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目的本文总结了98例小儿特重型、重型颅脑损伤并发多器官功能衰竭的救治经验。方法对二所医院二十年共同收救的小儿特重型、重型颅脑伤并发MSOF进行回顾性总结。结果98例小儿特重型、重型颅脑伤并发MSOF存活27例(存活率27.55%),其中良好和中残24例(占24.5%),重残3例(占0.31%)合并MSOF死亡71例(死亡率72.45%)。结论颅脑损伤的程度与并发MSOF成正比关系,积极去除病因的发生发展是有效降低死亡率、提高生存质量的重要手段。  相似文献   

特重型颅脑损伤救治体会(附56例报告)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
重型颅脑损伤约占颅脑伤的20%,死亡率为30%~50%[1],而特重型颅脑损伤的死亡数占其中绝大多数,其死亡率高达 60%~80%[2].现将我科近3年来收治的特重型颅脑损伤56例的救治情况报告如下.  相似文献   

目的探讨重型、特重型颅脑损伤合并易漏诊部位损伤的早期诊断和治疗。方法对2000年1月至2007年8月收治的432例重型、特重型颅脑损伤合并其他部位损伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。所有病例均符合重型、特重型颅脑损伤合并其他部位损伤患者的诊断标准,并按损伤严重评分(ISS)和GCS评分对伤情进行评估。同时对漏诊组(50例)和非漏诊组(382例)患者进行分析比较。结果432例患者中有50例漏诊,漏诊率为11.57%。与非漏诊组比较,漏诊组患者ISS评分,GCS≤8的病例所占比例及死亡率均较非漏诊组患者高(P〈0.05)。视神经、空腔脏器及脊髓损伤漏诊率较高,这些易漏诊部位损伤的致残率和死亡率也较高。结论对重型、特重型颅脑损伤应重视其视神经、脊髓等合并伤的诊断,规范其诊疗流程,降低漏诊率。  相似文献   

目的探讨重型颅脑损伤并发多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)的主要临床特征和预防、治疗对策。方法对586例重型颅脑损伤患者中并发MSOF的45例患者进行原发病的治疗及各种指标的监测。结果重型颅脑损伤后MSOF的发生率7.68%;既往有疾病的器官发生MSOF机率较高,达69%;颅脑损伤越重,MSOF发生率越高,GCS6~8分者MSOF发生率为3.4%,3~5分者发生率为8.1%,脑疝者发生率为10.4%;死亡31例,病死率68%。结论早期开颅手术,解除颅内高压,控制肺部感染,密切监测各器官功能,加强对器官功能的支持,可降低MSOF的发生率。  相似文献   

治疗重型、特重型颅脑损伤的经验体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨重型、特重型颅脑伤的治疗方法,提高抢救成功率。方法对318例重型、特重型颅脑伤患者的治疗进行回顾性分析。结果按GOS分级:良好128例(40.25%),轻残74例(23.27%),重残38例(11.95%),植物生存16例(5.03%),死亡62例(19.50%)。结论重型、特重型颅脑损伤早期救治方法的正确与否对治疗效果有关键性的影响,3周内为各种并发症的发病高峰,3周后进入稳定期或康复期,在该期应注意有无外伤性脑积水及卧床病人的常见并发症发生。  相似文献   

目的分析特重型颅脑损伤的死亡原因,总结特重型颅脑损伤的救治经验。方法回顾性分析182例特重型颅脑损伤患者的临床资料,选择12个相关死亡原因进行统计分析及总结。结果182例特重型颅脑损伤的死亡率为67.58%,相关死亡原因中受伤原因、入院时GCS评分之间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);院前急救情况、损伤类型之间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),瞳孔的变化、基底池评分、手术情况、血氧水平、血糖水平、合并伤、并发症之间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论特重型颅脑损伤死亡原因复杂,死亡率高,死亡因素与院前急救不及时、脑疝晚期、脑损伤程度、低血氧、高血糖、合并伤、并发症等有关;主要死亡原因是脑疝和肺部并发症。  相似文献   

