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鼻息肉的CT表现与诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:总结分析鼻息肉的CT表现特点,评价CT扫描对鼻息肉的诊断价值。方法:97例均行轴位及冠状位扫描,其中轴位24例,冠状位73例,全部病例经鼻内窥镜手术及病理证实。结果:97例中双侧发病72例,单侧发病25例。鼻息肉主要发生在筛窦及中鼻道,部分累及上颌窦及下鼻道,在CT断面上表现为鼻腔内息肉样肿块,均合并不同程度的鼻窦炎,冠状位CT扫描比轴位显示清楚。结论:鼻息肉在CT断面上有比较特征性的表现,诊断明确,冠状位能提供与功能鼻内窥镜手术方位一致的解剖层面,能清楚显示鼻道解剖结构和病变特点,对指导纤维内窥镜手术进路及防止并发症有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

鼻息肉的CT诊断价值(附124例分析)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨鼻息肉的CT诊断价值,为外科手术提供依据。方法:回顾性分析124例经手术病理证实的鼻息肉病例。全部病例术前均经仰卧位CT扫描,其中横断位11例,冠状位87例,横断+冠状位26例。平扫88例,平扫+增强36例。结果:鼻息肉多位于筛窦+上中鼻道;单发息肉呈圆形、卵圆形,多发息肉充满鼻腔呈不规则形;平扫呈均匀一致的软组织密度,CT值约25-50HU,增强后多呈轻至中度强化,CT值约35-70HU。阻塞性炎症可为全副鼻窦炎或上颌窦炎+筛窦炎。分型以息肉型和OMC型居多;鼻息肉常伴有中下鼻甲肥大,鼻中隔偏曲,Haller气房及板障型筛窦等解剖变异。结论:螺旋CT冠状位扫描能直观地显示鼻道、鼻窦整体解剖影像,显示病变范围,大小,毗邻关系及继发改变,指导内窥镜手术。  相似文献   



Metastatic adrenal disease can occur in a wide diversity of malignancies. Distinguishing benign from metastatic adrenal masses in oncologic patients is vital.


To appraise the 18F-FDG PET/CT performance for distinguishing benign from metastatic adrenal masses.

Material and methods

In the current prospective study, 21 patients with proven extra-adrenal primary malignancy, having adrenal masses?≥10?mm on the axial CT images of their PET/CT examinations, were enrolled. Positive PET findings for malignancy were considered if the mass showed FDG uptake equivalent to or more prominent than the FDG liver uptake. Alternatively, negative PET findings for malignancy were considered if the mass showed FDG uptake not as much of the FDG liver uptake. Afterward, the obtained results were correlated with serial imaging follow-up or histopathological diagnosis by surgery or percutaneous biopsy as the diagnostic standard of reference.


An overall number of 24 adrenal masses was diagnosed. Positive PET/CT results were found in 14 adrenal masses. All were finally considered to be metastases by serial imaging follow-up (n?=?8) and histopathological analysis by surgery (n?=?1) and percutaneous biopsy (n?=?5). Accordingly, no false positive result was obtained. Negative PET/CT results were observed in 10 adrenal masses, 9 of them were finally confirmed to be benign by serial imaging follow-up. The remaining mass was finally confirmed to be metastasis by percutaneous biopsy and hence, it represented the false negative result. 93% sensitivity, 100% specificity and 96% accuracy for identifying adrenal metastases were obtained.


18F-FDG PET/CT is a precise, non invasive modality for distinguishing benign from metastatic adrenal masses in oncologic patients.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old patient was referred for FDG PET/CT with a right preauricular lymph node fine-needle biopsy, suggesting poorly differentiated carcinoma and no obvious primary lesion. There was intense FDG uptake in the right preauricular nodule. The node was excised, and formal histology demonstrated a benign pilomatricoma rather than malignancy. Pilomatricoma is uncommon in adults and an unusual cause for marked FDG uptake, likely due to foreign body inflammation. Pilomatricoma can be either benign or malignant. The marked FDG uptake demonstrated in our patient with benign pilomatricoma also suggests that FDG PET cannot reliably grade this rare condition.  相似文献   

