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This study was performed prospectively to assess the effect of systemic chemotherapy (FOLFIRI protocol) in patients with initially unresectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) and, after performing liver resection in patients with downsized metastases, to compare the postoperative and long-term results with those of patients with primarily resectable CRLM. Records from a prospective database including all consecutive admissions for CRLM between June 2000 and June 2004 were reviewed. The analysis addressed all patients who underwent hepatectomy for primarily resectable CRLM (Group A), or underwent chemotherapy for primarily unresectable CRLM and among these, particularly the patients who were finally resected after downsizing of CRLM (Group B). There were 60 primarily resected patients (Group A). Forty-two other patients underwent chemotherapy; after an average of nine courses, 18 of them (42.8%) with significantly downsized lesions were explored and 15 (35.7%, Group B) were resected, whereas three had peritoneal metastases. Group B differed from Group A for a significantly higher rate of synchronous CRLM upon diagnosis of colorectal cancer, a larger size of CRLM upon evaluation in our center, and a lower rate of major hepatectomies (20.0% vs. 51.6 %) at surgery. No patient in Group B had positive margins of resection. Operative mortality was nil and morbidity was 20.0% in both groups. In Group B vs. Group A median survival after hepatectomy was 46 vs. 47 months (n.s), 3-year survival rate was 73% vs. 71% (n.s.), disease-free survival rate was 31% vs. 58% (p = 0.04) and, at a median follow-up of 34 months, tumor recurrence rate was 53.3% vs. 28.3% (n.s.). Four out of the eight Group B patients with recurrence underwent a re-resection, and were alive at 9 to 67 months after the first resection. These results show that in about one-third of the patients with primarily unresectable CRLM, downsizing of the lesions by chemotherapy (FOLFIRI protocol) permitted a subsequent curative resection. In these patients, operative risk and survival did not differ from the figures observed in primarily resectable patients and, in spite of a lower disease-free survival with more frequent recurrence, re-resection still represented a valid option to continue treatment. Presented at the 2005 Surgical Spring Week AHPBA Meeting (April 14–17, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, Florida).  相似文献   

A 44-year-old Chinese-Indonesian man who underwent living-donor liver transplantation with a right liver graft presented 4 months later with a cough and fever. Chest X-ray showed a nodular shadow in the apex of the left lung, which was diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. After 1 week of antituberculous chemotherapy, we performed a left upper lobectomy. Postoperative antituberculous chemotherapy, consisting of isoniazid (300 mg/day) and rifampin (450 mg/day), was continued for 4 months, and there has been no sign of recurrence for 1 year since the thoracotomy. This case supports the feasibility of surgery for localized pulmonary tuberculosis soon after transplantation.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious dismal clinical studies have stated that colorectal cancer with unresectable liver metastases is an absolute contraindication for liver transplantation (LT). During recent decades, it has been shown that patients with colorectal cancer with liver metastasis benefited from LT, but 100% recurrence was inevitable in progressive colorectal cancer with liver metastasis.Case presentationA 61-year-old man was found at the first visit to be suffering from unresectable liver metastases of colorectal cancer. This patient underwent colorectal radical surgery and palliative treatment after the operation. During a 2-year follow-up, we found that CEA and CA199 rebounded sharply to high levels, and liver metastasis lesions increased significantly, so we made the decision to perform LT 2 years after the first surgery. Chemotherapy and sirolimus were given post-LT. Slow-growing pulmonary metastases after transplantation were found 4 months post-LT. This patient survived the next 4 months tumor-free and by now has survived 34 months free of liver tumors. Here, we review the literature on LT for progressive liver metastasis of colorectal cancer and summarize our experience from this successful case.ConclusionThis case provides vital evidence that LT is an option and can provide curative therapy for patients with advanced unresectable liver metastasis. Careful selection of patients, postoperative comprehensive treatments, and rational application of immunosuppressive agents are vital factors for favorable prognosis.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old boy was referred to our hospital suffering from severe anemia and liver dysfunction. The laboratory data on admission confirmed severe anemia and an elevated -fetoprotein level. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a mass measuring 51 × 49mm in size, and abdominal computed tomography showed a low-density mass in S8 of Couinauds segment and a low-density area in S7, thus suggesting bleeding in the tumor. Right subphrenic fluid collection and perirectal fluid collection were also observed. Celiac arteriography showed a faint tumor stain fed by A5–8 but no evidence of any extravasation. A diagnosis of pediatric liver carcinoma was made, and the case was classified as T2 C3 V0 N0 M0 Stage IIIA. Although there was no evidence of bleeding during angiography, because of the high risk of rebleeding, a laparotomy was performed before chemotherapy. At operation, the tumor rupture site and hematoma appeared to be in S7, and a right lobectomy was thus performed. Ascitic fluid cytology was class V. The cut surface of the resected specimen showed a tumor measuring 51 × 49mm located in S8 and a hematoma located in S7. Histologically, the tumor was a well-differentiated hepatoblastoma. The patient was transferred to the pediatric department and treated with six courses of intravenous chemotherapy followed by peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. The outcome has been favorable, with no recurrence as of 25 months after the operation.  相似文献   