目的 探讨重型颅脑损伤并发多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)的主要临床特征和预防、治疗对策。方法 对586例重型颅脑损伤患者中并发MSOF的45例患者进行原发病的治疗及各种指标的监测。结果 重型颅脑损伤后MSOF的发生率7.68%;既往有疾病的器官发生MSOF机率较高,达69%;颅脑损伤越重,MSOF发生率越高,GCS 6~8分者MSOF发生率为3.4%,3~5分者发生率为8.1%,脑疝者发生率为10.4%;死亡31例,病死率68%。结论 早期开颅手术,解除颅内高压,控制肺部感染,密切监测各器官功能,加强对器官功能的支持,可降低MSOF的发生率。  相似文献   

目的研究颅脑损伤后病人体内血清皮质醇变化与预后之间的关系。方法 140例颅脑损伤病人(轻型26例、中型34例、重型64例和特重型16例)在伤后1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d、7 d和14 d早上7:00连续测定血清皮质醇,并进行分析研究,探讨颅脑损伤病人血清皮质醇的变化规律。结果血清皮质醇水平出现波动的病例数在轻型组、中型组、重型组和特重型分别为1例(3.9%)、23例(67.7%)、48例(75.0%)和12例(75.0%)。各组皮质醇波动幅度,在伤后3 d内差别较大,而3 d后基本降至正常范围。病人伤后血清皮质醇下降者预后差,伤后血清皮质醇上升者和正常范围内波动者预后较好。结论颅脑损伤病人伤后血清皮质醇变化与颅脑创伤程度以及病人年龄呈正相关,伤后血清皮质醇下降者预后最差。  相似文献   

小儿重度颅脑损伤的护理安徽省立医院赵仪珍小儿颅脑损伤并非少见,我院于1993年1月至12月共收治重度颅脑损伤患儿35人,平均住院12天,除3例(1例原发性脑干损伤、1例爆炸伤并胸腹复合伤、1例特重型颅脑损伤矢状窦破裂)经抢救无效死亡外,其余32例在全...  相似文献   

目的总结重型、特重型颅脑损伤的救治经验。方法对2012年1月到2014年12月收治的157例重型、特重型颅脑损伤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果出院时按GOS评分评估疗效,恢复良好48例,中残37例,重残18例,植物生存8例,死亡46例;总死亡率为29.3%。手术治疗81例,死亡19例(23.5%);保守治疗76例,死亡27例(35.5%)。重型颅脑损伤89例,死亡9例(10.1%);特重型颅脑损伤68例,死亡37例(54.4%)。结论对重型、特重型颅脑损伤,尽早清除颅内血肿并去骨瓣减压,早期业低温治疗及呼吸机辅助呼吸,维持机体内环境稳定,防治并发症发生等可显著改善病人预后。  相似文献   

