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Zusammenfassung Mit dem Programm «Kritisch konsumieren» wird beabsichtigt, Jugendliche in der Entwicklung der Konsumgewohnheiten im Sinne der Abstinenz oder eines reduzierten Konsums in bezug auf Zigaretten, Alkohol und Medikamente zu beeinflussen. Als Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Intervention gelten Verminderung der Bereitschaft zum Konsum, bei den Konsumenten ausserdem eine Herabsetzung ihres Konsums. Evaluiert wurde das Programm an einer Repräsentativauswahl des 8. Schuljahres des Kantons Basel-Stadt, bestehend aus 9 Gymnasial-, 12 Real- und 11 Sekundarklassen. Mittels standardisierten schriftlichen Befragungen wurden sowohl Konsumverhalten als auch Einstellung vor und nach Programmvorführung gemessen. Beim Zigarettenkonsum wurde eine Einstellungs- und Verhaltensänderung in der gewünschten Richtung registriert. Alkoholkonsum und Einstellung dazu blieben unbeeinflusst. Der Medikamentenkonsum erwies sich als stabil, hingegen zeigte sich der Erfolg in Form einer beträchtlichen Einstellungsmodifikation.
Evaluation of an educational programme against smoking, alcohol and drug abuse
Summary The learning program with the title Consuming critically has the objective to influence the learner so that he will completely abstain from smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages and the abuse of medication or at least reduce the respective consumption. A reduction in consumption or a reduction in the predisposition to consume for those who were none-consumers was considered the criteria for a successful utilization of the program. The program was evaluated with a representative sample including all types of schools at the 8th grade in the Basle Schools. By a standardized questionnaire behaviour and attitudes were measured. Regarding the smoking of cigarettes changes in the desired direction could be shown in both behaviour and attitude. No effect could be proven as to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. A significant positive change in the attitude towards the proper use of medication could be demonstrated while the corresponding consumption pattern remained unchanged.



Vaccination has been a hot topic in Western countries for many years. As a result, vaccination coverage rates have dropped in many countries, a development that has raised serious concerns, especially in medicine.


This study investigated whether young adults’ conceptual biomedical knowledge could foster their critical reasoning about, and rejection of, vaccination myths. The project made use of a health promotion week at a school for teacher education. The students’ attitudes toward vaccination were investigated by means of a questionnaire administered before and after an intervention.


Our results show a significant change in the students’ judgment regarding seven statements for and against vaccination. Therefore, the teaching of conceptual biomedical knowledge can have an impact on the health literacy of adolescents and young adults. Those involved in health promotion and prevention should dedicate more attention to questions and concepts of science education.  相似文献   

Until now, the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society on fruit and vegetable intake have not been reached by the majority of the population. In the first wave of the“German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults” (DEGS1), which was conducted from 2008 to 2011, food consumption was determined with a validated food frequency questionnaire in a representative random sample of the 18-79-year-old residential population in Germany (n=7116). The number of portions of fruit and vegetables consumed on average every day and the number of persons meeting the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day were calculated. On average, women consume 3.1 and men 2.4 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. 15 % of women and 7 % of men reach the recommended quantity of five portions per day. Fruit intake increases in both men and women up to the age of 60- 69 years. 39 % of women and 25 % of men consume at least three portions of fruit and vegetables every day. The proportion of men and women who consume at least three portions every day tends to increase with rising social status. Although the intake of fruit has increased slightly compared to previous surveys, the percentage of persons who consume five portions of fruit and vegetables per day is still very low. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.  相似文献   

This study investigated future medical specialists' objectives of further qualification, their intention, and their decision to establish a practice. Data of 5,053 young physicians, obtained from five German Federal Chambers of Physicians, were analyzed. Data included sociodemographic variables, intended area of specialization, intention, and aspects relevant to the establishment of a practice. Based on preliminary studies, 18 questions were broken down into six factors. The relevance of each of these factors in the decision to establish a practice was analyzed from a gender perspective. Both female and male physicians prioritized general medicine and internal medicine. In addition, female physicians preferred pediatrics and gynecology, while male physicians more frequently chose surgery. Women view professional cooperation opportunities, framework conditions for their family, and job-related commitments as important factors in their decision to establish a practice; quality of life, financial and working conditions are more important to men. The results point out gender-specific approaches which are of relevance for planning medical specialty training.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Die dynamischen Entwicklungen im Gesundheitssystem gehen mit einer aktiveren und stärker partizipativen Patientenrolle...  相似文献   

The growing citizen and patient orientation of the German healthcare system reflects a health policy process which aims to achieve more individual and social responsibility as well as more autonomy on the part of healthcare users. At the same time the process is regarded as an essential component of a future oriented quality development involving raising transparency, developing competence, strengthening patient rights and improving complaints management. Representative data on these parameters and on people's level of satisfaction with their most recent contact with the healthcare service were collected in the 2009 GEDA survey 'Information Behaviour and Self-determination of Citizens and Patients' by the Robert Koch Institute. It reveals knowledge deficits in the population relating to selected areas of the healthcare service and there are also deficits in people's knowledge and assertion of their rights and in the way complaints are handled. These deficits vary according to demographic and socio-economic criteria (age, sex, educational and social status, status vis à vis health insurance companies). It emerges that different population groups have different needs, which can be used for a target group orientation in the communication of knowledge and the development of competencies.  相似文献   