Intracerebral extension of nasal dermoid cyst: CT appearance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report on a 46-year-old man with a congenital nasal dermoid cyst that extended intracranially to form large bifrontal intraaxial dermoid cysts, which became secondarily infected through a nasal dermal sinus tract. Computed tomography demonstrated bilateral frontal lobe ring enhancing cystic masses containing fat-fluid levels consistent with dermoid cyst abscesses. Axial and coronal CT of the skull base and nose demonstrated a midline bony canal extending from two dimples on the dorsum of the patient's nose to the base of the anterior cranial fossa. The clinical, CT, and surgical findings are reviewed as well as the embryogenesis of congenital nasal dermoid cysts.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of combined CT parameters in distinguishing benign from malignant adrenal masses in cancer patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨出血坏死性鼻息肉的CT和MRI表现.方法 回顾性分析17例经病理证实的出血坏死性鼻息肉的影像资料.其中14例行CT检查,16例行MR检查,15例同时行MR增强检查.结果 17例病变均以上颌窦口为中心向鼻腔及上颌窦内生长,边缘清晰,16例形态不规整,呈浅分叶状,仅1例呈卵圆形.CT表现:14例病变表现为密度不均匀的软组织肿块影,2例分别在病变周边及内部见到条形及结节状高密度影,邻近骨质均呈压迫、吸收改变,局部骨质不连续,以上颌窦内壁最常见.MRI表现:16例病变内部在T_1WI上为低信号(与脑灰质相比),T_2WI上为高信号,14例同时伴有线样的低信号分隔;15例病变周边可见到T_1WI为等信号、T_2WI为低信号的不规则环形影围绕;15例行增强检查的病变呈不均匀性明显强化,强化部分形态各异,10例内部为多发结节状强化,4例为斑片状强化,1例强化外观似叶片状,而T_2WI上的低信号环不强化.4例病变的鼻腔侧周边可见边缘清楚的囊状液体信号影,向前至鼻前庭,向后达后鼻孔区,增强后不强化.11例行动态增强扫描,其中7例时间-信号强度曲线(TIC)呈持续上升型;4例呈速升缓降型.结论 MRT_2WI上内部的不均匀高信号为低信号围绕以及增强后结节状、斑片状的强化特征均是出血坏死性鼻息肉特异的MRI表现,而CT有助于判断病变性质,明确诊断有一定困难,MRI应是出血坏死性鼻息肉的首选检查方法.  相似文献   

目的 分析鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤的CT表现.方法 回顾性分析11例鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤、134例鼻息肉、24例鼻内翻乳头状瘤的CT征象,将相应征象在3类疾病中出现的差异用Fisher精确检验比较.结果 较鼻息肉,鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤多单侧鼻腔发病,表现为结节肿块或铸型生长,易侵犯鼻前庭、鼻翼及鼻背部皮肤、鼻咽侧壁、鼻中隔或鼻底部黏膜、周围骨质破坏;较鼻内翻乳头状瘤,鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤病变易侵犯鼻前庭、鼻翼及鼻背部皮肤、后鼻孔及鼻咽腔、鼻中隔或鼻底部黏膜.结论 鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤多发生于单侧鼻腔,密度均匀,沿侧壁匍匐生长,易侵及鼻黏膜及前后组织结构,早期骨质破坏轻微.  相似文献   

The following case report documents the unique manifestation of a solidified renal cyst as a homogeneously hyperdense renal mass on computed tomography. Surgical and pathologic verification of this benign lesion are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨孤立性肺结节的各种CT征像对良恶性结节鉴别的意义.方法 选取41例术后病理结果的孤立性肺结节CT征像,依据病理结果把病例分成恶性结节组23例,良性结节组18例,对两组患者的性别、年龄及结节直径对比分析,对孤立性肺结节的毛刺征、分叶征、胸膜尾征、血管集束征、空泡征、磨玻璃结节及钙化等CT征像进行单一CT征像及组...  相似文献   