目的 本文探讨总结了38例重型颅脑损伤并发神经源性多器官功能衰竭(MODS)的救治方法.方法 2003-01~2006-09间对38例重型颅脑损伤并发MODS病例进行临床回顾性分析,对其发生率、发生时间、好发受累器官及影响预后的相关因素等进行总结.结果 发生率为1.5 %,肺、胃肠道发生率高且常先受累,其次为心血管、肾、肝脏,病死率31.5%,并与脑损伤程度及受累器官密切相关.结论 颅脑损伤的程度与并发MODS成正比关系,积极去处病因的发生发展是有效降低病死率、提高生存质量的重要手段.  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤术后大面积脑梗死临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析重型颅脑损伤开颅术后大面积脑梗死发生的相关因素及治疗效果. 方法 选择东莞市石碣医院神经外科自2002年1月至2008年4月收治的重型颅脑损伤行开颅术治疗的332例患者,其中术后出现大面积脑梗死20例,回顾性分析术后出现或未出现大面积脑梗死这两类患者术前GCS评分,出血量,颅底骨折,瞳孔变化,是否有脑疝存在及持续时间情况;采用标准大骨瓣减压术治疗及常规综合治疗,并对其疗效进行评价. 结果 术前GCS评分<5分、颅内出血量60 mL以上及颅底骨折合并脑疝持续时间长者大面积脑梗死发生率明显增加.本组20例患者随访12月.应用GOS评估预后,其中良好8例,中残3例,重残2例,植物生存3例,死亡4例.结论 开颅术后出现大面积脑梗死是多种因素所致,术前GCS评分越低、颅内出血量大、颅底骨折合并脑疝持续时间长是其发生的重要原因;及时发现并行标准大骨瓣减压、脱水降颅内压、改善脑循环、预防脑血管痉挛、亚低温等治疗可有效降低其致残率和病死率.改善预后.  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤术中急性脑膨出原因及处理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的总结重型颅脑损伤开颅术中发生急性脑膨出的原因及处理。方法对近年我科收治的重型颅脑损伤开颅术中发生急性脑膨出的原因及疗效进行回顾性分析。结果几年来共收治310例GCS3~8分手术的重型颅脑损伤病人,开颅术中发生急性脑膨出29例(9.4%),因急性脑肿胀引起10例(34.5%),因迟发性血肿引起18例(62.1%),其他原因1例(3.4%);其中急性脑肿胀者死亡10例(34.5%),迟发性血肿者死亡6例(20.7%),总死亡16例(55.2%),植物生存2例(6.9%),重残3例(10.3%),轻残5例(17.2%),恢复正常生活者3例(10.3%)。结论急性脑肿胀与迟发性血肿引起的脑膨出预后不同,前者死亡率几乎达100%,而远隔部位迟发性血肿只要处理及时,预后良好。  相似文献   

In a 5-year period of prospective study, 369 pediatric patients with multiple trauma (injury to at least two body areas) had injuries scored by a Modification of Injury Severity Scale (MISS). This scale uses the categories and rankings of the Abbreviated Injury Scale-1980 (AIS-80) except that the classification of neurological injuries are scored by the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and other neurological findings (presence of a surgical mass lesion, pupillary light response, and oculocephalic reflexes). The MISS is calculated as the sum of the squares of the three most severely injured body areas. The mean MISS score was 23.8 with 33% of MISS scores greater than 25 and 67% less than 25. Among those with MISS scores greater than 25 there was a 44% mortality and 31% disability. In the group with MISS scores less than 25, there were no mortalities, and a 1% disability (p less than 0.001). Overall mortality was 14% with 9% disability. Mean MISS scores for death and disability were 35.1 and 29.6, respectively. Neurologic injuries were present in 274 patients (74%). 163 patients had severe head injury (coma greater than 6 h duration). 86% of all deaths were due to head injury and all but 2 deaths had some degree of head injury. The remaining 14% of deaths were due to chest and abdominal injuries. Patients with MISS grade 5 injury (critical, survival uncertain) had 74% mortality, while those with grades 4 and 3 injury had 8 and 1.5% mortality. In a comparison with pediatric patients with head injury only (coma greater than 6 h, no multiple trauma) there was found to be a 12% mortality in the head injury only group versus a 33% mortality in the multiple trauma plus head injury group. The MISS serves as an accurate predictor of morbidity and mortality in pediatric trauma. The best predictors of outcome were a MISS less than 25 and the degree of neurological injury.  相似文献   

目的评估重型颅脑损伤合并严重多发伤的临床救治结果。方法对22例重型颅脑损伤合并严重多发伤进行回顾性总结。结果预后按GOS评分,良好者8例(36.4%),轻残4例(18.2%),重残2例(9%),植物生存3例(13.6%)。死亡5例(22.7%)。结论早诊断、早治疗、积极抗休克治疗、合理的救治顺序是提高重型颅脑损伤合并严重多发伤的治疗效果,减少致残率及降低死亡率的有效措施。  相似文献   