The Robert Koch Institute collects and evaluates nationwide data on the incidence and prevalence of transfusion-relevant infections among blood and plasma donors in Germany. Since 2006 data not only on the number of donations tested but also on the number of the respective donors have become available. The demographic profile and donation frequencies of German whole blood, plasma and platelet donors in 2010 and the percentages among the general population are described and compared to data from 2006. Although the general population eligible to donate blood is on the decline since 2003, with a loss of 2% between 2006 and 2010, this has not led to a decrease in the number of blood donors and donations. Instead, the number of new and repeat whole blood donors increased by 8% and 7%, respectively. At the same time, the number of new plasma donors grew by 23%, that of repeat plasma donors by 41%. In 2010 more than 4.3% of the population aged 18-68 years was active as repeat whole blood donors; 0.4% repeatedly donated plasma or platelets. Since 2006 the percentage of donors among the general population increased significantly, especially among the youngest age group (18-24 years). Donation frequency varied depending on donor age and sex, with an average of 1.9 per year for whole blood donations, 12.5 for plasmapheresis and 5.0 for plateletpheresis. While the donation frequency for whole blood remained unchanged since 2006, the frequency of apheresis donations increased, especially among older donors. By recruiting more new donors and retaining and reactivating existing ones more effectively, the number of whole blood and apheresis donations was augmented.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Mit Inkrafttreten der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 536/2014 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 16. April...  相似文献   

Population attributable fractions (PAFs) for the risk factors alcohol intake and overweight in the German population were calculated to estimate the preventability of colorectal and breast cancer attributable to these risk factors. Estimates were based on national alcohol consumption and overweight prevalence data in the German population. Comparative analyses were used to evaluate the variation of PAF estimates according to changes in the calculation parameters. PAFs quantify the preventive potential that could result from removing or reducing the risk factor exposure, respectively. Postmenopausal breast cancer was estimated to be preventable by 13–23% if the population were normal weight. Among German men, 10–25% of colon cancers were attributable to alcohol consumption and 7–13% of colorectal cancers to overweight. The comparative analyses demonstrated that preventability estimates vary considerably with the chosen data (risk estimates, reference categories) for PAF calculation and can differ by up to 50%. Thus, data selection should be evidence based, for example, based on meta-analyses, in order to increase the validity of preventability estimates.  相似文献   

In this study, associations between current asthma and possible determinants were studied using data of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents ("Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland," KiGGS). In this nationwide cross-sectional survey, 17,461 subjects aged 0-17?years were examined between 2003 and 2006. Data collection included a medical examination of the child, an interview of the parents, and written questionnaires. Apart from prevalence estimates, multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Increasing age and male sex, previous atopic diseases of the child, a positive family history of allergic diseases and low birth weight were significant risk factors of asthma, as were overweight and moldy walls in the residence. Breast feeding was not associated with a reduced risk of asthma. Low age at delivery of the mother and living in rural or provincial regions were shown to be protected. Overall, this study suggests that allergies of the parents and previous atopic disease of the child are the strongest determinants of asthma. However, environmental factors (mold on walls, living in rural and provincial towns) and lifestyle factors could also modify asthma risk.  相似文献   

Colon cancer is currently the third leading cause of cancer death in men and women in Germany, with a total of about 25,000 deaths per year. Established methods for early detection of colorectal cancer include lower gastrointestinal endoscopy and fecal occult blood testing. For both procedures, there is evidence of a reduction in colorectal cancer-specific mortality and for endoscopy a reduction of colorectal cancer incidence has been shown.In Germany, the guaiac test for fecal occult blood has been offered since 1977. Additionally, screening colonoscopy has been offered since 2002 and in 2016, the guaiac test was replaced by the immunological fecal occult blood test, which has an improved diagnostic performance. Overall, participation rates have been low over the past decades and differed between men, women, and age groups.Personal invitations are expected to be sent out starting in 2019 as part of the introduction of an organized colorectal cancer screening program in Germany. The program also provides for measures to systematically monitor and improve the quality of colorectal cancer screening. It remains to be seen which effects these changes will have and whether the trend towards declining colon cancer incidence and mortality that has been observed in Germany will continue in the coming years.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Bei Suizidalität können die Angst, von anderen stigmatisiert zu werden, sowie Selbststigmatisierung und unzureichende...  相似文献   

Within the last five decades, the worldwide prevalence of allergic diseases such as asthma, hay fever, or food allergies has increased dramatically. Germany follows a similar trend; several studies have shown increased numbers of allergic diseases in this period. Although allergic diseases do not exhibit high mortality rates, the loss of quality of life as shown by studies conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) is considerable. Additional health-economical analyses documented that allergic patients more frequently occupy services of the health care system in Germany. The treatment of allergies and the increasing consultation rates cause rising costs and an increasing burden for the national economy. Currently it is possible to control allergic diseases such as asthma by a precise diagnosis or identification of the causative allergen. However, a considerable reduction in the prevalence of allergic disease and its therapy costs can only be expected if causative therapies and effective prevention strategies are available.  相似文献   

To provide adequate end-of-life care is a substantial task of the health care system. However, it has been largely disregarded. For public health research, important activities include analysing the societal requirements as well as the health system-related possibilities and framework. Therefore, a study, funded by the German Research Foundation, for the first time (1) examines the viewpoints of a wide range of stakeholders that operate on different levels of the German health system, and (2) develops broadly based public health targets for palliative care in Germany. This article presents the conceptual framework, design and methods of the study.  相似文献   

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - In Deutschland wird bis dato von einer Prävalenz von ca. 50.000 Kindern und Jugendlichen ausgegangen, die mit...  相似文献   

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