventions, nurses can make a major contribution to society by enabling battered women to move to a more protected lifestyle.  相似文献   

PURPOSE. To identify nursing diagnoses and interventions applicable for post-acute-phase battered women.
METHODS. Eight battered women were interviewed twice for 2 hours. Gordon's functional health patterns provided the framework for data collection.
FINDINGS. Fifty-three nursing diagnoses and 52 nursing interventions were indicated in the data; 24 nursing diagnoses and 26 nursing interventions were present in all participants' data.
CONCLUSIONS. With the use of comprehensive interventions, nurses can make a major contribution to society by enabling battered women to move to a more protected lifestyle.  相似文献   

目的探讨流动人口住院分娩的最佳护理方法。方法选择2007年11—12月正常分娩的126例产妇作为实验组,开展亲人式护理,让责任护士渗透到其家庭环境中,在产前宣教中培养亲情,产后与产妇及其家属共同照顾婴儿,出院后随访,延续亲情;将2007年9—10月正常分娩的118例产妇作为对照组,按常规进行各项治疗、护理及健康宣教指导。结果实验组对新生儿疾病筛查率达到100%,母乳喂养配合率达到98%,产褥期相关知识掌握率达到98%,对护理工作满意率达到99%,均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论亲人式护理应用于流动人口住院分娩中,提高了护理质量和产妇及其家属对护理工作的配合度。  相似文献   

This paper discusses an aspect of data analysis arising from an ethnographic study of acute mental health nursing conducted in an inner city psychiatric unit. The data were collected in the form of field notes. These were made during and following episodes of participant observation on one acute ward and on a psychiatric intensive care unit over a period of 20 months. Acute wards have been subject to continuing criticism as both sites of care and treatment for mentally ill people and of nursing work. However, the practical operations of this social world remain largely unexamined. It is argued that without this understanding, mundane work methods will always be regarded as an impediment to work that is regarded as 'therapeutic' and therefore, of importance. The focus will be on phenomena named the 'virtual ward'. The research has demonstrated that the boundaries of nurses' responsibility reach far beyond the ward's spatial environment, both physically and communicatively. The complexity of the work that takes place within the virtual ward and the skills required for its successful completion are taken for granted, but are also a practical source of frustration. Anonymized examples from the practice site studied are used to illuminate the discussion. Working within the virtual ward is part of the messy reality of nurses' work. It is argued that understanding and respecting this reality is necessary if we are to be seriously and consistently ambitious about practice development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Because maternal-child populations have traditionally been a major practice target for public and community health nursing (P/CHN), understanding the health effects of life transition experiences for women and their children is key to the advancement of P/CHN practice and research. To date there are no integrated conceptual models available that examine transition and its health effects in women, and ultimately their children, to single or multiple transitions. In order to help women and those with dependent children transition successfully, strong transition frameworks for nursing are needed. The purpose of this paper is to describe a conceptual model, Health Effects of Life Transition for Women and Children. Major components include the transition experience (developmental, situational, health illness), transition assets/risks (personal, environmental), cognitive-behavioral health indicators of transition (perception of situation, personal efficacy, change readiness, engagement, help-seeking, health behaviors, services use), transition adaptive outcomes of health (health status, intensity of need for nursing care) and competence (transition specific skill acquisition, health management, resourcefulness) and long-term preventive health outcomes ( risk reduction, disability prevention, cost savings, mastery, injury prevention ). The authors propose that cognitive-behavioral health indicators are foundational to a successful transition experience, are why some people have better transition outcomes than others, and when influenced by P/CHN intervention lead to improved long-term outcomes.  相似文献   

合理配置护理人力保障护理工作质量   总被引:75,自引:10,他引:75  
随着医学模式的转变,护理观念、职责范围、作用与功能发生了相应变化,医学科学的发展对护士专业技术水平提出了很高的要求;人民群众对诊疗护理服务的质量要求不断提高。因此,护理人力配备需要从数量和专业知识水平适应护理工作内涵的拓展,服务于人民群众的健康需求。中国目前普遍存在的医院护理人力配备不足问题已成为严重影响护理质量的因素,应当引起足够重视。为了科学合理地利用护理人力资源,国内外均开展了相关研究和探索,护理工作量和人力配备的研究可以为护士岗位的合理设定和护理人力的合理配置提供依据。  相似文献   