Trauma is often associated with increased plasma glucose concentrations. This prospective study was designed to determine random plasma glucose concentrations in patients with head injury in our center and to determine if this is related to injury severity and outcome. Patients with head injury in whom the plasma glucose concentration could be determined at our accident and emergency unit during the study period were included. We obtained information on demographic data, diagnosis, injury severity using Glasgow Coma Scale scores, treatment with glucose-containing fluid prior to presentation in our center, plasma glucose on admission, 24 hours later and 72 hours later and outcome at discharge using the Glasgow Outcome Scale score. Hyperglycemia was defined as glucose concentrations above 11.1 mmol/L. Fifty eight patients were included in the study from October 2004 to December 2005. There were 46 males and 12 females (4:1). The mean age (± standard deviation [SD]) was 31.3 (16.4) years. Fourteen patients (24.1%) had mild head injury, 21 patients (36.2%) had moderate head injury and 23 patients (39.7%) had severe head injury. The outcome was good in 29 patients (50%), moderate disability in five patients (8.6%), severe disability in one (1.7%) and death in 10 (17.2%). Eighty percent of the patients who died had severe head injury. Most of the patients had a plasma glucose in the normal range irrespective of the severity of the head injury. Only one patient had a plasma glucose in the hyperglycemic range and that patient had a severe head injury. Fifty percent of the patients who died had a plasma glucose concentration in the normal range; none in the hyperglycemic range. This study shows that the plasma glucose is generally below hyperglycemic concentration in our patients irrespective of the severity of head injury.  相似文献   

小脑幕裂孔切开术治疗脑疝的有关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探索更安全、简便的小脑幕裂孔切开方法.方法 对1994年7月至2006年10月收治的136例重型特重型颅脑伤合并有颞叶钩回疝患者在开颅清除血肿去骨瓣的基础上加行小脑幕裂孔切开术,采用正确的切口、合适的体位,使用特制的钩刀.结果 GCS 3~5分51例,6~8分85例,恢复良好72例(52.9%),中残21例(15.4%),重残16例(11.8%),植物生存8例(5.9%),死亡19例(14.0%).结论 安全、简便的小脑幕裂孔切开术可进一步改善脑疝患者的预后.  相似文献   

Middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood flow velocity was measured daily by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in 121 patients with severe (50), moderate (16) and minor (55) head injury during their hospital stay, and the results compared with findings in control subjects. Admission MCA velocity was significantly lower after severe 35.8 (31.9-39.7) cm/s, mean (95% confidence limits), moderate 45.5 (40.0-51.0) cm/s and minor 51.7 (47.9-55.5) cm/s head injury when compared with normal controls 60.1 (56.9-63.3) cm/s. Initial mean velocity in severe head injury was significantly lower than in moderate and minor injury. At discharge, MCA velocity in severe injury remained below normal 46.2 (43.2-49.0) cm/s, whereas, in moderate and minor injury flow velocity had returned to normal. Correlation (r = 0.46, p less than 0.01) was found between MCA velocity and Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) on admission but not on discharge. Persistently low flow velocity was found in all 10 patients who died within 72 hours (early deaths). An admission MCA velocity of less than 28 cm/s correctly predicted 80% of the early deaths. Patients who made a good recovery or had only moderate disability at six months showed a significant increase in velocity from admission 36.2 (31.5-41.2) cm/s to discharge 47.8 (43.7-51.9) cm/s in contrast to those who were severely disabled, in whom velocity generally remained low.  相似文献   

纳络酮治疗颅脑损伤并脑疝开颅术后患者效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨早期应用纳络酮治疗颅脑损伤并脑疝开颅术后患者的临床效果.方法 108例颅脑损伤并脑疝开颅术后患者采用随机数字表法分为治疗组及对照组,对照组按照常规治疗方法进行治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上早期应用纳络酮;观察两组患者早期呼吸和心跳异常情况、意识恢复情况及远期疗效.结果 治疗组患者伤后1周内呼吸和心跳异常减少,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);伤后14d及伤后1个月患者意识醒转率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);伤后3个月治疗组预后显著优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 早期应用纳络酮可以改善颅脑损伤并脑疝开颅术后患者呼吸和循环功能,缩短昏迷时间,降低死残率,促进患者神经功能恢复.  相似文献   

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