韩丹  廖承德  赵川 《放射学实践》2002,17(6):511-513
目的:探讨鼻空、副鼻窦几种良性肿瘤的CT诊断和鉴别。方法:对经手术和病理证实的49例(纤维瘤5例,神经纤维瘤6例,纤维血管瘤20例,骨化纤维瘤6例及内翻乳头状瘤12例)病人的临床,病理及CT表现进行分析对照。CT扫描采用轴位,层厚及层距5mm,部分病例用静脉闭注强后扫描,测量增强前后肿瘤的平均CT值。结果:各种肿瘤各自不同的病理改变决定了不同的CT特征,它们在发部位,病理变大小,形态,钙化,增强等方面均有不同,结论:根据CT表现可提示诊断,但需要与该部位的其它良性肿瘤及一些早期恶性肿瘤相鉴别。  相似文献   

Cholesterol and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels in pleural effusion and sera, were measured in 199 patients with pleural effusions of various origins. Malignant cause was found in 93, and nonmalignant in 106 patients. Mean cholesterol level in sera of patient with malignant disease was 5.0 +/- 0.93 mmol/L, and in nonmalignant group 4.34 +/- 1.32 mmol/L. The difference was not statistically significant. Mean cholesterol level in nonmalignant pleural effusions was higher thAn those in malignant (2.51 +/- 1.23 mmol/L; and 2.28 +/- 1.06 mmol/L), but the difference was also not significant. Average pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio (Holl/S) in nonmalignant group was 0.61 +/- 0.32 and in malignant group 0.46 +/- 0.22. The difference between those mean values was significant. Higher ratio, at the cut off value of 0.5 was found in 79/106 and in 25/93 malignant patients. Calculated sensitivity was 75%, specificity 73%, positive predictive value 76%, negative predictive value 65% and accuracy 69%. Significant negative correlation between Holi/S and pleural fluid CEA was found (p < 0.05). It was assumed that pleural fluid/serum cholesterol ratio lower than 0.5 could be of great benefit, as an additional test in the differentiation of malignant from benign pleural effusion.  相似文献   

Multiple benign ureteral fibrous polyps.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two cases of benign polyps of the ureter are reported with emphasis on the uroradiological features and methods of evaluation in the diagnosis of benign mesodermal tumors of the ureter. The apparently excellent results from conservative surgery make the recognition and preoperative roentgenologic diagnosis of this entity mandatory.  相似文献   

目的探讨磁共振扩散加权成像在乳腺良恶性病变中的诊断价值。方法收集我院2010年2—8月经手术病理证实或穿刺活检证实的50例乳腺癌患者和50例乳腺良性病变患者。DWI扫描b值分别为400、600、8001、000 s/mm2,测量病灶区域的ADC值,并比较各组之间的差异。结果 b值分别为400、6008、001、000时乳腺癌及良性病变的ADC值,恶性组ADC值明显低于良性组(P<0.05)。四组不同b值的良恶性病变分别做ROC曲线,以b=1 000 s/mm2时,AUC最大,诊断价值最高,以ADC值为1.23×10-3mm2/s作为良恶性病变的诊断阈值,敏感性为90.0%,特异性为89.8%,准确性为89.9%。结论 DWI结合ADC值测量,对乳腺良恶性病变的鉴别诊断具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

MR扩散加权成像鉴别乳腺良恶性病变的研究   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:48  
目的 探讨磁共振扩散加权成像(diffusion weightedMRimaging, DW MRI)的表观扩散系数(apparentdiffusioncoefficient, ADC)在乳腺病变鉴别诊断中的价值。方法 DW- MRI采用单次激发平面回波成像(echo planarimaging, EPI)技术, 扩散敏感系数(b值)分别为0、500、1000s/mm2。计算26个正常乳腺、手术病理证实的24个恶性病灶、30个良性病灶分别在b=1000~0、1000~500、500~0s/mm2 时的ADC值,比较良恶性病变、正常腺体间ADC值差异的统计学意义及b=1000~0、1000~500、500~0s/mm2 间ADC值差异的统计学意义。结果 乳腺良、恶性病变、正常腺体间ADC值差异均有统计学意义(F= 565. 74,P<0 .01),恶性病变ADC值明显低于良性病变和正常腺体组织,良性病变ADC值明显低于正常腺体组织; 3组b值间ADC值差异均有统计学意义(F=21. 30,P<0 .01),b值越低,ADC值越大;把恶性肿瘤ADC值95%可信区间上界( 1. 01×10-3 )mm2 /s定为良恶性病变鉴别的界值,诊断敏感性为64 .0%,特异性为96 .7%。结论 根据ADC值可以对乳腺良恶性病变做出鉴别诊断,其特异性较高,但敏感性较低。  相似文献   