TOPIC. The term nursing care is widely used throughout nursing and allied health literature; however, the meaning of the term is not clear. PURPOSE. The purpose of this analysis is to explore the essence of the term nursing care and to develop an operational definition of the concept. SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Using the Walker and Avant (2005 ) method, dictionaries, thesauruses, and current nursing literature are studied for meanings, usages, and attributes. Model, borderline, and contrary cases are also presented. CONCLUSIONS. Intended as a preliminary exploration of nursing care, this work serves as the foundation for further study of the concept.  相似文献   

目的探讨护理干预对围绝经期妇女亚健康状态的影响,以积极预防该人群亚健康相关疾病的发生。方法采用方便抽样法选取45~55岁围绝经期妇女70例为研究对象,构建个人、家庭、单位/社区共同参与式保健模式,采取群体干预及个体指导相结合的教育方式,实施有氧运动、饮水及饮食调节等措施。干预前后分别对研究对象进行亚健康指标测试。结果干预后3个月与干预前亚健康相关指标参数比较,被测人群的体质量、脂肪、体质指数、肥胖度、腰臀比明显降低(P<0.01);肌肉含量、蛋白总量、骨总量、体内细胞质量、细胞内液、细胞外液、水分总量以及基础代谢率明显升高(P<0.01)。结论该干预措施能有效改善围绝经期妇女亚健康状态;减少体质量及体脂量,改善腹部脂肪堆积;增强肌力,增加骨量,改善体内水分含量,促进机体新陈代谢,降低围绝经期妇女罹患骨质疏松症及心血管等疾病的风险。  相似文献   

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are unlike earlier wars, and the women veterans who have served in them are unlike veterans of earlier wars. Now these veterans are presenting with distinctive general, genitourinary, reproductive, and behavioral health issues. When seeking health care after deployment, they may be accessing multiple health care providers across numerous sites, including the Veterans Health Administration and civilian facilities. Enhanced levels of understanding, respect, and concern for the many combat-related health challenges experienced by these veterans will help civilian nurses and other clinicians provide optimum care. Provision of health care to women veterans should be multidisciplinary and effectively coordinated among various health care providers and facilities to ensure that their post-deployment health and wellness needs are met.  相似文献   

PURPOSE.  This article describes one nurse's experiences of returning to school after a 10-year absence, her introduction to nursing theory and terminology, and her subsequent implementation of nursing language in a long-term care setting and later experiences in teaching nursing language to students.
DATA SOURCES.  A 21-year career as a long-term care nurse coincided with the evolution of the new organization North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International, and she found herself in a position to implement nursing diagnosis in the long-term care setting. Practice experiences and pertinent nursing references and resources were used in clinical implementation and in teaching nursing students.
DATA SYNTHESIS.  The author reviewed the implementation and teaching of nursing language from a personal historical perspective.
CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE.  The author's experiences and perspectives on implementation of nursing language in clinical practice and in teaching provide information and a perspective for nurses and students involved in these processes.  相似文献   



To evaluate the effect of implementing hourly rounds on a mother–baby unit (MBU) on the perception of care by women admitted to the hospital for birth or with pregnancy complications.


Retrospective, quantitative, before–after study.

Setting/Local Problem

The MBU of a large metropolitan hospital in the northeastern United States was the setting. With considerable resources allocated to hourly rounding implementation, there was a need to examine whether hourly rounds influenced the perception of communication with nurses by women admitted to the hospital for prenatal care and women's likelihood to recommend the hospital.


Women ages 18 years and older discharged from the MBU.


Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Services (HCAHPS) survey responses collected from women at discharge, before and after hourly rounds implementation on the MBU, were compared. Aggregate data were retrieved from Press Ganey reports.


No significant change in women’s perceptions of nursing care and communication was found when comparing pre- and postintervention samples.