Tumor downsizing by effective chemotherapy while increasing remnant liver volume by two-stage hepatectomy can expand eligibility for resection of otherwise unresectable liver metastases. However, optimal timing of two-stage hepatectomy with respect to chemotherapy is undetermined.


We retrospectively analyzed the effect of timing of two-stage hepatectomy and chemotherapy using data from 95 patients whose colorectal liver metastases initially were considered unresectable.


In 21 of 22 (95?%) patients whose first liver resection preceded chemotherapy (Hx-CTx group) and in 39 of 73 (53?%) patients whose chemotherapy preceded surgery (CTx-Hx group), macroscopic complete resection ultimately was achieved (P?P?P?=?0.12 and P?=?0.24, respectively), although poor response to chemotherapy was more frequent in the Hx-CTx group.


Optimal timing of hepatectomy and chemotherapy is difficult to specify, but performing the initial resection in a two-stage hepatectomy before chemotherapy may increase likelihood of macroscopic complete resection, even in patients with a poor response to chemotherapy or with limited courses of chemotherapy.  相似文献   



Fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis (FCH) is an aggressive form of hepatitis C virus (HCV) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT). Most FCH cases are fatal, occurring as a secondary disease following rapidly progressive liver dysfunction and graft failure. We report a case of early-onset FCH after LT that was successfully treated using daclatasvir and asunaprevir.

Case report

A 59-year-old woman underwent living donor LT for HCV-related liver cirrhosis. However, liver function was not improved after LT and gradually worsened. A liver biopsy was performed at 30 and 47 days after the living donor LT to identify the cause of the liver dysfunction. The first biopsy result showed no specific finding. However, combined treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin was started because of a high HCV viral load (> 8.0 log IU/mL). Nevertheless, liver function and HCV viral load deteriorated, and the second biopsy performed on postoperative day 47 revealed FCH. We converted the antiviral agents into daclatasvir and asunaprevir and performed plasmapheresis twice. Since then, the liver dysfunction and HCV viral load gradually improved, and HCV RNA clearance occurred at week 11 after treatment. The patient achieved a sustained virologic response at week 24 after completion of the treatment.


Daclatasvir combined with asunaprevir can be a useful treatment option in potentially fatal FCH after LT.  相似文献   

Our aim was to describe the clinical indications, surgical technique, and clinical outcomes of a pancreas transplantation, performed 4 years after liver transplantation, as treatment for new-onset, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in a 53-year-old man. Liver transplantation was performed for end-stage liver disease secondary to hepatitis B virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma. The patient had no history of diabetes prior to the liver transplantation. The decision to proceed with a pancreas transplantation was made when the patient's blood sugar levels could not be normalized despite insulin doses >100 IU/d. A modified cadaveric transplantation technique was used, with the recipient's inferior vena cava dissected for anastomosis with the portal vein of the graft, using a diamond-shaped patch procedure. Moreover, the right common iliac artery was anastomosed with a Y-graft in the pancreas graft, and the duodenum remnant of the graft was anastomosed to the recipient's duodenum using a side-to-side procedure. The 6-month postoperative follow-up included repeated endoscopic biopsy of the graft duodenum, with no evidence of thrombosis or rejection of the graft, with glucose level within normal limits without requirement for diabetic drugs. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of pancreas transplantation after liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Major abdominal surgeries, including liver transplantation, are considered high-risk procedures for patients with respiratory muscle dysfunction, such as patients with quadriparesis, due to possible fatal postoperative pulmonary complications. We report on a 57-year-old male patient with longstanding quadriparesis due to fifth cervical spine injury from a traffic accident who suffered from decompensated liver cirrhosis related to hepatitis C infection and hepatocellular carcinoma. A preoperative pulmonary function test showed forced expiratory volume in 1 minute (FEV1) 1.06 L, which was a risk for pulmonary complications. The patient required respiratory training. Cadaveric liver transplantation was performed successfully without surgical complications. The patient was extubated on the fourth day after surgery and initially did well. However, on the eighth postoperative day, an episode of status epilepticus from metabolic derangement developed. After controlling seizure with anticonvulsive medication and sedation, the patient was reintubated due to hypoventilation. Chest radiograph showed upper lung atelectasis. Due to this complication, tracheostomy was performed. The patient's condition gradually improved. He was ultimately discharged on the 45th postoperative day. Two months after the transplantation, liver functions were normal and the patient could breathe spontaneously without tracheostomy and had good quality of life. In conclusion, this is, to our knowledge, the first report of liver transplantation in a patient with quadriparesis. It shows that even with a very high risk for postoperative pulmonary complications, liver transplantation can be performed successfully with careful patient selection and effective respiratory care.  相似文献   

Transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a rare but severe complication after liver transplantation. In contrast to other thrombotic microangiopathies, treatment for TA-TMA has yet to be clarified. A 52-year-old male patient with liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C underwent split liver transplantation from a deceased donor. His clinical course was without complication until 4 days after transplantation, when he experienced impaired consciousness, hemolytic anemia with fragmented erythrocytes, and marked thrombocytopenia. TA-TMA was diagnosed, and recombinant thrombomodulin was administered for 4 days. The patient's clinical symptoms and laboratory data rapidly improved. He has been followed up for 6 months and has not shown any complications. The pathogenesis of TA-TMA is endothelial damage in the vasculature. Recombinant thrombomodulin, an endothelial cell–protecting agent, is a promising new therapeutic choice for TA-TMA after liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Liver allografts are unique in solid organ transplantation as they are less susceptible to both acute and chronic rejection. Operational tolerance, defined as prolonged graft survival in the absence of immunosuppression, is also achieved more frequently with liver allografts. It is unknown if the presence of multiple allografts in the same individual, levels of immunosuppression, or the presence of cystic fibrosis (CF) impacts the livers ability to ward off rejection or achieve operational tolerance. We describe an unsensitized, ABO-compatible patient with CF who underwent double lung transplantation and several years later a combined liver-kidney transplant. He developed isolated late acute T-cell mediated rejection of his liver allograft despite a high level of immunosuppression (IS) required for his lung and kidney allografts. To our knowledge, this is the first case of isolated liver rejection in a patient with 3 separate organ allografts, or in a patient with CF, to be reported in the literature. This isolated liver rejection is out of keeping with typically accepted ideas about orthotopic liver tolerance.  相似文献   



De novo gastric cancer is a rare complication of liver transplantation.


Surgical treatments of 16 cases with different outcomes were reported in the English literature.


De novo gastric cancer (stage II) was diagnosed as the result of epi-gastric discomfort in a recipient 10 years after liver transplantation. The patient received chemotherapy alone and remained well for 26 months.


De novo gastric cancer of liver transplantation recipients is a severe complication; early detection and relevant intervention will benefit these recipients.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2022,54(5):1370-1375
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (PFIC2) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ABCB11 gene. Clinical manifestations include cholestasis with low γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), hepatosplenomegaly, and severe pruritus. Liver transplantation is required for individuals with progressive liver disease or failure of the bypass procedure and has been considered curative. However, in the case of PFIC2, although bile salt excretory pump (BSEP) deficiency is a liver-specific condition rather than a systemic disease, evidence of recurrent BSEP disease has been shown in a small proportion of allografts.We describe an unusual case of a 21-year-old individual with PFIC2 and evidence of recurrent BSEP disease after liver transplantation, with clinical and laboratory improvement after pulse therapy with methylprednisolone for 3 days and adjustment of oral immunosuppression.This case report highlights the recurrence of PFIC2 in patients post liver transplant. It also emphasizes the importance of clinical suspicion, which should be considered in cases of posttransplant cholestasis in PFIC2 patients, especially those with low γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and without signs of acute graft rejection. Having knowledge of the condition favors a targeted diagnostic approach and contributes to early therapeutic management and a higher success rate.  相似文献   



Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents one of the most common malignancies globally, accounting for nearly one million new cases per year. Although the treatment of extrahepatic metastases from primary liver tumors is essentially palliative, a solitary metastasis from such tumors offers a possibility of cure by surgical resection. The adrenal gland is an uncommon site for metastasis from primary liver tumors.