CT appearance of hemangiopericytoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemangiopericytoma is an uncommon tumor that may occur anywhere in the body but is most often found in the retroperitoneum, extremities, and nasopharynx. The CT evaluation of five malignant hemangiopericytomas (two retroperitoneal, two nasopharyngeal, one thigh) revealed speckled calcifications in all cases. The lesions in the retroperitoneum and thigh were large and lobular, with areas of cystic-degeneration or hemorrhage. Computed tomography of a rare, benign osseous hemangiopericytoma demonstrated characteristics of a slow-growing bone tumor with a cortical break in the proximal femur. The homogeneously enhancing, noncalcified mass found in the posterior fossa appeared similar to the typical benign hemangiopericytoma reported in this location by other authors.  相似文献   

超声造影对甲状腺良恶性肿瘤鉴别中的价值探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超声造影是当前超声医学的热门研究课题,它对肝肿瘤良恶性的鉴别诊断已比较成熟,本研究借鉴超声造影对肝肿瘤良恶性鉴别的成功经验,对本院37例甲状腺良恶性肿瘤进行超声造影及其时间强度曲线分析,以探讨该技术对甲状腺肿瘤鉴别诊断的价值。  相似文献   



To evaluate the utility of conventional MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in differentiating benign from malignant endometrial lesions.


52 patients with an abnormal endometrium on MRI and subsequent pathologic evaluation (35 benign, 17 malignant) were included. Two radiologists (R1, R2) independently evaluated endometrial abnormalities for characteristics on conventional MRI and DWI. Findings were assessed using unpaired t-tests, Fisher's exact test, and multi-variate logistic regression.


Findings with significantly higher frequency in malignant abnormalities were: presence of irregularly marginated endometrial lesion (R1: 71% vs. 34%, R2: 94% vs. 26%), irregular endo-myometrial interface on T2WI (R1: 77% vs. 26%, R2: 94% vs. 29%), irregular endo-myometrial interface on post-contrast T1WI (R1: 82% vs. 23%, R2: 88% vs. 20%), increased signal on high b-value DWI (R1: 82% vs. 20%, R2: 94% vs. 20%), decreased ADC (R1: 88 vs. 40%, R2: 94% vs. 20%) (all p < 0.001, both readers). Endometrial thickness, presence of any focal endometrial lesion regardless of contour, diameter of endometrial lesion, endometrial heterogeneity on T2WI, decreased T2 signal, and increased endometrial enhancement, failed to show significant differences between groups (all p ≥ 0.159, both readers). At multivariate analysis, for R1, irregular endo-myometrial interface on post-contrast T1WI and increased DWI signal were significant independent predictors of malignancy (AUC = 0.89); for R2, only increased DWI signal was a significant independent predictor of malignancy (AUC = 0.87).


Abnormal signal on DWI and irregularity of either the endo-myometrial interface or focal endometrial lesion were the most helpful MRI features in differentiating benign from malignant endometrial abnormalities.  相似文献   

The vast majority of epithelial polyps of the stomach can be divided into two groups: (1) hyperplastic or regenerative polyps, and (2) adenomas. Of the two, hyperplastic polyps are much more common; they are nonneoplastic lesions which are typically asymptomatic, small, smooth-surfaced, and often multiple. Malignant transformation virtually never occurs in this group of polyps. Adenomas are true neoplasms; they are relatively large, have an irregular surface, and show a distinct tendency to undergo malignant transformation. In this paper the radiologic appearances of hyperplastic gastric polyps, with special reference to atypical findings, are discussed and illustrated. It is shown that simple hyperplastic polyps may present any or all of the radiologic criteria suggestive of gastric adenomas or even frank malignancy. Thus, while radiology plays a vital role in the initial detection and followup of gastric polyps, optimum clinical management of the patient is best based on knowledge of the histologic structure of the lesion obtained by endoscopy and biopsy.  相似文献   

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