Although we found no statistically significant change in perception of care, we have identified opportunities for future research. More research is need to explore what approaches for hourly rounds implementation and sustainability are most effective. Additionally, there is a need to study whether vital aspects of care identified by pregnant women admitted to the hospital are similar or different compared with other populations.  相似文献   

多重评价模式在急救护理操作技能考核中的应用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
目的 :探讨急救护理操作技能考核的多重评价模式 ,促进急救护理操作技能教学效果的提高。方法 :选择 98级护理大专生 5 0人为对照组 ,采用传统的单一的教师考评评价模式 ;选择 99级护理大专生 5 0人为研究组 ,采用学生自评、学生互评、教师考评以及电脑测评等多重评价模式。由急诊科带教老师量化考评两组学生实习阶段的分析判断能力、应急配合能力及急救动手能力。结果 :研究组在急救应急能力、急救动手能力方面均高于对照组 (P均 <0 .0 1)。结论 :多重评价模式有助于改善或提高教学效果 ,提高学生临床急救能力  相似文献   

目的调查地震灾害对灾区孕产妇心理状态的影响,制定并实施护理干预措施,减轻地震灾害对孕产妇的影响。方珐采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对地震灾区孕产妇心理状态进行问卷调查。结果地震灾区孕产妇的心理健康状况受到严重的影响,焦虑、抑郁发生率明显高于非地震灾区(P〈0.01);直系亲属有遇难者及有外伤的孕产妇焦虑及抑郁发生率明显增高(P〈0.01);大专以上文化程度的灾区孕产妇焦虑及抑郁指数明显高于大专以下文化者(P〈0.01)。结论地震灾害给孕产妇身心健康造成严重损害;实施护理干预,有助于降低孕产妇的焦虑、抑郁症状,使孕产妇处于最佳身心状态,促进正常分娩及母婴健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨提高孕产妇孕产期健康认知行为依从性的健康教育模式。方法观察组100例实行产前护理门诊,采用小讲座、沙龙、技能培训、一对一咨询指导等多形式相结合的方法,对孕产妇根据孕期各阶段特点予以系统的、规范的、连续的、适时的、个体化的咨询和教育指导;同期参加孕妇学校接受常规健康教育100例作为对照组。对比两组孕产妇产前检查次数、孕期体重增加幅度等孕期依从性,临产心理准备、产程检查处置配合、缓解分娩疼痛技巧的应用、社会因素导致的剖宫产率等产时依从性,产褥期合理饮食、卫生、休息与活动等自我护理技巧、母乳喂养知识与技巧、新生儿护理技巧等依从性。结果两组产妇分娩方式、医学指征导致的剖宫产率比较,无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。观察组孕期、产时、产褥期依从性的其他指标明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论产前护理门诊是一种提高孕产妇自我保健,促进产时、产褥期依从性,保证母婴健康的有效方法。  相似文献   

IntroductionA high degree of suspicion for spinal injury after trauma is commonplace in an emergency department, and spinal immobilization is considered an accepted intervention to prevent the progression of a potential injury. This systematic review was conducted to gain insight into the best research evidence related to nursing interventions for patients with trauma presenting with a suspected spinal injury.MethodsA systematic search of online databases was conducted in April 2019 for relevant research using specific search terms. The studies were selected on the basis of pre-established eligibility criteria, and the quality was appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool.ResultsNineteen included articles were synthesized thematically on the basis of the outcomes from interventions directed at a suspected spinal injury. The main findings were that spinal immobilization may compromise pulmonary function and airway management, cause pain and pressure ulcers, and be inappropriate with penetrating trauma. Furthermore, there was insufficient evidence to support the safety and efficacy of the hard neck collar and long backboard.DiscussionPatients would benefit from a more selective and cautious approach to spinal immobilization. Emergency nurses should use the evidence to facilitate informed decision-making in balancing the benefits of spinal immobilization against harm when considering the needs and values of the patient.  相似文献   

系统化整体护理,提出了中国护理改革在三个层次上的系统化方案:(1)临床护理活动系统化。(2)医院护理管理系统化。(3)国家以护理程序为主线制度、法规和护理教育等的系统工程化。狭义的理解,它在前两个层次上同医院护理改革相对应,其具体内容是系统化整体护理模式病房建设项目。从广义上理解,系统化整体护理是中国护理改革的总体设计,要站在中国护理改革与现代化发展的高度,才能正确地全面理解系统化整体护理。  相似文献   

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