We report a liver transplantation case of HCC and hepatitis B virus in a 23-year-old man with an excellent postoperative result. However, because an increased alpha-fetoprotein was evident and complete radiologic and blood tests were performed, all of which were normal. Three years posttransplantation, a right adrenal mass was identified by CT. PAAF was performed as well as adrenalectomy for a solitary adrenal metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma.


The patient underwent adrenalectomy for the right adrenal metastasis at 3 years following liver transplantation for HCC. He is presently alive and disease-free 24 months after adrenalectomy.


Carefully selected patients with solitary metastasis from HCC may be considered for resection.  相似文献   



Surgical resection is the only curative modality for colorectal liver metastases (CLM), and the pattern of recurrences after resection affects survival. In a prospective study of liver transplantation (Lt) for nonresectable CLM we have shown a 5-year overall survival rate of 60 %, but 19 of 21 experienced recurrence. This study reports the pattern of recurrences after Lt for CLM and the effect on survival.


Characterization of metastatic lesions in a prospective study for Lt for nonresectable CLM was performed (n = 21). The study included reexamination of chest computed tomographic scans taken before Lt.


At the time of first recurrence, 16 were a single site, and three were multiple sites. Thirteen of the single sites were pulmonary recurrences. The pulmonary recurrences appeared early and were slow growing, and several were accessible to surgical treatment. When chest computed tomographic scans were reexamined, seven patients had pulmonary nodules at the time of Lt without an effect on survival. There was no first single-site hepatic recurrence. Six of the seven patients who developed metastases to the transplanted liver died from metastatic disease.


The pulmonary recurrences after Lt for CLM were of an indolent character, even those that were present at the time of Lt. This contrasts with the finding of metastases to the transplanted liver, which was prognostically adverse. The lack of single hepatic first-site recurrences and hepatic metastases only as part of disseminated disease is different from the pattern of recurrence after liver resection. This suggests two distinct mechanisms for hepatic recurrences after resection for CLM.  相似文献   

We report a very rare case of pulmonary chromomycosis caused by Scedosporium prolificans that developed after lung transplantation and was successfully treated with endobronchial topical amphotericin B instillation. The subject was a woman in her 50s with a history of bilateral lobar lung transplantation from living donors for idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Eight years after the lung transplantation, chest radiography X-ray and computed tomography showed an abnormal shadow in the right lung. Bronchoscopic findings showed obstruction by a fungal component at the laterobasal bronchus B9. She was diagnosed with pulmonary chromomycosis after S. prolificans was detected in the bronchial aspirate. Systemic antifungal treatment with itraconazole was ineffective. Therefore, we administered topical amphotericin B weekly via endobronchial instillation and replaced oral itraconazole with voriconazole. The endobronchial procedure was safe and tolerable. Bronchial obstruction improved after three 3 instillations. We continued topical amphotericin B instillation once every 3 months for 2 years, and the abnormal shadow nearly disappeared. This case report describes infection by S. prolificans, which rarely becomes an etiologic agent in lung transplant patients, and shows that endobronchial topical amphotericin B instillation is a therapeutic option when systemic antifungal treatment is ineffective.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe main causes of early respiratory failure after lung transplantation include primary graft dysfunction (PGD), acute rejection, and infection. This report describes a case of unclear early respiratory failure after bilateral lung transplantation for extensive COVID-19–induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).MethodsWe reviewed the patient file to investigate the course of the functional decline and evaluate reasons for early graft failure. Analyzed data included crossmatching results, biopsy results, HLA antibodies testing, bronchoalveolar lavages, respiratory parameters, and medications.ResultsAfter an initial excellent early postoperative course, the patient developed progressive respiratory failure, making re-implantation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support necessary. An extensive diagnostic workup revealed no signs of infection or rejection. Because the patient showed no signs of improvement with any treatment, lung-protective ventilation with the intermittent prone position was initiated. The patient's respiratory situation and bilateral opacities slowly improved over the next few weeks, and ECMO support was eventually discontinued.ConclusionWith no evidence of PGD, rejection, or infection, recurrent ARDS caused by a systemic immunologic process was seen as the only plausible cause for the patient's respiratory failure after lung transplantation. The fact that ARDS can develop extrapulmonarily, without direct viral or bacterial damage, makes us conclude that the preceding systemic activation and recruitment of immune cells by the primarily injured lung could potentially lead to the recurrence of ARDS even if the injured organ is removed.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension after surgical correction of D-transposition of the great vessels is a rare but serious complication. Lung transplantation may be the only option when treatment with vasodilators is insufficient. We present the case of a young male patient with a history of arterial switch in neonatal period who undergoes double lung transplantation owing to late pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

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